Java org.springframework.jdbc.core JdbcTemplate fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.jdbc.core JdbcTemplate fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.jdbc.core JdbcTemplate.

The text is from its open source code.


org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


JdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource)
Construct a new JdbcTemplate, given a DataSource to obtain connections from.
Construct a new JdbcTemplate for bean usage.
JdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource, boolean lazyInit)
Construct a new JdbcTemplate, given a DataSource to obtain connections from.


Eagerly initialize the exception translator, if demanded, creating a default one for the specified DataSource if none set.
int[]batchUpdate(final String... sql)
int[]batchUpdate(String sql, final BatchPreparedStatementSetter pss)
int[]batchUpdate(String sql, List batchArgs)
int[]batchUpdate(String sql, List batchArgs, final int[] argTypes)
Mapcall(CallableStatementCreator csc, List declaredParameters)
Texecute(ConnectionCallback action)
Texecute(StatementCallback action)
voidexecute(final String sql)
Texecute(PreparedStatementCreator psc, PreparedStatementCallback action)
Texecute(String sql, PreparedStatementCallback action)
Texecute(CallableStatementCreator csc, CallableStatementCallback action)
Texecute(String callString, CallableStatementCallback action)
Returns the runtime class of this Object .
Return the DataSource used by this template.
Return whether or not we ignore SQLWarnings.
Return whether execution of a CallableStatement will return the results in a Map that uses case insensitive names for the parameters.
Tquery(final String sql, final ResultSetExtractor rse)
voidquery(String sql, RowCallbackHandler rch)
Listquery(String sql, RowMapper rowMapper)
Tquery(PreparedStatementCreator psc, ResultSetExtractor rse)
voidquery(PreparedStatementCreator psc, RowCallbackHandler rch)
Listquery(PreparedStatementCreator psc, RowMapper rowMapper)
Tquery(PreparedStatementCreator psc, @Nullable final PreparedStatementSetter pss, final ResultSetExtractor rse)
Query using a prepared statement, allowing for a PreparedStatementCreator and a PreparedStatementSetter.
Tquery(String sql, @Nullable PreparedStatementSetter pss, ResultSetExtractor rse)
Tquery(String sql, @Nullable Object[] args, ResultSetExtractor rse)
Tquery(String sql, ResultSetExtractor rse, @Nullable Object... args)
voidquery(String sql, @Nullable PreparedStatementSetter pss, RowCallbackHandler rch)
voidquery(String sql, Object[] args, RowCallbackHandler rch)
voidquery(String sql, RowCallbackHandler rch, @Nullable Object... args)
Listquery(String sql, @Nullable PreparedStatementSetter pss, RowMapper rowMapper)
Listquery(String sql, @Nullable Object[] args, RowMapper rowMapper)
Listquery(String sql, RowMapper rowMapper, @Nullable Object... args)
List>queryForList(String sql)
ListqueryForList(String sql, Object[] args, int[] argTypes, Class elementType)
ListqueryForList(String sql, Class elementType)
List>queryForList(String sql, @Nullable Object... args)
ListqueryForList(String sql, Object[] args, Class elementType)
ListqueryForList(String sql, Class elementType, @Nullable Object... args)
List>queryForList(String sql, Object[] args, int[] argTypes)
MapqueryForMap(String sql, @Nullable Object... args)
MapqueryForMap(String sql)
TqueryForObject(String sql, @Nullable Object[] args, RowMapper rowMapper)
TqueryForObject(String sql, RowMapper rowMapper, @Nullable Object... args)
TqueryForObject(String sql, Object[] args, Class requiredType)
TqueryForObject(String sql, Class requiredType, @Nullable Object... args)
TqueryForObject(String sql, RowMapper rowMapper)
TqueryForObject(String sql, Class requiredType)
TqueryForObject(String sql, Object[] args, int[] argTypes, RowMapper rowMapper)
TqueryForObject(String sql, Object[] args, int[] argTypes, Class requiredType)
SqlRowSetqueryForRowSet(String sql)
SqlRowSetqueryForRowSet(String sql, @Nullable Object... args)
voidsetDatabaseProductName(String dbName)
Specify the database product name for the DataSource that this accessor uses.
voidsetDataSource(@Nullable DataSource dataSource)
Set the JDBC DataSource to obtain connections from.
voidsetExceptionTranslator(SQLExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator)
Set the exception translator for this instance.
voidsetFetchSize(int fetchSize)
Set the fetch size for this JdbcTemplate.
voidsetIgnoreWarnings(boolean ignoreWarnings)
Set whether or not we want to ignore SQLWarnings.
voidsetLazyInit(boolean lazyInit)
Set whether to lazily initialize the SQLExceptionTranslator for this accessor, on first encounter of a SQLException.
voidsetMaxRows(int maxRows)
Set the maximum number of rows for this JdbcTemplate.
voidsetQueryTimeout(int queryTimeout)
Set the query timeout for statements that this JdbcTemplate executes.
voidsetResultsMapCaseInsensitive(boolean resultsMapCaseInsensitive)
Set whether execution of a CallableStatement will return the results in a Map that uses case insensitive names for the parameters.
voidsetSkipResultsProcessing(boolean skipResultsProcessing)
Set whether results processing should be skipped.
voidsetSkipUndeclaredResults(boolean skipUndeclaredResults)
Set whether undeclared results should be skipped.
intupdate(final String sql)
intupdate(PreparedStatementCreator psc)
intupdate(String sql, Object[] args, int[] argTypes)
intupdate(final PreparedStatementCreator psc, @Nullable final PreparedStatementSetter pss)
intupdate(final PreparedStatementCreator psc, final KeyHolder generatedKeyHolder)
intupdate(String sql, @Nullable PreparedStatementSetter pss)
intupdate(String sql, @Nullable Object... args)