Example usage for org.springframework.http InvalidMediaTypeException getMediaType

List of usage examples for org.springframework.http InvalidMediaTypeException getMediaType


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.http InvalidMediaTypeException getMediaType.


public String getMediaType() 

Source Link


Return the offending media type.


From source file:business.services.FileService.java

public File uploadPart(User user, String name, File.AttachmentType type, MultipartFile file, Integer chunk,
        Integer chunks, String flowIdentifier) {
    try {//from  ww w .j a v a2s . c  o  m
        String identifier = user.getId().toString() + "_" + flowIdentifier;
        String contentType = MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE;
        log.info("File content-type: " + file.getContentType());
        try {
            contentType = MediaType.valueOf(file.getContentType()).toString();
            log.info("Media type: " + contentType);
        } catch (InvalidMediaTypeException e) {
            log.warn("Invalid content type: " + e.getMediaType());
            //throw new FileUploadError("Invalid content type: " + e.getMediaType());
        InputStream input = file.getInputStream();

        // Create temporary file for chunk
        Path path = fileSystem.getPath(uploadPath).normalize();
        if (!path.toFile().exists()) {
        name = URLEncoder.encode(name, "utf-8");

        String prefix = getBasename(name);
        String suffix = getExtension(name);
        Path f = Files.createTempFile(path, prefix, suffix + "." + chunk + ".chunk").normalize();
        // filter path names that point to places outside the upload path.
        // E.g., to prevent that in cases where clients use '../' in the filename
        // arbitrary locations are reachable.
        if (!Files.isSameFile(path, f.getParent())) {
            // Path f is not in the upload path. Maybe 'name' contains '..'?
            throw new FileUploadError("Invalid file name");
        log.info("Copying file to " + f.toString());

        // Copy chunk to temporary file
        Files.copy(input, f, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

        // Save chunk location in chunk map
        SortedMap<Integer, Path> chunkMap;
        synchronized (uploadChunks) {
            // FIXME: perhaps use a better identifier? Not sure if this one 
            // is unique enough...
            chunkMap = uploadChunks.get(identifier);
            if (chunkMap == null) {
                chunkMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Path>();
                uploadChunks.put(identifier, chunkMap);
        chunkMap.put(chunk, f);
        log.info("Chunk " + chunk + " saved to " + f.toString());

        // Assemble complete file if all chunks have been received
        if (chunkMap.size() == chunks.intValue()) {
            Path assembly = Files.createTempFile(path, prefix, suffix).normalize();
            // filter path names that point to places outside the upload path.
            // E.g., to prevent that in cases where clients use '../' in the filename
            // arbitrary locations are reachable.
            if (!Files.isSameFile(path, assembly.getParent())) {
                // Path assembly is not in the upload path. Maybe 'name' contains '..'?
                throw new FileUploadError("Invalid file name");
            log.info("Assembling file " + assembly.toString() + " from " + chunks + " chunks...");
            OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(assembly, StandardOpenOption.CREATE,

            // Copy chunks to assembly file, delete chunk files
            for (int i = 1; i <= chunks; i++) {
                //log.info("Copying chunk " + i + "...");
                Path source = chunkMap.get(new Integer(i));
                if (source == null) {
                    log.error("Cannot find chunk " + i);
                    throw new FileUploadError("Cannot find chunk " + i);
                Files.copy(source, out);

            // Save assembled file name to database
            log.info("Saving attachment to database...");
            File attachment = new File();
            attachment.setName(URLDecoder.decode(name, "utf-8"));
            attachment.setDate(new Date());
            attachment = fileRepository.save(attachment);
            return attachment;
        return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new FileUploadError(e.getMessage());