Example usage for org.springframework.security.cas.userdetails AbstractCasAssertionUserDetailsService subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.security.cas.userdetails AbstractCasAssertionUserDetailsService subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.security.cas.userdetails AbstractCasAssertionUserDetailsService subclass-usage.


From source file de.thm.arsnova.CasUserDetailsService.java

public class CasUserDetailsService extends AbstractCasAssertionUserDetailsService {

    protected UserDetails loadUserDetails(final Assertion assertion) {
        final List<GrantedAuthority> grantedAuthorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();

From source file org.jenkinsci.plugins.cas.spring.security.CasUserDetailsService.java

 * Populates the {@link org.springframework.security.core.GrantedAuthority}s for a user by reading a list of attributes that were returned as
 * part of the CAS response.  Each attribute is read and each value of the attribute is turned into a GrantedAuthority.  If the attribute has no
 * value then its not added.
 * @author Scott Battaglia

From source file org.opengeoportal.security.SimpleCasUserService.java

* Populates the {@link org.springframework.security.core.GrantedAuthority}s for a user by reading a list of attributes that were returned as
* part of the CAS response. Each attribute is read and each value of the attribute is turned into a GrantedAuthority. If the attribute has no
* value then its not added.
* --modified: if the user has been authenticated via CAS, they are granted the role "ROLE_USER".  If the user is found in the admins list, they

From source file org.opengeoportal.security.cas.SimpleCasUserService.java

* Populates the {@link org.springframework.security.core.GrantedAuthority}s for a user by reading a list of attributes that were returned as
* part of the CAS response. Each attribute is read and each value of the attribute is turned into a GrantedAuthority. If the attribute has no
* value then its not added.
* --modified: if the user has been authenticated via CAS, they are granted the role "ROLE_USER".  If the user is found in the admins list, they

From source file edu.acu.cs.spring.security.cas.userdetails.GrantedAuthorityFromMemberOfAssertionAttributeUserDetailsService.java

 * Populates the {@link org.springframework.security.core.GrantedAuthority}s for a user by reading a
 * list of values from a memberOf attribute returned as part of the CAS response. Each value of the
 * attribute is turned into a GrantedAuthority by creating a new {@link javax.naming.ldap.LdapName}
 * and getting the last {@link javax.naming.ldap.Rdn} value.
 * <p>

From source file com.gdn.iam.spring.security.IamUserDetails.java

public class IamUserDetails extends AbstractCasAssertionUserDetailsService {

    private static final String ROLE_USER = "ROLE_USER";
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IamUserDetails.class);
    private static final String NON_EXISTENT_PASSWORD_VALUE = "NO_PASSWORD";