Example usage for org.springframework.security.core GrantedAuthority interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.security.core GrantedAuthority interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.security.core GrantedAuthority interface-usage.


From source file com.sentinel.security.SentinelAuthority.java

 * @author Vipin Kumar
 * @created 31-Jan-2016
 * TODO: Write a quick description of what the class is supposed to do.

From source file hr.diskobolos.config.security.authentication.ICustomGrantedAuthority.java

 * Interface that exposes custom properties for the authorized user
 * @author Tomislav avka
public interface ICustomGrantedAuthority extends GrantedAuthority {

From source file com.mycompany.springrest.web.controller.GrantedAuthorityImpl.java

 * @author ??
class GrantedAuthorityImpl implements GrantedAuthority {

From source file cz.sohlich.workstack.domain.UserAuthority.java

 * @author radek
public class UserAuthority implements GrantedAuthority {

From source file com.imps.struts2base.modelo.Sectores.java

 * @author dmunioz
public class Sectores implements GrantedAuthority {

From source file com.iselect.kernal.account.entity.AuthorityEntity.java

 * @author Hiep
public interface AuthorityEntity extends BaseEntity, GrantedAuthority {

From source file com.healthcit.analytics.model.Role.java

public class Role implements GrantedAuthority {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7605042967844766652L;

    private Long id;
    private String authority;

From source file com.app.inventario.entidades.seguridad.Rol.java

 * @author eperez

public class Rol implements Serializable, GrantedAuthority {

From source file fr.mael.microrss.domain.Role.java

public class Role implements GrantedAuthority {

    private String authority;

    public Role(String authority) {
        this.authority = authority;

From source file authentication.DefaultGrantedAuthority.java

 * A classe <code>CMSGrantedAuthority</code> representa uma autoridade (em nivel
 * de Spring Security) de um usuario na aplicacao. Um objeto
 * <code>CMSGrantedAuthority</code> contem um objeto <code>Authority</code>, que
 * e o que determina a area e o perfil do usuario.