Example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.core PreparedStatementSetter interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.jdbc.core PreparedStatementSetter interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.core PreparedStatementSetter interface-usage.


From source file moe.yuna.palinuridae.core.FormatPrepareStatement.java

 * @author rika
public interface FormatPrepareStatement extends PreparedStatementSetter {

From source file org.danann.cernunnos.sql.PhraseParameterPreparedStatementSetter.java

 * Provides the common function of binding a List of evaluated Phrase values to a PreparedStatement
 * @author Eric Dalquist
 * @version $Revision$

From source file cc.tooyoung.common.db.ArgPreparedStatementSetter.java

 * Simple adapter for PreparedStatementSetter that applies
 * a given array of arguments.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller

From source file com.wantscart.jade.provider.jdbc.ArgPreparedStatementSetter.java

 * ? {@link org.springframework.jdbc.core.ArgPreparedStatementSetter}
 * ?? public 
 * @author  [qieqie.wang@gmail.com]
 * @author  [in355hz@gmail.com]

From source file com.laxser.blitz.lama.provider.jdbc.ArgPreparedStatementSetter.java

 * ? {@link org.springframework.jdbc.core.ArgPreparedStatementSetter}
 * ?? public 
 * @author laxser  Date 2012-3-22 ?3:58:20
@contact [duqifan@gmail.com]

From source file fr.acxio.tools.agia.item.database.ExpressionsPreparedStatementSetter.java

 * <p>Sets values on a {@code PreparedStatement} provided by the
 * JdbcTemplate class, for each of a number of updates in a batch using the
 * same SQL. The parameters are set from expressions evaluated in a context.</p>
 * <p>The SQL statement should contain placeholders ({@code ?}). The list
 * of expressions matches the order of the placeholders.</p>

From source file org.metis.jdbc.PreparedStmntCreator.java

 * This class is used, by the SqlStmnt object, as a callback for the Spring JDBC
 * template. It is used for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE SQL statements. Note that
 * this class implements PreparedStatementSetter, as well as
 * PreparedStatementCreator

From source file cc.tooyoung.common.db.ArgTypePreparedStatementSetter.java

 * Simple adapter for PreparedStatementSetter that applies
 * given arrays of arguments and JDBC argument types.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller