Java org.springframework.integration.mail ImapMailReceiver fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.integration.mail ImapMailReceiver fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.integration.mail ImapMailReceiver.

The text is from its open source code.



voidsetBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory)
voidsetCancelIdleInterval(long cancelIdleInterval)
IDLE commands will be terminated after this interval; useful in cases where a connection might be silently dropped.
voidsetEmbeddedPartsAsBytes(boolean embeddedPartsAsBytes)
When a header mapper is provided determine whether an embedded Part (e.g Message or Multipart content is rendered as a byte[] in the payload.
voidsetHeaderMapper(HeaderMapper headerMapper)
Set the header mapper; if a header mapper is not provided, the message payload is a MimeMessage , when provided, the headers are mapped and the payload is the MimeMessage content.
voidsetJavaMailProperties(Properties javaMailProperties)
A new Session will be created with these properties (and the JavaMailAuthenticator if provided).
voidsetMaxFetchSize(int maxFetchSize)
Specify the maximum number of Messages to fetch per call to #receive() .
voidsetSearchTermStrategy(SearchTermStrategy searchTermStrategy)
Provides a way to set custom SearchTermStrategy to compile a SearchTerm to be applied when retrieving mail
voidsetShouldDeleteMessages(boolean shouldDeleteMessages)
Specify whether mail messages should be deleted after retrieval.
voidsetShouldMarkMessagesAsRead(Boolean shouldMarkMessagesAsRead)
Specify if messages should be marked as read.
voidsetSimpleContent(boolean simpleContent)
MimeMessage#getContent() returns just the email body.
voidsetUserFlag(String userFlag)
Set the name of the flag to use to flag messages when the server does not support \Recent but supports user flags; default #DEFAULT_SI_USER_FLAG .