Java org.springframework.jms.listener SimpleMessageListenerContainer fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.jms.listener SimpleMessageListenerContainer fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.jms.listener SimpleMessageListenerContainer.

The text is from its open source code.



voidsetConcurrentConsumers(int concurrentConsumers)
Specify the number of concurrent consumers to create.
voidsetConnectionFactory(@Nullable ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
Set the ConnectionFactory to use for obtaining JMS Connection Connections .
voidsetDestinationName(@Nullable String destinationName)
Set the name of the destination to receive messages from.
voidsetMessageListener(@Nullable Object messageListener)
Set the message listener implementation to register.
voidsetPubSubNoLocal(boolean pubSubNoLocal)
Set whether to inhibit the delivery of messages published by its own connection.
voidsetSessionTransacted(boolean sessionTransacted)
Set the transaction mode that is used when creating a JMS Session .
voidsetTaskExecutor(Executor taskExecutor)
Set the Spring TaskExecutor to use for executing the listener once a message has been received by the provider.