Example usage for org.springframework.ide.eclipse.core.java JdtUtils getJavaTypeForMethodReturnType

List of usage examples for org.springframework.ide.eclipse.core.java JdtUtils getJavaTypeForMethodReturnType


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.ide.eclipse.core.java JdtUtils getJavaTypeForMethodReturnType.


public static final IType getJavaTypeForMethodReturnType(IMethod method, IType contextType) 

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From source file:org.dozer.eclipse.plugin.sourcepage.util.DozerPluginUtils.java

public static void addPropertyNameAttributeValueProposals(ContentAssistRequest request, String prefix,
        String oldPrefix, IType type) {

    // resolve type of indexed and nested property path
    if (prefix.lastIndexOf(".") >= 0) {
        int firstIndex = prefix.indexOf(".");
        String firstPrefix = prefix.substring(0, firstIndex);
        String lastPrefix = prefix.substring(firstIndex);
        if (".".equals(lastPrefix)) {
            lastPrefix = "";
        } else if (lastPrefix.startsWith(".")) {
            lastPrefix = lastPrefix.substring(1);
        }/*w ww . j  av  a  2s  .  c  om*/
        try {
            Collection<?> methods = Introspector.findReadableProperties(type, firstPrefix, true);
            if (methods != null && methods.size() == 1) {

                Iterator<?> iterator = methods.iterator();
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    IMethod method = (IMethod) iterator.next();
                    IType returnType = JdtUtils.getJavaTypeForMethodReturnType(method, type);
                    if (returnType != null) {
                        String newPrefix = oldPrefix + firstPrefix + ".";

                        addPropertyNameAttributeValueProposals(request, lastPrefix, newPrefix, returnType);
        } catch (CoreException e) {
            // do nothing
    } else {
        try {
            Collection<?> methods = Introspector.findWritableProperties(type, prefix, true);
            if (methods != null && methods.size() > 0) {
                Iterator<?> iterator = methods.iterator();
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    createMethodProposal(request, (IMethod) iterator.next(), oldPrefix);
        } catch (JavaModelException e1) {
            // do nothing

From source file:org.dozer.eclipse.plugin.sourcepage.util.DozerPluginUtils.java

public static IType hasReadProperty(String property, String className, IProject project, boolean noGetter)
        throws JavaModelException {
    IType javaType = JdtUtils.getJavaType(project, className);
    String checkProperty = property;

    String[] propertySplitted = checkProperty.split("\\.");
    //we only check the first level, if there is some x.y.z property
    if (propertySplitted.length > 1) {
        checkProperty = propertySplitted[0];
    }/*from  ww w .  ja v  a  2s  .com*/
    //if we are doing indexed property mapping, we remove the []
    checkProperty = checkProperty.replaceAll("\\[\\]", "");

    if (noGetter) {
        IField[] fields = javaType.getFields();
        for (IField field : fields) {
            if (field.getElementName().equals(property)) {
                return field.getDeclaringType();
        return null;

    Collection<IMethod> methods = Introspector.findReadableProperties(javaType, checkProperty, true);

    boolean retVal = methods.size() > 0;
    if (!retVal)
        return null;
    else {
        try {
            //className = JdtUtils.resolveClassName(className, javaType);
            if (!Class.forName(className).isPrimitive())
                className = null;
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            //className = null;

        Iterator<?> iterator = methods.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            IMethod method = (IMethod) iterator.next();
            IType returnType = JdtUtils.getJavaTypeForMethodReturnType(method, javaType);

            if (className == null) {
                if (returnType != null)
                    className = returnType.getFullyQualifiedName();
            if (className != null) {
                if (propertySplitted.length > 1) {
                    List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(propertySplitted));
                    property = StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(l, ".");

                    return hasReadProperty(property, returnType.getFullyQualifiedName(), project, false);
                } else {
                    return returnType;

    return null;