Java org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam NamedParameterJdbcOperations fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam NamedParameterJdbcOperations fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam NamedParameterJdbcOperations.

The text is from its open source code.


Expose the classic Spring JdbcTemplate to allow invocation of classic JDBC operations.
Tquery(String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, ResultSetExtractor rse)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet with a ResultSetExtractor.
Tquery(String sql, Map paramMap, ResultSetExtractor rse)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet with a ResultSetExtractor.
voidquery(String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, RowCallbackHandler rch)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet on a per-row basis with a RowCallbackHandler.
voidquery(String sql, Map paramMap, RowCallbackHandler rch)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet on a per-row basis with a RowCallbackHandler.
Listquery(String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, RowMapper rowMapper)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping each row to a Java object via a RowMapper.
Listquery(String sql, Map paramMap, RowMapper rowMapper)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping each row to a Java object via a RowMapper.
TqueryForObject(String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, RowMapper rowMapper)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping a single result row to a Java object via a RowMapper.
TqueryForObject(String sql, Map paramMap, RowMapper rowMapper)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping a single result row to a Java object via a RowMapper.
TqueryForObject(String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, Class requiredType)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result object.
TqueryForObject(String sql, Map paramMap, Class requiredType)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result object.
SqlRowSetqueryForRowSet(String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a SqlRowSet.
SqlRowSetqueryForRowSet(String sql, Map paramMap)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a SqlRowSet.
intupdate(String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource)
Issue an update via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments.
intupdate(String sql, Map paramMap)
Issue an update via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments.
intupdate(String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, KeyHolder generatedKeyHolder)
Issue an update via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments, returning generated keys.