Example usage for org.springframework.jndi JndiLocatorSupport subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.jndi JndiLocatorSupport subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.jndi JndiLocatorSupport subclass-usage.


From source file biz.deinum.multitenant.aop.target.registry.impl.JndiLookupTargetRegistry.java

 * {@link TargetRegistry} implementation which delegates the lookup to a
 * {@link JndiTemplate}. 
 * Can optionally include a <code>prefix</code> and <code>suffix</code> to be 
 * added to make up the actual JNDI name.

From source file org.jboss.seam.spring.namespace.JndiBeanManagerLocator.java

 * @author: Marius Bogoevici
public class JndiBeanManagerLocator extends JndiLocatorSupport
        implements FactoryBean<BeanManager>, InitializingBean {

From source file jp.terasoluna.fw.web.jndi.DefaultJndiSupport.java

 * <p>TERASOLUNA????JNDI?</p>
 * <p>
 * WebAP?JNDI???<br>
 * JNDI????????Bean???