Java org.springframework.web.servlet DispatcherServlet fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.web.servlet DispatcherServlet fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.web.servlet DispatcherServlet.

The text is from its open source code.


org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


Well-known name for the LocaleResolver object in the bean factory for this namespace.
Well-known name for the HandlerMapping object in the bean factory for this namespace.
Well-known name for the HandlerAdapter object in the bean factory for this namespace.
Well-known name for the HandlerExceptionResolver object in the bean factory for this namespace.
Well-known name for the ViewResolver object in the bean factory for this namespace.
Request attribute to hold the current web application context.
Request attribute to hold the current LocaleResolver, retrievable by views.
Request attribute to hold the current ThemeResolver, retrievable by views.
Request attribute to hold the current ThemeSource, retrievable by views.
Name of request attribute that holds the "output" FlashMap with attributes to save for a subsequent request.
Name of request attribute that exposes an Exception resolved with an HandlerExceptionResolver but where no view was rendered (e.g.


DispatcherServlet(WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext)
Create a new DispatcherServlet with the given web application context.
Create a new DispatcherServlet that will create its own internal web application context based on defaults and values provided through servlet init-params.


Return this servlet's WebApplicationContext.
voidinit(ServletConfig config)
Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the servlet is being placed into service.
voidonApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event)
Callback that receives refresh events from this servlet's WebApplicationContext.
voidservice(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
Override the parent class implementation in order to intercept PATCH requests.
voidsetApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
Called by Spring via ApplicationContextAware to inject the current application context.
voidsetContextClass(Class contextClass)
Set a custom context class.
voidsetContextConfigLocation(@Nullable String contextConfigLocation)
Set the context config location explicitly, instead of relying on the default location built from the namespace.
voidsetDetectAllHandlerAdapters(boolean detectAllHandlerAdapters)
Set whether to detect all HandlerAdapter beans in this servlet's context.
voidsetDetectAllHandlerExceptionResolvers(boolean detectAllHandlerExceptionResolvers)
Set whether to detect all HandlerExceptionResolver beans in this servlet's context.
voidsetDetectAllHandlerMappings(boolean detectAllHandlerMappings)
Set whether to detect all HandlerMapping beans in this servlet's context.
voidsetDetectAllViewResolvers(boolean detectAllViewResolvers)
Set whether to detect all ViewResolver beans in this servlet's context.
voidsetDispatchOptionsRequest(boolean dispatchOptionsRequest)
Set whether this servlet should dispatch an HTTP OPTIONS request to the #doService method.
voidsetThrowExceptionIfNoHandlerFound(boolean throwExceptionIfNoHandlerFound)
Set whether to throw a NoHandlerFoundException when no Handler was found for this request.