Example usage for org.springframework.web.multipart.commons CommonsMultipartFile getInputStream

List of usage examples for org.springframework.web.multipart.commons CommonsMultipartFile getInputStream


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.web.multipart.commons CommonsMultipartFile getInputStream.


    public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException 

Source Link


From source file:com.gelecekonline.web.UploadController.java

 * API'ye Android uygulamasi tarafindan soyle erisilecektir: http://localhost:8080/uploadserver/api/upload
 * @param talep//from  w  w w  . j  a  v a  2s .c  o m
 * @param result
 * @param request
 * @return
public Yanit uploadGonder(Talep talep, BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest request) {

    Yanit yanit = null;
    try {
         * Istemci tarafindan gonderilen dosyanin da ayni isimde bir veri icermesi gerekiyor.Yani "dosya" ve "dosyaAdi" seklinde gonderilmelidir
         * dosyaAdi ile istemciden sunucuya Android cihazdaki dosya adini da gonderebiliyoruz. Bunun yaninda Talep nesnesine
         * baska parametreler ekleyerek cok sayida bilgi de gonderebiliriz
        String dosyaAdi = talep.getDosyaAdi();
        CommonsMultipartFile dosya = talep.getDosya();
        if (dosya != null) {
            InputStream inputStream = dosya.getInputStream();
            File dizin = new File(DIZIN_ADI);
            if (!dizin.exists()) {
                System.out.println("dizin yoktu, olusturuluyor: " + DIZIN_ADI);
                boolean res = dizin.mkdir();
                if (res) {
                    System.out.println("dizin yaratildi");

            OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(DIZIN_ADI + "/" + dosyaAdi));
            int read = 0;
            byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];

            while ((read = inputStream.read(bytes)) != -1) {
                out.write(bytes, 0, read);
            yanit = new Yanit();
            yanit.setYanitMesaji("Upload gerceklesti");
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return yanit;


From source file:com.lohika.alp.reporter.fe.controller.LogController.java

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/results/test-method/{testMethodId}/log")
void saveLog(@PathVariable("testMethodId") long id, @ModelAttribute("uploadItem") UploadItem uploadItem,
        HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {

    CommonsMultipartFile fileData = uploadItem.getFileData();

    // TODO Handle unexpected form data
    String name = fileData.getOriginalFilename();
    InputStream is = fileData.getInputStream();

    // If file extension is '.xml' or none save it as 'index.xml'
    if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml") || !name.matches(".*\\.\\w{1,3}$")) {

        logStorage.saveLog(id, "index.xml", is);

        // TODO TestMethod database creation should be performed with Spring
        // and REST web services, not from test listeners directly
        TestMethod testMethod = testMethodDAO.getTestMethod(id);

        // Set into DB that TestMethod has index log file
        testMethod.setHasLog(true);/*from w ww .  j  a va2s .com*/
    } else {
        // Else save it with its original name

        logStorage.saveLog(id, name, is);

    // TODO add log URL to response according REST principles

From source file:fr.putnami.pwt.plugin.spring.file.server.controller.FileTransfertController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/file/upload/{uploadId}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@ResponseBody//from   w  w  w.  j  ava 2  s  .co  m
public FileDto upload(@PathVariable String uploadId, @RequestParam("data") CommonsMultipartFile multipart,
        HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    OutputStream out = null;
    InputStream in = null;
    try {
        out = this.store.write(uploadId, multipart.getOriginalFilename(), multipart.getContentType());
        in = multipart.getInputStream();
        IOUtils.copy(in, out);
        return this.store.getFileBean(uploadId);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {

From source file:org.smigo.constraints.CommonsMultipartFileImageValidator.java

public boolean isValid(CommonsMultipartFile file, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintContext) {
    log.debug("Validating:" + file.getOriginalFilename() + " contenttype:" + file.getContentType()
            + " storagedescrip:" + file.getStorageDescription());
    if (file.isEmpty())
        return true;
    try {/*w ww .  j  av  a2 s  .  co  m*/
        BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(file.getInputStream());
        if (image.getHeight() == height && image.getWidth() == width)
            return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;
    return false;

From source file:com.gradecak.alfresco.simpless.MetadataManager.java

 * handles only simple types (no associations ... complex types)
 * /* ww w  .j av a2  s. c  o  m*/
 * any null properties will be removed from the node by calling nodeService.removeProperty, as
 * setting null is considered as a removal of the value
 * if a cm:content property is present than the value might be a file, a multipart, a ContentData
 * or a String. Otherwise the value must be <code>Serializable</code> However, before saving an
 * alfresco converter is executed on the vale for the given type repreented in the model
 * Any readonly properties will not be serialized/saved
 * return {@link SysBase} with converted values (did not check the repository) but without syncing
 * actions & aspects as we belongs to the same transaction and so the sync should be done after
 * the call to this method. As example we might consider behaviors that can change values of the
 * node
public <T extends SysBase> T save(final T object) {
    Assert.notNull(object, "object must not be null");

    MetadataHolder holder = object.getMetadataHolder();
    Assert.notNull(holder, "the holder object must not be null");

    Map<QName, Serializable> allProps = holder.getPropertiesMap();

    // resolve unkown properties and put it all together
    Map<String, Serializable> unkwonProperties = object.getUnkwonProperties();
    for (Entry<String, Serializable> entry : unkwonProperties.entrySet()) {
        QName qname = QName.resolveToQName(serviceRegistry.getNamespaceService(), entry.getKey());
        allProps.put(qname, entry.getValue());

    NodeRef toNode = object.getNodeRef();

    // works on latest alfresco versions. if
    // if (this.serviceRegistry.getCheckOutCheckInService().isCheckedOut(toNode)) {

    // works on all alfresco versions
    if (this.serviceRegistry.getCheckOutCheckInService().getWorkingCopy(toNode) != null) {
        if (LockStatus.LOCK_OWNER.equals(this.serviceRegistry.getLockService().getLockStatus(toNode))) {
            toNode = this.serviceRegistry.getCheckOutCheckInService().getWorkingCopy(toNode);

    Metadata properties = new Metadata();
    for (Entry<QName, Serializable> entry : allProps.entrySet()) {
        QName qname = entry.getKey();
        if (qname == null) {

        PropertyDefinition propertyDef = this.serviceRegistry.getDictionaryService().getProperty(qname);
        if (propertyDef == null) {

        if (holder.isReadOnlyProperty(qname)) {

        Serializable value = entry.getValue();

        if (value instanceof String[]) {
            // TODO: check if we need to handle props different than String[]
            value = ((String[]) value)[0];

        DataTypeDefinition dataType = propertyDef.getDataType();
        if (DataTypeDefinition.CONTENT.equals(dataType.getName())) {

            if (toNode != null) {
                ContentWriter writer = this.serviceRegistry.getContentService().getWriter(toNode,
                        propertyDef.getName(), true);

                if (value instanceof CommonsMultipartFile) {
                    CommonsMultipartFile file = (CommonsMultipartFile) value;
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new ContentIOException("Could not write the file input stream", e);
                } else if (value instanceof File) {
                    File file = (File) value;
                } else if (value instanceof String) {
                    writer.putContent((String) value);
                } else if (value instanceof ContentData) {
                    properties.put(qname, (ContentData) value);
                } else {
                    if (value != null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(
                                "Unhandled property of type d:content. Name : " + propertyDef.getName());
        } else {
            if (DataTypeDefinition.QNAME.equals(dataType.getName())) {
                if (value instanceof String && !StringUtils.hasText((String) value)) {

            Object convertedValue = converter.convert(dataType, value);
            if (convertedValue == null) {
                // TODO marked in order to verify this behavior
                // we remove the specific property as its value has been erased
                this.serviceRegistry.getNodeService().removeProperty(toNode, qname);
            } else {
                properties.put(qname, (Serializable) convertedValue);
                object.getMetadataHolder().setProperty(qname, (Serializable) convertedValue);

    // assure to remove nodeRef property before saving
    if (!properties.isEmpty()) {
        this.serviceRegistry.getNodeService().addProperties(toNode, properties);

    syncAspectsAndActions(toNode, object);

    return object;

From source file:alpha.portal.webapp.controller.FileUploadController.java

 * On submit.// www  . j  a  v  a 2  s  .co  m
 * @param fileUpload
 *            the file upload
 * @param errors
 *            the errors
 * @param request
 *            the request
 * @return the string
 * @throws Exception
 *             the exception
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String onSubmit(final FileUpload fileUpload, final BindingResult errors,
        final HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {

    if (request.getParameter("cancel") != null)
        return this.getCancelView();

    if (this.validator != null) { // validator is null during testing
        this.validator.validate(fileUpload, errors);

        if (errors.hasErrors())
            return "fileupload";

    // validate a file was entered
    if (fileUpload.getFile().length == 0) {
        final Object[] args = new Object[] { this.getText("uploadForm.file", request.getLocale()) };
        errors.rejectValue("file", "errors.required", args, "File");

        return "fileupload";

    final MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request;
    final CommonsMultipartFile file = (CommonsMultipartFile) multipartRequest.getFile("file");

    // the directory to upload to
    final String uploadDir = this.getServletContext().getRealPath("/resources") + "/" + request.getRemoteUser()
            + "/";

    // Create the directory if it doesn't exist
    final File dirPath = new File(uploadDir);

    if (!dirPath.exists()) {

    // retrieve the file data
    final InputStream stream = file.getInputStream();

    // write the file to the file specified
    final OutputStream bos = new FileOutputStream(uploadDir + file.getOriginalFilename());
    int bytesRead;
    final byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];

    while ((bytesRead = stream.read(buffer, 0, 8192)) != -1) {
        bos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);


    // close the stream

    // place the data into the request for retrieval on next page
    request.setAttribute("friendlyName", fileUpload.getName());
    request.setAttribute("fileName", file.getOriginalFilename());
    request.setAttribute("contentType", file.getContentType());
    request.setAttribute("size", file.getSize() + " bytes");
            dirPath.getAbsolutePath() + Constants.FILE_SEP + file.getOriginalFilename());

    final String link = request.getContextPath() + "/resources" + "/" + request.getRemoteUser() + "/";
    request.setAttribute("link", link + file.getOriginalFilename());

    return this.getSuccessView();

From source file:es.ucm.fdi.dalgs.activity.service.ActivityService.java

@PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#course, 'WRITE') or hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
@Transactional(readOnly = false)/*  w  ww  .j  av a2 s  .  c o m*/
public void addAttachmentToCourseActivity(Course course, FileUpload fileupload, Long id_activity,
        Long id_course, Long id_academic) throws IOException {

    Activity act = getActivity(id_activity, id_course, null, id_academic).getSingleElement();
    Attachment attach = new Attachment();
    CommonsMultipartFile file = fileupload.getFilepath();
    String key = getStorageKey(id_activity);
    String mimeType = file.getContentType();
    storageManager.putObject(bucket, key, mimeType, file.getInputStream());

    if (act.getAttachments() == null)
        act.setAttachments(new ArrayList<Attachment>());

    String aaa = storageManager.getUrl(bucket, key).toExternalForm();


From source file:es.ucm.fdi.dalgs.activity.service.ActivityService.java

@PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#course, 'WRITE') or hasPermission(#group, 'ADMINISTRATION') or hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
@Transactional(readOnly = false)//from w  w w  .  j  a  v a  2  s.  c o m
public void addAttachmentToGroupActivity(Course course, Group group, FileUpload fileupload, Long id_group,
        Long id_course, Long id_activity, Long id_academic) throws IOException {

    Attachment attach = new Attachment();
    Activity act = getActivity(id_activity, id_course, id_group, id_academic).getSingleElement();

    CommonsMultipartFile file = fileupload.getFilepath();

    String key = getStorageKey(id_activity);
    String mimeType = file.getContentType();
    storageManager.putObject(bucket, key, mimeType, file.getInputStream());
    if (act.getAttachments() == null)
        act.setAttachments(new ArrayList<Attachment>());
    String aaa = storageManager.getUrl(bucket, key).toExternalForm();


From source file:org.openmrs.module.report.web.controller.report.ReportTypeController.java

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String onSubmit(@ModelAttribute("reportType") BirtReportType reportType, BindingResult bindingResult,
        HttpServletRequest request, SessionStatus status) {
    new BirtReportTypeValidator().validate(reportType, bindingResult);
    if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
        return "/module/report/report/reportType";
    } else {//from   ww w.j  av a 2s .c  om
        BirtReportService birtReportService = Context.getService(BirtReportService.class);
        BirtReportConfig config = ReportConstants.getConfig();
        String tempPath = config.getRealPath();
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(tempPath)) {
            Throwable th = new Throwable("Not exist realpath for save file report!");

        MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request;
        CommonsMultipartFile file = (CommonsMultipartFile) multipartRequest.getFile("reportFile");
        if (file != null && file.getBytes() != null && file.isEmpty() == false) {
            long temp = new Date().getTime();
            //String nameReport = org.openmrs.module.report.util.StringUtils.replaceSpecialWithUnderLineCharacter(reportType.getBirtReport().getName());
            //String nameReportType = org.openmrs.module.report.util.StringUtils.replaceSpecialWithUnderLineCharacter(reportType.getName());
            String fileName = reportType.getBirtReport().getId() + "_" + temp + ".rptdesign";
            String reportFilename = tempPath + "/" + fileName;
            reportFilename = reportFilename.replaceAll("//", "/");

            try {
                FileCopyUtils.copy(file.getInputStream(), new FileOutputStream(reportFilename));
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } else if (reportType.getId() != null && reportType.getId().intValue() > 0) {

        reportType.setCreatedOn(new Date());
        return "redirect:/module/report/reportType.form?reportId=" + reportType.getBirtReport().getId();

From source file:com.jeans.iservlet.controller.impl.ImportController.java

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/ac")
@ResponseBody/*from www .j  a va  2s  . c  om*/
public void importAC(@RequestParam("data") CommonsMultipartFile data, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws IOException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    if (null == data) {
        showError(out, "??");
    int count = 0;
    String info = null;
    try (Workbook workBook = WorkbookFactory.create(data.getInputStream())) {
        Sheet acsSheet = workBook.getSheet("");
        if (null == acsSheet) {
            showError(out, "????Sheet");
        Company comp = getCurrentCompany();
        int total = acsSheet.getLastRowNum();
        double progress = 0.0;
        double step = 100.0 / (double) total;
        showProgressDialog(out, getCurrentCompany().getAlias() + "???");
        // acsSheet: 1?06?70?
        int last = acsSheet.getLastRowNum();
        for (int rn = 1; rn <= last; rn++) {
            Row r = acsSheet.getRow(rn);
            // ??""???
            String flag = StringUtils
                    .trim(ExcelUtils.getCellValueAsString(r.getCell(0, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL)));
            // ???name?
            String name = StringUtils
                    .trim(ExcelUtils.getCellValueAsString(r.getCell(2, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL)));
            progress += step;
            if (!"".equals(flag) || StringUtils.isBlank(name)) {
            showProgress(out, "???" + name, progress); // 
            AccessoryType type = parseAccessoryType(
                    StringUtils.trim(ExcelUtils.getCellValueAsString(r.getCell(1, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL))));
            String brand = StringUtils
                    .trim(ExcelUtils.getCellValueAsString(r.getCell(3, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL)));
            String model = StringUtils
                    .trim(ExcelUtils.getCellValueAsString(r.getCell(4, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL)));
            String description = StringUtils
                    .trim(ExcelUtils.getCellValueAsString(r.getCell(5, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL)));
            String unit = StringUtils
                    .trim(ExcelUtils.getCellValueAsString(r.getCell(6, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL)));

            if (null != acsService.create(comp, type, name, brand, model, unit, description)) {
        info = "????" + count + "?";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        info = "???????"
                + count + "?";
    } finally {
        showInfo(out, info);