Example usage for org.springframework.transaction.support ResourceTransactionManager interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.transaction.support ResourceTransactionManager interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.transaction.support ResourceTransactionManager interface-usage.


From source file net.sf.mmm.orient.db.impl.OrientPlatformTransactionManager.java

 * Implementation of {@link AbstractPlatformTransactionManager} to integrate OrientDB with Spring-TX.
 * @author hohwille
 * @since 1.0.0

From source file org.ops4j.orient.spring.tx.OrientTransactionManager.java

 * A PlatformTransactionManager for OrientDB, enabling declarative transactions for a single
 * Orient database. This OrientTransactionManager depends on an
 * {@link AbstractOrientDatabaseFactory}.
 * @author Harald Wellmann

From source file com.turbospaces.spaces.tx.SpaceTransactionManager.java

 * Space transaction manager allow you to communicate with {@link JSpace} transactionally.
 * Currently nested transactions are not allowed and not supported - however this can be changed in future releases.
 * @since 0.1

From source file com.p5solutions.core.jpa.orm.transaction.TransactionManager.java

public class TransactionManager extends AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
        implements ResourceTransactionManager, BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean {


From source file org.develspot.data.orientdb.transaction.OrientDBTransactionManager.java

public class OrientDBTransactionManager extends AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
        implements ResourceTransactionManager {

    public OrientDBTransactionManager(IOrientDataSource orientDataSource) {
        //TODO allow nested transactions

From source file com._4dconcept.springframework.data.marklogic.datasource.ContentSourceTransactionManager.java

 * {@link org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager}
 * implementation for a single XDBC {@link ContentSource}. This class is
 * capable of working in any environment with any XDBC driver, as long as the setup
 * uses a {@code com.marklogic.xcc.ContentSource} as its {@code Session} factory mechanism.
 * Binds a XDBC Session from the specified ContentSource to the current thread,

From source file org.guzz.web.context.spring.GuzzTransactionManager.java

 * {@link org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager}
 * implementation for a single Guzz {@link org.guzz.TransactionManager}.
 * Binds a Guzz <code>WriteTranSession</code> from the specified factory to the thread, 
 * potentially allowing for one thread-bound Session per factory. 
 * {@link TransactionManagerUtils}

From source file org.cfr.capsicum.datasource.CayenneTransactionManager.java

public class CayenneTransactionManager extends AbstractPlatformTransactionManager
        implements ResourceTransactionManager, InitializingBean {
