Example usage for org.springframework.transaction.support SmartTransactionObject interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.transaction.support SmartTransactionObject interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.transaction.support SmartTransactionObject interface-usage.


From source file com.turbospaces.spaces.tx.SpaceTransactionObject.java

 * Space transaction object, representing a {@link SpaceTransactionHolder}.
 * Used as transactional object by {@link SpaceTransactionManager}.
 * @since 0.1

From source file org.springframework.data.marklogic.datasource.XdbcTransactionObjectSupport.java

 * Convenient base class for XDBC-aware transaction objects.
 * Can contain a {@link SessionHolder}, and implements the
 * {@link org.springframework.transaction.SavepointManager}
 * interface based on that SessionHolder.

From source file com._4dconcept.springframework.data.marklogic.datasource.XdbcTransactionObjectSupport.java

 * Convenient base class for XDBC-aware transaction objects.
 * Can contain a {@link SessionHolder}, and implements the
 * {@link org.springframework.transaction.SavepointManager}
 * interface based on that SessionHolder.

From source file org.develspot.data.orientdb.transaction.OrientDBTransactionObject.java

public class OrientDBTransactionObject implements SmartTransactionObject {

    public boolean isRollbackOnly() {
        return connectionHolder.isRollbackOnly();

From source file org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.JdbcTransactionObjectSupport.java

 * Convenient base class for JDBC-aware transaction objects. Can contain a
 * {@link ConnectionHolder} with a JDBC {@code Connection}, and implements the
 * {@link SavepointManager} interface based on that {@code ConnectionHolder}.
 * <p>Allows for programmatic management of JDBC {@link java.sql.Savepoint Savepoints}.