Java org.springframework.web.socket.messaging WebSocketStompClient fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.web.socket.messaging WebSocketStompClient fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.web.socket.messaging WebSocketStompClient.

The text is from its open source code.



ListenableFutureconnect(String url, @Nullable WebSocketHttpHeaders handshakeHeaders, StompSessionHandler handler, Object... uriVariables)
An overloaded version of #connect(String,StompSessionHandler,Object) that also accepts WebSocketHttpHeaders to use for the WebSocket handshake.
ListenableFutureconnect(URI url, @Nullable WebSocketHttpHeaders handshakeHeaders, @Nullable StompHeaders connectHeaders, StompSessionHandler sessionHandler)
An overloaded version of #connect(String,WebSocketHttpHeaders,StompSessionHandler,Object) that accepts a fully prepared .
voidsetDefaultHeartbeat(long[] heartbeat)
Configure the default value for the "heart-beat" header of the STOMP CONNECT frame.
voidsetMessageConverter(MessageConverter messageConverter)
Set the MessageConverter to use to convert the payload of incoming and outgoing messages to and from byte[] based on object type and the "content-type" header.
voidsetTaskScheduler(@Nullable TaskScheduler taskScheduler)

Also automatically sets the #setDefaultHeartbeat defaultHeartbeat property to "10000,10000" if it is currently set to "0,0".