Java org.springframework.util ObjectUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.util ObjectUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.util ObjectUtils.

The text is from its open source code.


org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


A[]addObjectToArray(@Nullable A[] array, @Nullable O obj)
Append the given object to the given array, returning a new array consisting of the input array contents plus the given object.
booleancontainsElement(@Nullable Object[] array, Object element)
Check whether the given array contains the given element.
StringgetDisplayString(@Nullable Object obj)
Return a content-based String representation if obj is not null ; otherwise returns an empty String.
StringgetIdentityHexString(Object obj)
Return a hex String form of an object's identity hash code.
inthashCode(boolean bool)
Return the same value as Boolean#hashCode(boolean) }.
inthashCode(double dbl)
Return the same value as Double#hashCode(double) }.
inthashCode(float flt)
Return the same value as Float#hashCode(float) }.
inthashCode(long lng)
Return the same value as Long#hashCode(long) }.
StringidentityToString(@Nullable Object obj)
Return a String representation of an object's overall identity.
booleanisArray(@Nullable Object obj)
Determine whether the given object is an array: either an Object array or a primitive array.
booleanisEmpty(@Nullable Object[] array)
Determine whether the given array is empty: i.e.
booleanisEmpty(@Nullable Object obj)
Determine whether the given object is empty.
StringnullSafeClassName(@Nullable Object obj)
Determine the class name for the given object.
booleannullSafeEquals(@Nullable Object o1, @Nullable Object o2)
Determine if the given objects are equal, returning true if both are null or false if only one is null .
intnullSafeHashCode(@Nullable Object obj)
Return as hash code for the given object; typically the value of Object#hashCode() }.
intnullSafeHashCode(@Nullable Object[] array)
Return a hash code based on the contents of the specified array.
intnullSafeHashCode(@Nullable boolean[] array)
Return a hash code based on the contents of the specified array.
intnullSafeHashCode(@Nullable byte[] array)
Return a hash code based on the contents of the specified array.
intnullSafeHashCode(@Nullable char[] array)
Return a hash code based on the contents of the specified array.
intnullSafeHashCode(@Nullable double[] array)
Return a hash code based on the contents of the specified array.
intnullSafeHashCode(@Nullable float[] array)
Return a hash code based on the contents of the specified array.
intnullSafeHashCode(@Nullable int[] array)
Return a hash code based on the contents of the specified array.
intnullSafeHashCode(@Nullable long[] array)
Return a hash code based on the contents of the specified array.
intnullSafeHashCode(@Nullable short[] array)
Return a hash code based on the contents of the specified array.
StringnullSafeToString(@Nullable Object obj)
Return a String representation of the specified Object.
StringnullSafeToString(@Nullable Object[] array)
Return a String representation of the contents of the specified array.
StringnullSafeToString(@Nullable boolean[] array)
Return a String representation of the contents of the specified array.
StringnullSafeToString(@Nullable byte[] array)
Return a String representation of the contents of the specified array.
StringnullSafeToString(@Nullable char[] array)
Return a String representation of the contents of the specified array.
StringnullSafeToString(@Nullable double[] array)
Return a String representation of the contents of the specified array.
StringnullSafeToString(@Nullable float[] array)
Return a String representation of the contents of the specified array.
StringnullSafeToString(@Nullable int[] array)
Return a String representation of the contents of the specified array.
StringnullSafeToString(@Nullable long[] array)
Return a String representation of the contents of the specified array.
StringnullSafeToString(@Nullable short[] array)
Return a String representation of the contents of the specified array.
Object[]toObjectArray(@Nullable Object source)
Convert the given array (which may be a primitive array) to an object array (if necessary of primitive wrapper objects).
ObjectunwrapOptional(@Nullable Object obj)
Unwrap the given object which is potentially a java.util.Optional .