Java org.springframework.oxm.xstream XStreamMarshaller fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.oxm.xstream XStreamMarshaller fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.oxm.xstream XStreamMarshaller.

The text is from its open source code.


org.springframework.oxm.xstream.XStreamMarshaller has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.



Return the native XStream delegate used by this marshaller.
voidmarshal(Object graph, Result result)
Marshals the object graph with the given root into the provided javax.xml.transform.Result .
voidsetAliases(Map aliases)
Set the alias/type map, consisting of string aliases mapped to classes.
voidsetAliasesByType(Map aliasesByType)
Set the aliases by type map, consisting of string aliases mapped to classes.
voidsetAutodetectAnnotations(boolean autodetectAnnotations)
Activate XStream's autodetection mode.
voidsetConverters(ConverterMatcher... converters)
Set the Converters or SingleValueConverters to be registered with the XStream instance.
voidsetImplicitCollections(Map, String> implicitCollections)
Specify implicit collection fields, as a Map consisting of Class instances mapped to comma separated collection field names.
voidsetStreamDriver(HierarchicalStreamDriver streamDriver)
Set a XStream HierarchicalStreamDriver to be used for readers and writers.
voidsetUseAttributeFor(Map useAttributeFor)
Set the types to use XML attributes for.
Objectunmarshal(Source source)
Unmarshals the given provided javax.xml.transform.Source into an object graph.