Example usage for org.springframework.http.converter.xml AbstractXmlHttpMessageConverter subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.http.converter.xml AbstractXmlHttpMessageConverter subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.http.converter.xml AbstractXmlHttpMessageConverter subclass-usage.


From source file edu.wisc.http.converter.xml.JaxbMarshallingHttpMessageConverter.java

 * XML message converter that uses a {@link JAXBContext} directly. The Class specified to {@link #readFromSource(Class, HttpHeaders, Source)}
 * is passed to the {@link Unmarshaller#unmarshal(Source, Class)} method to help with parsing of XML that doesn't include namespace information.
 * Note that {@link #supports(Class)} returns true for ALL Classes so this converter should only be used in a limited scope

From source file org.jasig.springframework.http.converter.xml.JaxbMarshallingHttpMessageConverter.java

 * XML message converter that uses a {@link JAXBContext} directly. The Class specified to {@link #readFromSource(Class, HttpHeaders, Source)}
 * is passed to the {@link Unmarshaller#unmarshal(Source, Class)} method to help with parsing of XML that doesn't include namespace information.
 * Note that {@link #supports(Class)} returns true for ALL Classes so this converter should only be used in a limited scope

From source file org.alfresco.repo.publishing.JaxbHttpMessageConverter.java

 * @author Brian
 * @since 4.0
public class JaxbHttpMessageConverter extends AbstractXmlHttpMessageConverter<Object> {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JaxbHttpMessageConverter.class);