Java org.springframework.integration.jdbc StoredProcExecutor fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.integration.jdbc StoredProcExecutor fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.integration.jdbc StoredProcExecutor.

The text is from its open source code.


StoredProcExecutor(DataSource dataSource)
Constructor taking DataSource from which the DB Connection can be obtained.


Verifies parameters, sets the parameters on SimpleJdbcCallOperations and ensures the appropriate SqlParameterSourceFactory is defined when ProcedureParameter are passed in.
MapexecuteStoredProcedure(Message message)
Execute a Stored Procedure or Function - Use with Message is available to extract ProcedureParameter values from it.
Allows for the retrieval of metrics.
voidsetBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory)
Allows to set the optional BeanFactory which is used to add a org.springframework.expression.BeanResolver to the .
voidsetJdbcCallOperationsCacheSize(int jdbcCallOperationsCacheSize)
Defines the maximum number of SimpleJdbcCallOperations A value of zero will disable the cache.
voidsetProcedureParameters(List procedureParameters)
Custom Stored Procedure parameters that may contain static values or Strings representing an Expression .
voidsetReturningResultSetRowMappers(Map> returningResultSetRowMappers)
If the Stored Procedure returns ResultSets you may provide a map of RowMapper to convert the java.sql.ResultSet to meaningful objects.
voidsetSqlParameters(List sqlParameters)
If you database system is not fully supported by Spring and thus obtaining parameter definitions from the JDBC Meta-data is not possible, you must define the SqlParameter explicitly.
voidsetSqlParameterSourceFactory(SqlParameterSourceFactory sqlParameterSourceFactory)
Provides the ability to set a custom SqlParameterSourceFactory .
voidsetStoredProcedureName(String storedProcedureName)
The name of the Stored Procedure or Stored Function to be executed.
voidsetStoredProcedureNameExpression(Expression storedProcedureNameExpression)
Using the StoredProcExecutor#storedProcedureNameExpression the Message can be used as source for the name of the Stored Procedure or Stored Function.