Example usage for org.springframework.vault.authentication ClientAuthentication interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.vault.authentication ClientAuthentication interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.vault.authentication ClientAuthentication interface-usage.


From source file org.springframework.vault.authentication.ClientCertificateAuthentication.java

 * TLS Client Certificate {@link ClientAuthentication}.
 * @author Mark Paluch
public class ClientCertificateAuthentication implements ClientAuthentication {

From source file org.springframework.vault.authentication.AppIdAuthentication.java

 * AppId implementation of {@link ClientAuthentication}. {@link AppIdAuthentication} uses
 * a configured {@link AppIdUserIdMechanism} to obtain or calculate a UserId. AppId and
 * UserId are sent in the login request to Vault to obtain a {@link VaultToken}.
 * @author Mark Paluch

From source file org.springframework.vault.authentication.AppRoleAuthentication.java

 * AppRole implementation of {@link ClientAuthentication}. RoleId and SecretId (optional)
 * are sent in the login request to Vault to obtain a {@link VaultToken}.
 * <p>
 * {@link AppRoleAuthentication} can be configured for push and pull mode by setting
 * {@link AppRoleAuthenticationOptions#getSecretId()}.

From source file org.springframework.vault.authentication.CubbyholeAuthentication.java

 * Cubbyhole {@link ClientAuthentication} implementation.
 * <p>
 * Cubbyhole authentication uses Vault primitives to provide a secured authentication
 * workflow. Cubbyhole authentication uses {@link VaultToken tokens} as primary login
 * method. An ephemeral token is used to obtain a second, login {@link VaultToken} from

From source file org.springframework.vault.authentication.AwsEc2Authentication.java

 * AWS-EC2 login implementation.
 * <p>
 * AWS-EC2 login uses the EC2 identity document and a nonce to login into Vault. AWS-EC2
 * login obtains the PKCS#7 signed EC2 identity document and generates a
 * {@link #createNonce() nonce}. Instances of this class are immutable once constructed.

From source file org.springframework.vault.authentication.AuthenticationStepsExecutor.java

 * Synchronous executor for {@link AuthenticationSteps} using {@link RestOperations} to
 * login using authentication flows.
 * @author Mark Paluch
 * @since 2.0

From source file org.springframework.vault.authentication.AwsIamAuthentication.java

 * AWS IAM authentication using signed HTTP requests to query the current identity.
 * <p>
 * AWS IAM authentication creates a {@link AWS4Signer signed} HTTP request that is
 * executed by Vault to get the identity of the signer using AWS STS
 * {@literal GetCallerIdentity}. A signature requires