Java org.springframework.web.util WebUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java org.springframework.web.util WebUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for org.springframework.web.util WebUtils.

The text is from its open source code.


org.springframework.web.util.WebUtils has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


Standard Servlet 2.3+ spec request attribute for include request URI.
Standard Servlet 2.3+ spec request attribute for include context path.
Standard Servlet 2.3+ spec request attribute for include servlet path.
Standard Servlet 2.3+ spec request attribute for include path info.
Standard Servlet 2.3+ spec request attribute for include query string.
Standard Servlet 2.4+ spec request attribute for forward request URI.
Standard Servlet 2.4+ spec request attribute for forward context path.
Standard Servlet 2.4+ spec request attribute for forward servlet path.
Standard Servlet 2.4+ spec request attribute for forward path info.
Standard Servlet 2.4+ spec request attribute for forward query string.
Standard Servlet 2.3+ spec request attribute for error page status code.
Standard Servlet 2.3+ spec request attribute for error page exception type.
Standard Servlet 2.3+ spec request attribute for error page message.
Standard Servlet 2.3+ spec request attribute for error page exception.
Standard Servlet 2.3+ spec request attribute for error page request URI.
Standard Servlet 2.3+ spec request attribute for error page servlet name.
Prefix of the charset clause in a content type String: ";charset=".
Default character encoding to use when request.getCharacterEncoding returns null , according to the Servlet spec.
Standard Servlet spec context attribute that specifies a temporary directory for the current web application, of type .
Default web app root key: "webapp.root".
Name suffixes in case of image buttons.
Key for the mutex session attribute.


voidclearErrorRequestAttributes(HttpServletRequest request)
Clear the Servlet spec's error attributes as javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest attributes under the keys defined in the Servlet 2.3 specification: javax.servlet.error.status_code , javax.servlet.error.exception_type , javax.servlet.error.message , javax.servlet.error.exception , javax.servlet.error.request_uri , javax.servlet.error.servlet_name .
voidexposeErrorRequestAttributes(HttpServletRequest request, Throwable ex, @Nullable String servletName)
Expose the Servlet spec's error attributes as javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest attributes under the keys defined in the Servlet 2.3 specification, for error pages that are rendered directly rather than through the Servlet container's error page resolution: javax.servlet.error.status_code , javax.servlet.error.exception_type , javax.servlet.error.message , javax.servlet.error.exception , javax.servlet.error.request_uri , javax.servlet.error.servlet_name .
StringfindParameterValue(ServletRequest request, String name)
Obtain a named parameter from the given request parameters.
StringfindParameterValue(Map parameters, String name)
Obtain a named parameter from the given request parameters.
CookiegetCookie(HttpServletRequest request, String name)
Retrieve the first cookie with the given name.
TgetNativeRequest(ServletRequest request, @Nullable Class requiredType)
Return an appropriate request object of the specified type, if available, unwrapping the given request as far as necessary.
TgetNativeResponse(ServletResponse response, @Nullable Class requiredType)
Return an appropriate response object of the specified type, if available, unwrapping the given response as far as necessary.
MapgetParametersStartingWith(ServletRequest request, @Nullable String prefix)
Return a map containing all parameters with the given prefix.
StringgetRealPath(ServletContext servletContext, String path)
Return the real path of the given path within the web application, as provided by the servlet container.
ObjectgetSessionAttribute(HttpServletRequest request, String name)
Check the given request for a session attribute of the given name.
ObjectgetSessionMutex(HttpSession session)
Return the best available mutex for the given session: that is, an object to synchronize on for the given session.
FilegetTempDir(ServletContext servletContext)
Return the temporary directory for the current web application, as provided by the servlet container.
booleanhasSubmitParameter(ServletRequest request, String name)
Check if a specific input type="submit" parameter was sent in the request, either via a button (directly with name) or via an image (name + ".x" or name + ".y").
booleanisIncludeRequest(ServletRequest request)
Determine whether the given request is an include request, that is, not a top-level HTTP request coming in from the outside.
booleanisSameOrigin(HttpRequest request)
Check if the request is a same-origin one, based on Origin , Host , Forwarded , X-Forwarded-Proto , X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Port headers.
booleanisValidOrigin(HttpRequest request, Collection allowedOrigins)
Check the given request origin against a list of allowed origins.
voidremoveWebAppRootSystemProperty(ServletContext servletContext)
Remove the system property that points to the web app root directory.
voidsetSessionAttribute(HttpServletRequest request, String name, @Nullable Object value)
Set the session attribute with the given name to the given value.
voidsetWebAppRootSystemProperty(ServletContext servletContext)
Set a system property to the web application root directory.