Example usage for org.springframework.util StringUtils delimitedListToStringArray

List of usage examples for org.springframework.util StringUtils delimitedListToStringArray


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.util StringUtils delimitedListToStringArray.


public static String[] delimitedListToStringArray(@Nullable String str, @Nullable String delimiter) 

Source Link


Take a String that is a delimited list and convert it into a String array.


From source file:dev.argent.hive.SqlScriptLoader.java

public static String[] getScripts(Class<?> clazz, String sqlFileName) {
    try {//w w  w.jav a 2 s .com
        String fileName = clazz.getResource(sqlFileName).getFile();
        String comments = stripComments((List<String>) FileUtils.readLines(new File(fileName)));
        return StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(comments, ";");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("SqlFile load failed. fileName : " + sqlFileName, e);

From source file:com.codeabovelab.dm.cluman.cluster.docker.model.Bind.java

 * Parses a bind mount specification to a {@link Bind}.
 * @param serialized//from   www .  j a v  a2  s  .  c  o  m
 *            the specification, e.g. <code>/host:/container:ro</code>
 * @return a {@link Bind} matching the specification
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if the specification cannot be parsed
public static Bind parse(String serialized) {
    try {
        String[] parts = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(serialized, ":");
        switch (parts.length) {
        case 2: {
            return new Bind(parts[0], new Volume(parts[1]));
        case 3: {
            AccessMode accessMode = AccessMode.valueOf(parts[2].toLowerCase());
            return new Bind(parts[0], new Volume(parts[1]), accessMode);
        default: {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing Bind '" + serialized + "'");

From source file:org.web4thejob.orm.PathMetadataImpl.java

public PathMetadataImpl(Class<? extends Entity> entityType, Path nodes) {
    this(entityType, StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(nodes.toString(), Path.DELIMITER));

From source file:io.cloudslang.lang.cli.converters.MapConverter.java

public Map<String, String> convertFromText(String value, Class<?> targetType, String optionContext) {
    value = value.replace("\\,", ESCAPE_EXPRESSION);
    String[] values = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(value);
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();

    for (String v : values) {
        String[] keyValue = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(v, "=");
        if (keyValue.length == 2) {
            keyValue[1] = keyValue[1].replace(ESCAPE_EXPRESSION, ",");
            map.put(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
        } else {/*  w  w w . j  a va  2 s  .  c  o m*/
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Input should be in a key=value comma separated format, e.g. key1=val1,key2=val2 etc.");

    return map;

From source file:org.springmodules.cache.util.SemicolonSeparatedPropertiesParser.java

 * Creates a <code>java.util.Properties</code> from the specified String.
 * @param text// w  w w .jav a 2 s  . c  o m
 *          the String to parse.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *           if the specified property does not match the regular expression
 *           pattern defined in <code>KEY_VALUE_REGEX</code>.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *           if the set of properties already contains the property specified
 *           by the given String.
 * @return a new instance of <code>java.util.Properties</code> created from
 *         the given text.
public static Properties parseProperties(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    String newText = text;

    if (!StringUtils.hasText(newText)) {
        return null;

    if (newText.endsWith(PROPERTY_DELIMITER)) {
        // remove ';' at the end of the text (if applicable)
        newText = newText.substring(0, newText.length() - PROPERTY_DELIMITER.length());

        if (!StringUtils.hasText(newText)) {
            return null;

    Properties properties = new Properties();
    String[] propertiesAsText = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(newText, PROPERTY_DELIMITER);

    int propertyCount = propertiesAsText.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++) {
        String property = propertiesAsText[i];
        Match match = KEY_VALUE_REGEX.match(property);

        if (!match.isSuccessful()) {
            String message = "The String " + StringUtils.quote(property)
                    + " should match the regular expression pattern "
                    + StringUtils.quote(KEY_VALUE_REGEX.getPattern());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

        String[] groups = match.getGroups();
        String key = groups[1].trim();
        String value = groups[2].trim();

        if (properties.containsKey(key)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The property " + StringUtils.quote(key) + " is specified more than once");
        properties.setProperty(key, value);
    return properties;

From source file:fr.xebia.springframework.security.core.userdetails.memory.ExtendedUserMapBuilder.java

 * Build an {@link fr.xebia.springframework.security.core.userdetails.ExtendedUser} from user attributes.
 * Protected for test purpose.//  w w w.ja  v a 2  s  .c  om
 * @param userAttributes a list.
 * @return the build {@link fr.xebia.springframework.security.core.userdetails.ExtendedUser}.
protected static ExtendedUser buildExtendedUser(String userAttributes) {
    if (userAttributes == null) {
        return null;

    String[] userAttributesStringArray = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(userAttributes, "=");

    if (userAttributesStringArray.length != 2) {
        return null; // we need a username and some attributes.
    String username = userAttributesStringArray[0].trim();

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(enabled|disabled){1}$");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(userAttributesStringArray[1].trim());

    // Check activated attribute
    boolean activated = true;
    if (matcher.find()) {
        activated = ENABLED.equals(matcher.group());

    // Check authorized IP addresses
    String allowedIpAddresses = "";
    pattern = Pattern.compile("@\\(.*\\)");
    matcher = pattern.matcher(userAttributesStringArray[1]);
    if (matcher.find()) {
        allowedIpAddresses = StringUtils.deleteAny(matcher.group(), "@() ");

    // Get user password and roles :
    pattern = Pattern.compile("((,\\ *@\\(.*\\)){0,1}(\\ *,\\ *(enabled|disabled)\\ *){0,1})$");
    String[] remainingAttributes = pattern.split(userAttributesStringArray[1]);
    if (remainingAttributes.length != 1) {
        return null; // password and role(s) must have been defined.

    String[] attributes = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(remainingAttributes[0]);
    if (attributes.length < 2) {
        return null; // we need at least one password and one role.
    String password = attributes[0].trim();
    List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();
    for (int i = 1; i < attributes.length; i++) {
        authorities.add(new GrantedAuthorityImpl(attributes[i].trim()));

    ExtendedUser extendedUser = new ExtendedUser(username, password, activated, true, true, true, authorities);
    return extendedUser;

From source file:com.bxtel.security5.auth.impl.SecurityMetadataSourceImpl.java

protected void buildRequestMap() {
    LinkedHashMap<RequestMatcher, Collection<IConfigAttribute>> requestMap = null;
    requestMap = new LinkedHashMap<RequestMatcher, Collection<IConfigAttribute>>();
    Iterable<SecurityData> resourceMap = dao.findAll();
    for (SecurityData one : resourceMap) {
        String key = one.getPath();
        String[] roles = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(one.getRolelist(), ",");//role
        Collection<IConfigAttribute> roleslist = new ArrayList<IConfigAttribute>();
        for (int i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
            ConfigAttributeImpl e = new ConfigAttributeImpl(roles[i]);
            roleslist.add((IConfigAttribute) e);
        }// w  ww .j a va 2 s  . c om
        requestMap.put(new AntPathRequestMatcher(key), roleslist);
    this.requestMap = requestMap;

From source file:org.jasig.portlet.contacts.adapters.impl.ldap.LdapSearchAdapter.java

public Contact getByURN(String urn) {
    String[] attr = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(urn, ":");

    String searchText = attr[2];/*from  ww w  .  jav a 2 s  .  c om*/
    String filter = attr[3];
    String id = attr[4];

    ContactSet contacts = search(searchText, filter);

    for (Contact contact : contacts) {
        if (contact.getId().equals(id))
            return contact;

    return null;


From source file:net.opentsdb.contrib.tsquare.ExtendedTsdbMetricParser.java

private Metric parseSingleMetricWithoutTags(final String metricString) {
    Metric metric = null;//from w  w w  .j  a v  a  2s . c  o m

    if (metricString.indexOf(':') < 0) {
        // EXTENSION: This is a metric only expression. We auto-detect the aggregator
        // based on the metric name, or use the default.
        Aggregator agg = aggregatorFactory.getAggregatorForMetric(metricString);
        metric = new Metric(metricString, metricString, (agg == null ? defaultAggregator : agg));
    } else {
        // Otherwise, this might be a standard expression with some extra sauce...
        final String[] parts = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(metricString, ":");
        Preconditions.checkState(parts.length > 1, "Invalid metric: %s", metricString);

        // Metric name is always the last element, regardless of format.  ASSUMING we've stripped
        // tag expressions off the end.
        final String metricName = parts[parts.length - 1];

        // EXTENSION: Logic in determineAggregator() allows for empty or auto-detect 
        // aggregators.  See the doc on that method for details.
        metric = new Metric(metricString, metricName, determineAggregator(metricName, parts[0]));

        // Handle parsing of rate and downsampler.
        if (parts.length > 2 && parts.length <= 4) {
            for (int i = 1; i < parts.length - 1; i++) {
                final String p = parts[i];
                if ("rate".equals(p)) {
                } else if (Character.isDefined(p.charAt(0)) && p.indexOf('-') > 0) { // 1h-sum
                    final String[] downsampleParts = StringUtils.split(p, "-");
                    long downsampleMillis = new DateTimeExpressionParser().setBaseTimeMillis(0) // ... parse a relative duration

                    // Convert to epoch SECONDS.
                            (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(downsampleMillis));

                    // EXTENSION: Again, determineAggregator() allows for empty or auto-detected
                    // downsamplers.
                    metric.setDownsampler(determineAggregator(metricName, downsampleParts[1]));
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid characters in metric: " + p);
        } else if (parts.length != 2) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Metric has invalid parsed length: " + parts.length);

    return metric;

From source file:de.dlopes.stocks.facilitator.services.impl.StockInfoServiceImpl.java

public void addStocks(AddStocksForm addStocksForm) {

    List<String> yahooSymbols = null;
    String url = addStocksForm.getUrl();
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(url)) {

        String yhooSymString = addStocksForm.getListOfYahooSymbols();
        yhooSymString = yhooSymString.replace("\n", ",");
        yhooSymString = yhooSymString.replace("\r", ",");
        yhooSymString = yhooSymString.replace(",,", ",");
        yhooSymString = StringUtils.trimAllWhitespace(yhooSymString);
        yahooSymbols = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(yhooSymString, ","));

    } else {// w ww .  j  a  v a2  s .  c  o m
                   // get the ISINs 
                   FinanzenNetIndexHTMLExtractorImpl fn_isin_extr = new FinanzenNetIndexHTMLExtractorImpl();
                   List<String> isins = fn_isin_extr.getFinanceData(url);
                  // TODO: remove ISINs which already exist in the DB from list
                   log.info("ISINs extracted!");
                    // guard: abort when there is nothing to add
                    if (isins.size() < 1) {
                      throw new RuntimeException("no ISINs found!.");   
                      // TODO: propagate error message to UI
                   log.info("ISINs found!");      
                  // receive the mapping 
                  Map<String,String> symbols2isins = null;
                  try {
                      symbols2isins = YahooFinanceDataCollectorImpl.getSymbols4ISINs(isins);
                   } catch (SFApplicationException sfae) {
                       throw new RuntimeException("Yahoo Symbols could not be loaded", sfae);    
                   log.info("Yahoo symbols loaded!");
                    // when there was no mapping was found for one or more ISIN, the we 
                    // have to propagate this as a warning message
                    if (symbols2isins.size() < isins.size()) {
        // remove all ISINs that returned a valid mapping and see what stays in the list
        for (String s : symbols2isins.keySet()) {
            String isin = symbols2isins.get(s);
        // TODO: propagate a message to the UI
                   log.info("Yahoo symbols cleaned up!");
                    // guard: do not proceed when we don't have new symbols to add 
                    if (symbols2isins.size() < 1) {
                      throw new RuntimeException("no YAHOO symbols found!.");   
                      // TODO: propagate error message to UI
                   log.info("still have Yahoo symbols to load!");        

        FinanceDataExtractor finDataExtr = cs.getFinanceDataExtractor();
        yahooSymbols = finDataExtr.getFinanceData(url);


    // guard: abort when there is nothing to add
    if (yahooSymbols == null || yahooSymbols.isEmpty()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("no Yahoo Symbols found!.");
        // TODO: propagate error message to UI

    // load stock details from yahoo finance api
    Map<String, Stock> stocks = null;
    try {
        stocks = YahooFinanceDataCollectorImpl.requestStocks(yahooSymbols);
    } catch (SFApplicationException sfae) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Stock details could not be loaded", sfae);

    log.info("Stock info requested from Yahoo!");

    for (String symbol : stocks.keySet()) {

        Stock stock = stocks.get(symbol);
        // TODO: refactor 
        FinanznachrichtenOrderbuchExtractorImpl foei = new FinanznachrichtenOrderbuchExtractorImpl();
        List<String> isins = foei.getFinanceData(
                FinanznachrichtenOrderbuchExtractorImpl.PREFIX + symbol.split("\\.")[0] + ".htm");
        String isin = null;
        if (isins != null && isins.size() > 0) {
            isin = isins.get(0);

        log.debug("creating StockInfo record for ISIN '" + isin + "'");

        StockInfo si = new StockInfo(isin);
        Stock2StockInfoConverter.applyUpdates(stock, si);

        log.debug("yahoo data applied to StockInfo record for ISIN '" + isin + "'");


        log.debug("StockInfo record for ISIN '" + isin + "' saved");

    log.info("Stock info committed to database!");
