Example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.datasource AbstractDataSource subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.jdbc.datasource AbstractDataSource subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.datasource AbstractDataSource subclass-usage.


From source file org.exitcode.spring.torque.TorqueDelegatingDataSource.java

 * Basic {@link DataSource} implementation that obtain JDBC connections from Torque. Note that Torque must be
 * initialized before any connection can be grabbed. Otherwise you will get {@link SQLException}.
 * @author Marek Holly

From source file org.hsweb.web.datasource.dynamic.DynamicXaDataSourceImpl.java

public class DynamicXaDataSourceImpl extends AbstractDataSource
        implements DynamicDataSource, XADataSource, Closeable {
    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DynamicDataSource.class);
    private javax.sql.DataSource defaultDataSource;

    protected DynamicDataSourceService dynamicDataSourceService;

From source file org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource.java

 * Simple implementation of the standard JDBC DataSource interface, configuring
 * a plain old JDBC Driver via bean properties, and returning a new Connection
 * for every <code>getConnection</code> call.
 * <p><b>NOTE: This class is not an actual connection pool; it does not actually

From source file org.trustedanalytics.servicebroker.hive.config.KerberosDataSource.java

public final class KerberosDataSource extends AbstractDataSource implements DataSource {

    String JDBC_DRIVER = "org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver";
    private static final String TICKET_CACHE_PATH_PARAM = "hadoop.security.kerberos.ticket.cache.path";

    private final String jdbcUrl;

From source file com.jhonyu.framework.frame.datasource.RoutingDataSource.java

 * Abstract {@link javax.sql.DataSource} implementation that routes {@link #getConnection()} calls
 * to one of various target DataSources based on a lookup key. The latter is usually (but not
 * necessarily) determined through some thread-bound transaction context.
 * @author Jitaiping

From source file com.haulmont.multitenancy.TenantsRoutingDatasource.java

 * A proxy data source routing to real data sources depending on an attribute present in the current user session.
public class TenantsRoutingDatasource extends AbstractDataSource
        implements InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware {

From source file org.pepstock.jem.springbatch.tasks.DataSource.java

 * Represents a logical name of a database, addressable by name both a java code
 * (JNDI).<br>
 * Example: <br>
 * <code>&lt;dataSource name="jndiname" database="logicalDBname" /&gt;<br>

From source file de.iteratec.iteraplan.persistence.RoutingDataSource.java

 * This class provides functionality to dynamically add a {@link javax.sql.DataSource} at
 * runtime to route different users to different databases. The code's majority is based on
 * Spring's {@link org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.lookup.AbstractRoutingDataSource}.
 * <p>
 * Note that this class permits adding any type of object as a data source, but the default