Java ServletUriComponentsBuilder fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java ServletUriComponentsBuilder fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for ServletUriComponentsBuilder.

The text is from its open source code.


Build a UriComponents instance from the various components contained in this builder.
UriComponentsbuildAndExpand(Map uriVariables)
Build a UriComponents instance and replaces URI template variables with the values from a map.
UriComponentsBuilderfragment(@Nullable String fragment)
Set the URI fragment.
ServletUriComponentsBuilderfromContextPath(HttpServletRequest request)
Prepare a builder from the host, port, scheme, and context path of the given HttpServletRequest.
Same as #fromContextPath(HttpServletRequest) except the request is obtained through RequestContextHolder .
Same as #fromRequest(HttpServletRequest) except the request is obtained through RequestContextHolder .
Same as #fromRequestUri(HttpServletRequest) except the request is obtained through RequestContextHolder .
Same as #fromServletMapping(HttpServletRequest) except the request is obtained through RequestContextHolder .
ServletUriComponentsBuilderfromRequest(HttpServletRequest request)
Prepare a builder by copying the scheme, host, port, path, and query string of an HttpServletRequest.
ServletUriComponentsBuilderfromServletMapping(HttpServletRequest request)
Prepare a builder from the host, port, scheme, context path, and servlet mapping of the given HttpServletRequest.
UriComponentsBuilderhost(@Nullable String host)
Set the URI host.
UriComponentsBuilderpath(String path)
Append the given path to the existing path of this builder.
UriComponentsBuilderport(int port)
Set the URI port.
UriComponentsBuilderreplacePath(@Nullable String path)
Set the path of this builder overriding all existing path and path segment values.
UriComponentsBuilderreplaceQuery(@Nullable String query)
Set the query of this builder overriding all existing query parameters.
UriComponentsBuilderreplaceQueryParam(String name, Object... values)
Set the query parameter values overriding all existing query values for the same parameter.
UriComponentsBuilderscheme(@Nullable String scheme)
Set the URI scheme.