Example usage for org.springframework.http MediaType equals

List of usage examples for org.springframework.http MediaType equals


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.http MediaType equals.


    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) 

Source Link


From source file:jetbrains.buildServer.vsoRooms.rest.impl.StringJsonConverter.java

public boolean canWrite(Class<?> aClass, MediaType mediaType) {
    return aClass.equals(String.class) && mediaType.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);

From source file:org.craftercms.commons.rest.HttpMessageConvertingResponseWriter.java

public <T> void writeWithMessageConverters(T returnValue, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException {
    Class<?> returnValueClass = returnValue.getClass();
    List<MediaType> requestedMediaTypes = getAcceptableMediaTypes(request);
    List<MediaType> producibleMediaTypes = getProducibleMediaTypes(returnValueClass);

    Set<MediaType> compatibleMediaTypes = new LinkedHashSet<MediaType>();
    for (MediaType r : requestedMediaTypes) {
        for (MediaType p : producibleMediaTypes) {
            if (r.isCompatibleWith(p)) {
                compatibleMediaTypes.add(getMostSpecificMediaType(r, p));
            }/* w  w w.  j a v a  2  s. com*/
    if (compatibleMediaTypes.isEmpty()) {
        throw new HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException(producibleMediaTypes);

    List<MediaType> mediaTypes = new ArrayList<MediaType>(compatibleMediaTypes);

    MediaType selectedMediaType = null;
    for (MediaType mediaType : mediaTypes) {
        if (mediaType.isConcrete()) {
            selectedMediaType = mediaType;
        } else if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.ALL) || mediaType.equals(MEDIA_TYPE_APPLICATION)) {
            selectedMediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM;

    if (selectedMediaType != null) {
        selectedMediaType = selectedMediaType.removeQualityValue();
        for (HttpMessageConverter<?> messageConverter : messageConverters) {
            if (messageConverter.canWrite(returnValueClass, selectedMediaType)) {
                ((HttpMessageConverter<T>) messageConverter).write(returnValue, selectedMediaType,
                        new ServletServerHttpResponse(response));

                logger.debug(LOG_KEY_WRITTEN_WITH_MESSAGE_CONVERTER, returnValue, selectedMediaType,


    throw new HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException(allSupportedMediaTypes);

From source file:org.opendatakit.api.odktables.FileService.java

public Response getFile(@Context HttpHeaders httpHeaders,
        @PathParam("odkClientVersion") String odkClientVersion,
        @PathParam("filePath") List<PathSegment> segments, @QueryParam(PARAM_AS_ATTACHMENT) String asAttachment)
        throws IOException, ODKTaskLockException, ODKEntityNotFoundException, ODKOverQuotaException,
        FileNotFoundException, PermissionDeniedException, ODKDatastoreException {

    // First we need to get the table id from the path. We're
    // going to be assuming that you're passing the entire path of the file
    // under /sdcard/opendatakit/appId/ e.g., tables/tableid/the/rest/of/path.
    // So we'll reclaim the tidbits and then reconstruct the entire path.
    // If you are getting general files, there will be no recoverable tableId,
    // and these are then app-level files.
    if (segments.size() < 1) {
        return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(FileService.ERROR_MSG_INSUFFICIENT_PATH)
                .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION)
                .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
                .build();/*from  ww w  .  ja  v  a 2s. c om*/
    String appRelativePath = constructPathFromSegments(segments);
    String tableId = FileManager.getTableIdForFilePath(appRelativePath);

    FileContentInfo fileContentInfo = null;

    // DbTableFileInfo.NO_TABLE_ID -- means that we are working with app-level
    // permissions
    if (!DbTableFileInfo.NO_TABLE_ID.equals(tableId)) {
        userPermissions.checkPermission(appId, tableId, TablePermission.READ_PROPERTIES);

    // retrieve the incoming if-none-match eTag...
    List<String> eTags = httpHeaders.getRequestHeader(HttpHeaders.IF_NONE_MATCH);
    String eTag = (eTags == null || eTags.isEmpty()) ? null : eTags.get(0);

    FileManager fm = new FileManager(appId, callingContext);
    fileContentInfo = fm.getFile(odkClientVersion, tableId, appRelativePath);

    // And now prepare everything to be returned to the caller.
    if (fileContentInfo.fileBlob != null && fileContentInfo.contentType != null
            && fileContentInfo.contentLength != null && fileContentInfo.contentLength != 0L) {

        // test if we should return a NOT_MODIFIED response...
        if (eTag != null && eTag.equals(fileContentInfo.contentHash)) {
            return Response.status(Status.NOT_MODIFIED).header(HttpHeaders.ETAG, eTag)
                    .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION)
                    .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
                    .header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true").build();

        javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType mediaType = javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType.valueOf(fileContentInfo.contentType);
        if (mediaType.equals(javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE)
                || fileContentInfo.contentType.startsWith("text")) {
            mediaType = mediaType.withCharset("utf-8");

        ResponseBuilder rBuild = Response.ok(fileContentInfo.fileBlob).type(mediaType)
                .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, fileContentInfo.contentLength)
                .header(HttpHeaders.ETAG, fileContentInfo.contentHash)
                .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION)
                .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");

        if (asAttachment != null && !"".equals(asAttachment)) {
            // Set the filename we're downloading to the disk.
                    "attachment; " + "filename=\"" + appRelativePath + "\"");
        return rBuild.build();
    } else {
        return Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND)
                .entity("File content not yet available for: " + appRelativePath)
                .header(ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION_HEADER, ApiConstants.OPEN_DATA_KIT_VERSION)
                .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")

From source file:com.httpMessageConvert.FormHttpMessageConverter.java

public boolean canRead(Class<?> clazz, MediaType mediaType) {
    System.out.println("----------------coming ------------");
    if (mediaType == null) {
        return true;
    }//from w  w  w.  jav  a  2 s  .  c  om
    for (MediaType supportedMediaType : getSupportedMediaTypes()) {
        // we can't read multipart
        if (!supportedMediaType.equals(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)
                && supportedMediaType.includes(mediaType)) {
            return true;
    return false;

From source file:com.revolsys.ui.web.rest.interceptor.WebAnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter.java

private MediaType getMediaType(final List<MediaType> supportedMediaTypes, final MediaType acceptedMediaType) {
    for (final MediaType mediaType : supportedMediaTypes) {
        if (mediaType.equals(acceptedMediaType)) {
            return mediaType;
        }//w ww  .  j  a v  a2s  .c om
    for (final MediaType mediaType : supportedMediaTypes) {
        if (acceptedMediaType.isWildcardType() || mediaType.includes(acceptedMediaType)) {
            return mediaType;
    return null;

From source file:org.apache.geode.management.internal.web.http.support.HttpRequester.java

Object extractResponse(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
    MediaType mediaType = response.getHeaders().getContentType();
    if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) {
        return org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.toString(response.getBody(), "UTF-8");
    } else {/*from  w  ww.  j a va2s.  co  m*/
        Path tempFile = Files.createTempFile("fileDownload", "");
        if (tempFile.toFile().exists()) {
        Files.copy(response.getBody(), tempFile);
        return tempFile;

From source file:org.artifactory.engine.DownloadServiceImpl.java

private void respondFoundResource(InternalRequestContext requestContext, ArtifactoryResponse response,
        RepoResource resource) throws IOException {
    //Get the actual repository the resource is in
    RepoPath responseRepoPath = resource.getResponseRepoPath();
    String repoKey = responseRepoPath.getRepoKey();

    //Send the resource file back (will update the cache for remote repositories)
    ResourceStreamHandle handle = getAlternateHandle(requestContext, response, responseRepoPath);
    boolean alternateRedirect = HttpUtils.isRedirectionResponseCode(response.getStatus()) && handle != null;
    // Error is every value that is not between 200-207, in case of alternateRedirect the status is 30x therefore we have to exclude this case
    if (response.isError() && !alternateRedirect) {
        RepoRequests.logToContext("Alternative response reset status as error - returning");
        return;//from  ww w. jav a  2 s .co m

    Repo responseRepo = repositoryService.repositoryByKey(repoKey);

    try {
        if (handle == null) {
            RepoRequests.logToContext("Retrieving a content handle from target repo");
            //Only if we didn't already set an alternate response
            handle = repositoryService.getResourceStreamHandle(requestContext, responseRepo, resource);
        AddonsManager addonsManager = InternalContextHelper.get().beanForType(AddonsManager.class);
        PluginsAddon pluginAddon = addonsManager.addonByType(PluginsAddon.class);
        RepoRequests.logToContext("Executing any BeforeDownload user plugins that may exist");
        pluginAddon.execPluginActions(BeforeDownloadAction.class, null, requestContext.getRequest(),

        if (requestContext.getRequest().isHeadOnly()) {
             * If we should response to a head, make sure repo is a remote and that stores locally (to save the
             * double artifact downloads)
            RepoRequests.logToContext("Request was of type HEAD - responding with no content");
            requestResponseHelper.sendHeadResponse(response, resource);
        } else if (response.isPropertiesQuery()) {
            RepoRequests.logToContext("Request was of type Properties - responding with properties format "
                    + response.getPropertiesMediaType());
            Properties properties = repositoryService.getProperties(resource.getRepoPath());
            if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) {
                MediaType mediaType = MediaType.valueOf(response.getPropertiesMediaType());
                String content;
                if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)) {
                    content = InternalContextHelper.get().beanForType(MetadataDefinitionService.class)
                } else if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) {
                    content = jsonProperties(responseRepoPath, properties);
                } else {
                    response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Media Type " + mediaType + " not supported!",
                requestResponseHelper.updateResponseForProperties(response, resource, content, mediaType);
            } else {
                RepoRequests.logToContext("No properties found. Responding with 404");
                response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND, "No properties could be found.", log);
        } else {
            RepoRequests.logToContext("Responding with selected content handle");
            //Streaming the file is done outside a tx, so there is a chance that the content will change!
            requestResponseHelper.sendBodyResponse(response, resource, handle);
    } catch (RepoRejectException rre) {
        int status = rre.getErrorCode();
        log.debug("Repo rejection while downloading: " + rre.getMessage(), rre);
        if (status == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN && authorizationService.isAnonymous()) {
                    "Response status is '%s' and authenticated as anonymous - sending challenge", status);

            // Transform a forbidden to unauthorized if received for an anonymous user
            response.sendAuthorizationRequired(rre.getMessage(), authenticationEntryPoint.getRealmName());
        } else {
            RepoRequests.logToContext("Error occurred while sending response - sending error instead: %s",
            String msg = "Rejected artifact download request: " + rre.getMessage();
            sendError(requestContext, response, status, msg, log);
    } catch (RemoteRequestException rre) {
        log.debug("Remote exception while downloading: " + rre.getMessage(), rre);
        RepoRequests.logToContext("Error occurred while sending response - sending error instead: %s",
        sendError(requestContext, response, rre.getRemoteReturnCode(), rre.getMessage(), log);
    } catch (BadPomException bpe) {
        log.debug("Bad pom while downloading: " + bpe.getMessage(), bpe);
        RepoRequests.logToContext("Error occurred while sending response - sending error instead: %s",
        sendError(requestContext, response, HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT, bpe.getMessage(), log);
    } catch (StorageException se) {
        log.debug("Exception while downloading: " + se.getMessage(), se);
        RepoRequests.logToContext("Error occurred while sending response - sending error instead: %s",
        sendError(requestContext, response, HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, se.getMessage(), log);
    } finally {

From source file:org.artifactory.request.RequestResponseHelper.java

public void updateResponseForProperties(ArtifactoryResponse response, RepoResource res, String content,
        MediaType mediaType, InternalRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
    RepoPath propsDownloadRepoPath;/*from   w ww .j  a  v  a2  s.co  m*/
    String contentType;
    if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)) {
        propsDownloadRepoPath = RepoPathFactory.create(res.getRepoPath().getRepoKey(),
                res.getRepoPath().getPath() + "?" + ArtifactRestConstants.PROPERTIES_XML_PARAM);
        contentType = mediaType.getType();
    } else if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) {
        propsDownloadRepoPath = RepoPathFactory.create(res.getRepoPath().getRepoKey(),
                res.getRepoPath().getPath() + "?" + ArtifactRestConstants.PROPERTIES_PARAM);
        contentType = MT_ITEM_PROPERTIES;
    } else {
        response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Media Type " + mediaType + " not supported!", log);
    // props generated xml and json always browsable
    setBasicHeaders(response, res, false, "");
    byte[] bytes = content.getBytes("utf-8");
    try (InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) {
        int bodySize = bytes.length;
        // Try to get range header
        String rangesString = tryToGetRangeHeaderInsensitive(HttpHeaders.RANGE, requestContext.getRequest());
        String ifRangesString = tryToGetRangeHeaderInsensitive(HttpHeaders.IF_RANGE,
        // Get artifact last modified date
        long lastModified = res.getLastModified();
        // Get artifact sha1
        String sha1 = res.getInfo().getSha1();
        // Create range aware data for the response
        RangeAwareContext context = createRangeAwareContext(is, bodySize, rangesString, ifRangesString,
                contentType, lastModified, sha1);
        // If request range not satisfiable update response status end return
        if (context.getStatus() == HttpStatus.SC_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE) {
            response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_RANGE, context.getContentRange());
        // update content length with range aware content length
        // update content type with range aware content type
        // update headers with range aware headers
        if (context.getContentRange() != null) {
            response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_RANGE, context.getContentRange());
        // Set response status
        if (context.getStatus() > 0) {
        // Get range aware input stream
        InputStream inputStream = context.getInputStream();
        // Get current time for logs
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // Send stream
        // Fire Download traffic event
        fireDownloadTrafficEvent(response, propsDownloadRepoPath, bodySize, start);

From source file:org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.security.CsrfAwareEntryPointAndDeniedHandler.java

protected boolean wantJson(HttpServletRequest request) {
    String accept = request.getHeader("Accept");
    boolean json = false;
    if (StringUtils.hasText(accept)) {
        for (MediaType mediaType : MediaType.parseMediaTypes(accept)) {
            if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) {
                json = true;/*w  w w.  j  a va 2  s.  c  om*/
    return json;

From source file:org.encuestame.oauth1.support.OAuth1Utils.java

 * @param bodyType/*from  w ww . j  a v a2s . c om*/
 * @param bodyBytes
 * @return
private static Map<String, String> extractBodyParameters(MediaType bodyType, byte[] bodyBytes) {
    if (bodyType != null && bodyType.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED)) {
        return extractParameters(new String(bodyBytes));
    return new HashMap<String, String>();