Example usage for org.w3c.dom Element getAttributes

List of usage examples for org.w3c.dom Element getAttributes


In this page you can find the example usage for org.w3c.dom Element getAttributes.


public NamedNodeMap getAttributes();

Source Link


A NamedNodeMap containing the attributes of this node (if it is an Element) or null otherwise.


From source file:com.portfolio.data.provider.MysqlDataProvider.java

public Object postUser(String in, int userId) throws Exception {
    if (!credential.isAdmin(userId))
        throw new RestWebApplicationException(Status.FORBIDDEN, "No admin right");

    String result = null;/*from   w w  w . j a  va  2s  . co m*/
    String login = null;
    String firstname = null;
    String lastname = null;
    String label = null;
    String password = null;
    String active = "1";
    Integer uuid = 0;
    Integer newId = 0;

    //On prepare les requetes SQL
    PreparedStatement stInsert;
    String sqlInsert;

    //On recupere le body
    Document doc = DomUtils.xmlString2Document(in, new StringBuffer());
    Element etu = doc.getDocumentElement();

    //On verifie le bon format
    if (etu.getNodeName().equals("user")) {
        //On recupere les attributs
        try {
            if (etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("uid") != null) {
                login = etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("uid").getNodeValue();

                if (getMysqlUserUid(login) != null) {
                    uuid = Integer.parseInt(getMysqlUserUid(login));
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        try {
            if (etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("firstname") != null) {
                firstname = etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("firstname").getNodeValue();
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        try {
            if (etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("lastname") != null) {
                lastname = etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("lastname").getNodeValue();
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        try {
            if (etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("label") != null) {
                label = etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("label").getNodeValue();
        } catch (Exception ex) {

        try {
            if (etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("password") != null) {
                password = etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("password").getNodeValue();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
            if (etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("active") != null) {
                active = etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("active").getNodeValue();
        } catch (Exception ex) {

    } else {
        result = "Erreur lors de la recuperation des attributs de l'utilisateur dans le XML";

    //On ajoute l'utilisateur dans la base de donnees
    if (etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("firstname") != null
            && etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("lastname") != null
            && etu.getAttributes().getNamedItem("label") == null) {

        sqlInsert = "REPLACE INTO credential(userid, login, display_firstname, display_lastname, password, active) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, UNHEX(SHA1(?)),?)";
        stInsert = connection.prepareStatement(sqlInsert, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
        if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sqlInsert = "MERGE INTO credential d USING (SELECT ? userid,? login,? display_firstname,? display_lastname,crypt(?) password,? active FROM DUAL) s ON (d.userid=s.userid) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET d.login=s.login, d.display_firstname = s.display_firstname, d.display_lastname = s.display_lastname, d.password = s.password, d.active = s.active WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (d.userid, d.login, d.display_firstname, d.display_lastname, d.password, d.active) VALUES (s.userid, s.login, s.display_firstname, s.display_lastname, s.password, s.active)";
            stInsert = connection.prepareStatement(sqlInsert, new String[] { "userid" });
        stInsert.setInt(1, uuid);
        stInsert.setString(2, login);
        stInsert.setString(3, firstname);
        stInsert.setString(4, lastname);
        stInsert.setString(5, password);
        stInsert.setString(6, active);
    } else {
        sqlInsert = "REPLACE INTO credential(userid, login, display_firstname, display_lastname, password, active) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, UNHEX(SHA1(?)),?)";
        stInsert = connection.prepareStatement(sqlInsert, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
        if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sqlInsert = "MERGE INTO credential d USING (SELECT ? userid,? login,? display_firstname,? display_lastname,crypt(?) password,? active FROM DUAL) s ON (d.userid=s.userid) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET d.login=s.login, d.display_firstname = s.display_firstname, d.display_lastname = s.display_lastname, d.password = s.password, d.active = s.active WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (d.userid, d.login, d.display_firstname, d.display_lastname, d.password, d.active) VALUES (s.userid, s.login, s.display_firstname, s.display_lastname, s.password, s.active)";
            stInsert = connection.prepareStatement(sqlInsert, new String[] { "userid" });
        stInsert.setInt(1, uuid);
        stInsert.setString(2, login);
        stInsert.setString(3, " ");
        stInsert.setString(4, label);
        stInsert.setString(5, password);
        stInsert.setString(6, active);

    ResultSet rs = stInsert.getGeneratedKeys();
    if (rs.next()) {
        newId = rs.getInt(1);

    //On renvoie le body pour qu'il soit stock dans le log
    result = "<user ";
    result += DomUtils.getXmlAttributeOutput("uid", login) + " ";
    result += DomUtils.getXmlAttributeOutput("firstname", firstname) + " ";
    result += DomUtils.getXmlAttributeOutput("lastname", lastname) + " ";
    result += DomUtils.getXmlAttributeOutput("label", label) + " ";
    result += DomUtils.getXmlAttributeOutput("password", password) + " ";
    result += DomUtils.getXmlAttributeOutputInt("uuid", newId) + " ";
    result += ">";
    result += "</user>";

    return result;

From source file:com.portfolio.data.provider.MysqlDataProvider.java


@Override//w w w  . ja v  a2 s .c o  m
public String postMacroOnNode(int userId, String nodeUuid, String macroName) {
    String val = "erreur";
    String sql = "";
    PreparedStatement st;
    /// SELECT grid, role, RD,WR,DL,AD,types_id,rules_id FROM rule_table rt LEFT JOIN group_right_info gri ON rt.role=gri.label LEFT JOIN node n ON n.portfolio_id=gri.portfolio_id WHERE rule_id=1 AND n.node_uuid=uuid2bin('d48cafa1-5180-4c83-9e22-5d4d45bbf6e2');
    /// SELECT grid,bin2uuid(id),RD,WR,DL,SB,AD,types_id,rules_id FROM group_rights WHERE id=uuid2bin('d48cafa1-5180-4c83-9e22-5d4d45bbf6e2');

    // If admin
    // and reset is called

    try {
        /// Pour retrouver les enfants du noeud et affecter les droits
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc_nodeid(" + "uuid binary(16) UNIQUE NOT NULL, "
                    + "t_level INT) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            String v_sql = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc_nodeid(" + "uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, "
                    + "t_level NUMBER(10,0)"
                    + ",  CONSTRAINT t_struc_nodeid_UK_uuid UNIQUE (uuid)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
            sql = "{call create_or_empty_table('t_struc_nodeid','" + v_sql + "')}";
            CallableStatement ocs = connection.prepareCall(sql);

        // En double car on ne peut pas faire d'update/select d'une mme table temporaire
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc_nodeid_2(" + "uuid binary(16) UNIQUE NOT NULL, "
                    + "t_level INT) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            String v_sql = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc_nodeid_2(" + "uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, "
                    + "t_level NUMBER(10,0)"
                    + ",  CONSTRAINT t_struc_nodeid_2_UK_uuid UNIQUE (uuid)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
            sql = "{call create_or_empty_table('t_struc_nodeid_2','" + v_sql + "')}";
            CallableStatement ocs = connection.prepareCall(sql);

        /// Dans la table temporaire on retrouve les noeuds concerns
        /// (assure une convergence de la rcursion et limite le nombre de lignes dans la recherche)
        /// Init table
        sql = "INSERT INTO t_struc_nodeid(uuid, t_level) " + "SELECT n.node_uuid, 0 " + "FROM node n "
                + "WHERE n.node_uuid=uuid2bin(?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, nodeUuid);

        //         /*
        /// On boucle, rcursion par niveau
        int level = 0;
        int added = 1;
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO t_struc_nodeid_2(uuid, t_level) ";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index(t_struc_nodeid_2,t_struc_nodeid_2_UK_uuid)*/ INTO t_struc_nodeid_2(uuid, t_level) ";
        sql += "SELECT n.node_uuid, ? "
                + "FROM node n WHERE n.node_parent_uuid IN (SELECT uuid FROM t_struc_nodeid t "
                + "WHERE t.t_level=?)";

        String sqlTemp = null;
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sqlTemp = "INSERT IGNORE INTO t_struc_nodeid SELECT * FROM t_struc_nodeid_2;";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sqlTemp = "INSERT INTO t_struc_nodeid SELECT * FROM t_struc_nodeid_2";
        PreparedStatement stTemp = connection.prepareStatement(sqlTemp);

        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        while (added != 0) {
            st.setInt(1, level + 1);
            st.setInt(2, level);
            added = stTemp.executeUpdate(); // On s'arrte quand rien  t ajout
            level = level + 1; // Prochaine tape

        /// Selection du grid de l'utilisateur
        sql = "SELECT gr.grid, gi.label " + "FROM group_rights gr, group_info gi, group_user gu "
                + "WHERE gr.grid=gi.grid AND gi.gid=gu.gid AND gu.userid=? AND gr.id=uuid2bin(?) AND NOT gi.label=\"all\"";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setInt(1, userId);
        st.setString(2, nodeUuid);
        ResultSet res = st.executeQuery();
        /// res.getFetchSize() retourne 0, mme avec un bon rsultat
        int grid = 0;
        String grlabl = "";
        if (res.next()) {
            grid = res.getInt("grid");
            grlabl = res.getString("label");

        // Fetch metadata
        sql = "SELECT metadata_wad FROM node WHERE node_uuid=uuid2bin(?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, nodeUuid);
        res = st.executeQuery();
        String meta = "";
        if (res.next())
            meta = res.getString("metadata_wad");

        // Parse it, for the amount of manipulation we do, it will be simpler than find/replace
        DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
        meta = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><metadata-wad " + meta + "></metadata-wad>";
        System.out.println("ACTION OUT: " + meta);
        InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(meta));
        Document doc = documentBuilder.parse(is);
        Element rootMeta = doc.getDocumentElement();
        boolean doUpdate = true;

        NamedNodeMap metaAttr = rootMeta.getAttributes();
        if ("reset".equals(macroName) && credential.isAdmin(userId)) {
            /// if reset and admin
            // Call specific function to process current temporary table
        } else if ("show".equals(macroName) || "hide".equals(macroName)) {
            /// FIXME: Could only change the needed rights
            // Check if current group can show stuff
            String roles = metaAttr.getNamedItem("showroles").getNodeValue();
            if (roles.contains(grlabl)) // Can activate it
                String showto = metaAttr.getNamedItem("showtoroles").getNodeValue();
                showto = showto.replace(" ", "\",\"");
                showto = "(\"" + showto + "\")";

                //// Il faut qu'il y a un showtorole
                if (!"(\"\")".equals(showto)) {
                    // Update rights
                    /// Ajoute/remplace les droits
                    // FIXME: Je crois que quelque chose manque
                    sql = "INSERT INTO group_rights(grid, id, RD, WR, DL, AD, types_id, rules_id) "
                            + "SELECT gr.grid, gr.id, ?, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL "
                            + "FROM group_right_info gri, group_rights gr " + "WHERE gri.label IN " + showto
                            + " AND gri.grid=gr.grid AND gr.id IN (SELECT uuid FROM t_struc_nodeid) "
                            + "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE RD=?, WR=gr.WR, DL=gr.DL, AD=gr.AD, types_id=gr.types_id, rules_id=gr.rules_id";

                    if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
                        sql = "MERGE INTO group_rights d USING (SELECT gr.grid, gr.id, ? RD, 0 WR, 0 DL, 0 AD, NULL types_id, NULL rules_id FROM group_right_info gri, group_rights gr WHERE gri.label IN "
                                + showto
                                + " AND gri.grid=gr.grid AND gr.id IN (SELECT uuid FROM t_struc_nodeid)) s WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET d.RD=?, d.WR=gr.WR, d.DL=gr.DL, d.AD=gr.AD, d.types_id=gr.types_id, d.rules_id=gr.rules_id WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (d.grid, d.id, d.RD, d.WR, d.DL, d.AD, d.types_id, d.rules_id) VALUES (s.grid, s.id, s.RD, s.WR, s.DL, s.AD, s.types_id, s.rules_id)";
                    st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                    if ("hide".equals(macroName)) {
                        st.setInt(1, 0);
                        st.setInt(2, 0);
                    } else if ("show".equals(macroName)) {
                        st.setInt(1, 1);
                        st.setInt(2, 1);
                    //            st.setString(2, showto);

                    Node isPriv = metaAttr.getNamedItem("private");
                    // Update local string
                    if ("hide".equals(macroName))
                    else if ("show".equals(macroName))

            // Update DB
            if (doUpdate) {
                meta = DomUtils.getNodeAttributesString(rootMeta);
                System.out.println("META: " + meta);

                sql = "UPDATE node SET metadata_wad=? WHERE node_uuid=uuid2bin(?)";
                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                st.setString(1, meta);
                st.setString(2, nodeUuid);

        } else if ("submit".equals(macroName)) {
            System.out.println("ACTION: " + macroName + " grid: " + grid + " -> uuid: " + nodeUuid);
            // Update rights
            /// Ajoute/remplace les droits
            // FIXME: Je crois que quelque chose manque
            sql = "INSERT INTO group_rights(grid, id, RD, WR, DL, AD, SB, types_id, rules_id) "
                    + "SELECT gr.grid, gr.id, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL " + "FROM group_rights gr "
                    + "WHERE gr.id IN (SELECT uuid FROM t_struc_nodeid) "
                    + "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE RD=1, WR=0, DL=0, AD=0, SB=0, types_id=null, rules_id=null";

            if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
                sql = "MERGE INTO group_rights d USING (SELECT gr.grid, gr.id, 1 RD, 0 WR, 0 DL, 0 AD, 0 SB, NULL types_id, NULL rules_id FROM group_rights gr WHERE gr.id IN (SELECT uuid FROM t_struc_nodeid)) s WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET d.RD=1, d.WR=0, d.DL=0, d.AD=0, d.SB=0, d.types_id=s.types_id, d.rules_id=s.rules_id WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (d.grid, d.id, d.RD, d.WR, d.DL, d.AD, d.SB, d.types_id, d.rules_id) VALUES (s.grid, s.id, s.RD, s.WR, s.DL, s.AD, s.SB, s.types_id, s.rules_id)";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

            /// Vrifie le showtoroles
            String showto = metaAttr.getNamedItem("showtoroles").getNodeValue();
            showto = showto.replace(" ", "\",\"");
            showto = "(\"" + showto + "\")";

            //// Il faut qu'il y a un showtorole
            System.out.println("SHOWTO: " + showto);
            if (!"(\"\")".equals(showto)) {
                System.out.println("SHOWING TO: " + showto);
                // Update rights
                /// Ajoute/remplace les droits
                // FIXME: Je crois que quelque chose manque
                sql = "INSERT INTO group_rights(grid, id, RD, WR, DL, AD, types_id, rules_id) "
                        + "SELECT gri.grid, gr.id, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL "
                        + "FROM group_right_info gri, group_rights gr " + "WHERE gri.label IN " + showto + " "
                        + "AND gri.portfolio_id=(" + "SELECT portfolio_id FROM node "
                        + "WHERE node_uuid=uuid2bin(?)) " + "AND gr.id IN (SELECT uuid FROM t_struc_nodeid) "
                        + "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE RD=1, WR=gr.WR, DL=gr.DL, AD=gr.AD, types_id=gr.types_id, rules_id=gr.rules_id";

                if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
                    sql = "MERGE INTO group_rights d USING (SELECT gri.grid, n.node_uuid, rt.RD, rt.WR, rt.DL, rt.AD, rt.types_id, rt.rules_id FROM rule_table rt LEFT JOIN group_right_info gri ON rt.role=gri.label LEFT JOIN node n ON n.portfolio_id=gri.portfolio_id WHERE rt.rule_id=? AND n.node_uuid IN (SELECT uuid FROM t_struc_nodeid)) s ON (d.grid = s.grid AND d.id = s.id) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET d.RD=rt.RD, d.WR=rt.WR, d.DL=rt.DL, d.AD=rt.AD, d.types_id=rt.types_id, d.rules_id=rt.rules_id WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (d.grid, d.id, d.RD, d.WR, d.DL, d.AD, d.types_id, d.rules_id) VALUES (s.grid, s.id, s.RD, s.WR, s.DL, s.AD, s.types_id, s.rules_id)";
                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                st.setString(1, nodeUuid);

                //               Node isPriv = metaAttr.getNamedItem("private");
                //               isPriv.setNodeValue("Y");

        val = "OK";
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        try {
            // Les 'pooled connection' ne se ferment pas vraiment. On nettoie manuellement les tables temporaires...
            if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
                sql = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS t_struc_nodeid, t_struc_nodeid_2";
                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        } catch (SQLException e) {

    return val;

From source file:com.portfolio.data.provider.MysqlDataProvider.java

public String resetRights() {
    try {/*from  ww w  .ja v  a  2s  .  c  om*/
        /// temp class
        class right {
            int rd = 0;
            int wr = 0;
            int dl = 0;
            int sb = 0;
            int ad = 0;
            String types = "";
            String rules = "";
            String notify = "";

        class groupright {
            right getGroup(String label) {
                right r = rights.get(label.trim());
                if (r == null) {
                    r = new right();
                    rights.put(label, r);
                return r;

            void setNotify(String roles) {
                Iterator<right> iter = rights.values().iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    right r = iter.next();
                    r.notify = roles.trim();

            HashMap<String, right> rights = new HashMap<String, right>();

        class resolver {
            groupright getUuid(String uuid) {
                groupright gr = resolve.get(uuid);
                if (gr == null) {
                    gr = new groupright();
                    resolve.put(uuid, gr);
                return gr;

            HashMap<String, groupright> resolve = new HashMap<String, groupright>();
            HashMap<String, Integer> groups = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

        resolver resolve = new resolver();

        /// t_struc is already populated with the uuid we have to reset
        String sql = "SELECT bin2uuid(n.node_uuid) AS uuid, bin2uuid(n.portfolio_id) AS puuid, n.metadata, n.metadata_wad, n.metadata_epm "
                + "FROM t_struc t, node n WHERE t.uuid=n.node_uuid";
        PreparedStatement st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        ResultSet res = st.executeQuery();

        DocumentBuilder documentBuilder;
        DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
        while (res.next()) // TODO Maybe pre-process into temp table
            String uuid = res.getString("uuid");
            String meta = res.getString("metadata_wad");
            String nodeString = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?><transfer " + meta
                    + "/>";

            groupright role = resolve.getUuid(uuid);

            try {
                /// parse meta
                InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(nodeString));
                Document doc = documentBuilder.parse(is);

                /// Process attributes
                Element attribNode = doc.getDocumentElement();
                NamedNodeMap attribMap = attribNode.getAttributes();

                String nodeRole;
                Node att = attribMap.getNamedItem("access");
                if (att != null) {
                    //if(access.equalsIgnoreCase("public") || access.contains("public"))
                    //   credential.postGroupRight("all",uuid,Credential.READ,portfolioUuid,userId);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("seenoderoles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();

                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.rd = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("showtoroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();

                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.rd = 0;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("delnoderoles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {

                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.dl = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("editnoderoles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.wr = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("submitnoderoles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.sb = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("seeresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.rd = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("delresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.dl = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("editresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.wr = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("submitresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.sb = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                Node actionroles = attribMap.getNamedItem("actionroles");
                if (actionroles != null) {
                    /// Format pour l'instant: actionroles="sender:1,2;responsable:4"
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(actionroles.getNodeValue(), ";");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        StringTokenizer data = new StringTokenizer(nodeRole, ":");
                        String nrole = data.nextElement().toString();
                        String actions = data.nextElement().toString().trim();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nrole);
                        r.rules = actions;

                        resolve.groups.put(nrole, 0);
                Node menuroles = attribMap.getNamedItem("menuroles");
                if (menuroles != null) {
                    /// Pour les diffrents items du menu
                    StringTokenizer menuline = new StringTokenizer(menuroles.getNodeValue(), ";");

                    while (menuline.hasMoreTokens()) {
                        String line = menuline.nextToken();
                        /// Format pour l'instant: mi6-parts,mission,Ajouter une mission,secret_agent
                        StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(line, ",");
                        String menurolename = null;
                        for (int t = 0; t < 4; ++t)
                            menurolename = tokens.nextToken();

                        if (menurolename != null)
                            resolve.groups.put(menurolename.trim(), 0);
                Node notifyroles = attribMap.getNamedItem("notifyroles");
                if (notifyroles != null) {
                    /// Format pour l'instant: notifyroles="sender responsable"
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(notifyroles.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    String merge = "";
                    if (tokens.hasMoreElements())
                        merge = tokens.nextElement().toString().trim();
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements())
                        merge += "," + tokens.nextElement().toString().trim();

            } catch (Exception e) {


        /// On insre les donnes pr-compil
        //         Iterator<String> entries = resolve.groups.keySet().iterator();

        /// Ajout des droits des noeuds FIXME
        // portfolio, group name, id -> rights
        String updateRight = "UPDATE group_rights gr, group_right_info gri SET gr.RD=?, gr.WR=?, gr.DL=?, gr.SB=?, gr.AD=?, gr.types_id=?, gr.rules_id=?, gr.notify_roles=? "
                + "WHERE gri.grid=gr.grid AND gri.label=? AND gr.id=uuid2bin(?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(updateRight);

        Iterator<Entry<String, groupright>> rights = resolve.resolve.entrySet().iterator();
        while (rights.hasNext()) {
            Entry<String, groupright> entry = rights.next();
            String uuid = entry.getKey();
            groupright gr = entry.getValue();

            Iterator<Entry<String, right>> rightiter = gr.rights.entrySet().iterator();
            while (rightiter.hasNext()) {
                Entry<String, right> rightelem = rightiter.next();
                String group = rightelem.getKey();
                //               int grid = resolve.groups.get(group);
                right rightval = rightelem.getValue();
                st.setInt(1, rightval.rd);
                st.setInt(2, rightval.wr);
                st.setInt(3, rightval.dl);
                st.setInt(4, rightval.sb);
                st.setInt(5, rightval.ad);
                st.setString(6, rightval.types);
                st.setString(7, rightval.rules);
                st.setString(8, rightval.notify);
                st.setString(9, group);
                st.setString(10, uuid);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            if (connection.getAutoCommit() == false)
        } catch (SQLException e1) {
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {

    return null;

From source file:com.portfolio.data.provider.MysqlDataProvider.java

public Object postImportNode(MimeType inMimeType, String destUuid, String tag, String code, int userId,
        int groupId) throws Exception {
    if ("".equals(tag) || tag == null || "".equals(code) || code == null)
        return "erreur";

    String sql = "";
    PreparedStatement st;//ww w  . j  av  a2  s  . c o m
    String createdUuid = "erreur";

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long t1=0; long t2=0; long t3=0; long t4=0; long t5=0;
    long t6=0; long t7=0; long t8=0; long t9=0; long t10=0;
    long t11=0; long t12=0; long t13=0; long t14=0; long t15=0;
    long t16=0; long t17=0; long t18=0; long t19=0; long t20=0;
    long t21=0; long t22=0;
    long end=0;

    try {
        /// On retrouve le uuid du noeud de base dont le tag est inclus dans le code et est actif
        sql = "SELECT bin2uuid(n2.node_uuid) AS nUuid, bin2uuid(n2.portfolio_id) AS pUuid " + "FROM node n1 "
                + "LEFT JOIN node n2 ON n1.portfolio_id=n2.portfolio_id "
                + "LEFT JOIN portfolio p ON p.portfolio_id=n2.portfolio_id "
                + "WHERE n2.semantictag=? AND n1.code=? " + "AND p.active =1";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, tag);
        st.setString(2, code);
        ResultSet res = st.executeQuery();
        String baseUuid = "";
        String pUuid = "";
        if (res.next()) // On prend le premier, trs chic pour l'utilisateur...
            baseUuid = res.getString("nUuid");
            pUuid = res.getString("pUuid");
        } else
            return "Selection non existante.";

        //         t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        ///// Cration des tables temporaires
        /// Pour la copie de la structure
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_data_node(" + "new_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, " + /// Pour la copie d'une nouvelle structure
                    "node_uuid binary(16)  NOT NULL, " + "node_parent_uuid binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, " +
                    //                  "node_children_uuid blob, " +
                    "node_order int(12) NOT NULL, " +
                    //                  "metadata text NOT NULL, " +
                    //                  "metadata_wad text NOT NULL, " +
                    //                  "metadata_epm text NOT NULL, " +
                    "res_node_uuid binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, " + "res_res_node_uuid binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "res_context_node_uuid binary(16)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "shared_res int(1) NOT NULL, "
                    + "shared_node int(1) NOT NULL, " + "shared_node_res int(1) NOT NULL, "
                    + "shared_res_uuid BINARY(16)  NULL, " + "shared_node_uuid BINARY(16) NULL, "
                    + "shared_node_res_uuid BINARY(16) NULL, " + "asm_type varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "xsi_type varchar(50)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "semtag varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "semantictag varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, " + "label varchar(250)  DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "code varchar(250)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "descr varchar(250)  DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "format varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, " + "modif_user_id int(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "modif_date timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "portfolio_id binary(16) DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            String v_sql = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_data_node(" + "new_uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + /// Pour la copie d'une nouvelle structure
                    "node_uuid RAW(16)  NOT NULL, " + "node_parent_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, " +
                    //                      "node_children_uuid CLOB, " +
                    "node_order NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, " +
                    //                      "metadata CLOB DEFAULT NULL, " +
                    //                      "metadata_wad CLOB DEFAULT NULL, " +
                    //                      "metadata_epm CLOB DEFAULT NULL, " +
                    "res_node_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, " + "res_res_node_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "res_context_node_uuid RAW(16)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "shared_res NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, "
                    + "shared_node NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, " + "shared_node_res NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, "
                    + "shared_res_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, " + "shared_node_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "shared_node_res_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "asm_type VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) DEFAULT NULL, " + "xsi_type VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)  DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "semtag VARCHAR2(250 CHAR) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "semantictag VARCHAR2(250 CHAR) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "label VARCHAR2(250 CHAR)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "code VARCHAR2(250 CHAR)  DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "descr VARCHAR2(250 CHAR)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "format VARCHAR2(30 CHAR) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "modif_user_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, " + "modif_date timestamp DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "portfolio_id RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
            sql = "{call create_or_empty_table('t_data_node','" + v_sql + "')}";
            CallableStatement ocs = connection.prepareCall(sql);

        //         t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// Pour la copie des donnes
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_res_node(" + "new_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, " + /// Pour la copie d'une nouvelle structure
                    "node_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, " + "xsi_type varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, " +
                    //                  "content text, " +
                    "user_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, " + "modif_user_id int(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "modif_date timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            String v_sql = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_res_node(" + "new_uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + /// Pour la copie d'une nouvelle structure
                    "node_uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + "xsi_type VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) DEFAULT NULL, " +
                    //                      "content CLOB, " +
                    "user_id NUMBER(11) DEFAULT NULL, " + "modif_user_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "modif_date timestamp DEFAULT NULL) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
            sql = "{call create_or_empty_table('t_res_node','" + v_sql + "')}";
            CallableStatement ocs = connection.prepareCall(sql);

        //         t3 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// Pour le filtrage de la structure
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc(" + "node_order int(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "new_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, " + "uuid binary(16) UNIQUE NOT NULL, "
                    + "node_parent_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, "
                    + "t_level INT) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            String v_sql = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc(" + "node_order NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "new_uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + "uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + "node_parent_uuid RAW(16), "
                    + "t_level NUMBER(10,0)"
                    + ",  CONSTRAINT t_struc_UK_uuid UNIQUE (uuid)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
            sql = "{call create_or_empty_table('t_struc','" + v_sql + "')}";
            CallableStatement ocs = connection.prepareCall(sql);

        //         t4 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // En double car on ne peut pas faire d'update/select d'une mme table temporaire
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc_2(" + "node_order int(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "new_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, " + "uuid binary(16) UNIQUE NOT NULL, "
                    + "node_parent_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, "
                    + "t_level INT) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            String v_sql = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc_2(" + "node_order NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "new_uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + "uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + "node_parent_uuid RAW(16), "
                    + "t_level NUMBER(10,0)"
                    + ",  CONSTRAINT t_struc_2_UK_uuid UNIQUE (uuid)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
            sql = "{call create_or_empty_table('t_struc_2','" + v_sql + "')}";
            CallableStatement ocs = connection.prepareCall(sql);

        //         t5 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// Copie de la structure
        sql = "INSERT INTO t_data_node(new_uuid, node_uuid, node_parent_uuid, node_order, res_node_uuid, res_res_node_uuid, res_context_node_uuid , shared_res, shared_node, shared_node_res, shared_res_uuid, shared_node_uuid, shared_node_res_uuid, asm_type, xsi_type, semtag, semantictag, label, code, descr, format, modif_user_id, modif_date, portfolio_id) ";
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql += "SELECT uuid2bin(UUID()), ";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql += "SELECT sys_guid(), ";
        sql += "node_uuid, node_parent_uuid, node_order, res_node_uuid, res_res_node_uuid, res_context_node_uuid , shared_res, shared_node, shared_node_res, shared_res_uuid, shared_node_uuid, shared_node_res_uuid, asm_type, xsi_type, semtag, semantictag, label, code, descr, format, modif_user_id, modif_date, portfolio_id "
                + "FROM node n " + "WHERE portfolio_id=uuid2bin(?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, pUuid);

        //         t6 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// Dans la table temporaire on retrouve les noeuds concerns
        /// (assure une convergence de la rcursion et limite le nombre de lignes dans la recherche)
        /// Init table
        sql = "INSERT INTO t_struc(node_order, new_uuid, uuid, node_parent_uuid, t_level) "
                + "SELECT d.node_order, d.new_uuid, d.node_uuid, uuid2bin(?), 0 " + "FROM t_data_node d "
                + "WHERE d.node_uuid=uuid2bin(?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, destUuid); // Pour le branchement avec la structure de destination
        st.setString(2, baseUuid);

        //         t7 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// On boucle, sera toujours <=  "nombre de noeud du portfolio"
        int level = 0;
        int added = 1;
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO t_struc_2(node_order, new_uuid, uuid, node_parent_uuid, t_level) ";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index(t_struc_2,t_struc_2_UK_uuid)*/ INTO t_struc_2(node_order, new_uuid, uuid, node_parent_uuid, t_level) ";
        sql += "SELECT d.node_order, d.new_uuid, d.node_uuid, d.node_parent_uuid, ? "
                + "FROM t_data_node d WHERE d.node_parent_uuid IN (SELECT uuid FROM t_struc t "
                + "WHERE t.t_level=?)";

        String sqlTemp = null;
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sqlTemp = "INSERT IGNORE INTO t_struc SELECT * FROM t_struc_2;";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sqlTemp = "INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index(t_struc,t_struc_UK_uuid)*/ INTO t_struc SELECT * FROM t_struc_2";
        PreparedStatement stTemp = connection.prepareStatement(sqlTemp);

        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        while (added != 0) {
            st.setInt(1, level + 1);
            st.setInt(2, level);
            added = stTemp.executeUpdate(); // On s'arrte quand rien  t ajout
            level = level + 1; // Prochaine tape

        //         t8 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// On retire les lments null, a pose problme par la suite
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "DELETE FROM t_struc WHERE new_uuid=0x0000000000000000000000000000000";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "DELETE FROM t_struc WHERE new_uuid='00000000000000000000000000000000'";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        //         t9 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// On filtre les donnes dont on a pas besoin
        sql = "DELETE FROM t_data_node WHERE node_uuid NOT IN (SELECT uuid FROM t_struc)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        //         t10 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        ///// FIXME TODO: Vrifier les droits sur les donnes restantes

        /// Copie des donnes non partags (shared=0)
        sql = "INSERT INTO t_res_node(new_uuid, node_uuid, xsi_type, user_id, modif_user_id, modif_date) ";
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql += "SELECT uuid2bin(UUID()), ";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql += "SELECT sys_guid(), ";
        sql += "r.node_uuid, r.xsi_type, r.user_id, r.modif_user_id, r.modif_date "
                + "FROM t_data_node d, resource_table r " + "WHERE (d.res_node_uuid=r.node_uuid "
                + "OR res_res_node_uuid=r.node_uuid " + "OR res_context_node_uuid=r.node_uuid) "
                + "AND (shared_res=0 OR shared_node=0 OR shared_node_res=0)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        //         t11 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// Rsolution des nouveaux uuid avec les parents
        // Avec la structure
        sql = "UPDATE t_data_node t "
                + "SET t.node_parent_uuid = (SELECT new_uuid FROM t_struc s WHERE s.uuid=t.node_parent_uuid)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        //         t12 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Avec les ressources
        sql = "UPDATE t_data_node t "
                + "SET t.res_node_uuid = (SELECT new_uuid FROM t_res_node r WHERE r.node_uuid= t.res_node_uuid)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        //         t13 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        sql = "UPDATE t_data_node t "
                + "SET t.res_res_node_uuid = (SELECT new_uuid FROM t_res_node r WHERE r.node_uuid= t.res_res_node_uuid)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        //         t14 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        sql = "UPDATE t_data_node t "
                + "SET t.res_context_node_uuid = (SELECT new_uuid FROM t_res_node r WHERE r.node_uuid=t.res_context_node_uuid)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        //         t15 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// Mise  jour du parent de la nouvelle copie ainsi que l'ordre
        sql = "UPDATE t_data_node " + "SET node_parent_uuid=uuid2bin(?), "
                + "node_order=(SELECT COUNT(node_parent_uuid) FROM node WHERE node_parent_uuid=uuid2bin(?)) "
                + "WHERE node_uuid=uuid2bin(?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, destUuid);
        st.setString(2, destUuid);
        st.setString(3, baseUuid);

        //         t16 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Mise  jour de l'appartenance au portfolio de destination
        sql = "UPDATE t_data_node "
                + "SET portfolio_id=(SELECT portfolio_id FROM node WHERE node_uuid=uuid2bin(?))";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, destUuid);

        //         t17 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// On copie tout dans les vrai tables

        /// Structure
        sql = "INSERT INTO node(node_uuid, node_parent_uuid, node_order, metadata, metadata_wad, metadata_epm, res_node_uuid, res_res_node_uuid, res_context_node_uuid, shared_res, shared_node, shared_node_res, shared_res_uuid, shared_node_uuid, shared_node_res_uuid, asm_type, xsi_type, semtag, semantictag, label, code, descr, format, modif_user_id, modif_date, portfolio_id) "
                + "SELECT t.new_uuid, t.node_parent_uuid, t.node_order, n.metadata, n.metadata_wad, n.metadata_epm, t.res_node_uuid, t.res_res_node_uuid, t.res_context_node_uuid, t.shared_res, t.shared_node, t.shared_node_res, t.shared_res_uuid, t.shared_node_uuid, t.shared_node_res_uuid, t.asm_type, t.xsi_type, t.semtag, t.semantictag, t.label, t.code, t.descr, t.format, t.modif_user_id, t.modif_date, t.portfolio_id "
                + "FROM t_data_node t LEFT JOIN node n ON t.node_uuid=n.node_uuid";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        //         t18 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// Resources
        sql = "INSERT INTO resource_table(node_uuid, xsi_type, content, user_id, modif_user_id, modif_date) "
                + "SELECT t.new_uuid, r.xsi_type, r.content, r.user_id, r.modif_user_id, r.modif_date "
                + "FROM t_res_node t LEFT JOIN resource_table r ON t.node_uuid=r.node_uuid";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        //         t19 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// Mise  jour de la liste des enfants
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "UPDATE node d, (" + "SELECT p.node_parent_uuid, "
                    + "GROUP_CONCAT(bin2uuid(p.new_uuid) ORDER BY p.node_order) AS value "
                    + "FROM t_data_node p GROUP BY p.node_parent_uuid) tmp "
                    + "SET d.node_children_uuid=tmp.value " + "WHERE tmp.node_parent_uuid=d.node_uuid";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "UPDATE node d SET d.node_children_uuid=(SELECT value FROM (SELECT p.node_parent_uuid, LISTAGG(bin2uuid(p.new_uuid), ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY p.node_order) AS value FROM t_data_node p GROUP BY p.node_parent_uuid) tmp WHERE tmp.node_parent_uuid=d.node_uuid) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t_data_node WHERE node_parent_uuid=d.node_uuid)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        //         t20 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// Ajout de l'enfant dans la structure originelle
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "UPDATE node n1, ("
                    + "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(bin2uuid(n2.node_uuid) ORDER BY n2.node_order) AS value "
                    + "FROM node n2 " + "WHERE n2.node_parent_uuid=uuid2bin(?) "
                    + "GROUP BY n2.node_parent_uuid) tmp " + "SET n1.node_children_uuid=tmp.value "
                    + "WHERE n1.node_uuid=uuid2bin(?)";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "UPDATE node SET node_children_uuid=(SELECT LISTAGG(bin2uuid(n2.node_uuid), ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY n2.node_order) AS value FROM node n2 WHERE n2.node_parent_uuid=uuid2bin(?) GROUP BY n2.node_parent_uuid) WHERE node_uuid=uuid2bin(?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, destUuid);
        st.setString(2, destUuid);

        //         t21 = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// Parsage des droits des noeuds et initialisation dans la BD
        // Login
        sql = "SELECT login FROM credential c WHERE c.userid=?";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setInt(1, userId);
        res = st.executeQuery();

        String login = "";
        if (res.next())
            login = res.getString("login");

        // Selection des metadonnes
        sql = "SELECT bin2uuid(t.new_uuid) AS uuid, bin2uuid(t.portfolio_id) AS puuid, n.metadata, n.metadata_wad, n.metadata_epm "
                + "FROM t_data_node t LEFT JOIN node n ON t.node_uuid=n.node_uuid";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        res = st.executeQuery();

        while (res.next()) {
            String uuid = res.getString("uuid");
            String portfolioUuid = res.getString("puuid");
            // Process et remplacement de 'user' par la personne en cours
            String meta = res.getString("metadata_wad");

            if (meta.contains("user")) {
                meta = meta.replaceAll("user", login);

                //// FIXME: should be done before with t_data_node
                /// Replace metadata
                sql = "UPDATE node SET metadata_wad=? WHERE node_uuid=uuid2bin(?)";
                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                st.setString(1, meta);
                st.setString(2, uuid);

                /// Ensure specific user group exist
                getRoleByNode(1, destUuid, login);

            String nodeString = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?><transfer " + meta
                    + "/>";
            try {
                /// Ensure we can parse it correctly
                DocumentBuilder documentBuilder;
                DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
                InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(nodeString));
                Document doc = documentBuilder.parse(is);

                /// Process attributes
                Element attribNode = doc.getDocumentElement();
                NamedNodeMap attribMap = attribNode.getAttributes();

                /// FIXME:  amliorer pour faciliter le changement des droits
                String nodeRole;
                Node att = attribMap.getNamedItem("access");
                if (att != null) {
                    //if(access.equalsIgnoreCase("public") || access.contains("public"))
                    //   credential.postGroupRight("all",uuid,Credential.READ,portfolioUuid,userId);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("seenoderoles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        credential.postGroupRight(nodeRole, uuid, Credential.READ, portfolioUuid, userId);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("delnoderoles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        credential.postGroupRight(nodeRole, uuid, Credential.DELETE, portfolioUuid, userId);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("editnoderoles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        credential.postGroupRight(nodeRole, uuid, Credential.WRITE, portfolioUuid, userId);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("submitroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        credential.postGroupRight(nodeRole, uuid, Credential.SUBMIT, portfolioUuid, userId);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("seeresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        credential.postGroupRight(nodeRole, uuid, Credential.READ, portfolioUuid, userId);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("delresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        credential.postGroupRight(nodeRole, uuid, Credential.DELETE, portfolioUuid, userId);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("editresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        credential.postGroupRight(nodeRole, uuid, Credential.WRITE, portfolioUuid, userId);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("submitresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        credential.postGroupRight(nodeRole, uuid, Credential.SUBMIT, portfolioUuid, userId);
                Node actionroles = attribMap.getNamedItem("actionroles");
                if (actionroles != null) {
                    /// Format pour l'instant: actionroles="sender:1,2;responsable:4"
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(actionroles.getNodeValue(), ";");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        StringTokenizer data = new StringTokenizer(nodeRole, ":");
                        String role = data.nextElement().toString();
                        String actions = data.nextElement().toString();
                        credential.postGroupRight(role, uuid, actions, portfolioUuid, userId);

                Node notifyroles = attribMap.getNamedItem("notifyroles");
                if (notifyroles != null) {
                    /// Format pour l'instant: actionroles="sender:1,2;responsable:4"
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(notifyroles.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    String merge = "";
                    if (tokens.hasMoreElements())
                        merge = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements())
                        merge += "," + tokens.nextElement().toString();
                    postNotifyRoles(userId, portfolioUuid, uuid, merge);

                meta = res.getString("metadata");
                nodeString = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?><transfer " + meta + "/>";
                is = new InputSource(new StringReader(nodeString));
                doc = documentBuilder.parse(is);
                attribNode = doc.getDocumentElement();
                attribMap = attribNode.getAttributes();

                try {
                    String publicatt = attribMap.getNamedItem("public").getNodeValue();
                    if ("Y".equals(publicatt))
                        setPublicState(userId, portfolioUuid, true);
                    else if ("N".equals(publicatt))
                        setPublicState(userId, portfolioUuid, false);
                } catch (Exception ex) {

            } catch (Exception e) {

        /// Ajout des droits des noeuds
        sql = "INSERT INTO group_rights(grid, id, RD, WR, DL, SB, AD, types_id, rules_id) " +
              "SELECT g.grid, r.new_uuid, r.RD, r.WR, r.DL, r.SB, r.AD, r.types_id, r.rules_id " +
              "FROM " +
              "(SELECT gri.grid, gri.label " +
              "FROM node n " +
              "LEFT JOIN group_right_info gri ON n.portfolio_id=gri.portfolio_id " +
              "WHERE n.node_uuid=uuid2bin(?)) AS g," +  // Retrouve les groupes de destination via le noeud de destination
              "(SELECT gri.label, s.new_uuid, gr.RD, gr.WR, gr.DL, gr.SB, gr.AD, gr.types_id, gr.rules_id " +
              "FROM t_struc s, group_rights gr, group_right_info gri " +
              "WHERE s.uuid=gr.id AND gr.grid=gri.grid) AS r " + // Prend la liste des droits actuel des noeuds dupliqus
              "WHERE g.label=r.label"; // On croise le nouveau 'grid' avec le 'grid' d'origine via le label
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, destUuid);
        //         t22 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        /// Ajout des droits des resources
        // Apparement inutile si l'on s'en occupe qu'au niveau du contexte...
        sql = "INSERT INTO group_rights(grid, id, RD, WR, DL, SB, AD, types_id, rules_id) " +
              "SELECT gr.grid, r.new_uuid, gr.RD, gr.WR, gr.DL, gr.SB, gr.AD, gr.types_id, gr.rules_id " +
              "FROM t_res_node r " +
              "LEFT JOIN group_rights gr ON r.node_uuid=gr.id " +
              "LEFT JOIN group_info gi ON gr.grid=gi.grid " +
              "WHERE gi.gid=?";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setInt(1, groupId);

        //         end = System.currentTimeMillis();

        /// On rcupre le uuid cr
        sql = "SELECT bin2uuid(new_uuid) FROM t_data_node WHERE node_uuid=uuid2bin(?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, baseUuid);
        res = st.executeQuery();
        if (res.next())
            createdUuid = res.getString(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            createdUuid = "erreur: " + e.getMessage();
            if (connection.getAutoCommit() == false)
        } catch (SQLException e1) {
    } finally {
        try {
            // Les 'pooled connection' ne se ferment pas vraiment. On nettoie manuellement les tables temporaires...
            if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
                sql = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS t_data_node, t_res_node, t_struc, t_struc_2";
                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

            touchPortfolio(destUuid, null);

        } catch (SQLException e) {

    System.out.println("---- Portfolio ---");
    System.out.println("d0-1: "+(t1-start));
    System.out.println("d1-2: "+(t2-t1));
    System.out.println("d2-3: "+(t3-t2));
    System.out.println("d3-4: "+(t4-t3));
    System.out.println("d4-5: "+(t5-t4));
    System.out.println("d5-6: "+(t6-t5));
    System.out.println("d6-7: "+(t7-t6));
    System.out.println("d7-8: "+(t8-t7));
    System.out.println("d8-9: "+(t9-t8));
    System.out.println("d9-10: "+(t10-t9));
    System.out.println("d10-11: "+(t11-t10));
    System.out.println("d11-12: "+(t12-t11));
    System.out.println("d12-13: "+(t13-t12));
    System.out.println("d13-14: "+(t14-t13));
    System.out.println("d14-15: "+(t15-t14));
    System.out.println("d15-16: "+(t16-t15));
    System.out.println("d16-17: "+(t17-t16));
    System.out.println("d17-18: "+(t18-t17));
    System.out.println("d18-19: "+(t19-t18));
    System.out.println("d19-20: "+(t20-t19));
    System.out.println("d20-21: "+(t21-t20));
    System.out.println("d21-22: "+(t22-t21));
    System.out.println("d22-23: "+(end-t22));

    return createdUuid;

From source file:com.portfolio.data.provider.MysqlDataProvider.java

public String putInfUser(int userId, int userid2, String in) throws SQLException {
    String result1 = null;/* w  ww  . java  2 s  . c o m*/
    Integer id = 0;
    String password = null;
    String email = null;
    String username = null;
    String firstname = null;
    String lastname = null;
    String active = null;
    String is_admin = null;
    String is_designer = null;

    //On prepare les requetes SQL
    PreparedStatement st;
    String sql;

    //On recupere le body
    Document doc;
    Element infUser = null;
    try {
        doc = DomUtils.xmlString2Document(in, new StringBuffer());
        infUser = doc.getDocumentElement();
    } catch (Exception e) {

    NodeList children = null;

    children = infUser.getChildNodes();

    //      if(infUser.getNodeName().equals("users"))
    //      {
    //         for(int i=0;i<children.getLength();i++)
    //         {
    if (infUser.getNodeName().equals("user")) {
        //On recupere les attributs

        if (infUser.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id") != null) {
            id = Integer.parseInt(infUser.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue());
        } else {
            id = null;
        NodeList children2 = null;
        children2 = infUser.getChildNodes();
        for (int y = 0; y < children2.getLength(); y++) {
            if (children2.item(y).getNodeName().equals("username")) {
                username = DomUtils.getInnerXml(children2.item(y));

                sql = "UPDATE credential SET login = ? WHERE  userid = ?";

                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                st.setString(1, username);
                st.setInt(2, userid2);
            if (children2.item(y).getNodeName().equals("password")) {
                password = DomUtils.getInnerXml(children2.item(y));

                sql = "UPDATE credential SET password = UNHEX(SHA1(?)) WHERE  userid = ?";
                if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
                    sql = "UPDATE credential SET password = crypt(?) WHERE  userid = ?";

                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                st.setString(1, password);
                st.setInt(2, userid2);
            if (children2.item(y).getNodeName().equals("firstname")) {
                firstname = DomUtils.getInnerXml(children2.item(y));

                sql = "UPDATE credential SET display_firstname = ? WHERE  userid = ?";

                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                st.setString(1, firstname);
                st.setInt(2, userid2);
            if (children2.item(y).getNodeName().equals("lastname")) {
                lastname = DomUtils.getInnerXml(children2.item(y));

                sql = "UPDATE credential SET display_lastname = ? WHERE  userid = ?";

                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                st.setString(1, lastname);
                st.setInt(2, userid2);
            if (children2.item(y).getNodeName().equals("email")) {
                email = DomUtils.getInnerXml(children2.item(y));

                sql = "UPDATE credential SET email = ? WHERE  userid = ?";

                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                st.setString(1, email);
                st.setInt(2, userid2);
            if (children2.item(y).getNodeName().equals("admin")) {
                is_admin = DomUtils.getInnerXml(children2.item(y));

                int is_adminInt = Integer.parseInt(is_admin);

                sql = "UPDATE credential SET is_admin = ? WHERE  userid = ?";

                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                st.setInt(1, is_adminInt);
                st.setInt(2, userid2);
            //            /*
            if (children2.item(y).getNodeName().equals("designer")) {
                is_designer = DomUtils.getInnerXml(children2.item(y));

                int is_designerInt = Integer.parseInt(is_designer);

                sql = "UPDATE credential SET is_designer = ? WHERE  userid = ?";

                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                st.setInt(1, is_designerInt);
                st.setInt(2, userid2);
            if (children2.item(y).getNodeName().equals("active")) {
                active = DomUtils.getInnerXml(children2.item(y));

                int activeInt = Integer.parseInt(active);

                sql = "UPDATE credential SET active = ? WHERE  userid = ?";

                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                st.setInt(1, activeInt);
                st.setInt(2, userid2);
    //         }

    //      }else{
    //         result = "Erreur lors de la recuperation des attributs du groupe dans le XML";
    //      }

    //         try {
    //           sql = "UPDATE credential SET login = ?, display_firstname = ?, display_lastname = ?, password = ?, email = ? WHERE  userid = ?";
    //            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
    //            st.setString(1, username);
    //            st.setString(2, firstname);
    //            st.setString(3, lastname);
    //            st.setString(4, password);
    //            st.setString(5, email);
    //            st.setInt(6, userid2);
    //            st.executeUpdate();
    //         } catch (SQLException e) {
    //            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //            e.printStackTrace();
    //         }
    //      result1 = "<users>";
    //         result1 += "<user ";
    //         result1 += DomUtils.getXmlAttributeOutputInt("id", id)+" ";
    //         result1 += ">";
    //         result1 += DomUtils.getXmlElementOutput("password", password)+" ";
    //         result1 += DomUtils.getXmlElementOutput("email", password)+" ";
    //         result1 += "</user>";
    //      result1 += "</users>";

    result1 = "" + userid2;

    return result1;

From source file:com.portfolio.data.provider.MysqlDataProvider.java

public Object postInstanciatePortfolio(MimeType inMimeType, String portfolioUuid, String srcCode,
        String newCode, int userId, int groupId, boolean copyshared, String portfGroupName) throws Exception {
    String sql = "";
    PreparedStatement st;/*  ww  w .ja va  2  s. c  om*/
    String newPortfolioUuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

    try {
        /// Find source code
        if (srcCode != null) {
            /// Find back portfolio uuid from source code
            sql = "SELECT bin2uuid(portfolio_id) AS uuid FROM node WHERE code=?";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
            st.setString(1, srcCode);
            ResultSet res = st.executeQuery();
            if (res.next())
                portfolioUuid = res.getString("uuid");

        if (portfolioUuid == null)
            return "";

        ///// Cration des tables temporaires
        /// Pour la copie de la structure
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_data(" + "new_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, " + /// Pour la copie d'une nouvelle structure
                    "node_uuid binary(16)  NOT NULL, " + "node_parent_uuid binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "node_children_uuid blob, " + "node_order int(12) NOT NULL, " + "metadata text NOT NULL, "
                    + "metadata_wad text NOT NULL, " + "metadata_epm text NOT NULL, "
                    + "res_node_uuid binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, " + "res_res_node_uuid binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "res_context_node_uuid binary(16)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "shared_res int(1) NOT NULL, "
                    + "shared_node int(1) NOT NULL, " + "shared_node_res int(1) NOT NULL, "
                    + "shared_res_uuid BINARY(16)  NULL, " + "shared_node_uuid BINARY(16) NULL, "
                    + "shared_node_res_uuid BINARY(16) NULL, " + "asm_type varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "xsi_type varchar(50)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "semtag varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "semantictag varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, " + "label varchar(250)  DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "code varchar(250)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "descr varchar(250)  DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "format varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, " + "modif_user_id int(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "modif_date timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "portfolio_id binary(16) DEFAULT NULL) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            String v_sql = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_data(" + "new_uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + /// Pour la copie d'une nouvelle structure
                    "node_uuid RAW(16)  NOT NULL, " + "node_parent_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "node_children_uuid CLOB, " + "node_order NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "metadata CLOB DEFAULT NULL, " + "metadata_wad CLOB DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "metadata_epm CLOB DEFAULT NULL, " + "res_node_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "res_res_node_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "res_context_node_uuid RAW(16)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "shared_res NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, "
                    + "shared_node NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, " + "shared_node_res NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, "
                    + "shared_res_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, " + "shared_node_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "shared_node_res_uuid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "asm_type VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) DEFAULT NULL, " + "xsi_type VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)  DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "semtag VARCHAR2(250 CHAR) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "semantictag VARCHAR2(250 CHAR) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "label VARCHAR2(250 CHAR)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "code VARCHAR2(250 CHAR)  DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "descr VARCHAR2(250 CHAR)  DEFAULT NULL, " + "format VARCHAR2(30 CHAR) DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "modif_user_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, " + "modif_date timestamp DEFAULT NULL, "
                    + "portfolio_id RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
            sql = "{call create_or_empty_table('t_data','" + v_sql + "')}";
            CallableStatement ocs = connection.prepareCall(sql);

        /// Pour la copie des donnes
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_res(" + "new_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, " + /// Pour la copie d'une nouvelle structure
                    "node_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, " + "xsi_type varchar(50) NOT NULL, " + "content text, "
                    + "user_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL, " + "modif_user_id int(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "modif_date timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            String v_sql = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_res(" + "new_uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + /// Pour la copie d'une nouvelle structure
                    "node_uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + "xsi_type VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) NOT NULL, " + "content CLOB, "
                    + "user_id NUMBER(11) DEFAULT NULL, " + "modif_user_id NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "modif_date timestamp DEFAULT NULL) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
            sql = "{call create_or_empty_table('t_res','" + v_sql + "')}";
            CallableStatement ocs = connection.prepareCall(sql);

        /// Pour la mise  jour de la liste des enfants/parents
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc(" + "node_order int(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "new_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, " + "uuid binary(16) UNIQUE NOT NULL, "
                    + "node_parent_uuid binary(16), "
                    + "t_level INT) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            String v_sql = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc(" + "node_order NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "new_uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + "uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + "node_parent_uuid RAW(16), "
                    + "t_level NUMBER(10,0)"
                    + ",  CONSTRAINT t_struc_UK_uuid UNIQUE (uuid)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
            sql = "{call create_or_empty_table('t_struc','" + v_sql + "')}";
            CallableStatement ocs = connection.prepareCall(sql);

        /// Pour l'histoire des shared_node a filtrer
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc_2(" + "node_order int(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "new_uuid binary(16) NOT NULL, " + "uuid binary(16) UNIQUE NOT NULL, "
                    + "node_parent_uuid binary(16), "
                    + "t_level INT) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            String v_sql = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_struc_2(" + "node_order NUMBER(12) NOT NULL, "
                    + "new_uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + "uuid RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + "node_parent_uuid RAW(16), "
                    + "t_level NUMBER(10,0)"
                    + ",  CONSTRAINT t_struc_2_UK_uuid UNIQUE (uuid)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
            sql = "{call create_or_empty_table('t_struc_2','" + v_sql + "')}";
            CallableStatement ocs = connection.prepareCall(sql);

        /// Pour les nouveaux ensembles de droits
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t_rights(" + "grid BIGINT NOT NULL, " + "id binary(16) NOT NULL, "
                    + "RD BOOL NOT NULL, " + "WR BOOL NOT NULL, " + "DL BOOL NOT NULL, " + "SB BOOL NOT NULL, "
                    + "AD BOOL NOT NULL, " + "types_id TEXT, "
                    + "rules_id TEXT) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            String v_sql = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE t_rights(" + "grid NUMBER(19,0) NOT NULL, "
                    + "id RAW(16) NOT NULL, " + "RD NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, " + "WR NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, "
                    + "DL NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, " + "SB NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, " + "AD NUMBER(1) NOT NULL, "
                    + "types_id VARCHAR2(2000 CHAR), "
                    + "rules_id VARCHAR2(2000 CHAR)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";
            sql = "{call create_or_empty_table('t_rights','" + v_sql + "')}";
            CallableStatement ocs = connection.prepareCall(sql);

        /// Copie de la structure
        sql = "INSERT INTO t_data(new_uuid, node_uuid, node_parent_uuid, node_children_uuid, node_order, metadata, metadata_wad, metadata_epm, res_node_uuid, res_res_node_uuid, res_context_node_uuid , shared_res, shared_node, shared_node_res, shared_res_uuid, shared_node_uuid, shared_node_res_uuid, asm_type, xsi_type, semtag, semantictag, label, code, descr, format, modif_user_id, modif_date, portfolio_id) ";
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql += "SELECT uuid2bin(UUID()), ";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql += "SELECT sys_guid(), ";
        sql += "node_uuid, node_parent_uuid, node_children_uuid, node_order, metadata, metadata_wad, metadata_epm, res_node_uuid, res_res_node_uuid, res_context_node_uuid , shared_res, shared_node, shared_node_res, shared_res_uuid, shared_node_uuid, shared_node_res_uuid, asm_type, xsi_type, semtag, semantictag, label, code, descr, format, modif_user_id, modif_date, portfolio_id "
                + "FROM node n " + "WHERE portfolio_id=uuid2bin(?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, portfolioUuid);

        if (!copyshared) {
            /// Liste les noeud a filtrer
            sql = "INSERT INTO t_struc(node_order, new_uuid, uuid, node_parent_uuid, t_level) "
                    + "SELECT node_order, new_uuid, node_uuid, node_parent_uuid, 0 FROM t_data WHERE shared_node=1";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

            int level = 0;
            int added = 1;
            if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
                sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO t_struc_2(node_order, new_uuid, uuid, node_parent_uuid, t_level) ";
            } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
                sql = "INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index(t_struc_2,t_struc_2_UK_uuid)*/ INTO t_struc_2(node_order, new_uuid, uuid, node_parent_uuid, t_level) ";
            sql += "SELECT d.node_order, d.new_uuid, d.node_uuid, d.node_parent_uuid, ? "
                    + "FROM t_data d WHERE d.node_parent_uuid IN (SELECT uuid FROM t_struc t "
                    + "WHERE t.t_level=?)";

            String sqlTemp = null;
            if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
                sqlTemp = "INSERT IGNORE INTO t_struc SELECT * FROM t_struc_2;";
            } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
                sqlTemp = "INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index(t_struc,t_struc_UK_uuid)*/ INTO t_struc SELECT * FROM t_struc_2";
            PreparedStatement stTemp = connection.prepareStatement(sqlTemp);

            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
            while (added != 0) {
                st.setInt(1, level + 1);
                st.setInt(2, level);
                added = stTemp.executeUpdate(); // On s'arrte quand rien  t ajout
                level = level + 1; // Prochaine tape

            // Retire les noeuds en dessous du shared
            sql = "DELETE FROM t_struc WHERE uuid IN (SELECT node_uuid FROM t_data WHERE shared_node=1)";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

            sql = "DELETE FROM t_data WHERE node_uuid IN (SELECT uuid FROM t_struc)";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

            sql = "DELETE FROM t_struc";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);


        /// Copie les uuid pour la rsolution des parents/enfants
        sql = "INSERT INTO t_struc(node_order, new_uuid, uuid, node_parent_uuid) "
                + "SELECT node_order, new_uuid, node_uuid, node_parent_uuid FROM t_data";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        if (!copyshared) {
            /// Cas spcial pour shared_node=1
            // Le temps qu'on refasse la liste des enfants, on va enlever le noeud plus tard
            sql = "UPDATE t_data SET shared_node_uuid=node_uuid WHERE shared_node=1";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

            // Met a jour t_struc pour la redirection. C'est pour la list des enfants
            // FIXME: A vrifier les appels qui modifie la liste des enfants.
            if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
                sql = "UPDATE t_struc s INNER JOIN t_data d ON s.uuid=d.node_uuid "
                        + "SET s.new_uuid=d.node_uuid WHERE d.shared_node=1";
            } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
                sql = "UPDATE t_struc s SET s.new_uuid=(SELECT d.node_uuid FROM t_struc s2 INNER JOIN t_data d ON s2.uuid=d.node_uuid WHERE d.shared_node=1) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t_struc s2 INNER JOIN t_data d ON s2.uuid=d.node_uuid WHERE d.shared_node=1)";
            st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        /// Copie des donnes non partags (shared=0)
        // Specific
        sql = "INSERT INTO t_res(new_uuid, node_uuid, xsi_type, content, user_id, modif_user_id, modif_date) ";
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql += "SELECT uuid2bin(UUID()), ";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql += "SELECT sys_guid(), ";
        sql += "r.node_uuid, r.xsi_type, r.content, r.user_id, r.modif_user_id, r.modif_date "
                + "FROM t_data d " + "LEFT JOIN resource_table r ON d.res_node_uuid=r.node_uuid " + "WHERE ";
        if (!copyshared)
            sql += "shared_res=0 AND ";
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql += "d.res_node_uuid <> 0x0000000000000000000000000000000"; // Binaire non null
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql += "d.res_node_uuid <> '00000000000000000000000000000000'"; // Binaire non null
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        sql = "INSERT INTO t_res(new_uuid, node_uuid, xsi_type, content, user_id, modif_user_id, modif_date) ";
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql += "SELECT uuid2bin(UUID()), ";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql += "SELECT sys_guid(), ";
        sql += "r.node_uuid, r.xsi_type, r.content, r.user_id, r.modif_user_id, r.modif_date "
                + "FROM t_data d " + "LEFT JOIN resource_table r ON d.res_context_node_uuid=r.node_uuid "
                + "WHERE ";
        if (!copyshared)
            sql += "shared_node=0 AND ";
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql += "d.res_context_node_uuid <> 0x0000000000000000000000000000000";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql += "d.res_context_node_uuid <> '00000000000000000000000000000000'";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        // nodeRes
        sql = "INSERT INTO t_res(new_uuid, node_uuid, xsi_type, content, user_id, modif_user_id, modif_date) ";
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql += "SELECT uuid2bin(UUID()), ";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql += "SELECT sys_guid(), ";
        sql += "r.node_uuid, r.xsi_type, r.content, r.user_id, r.modif_user_id, r.modif_date "
                + "FROM t_data d " + "LEFT JOIN resource_table r ON d.res_res_node_uuid=r.node_uuid "
                + "WHERE ";
        if (!copyshared)
            sql += "shared_node_res=0 AND ";
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql += "d.res_res_node_uuid <> 0x0000000000000000000000000000000";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql += "d.res_res_node_uuid <> '00000000000000000000000000000000'";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        /// Changement du uuid du portfolio
        sql = "UPDATE t_data t SET t.portfolio_id=uuid2bin(?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, newPortfolioUuid);

        /// Rsolution des nouveaux uuid avec les parents
        // Avec la structure (et droits sur la structure)
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_rights ri, t_data d SET ri.id=d.new_uuid WHERE ri.id=d.node_uuid AND d.shared_node=0";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_rights ri SET ri.id=(SELECT new_uuid FROM t_data d WHERE ri.id=d.node_uuid AND d.shared_node=0) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t_data d WHERE ri.id=d.node_uuid AND d.shared_node=0)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        sql = "UPDATE t_data t "
                + "SET t.node_parent_uuid = (SELECT new_uuid FROM t_struc s WHERE s.uuid=t.node_parent_uuid)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        // Avec les ressources (et droits des ressources)
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_rights ri, t_res re SET ri.id = re.new_uuid WHERE re.node_uuid=ri.id";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_rights ri SET ri.id=(SELECT new_uuid FROM t_res re WHERE re.node_uuid=ri.id) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t_res re WHERE re.node_uuid=ri.id)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_data d INNER JOIN t_res r ON d.res_node_uuid=r.node_uuid "
                    + "SET d.res_node_uuid=r.new_uuid";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_data d SET d.res_node_uuid=(SELECT r.new_uuid FROM t_res r WHERE d.res_node_uuid=r.node_uuid) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t_res r WHERE d.res_node_uuid=r.node_uuid)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_data d INNER JOIN t_res r ON d.res_res_node_uuid=r.node_uuid "
                    + "SET d.res_res_node_uuid=r.new_uuid";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_data d SET d.res_res_node_uuid=(SELECT r.new_uuid FROM t_res r WHERE d.res_res_node_uuid=r.node_uuid) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t_res r WHERE d.res_res_node_uuid=r.node_uuid)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_data d INNER JOIN t_res r ON d.res_context_node_uuid=r.node_uuid "
                    + "SET d.res_context_node_uuid=r.new_uuid";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_data d SET d.res_context_node_uuid=(SELECT r.new_uuid FROM t_res r WHERE d.res_context_node_uuid=r.node_uuid) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t_res r WHERE d.res_context_node_uuid=r.node_uuid)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        /// Mise  jour de la liste des enfants (! requte particulire)
        /// L'ordre dtermine le rendu visuel final du xml
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_data d, ("
                    + "SELECT node_parent_uuid, GROUP_CONCAT(bin2uuid(s.new_uuid) ORDER BY s.node_order) AS value "
                    + "FROM t_struc s GROUP BY s.node_parent_uuid) tmp " + "SET d.node_children_uuid=tmp.value "
                    + "WHERE tmp.node_parent_uuid=d.node_uuid";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_data d SET d.node_children_uuid=(SELECT value FROM (SELECT node_parent_uuid, LISTAGG(bin2uuid(s.new_uuid), ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY s.node_order) AS value FROM t_struc s GROUP BY s.node_parent_uuid) tmp WHERE tmp.node_parent_uuid=d.node_uuid) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t_struc WHERE node_parent_uuid=d.node_uuid)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        // Mise  jour du code dans le contenu du noeud (blech)
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_data d " + "LEFT JOIN t_res r ON d.res_res_node_uuid=r.new_uuid " + // Il faut utiliser le nouveau uuid
                    "SET r.content=REPLACE(r.content, d.code, ?) " + "WHERE d.asm_type='asmRoot'";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            sql = "UPDATE t_res r SET r.content=(SELECT REPLACE(r2.content, d.code, ?) FROM t_data d LEFT JOIN t_res r2 ON d.res_res_node_uuid=r2.new_uuid WHERE d.asm_type='asmRoot') WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t_data d WHERE d.res_res_node_uuid=r.new_uuid AND d.asm_type='asmRoot')";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, newCode);

        // Mise  jour du code dans le code interne de la BD
        sql = "UPDATE t_data d SET d.code=? WHERE d.asm_type='asmRoot'";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, newCode);

        /// temp class
        class right {
            int rd = 0;
            int wr = 0;
            int dl = 0;
            int sb = 0;
            int ad = 0;
            String types = "";
            String rules = "";
            String notify = "";

        class groupright {
            right getGroup(String label) {
                right r = rights.get(label.trim());
                if (r == null) {
                    r = new right();
                    rights.put(label, r);
                return r;

            void setNotify(String roles) {
                Iterator<right> iter = rights.values().iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    right r = iter.next();
                    r.notify = roles.trim();

            HashMap<String, right> rights = new HashMap<String, right>();

        class resolver {
            groupright getUuid(String uuid) {
                groupright gr = resolve.get(uuid);
                if (gr == null) {
                    gr = new groupright();
                    resolve.put(uuid, gr);
                return gr;

            HashMap<String, groupright> resolve = new HashMap<String, groupright>();
            HashMap<String, Integer> groups = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

        resolver resolve = new resolver();

        /// Cre les groupes de droits en les copiants dans la table d'origine
        // Slectionne les groupes concerns
        sql = "SELECT login FROM credential c WHERE c.userid=?";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setInt(1, userId);
        ResultSet res = st.executeQuery();
        String login="";
        if( res.next() )
           login = res.getString("login");

        // Selection des metadonnes
        sql = "SELECT bin2uuid(t.new_uuid) AS uuid, bin2uuid(t.portfolio_id) AS puuid, t.metadata, t.metadata_wad, t.metadata_epm "
                + "FROM t_data t";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        ResultSet res = st.executeQuery();

        DocumentBuilder documentBuilder;
        DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
        while (res.next()) {
            String uuid = res.getString("uuid");
            //           String puuid = res.getString("puuid");
            String meta = res.getString("metadata_wad");
            //          meta = meta.replaceAll("user", login);
            String nodeString = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?><transfer " + meta
                    + "/>";

            groupright role = resolve.getUuid(uuid);

            try {
                /// parse meta
                InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(nodeString));
                Document doc = documentBuilder.parse(is);

                /// Process attributes
                Element attribNode = doc.getDocumentElement();
                NamedNodeMap attribMap = attribNode.getAttributes();

                String nodeRole;
                Node att = attribMap.getNamedItem("access");
                if (att != null) {
                    //if(access.equalsIgnoreCase("public") || access.contains("public"))
                    //   credential.postGroupRight("all",uuid,Credential.READ,portfolioUuid,userId);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("seenoderoles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();

                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.rd = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("showtoroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();

                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.rd = 0;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("delnoderoles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {

                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.dl = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("editnoderoles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.wr = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("submitnoderoles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.sb = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("seeresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.rd = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("delresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.dl = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("editresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.wr = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                att = attribMap.getNamedItem("submitresroles");
                if (att != null) {
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nodeRole);
                        r.sb = 1;

                        resolve.groups.put(nodeRole, 0);
                Node actionroles = attribMap.getNamedItem("actionroles");
                if (actionroles != null) {
                    /// Format pour l'instant: actionroles="sender:1,2;responsable:4"
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(actionroles.getNodeValue(), ";");
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                        nodeRole = tokens.nextElement().toString();
                        StringTokenizer data = new StringTokenizer(nodeRole, ":");
                        String nrole = data.nextElement().toString();
                        String actions = data.nextElement().toString().trim();
                        right r = role.getGroup(nrole);
                        r.rules = actions;

                        resolve.groups.put(nrole, 0);
                Node menuroles = attribMap.getNamedItem("menuroles");
                if (menuroles != null) {
                    /// Pour les diffrents items du menu
                    StringTokenizer menuline = new StringTokenizer(menuroles.getNodeValue(), ";");

                    while (menuline.hasMoreTokens()) {
                        String line = menuline.nextToken();
                        /// Format pour l'instant: mi6-parts,mission,Ajouter une mission,secret_agent
                        StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(line, ",");
                        String menurolename = null;
                        for (int t = 0; t < 4; ++t)
                            menurolename = tokens.nextToken();

                        if (menurolename != null)
                            resolve.groups.put(menurolename.trim(), 0);
                Node notifyroles = attribMap.getNamedItem("notifyroles");
                if (notifyroles != null) {
                    /// Format pour l'instant: notifyroles="sender responsable"
                    StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(notifyroles.getNodeValue(), " ");
                    String merge = "";
                    if (tokens.hasMoreElements())
                        merge = tokens.nextElement().toString().trim();
                    while (tokens.hasMoreElements())
                        merge += "," + tokens.nextElement().toString().trim();

                // No need to set public on multiple portoflio
                meta = res.getString("metadata");
                nodeString = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?><transfer "+meta+"/>";
                is = new InputSource(new StringReader(nodeString));
                doc = documentBuilder.parse(is);
                attribNode = doc.getDocumentElement();
                attribMap = attribNode.getAttributes();
                boolean isPublic = false;
                   String publicatt = attribMap.getNamedItem("public").getNodeValue();
                   if( "Y".equals(publicatt) )
                      isPublic = true;
                catch(Exception ex) {}
                setPublicState(userId, puuid, isPublic);

            } catch (Exception e) {

        sql = "SELECT grid FROM group_right_info " +
              "WHERE portfolio_id=uuid2bin(?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, portfolioUuid);
        ResultSet res = st.executeQuery();
        /// Pour chaque grid, on en cr un nouveau et met  jour nos nouveaux droits
        sql = "INSERT INTO group_right_info(owner, label, change_rights, portfolio_id) " +
              "SELECT owner, label, change_rights, uuid2bin(?) FROM group_right_info WHERE grid=?";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setString(1, newPortfolioUuid);
        if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")){
           sql = "UPDATE t_rights SET grid=LAST_INSERT_ID() WHERE grid=?";
        } else if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")){
             sql = "UPDATE t_rights SET grid=group_right_info_SEQ.CURRVAL WHERE grid=?";
        PreparedStatement stUpd = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        while( res.next() )
           int grid = res.getInt("grid");
           st.setInt(2, grid);
           st.executeUpdate();   // Ajout du nouveau rrg
           stUpd.setInt(1, grid);
           stUpd.executeUpdate();  /// Met a jour la table de droit temporaire


        /// On insre les donnes pr-compil
        Iterator<String> entries = resolve.groups.keySet().iterator();

        // Cr les groupes, ils n'existent pas
        String grquery = "INSERT INTO group_info(grid,owner,label) " + "VALUES(?,?,?)";
        PreparedStatement st2 = connection.prepareStatement(grquery);
        String gri = "INSERT INTO group_right_info(owner, label, change_rights, portfolio_id) "
                + "VALUES(?,?,?,uuid2bin(?))";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(gri, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
        if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) {
            st = connection.prepareStatement(gri, new String[] { "grid" });

        while (entries.hasNext()) {
            String label = entries.next();
            st.setInt(1, 1);
            st.setString(2, label);
            st.setInt(3, 0);
            st.setString(4, newPortfolioUuid);

            ResultSet keys = st.getGeneratedKeys();
            int grid = keys.getInt(1);
            resolve.groups.put(label, grid);

            st2.setInt(1, grid);
            st2.setInt(2, 1);
            st2.setString(3, label);

        /// Ajout des droits des noeuds
        String insertRight = "INSERT INTO group_rights(grid, id, RD, WR, DL, SB, AD, types_id, rules_id, notify_roles) "
                + "VALUES(?,uuid2bin(?),?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(insertRight);

        Iterator<Entry<String, groupright>> rights = resolve.resolve.entrySet().iterator();
        while (rights.hasNext()) {
            Entry<String, groupright> entry = rights.next();
            String uuid = entry.getKey();
            groupright gr = entry.getValue();

            Iterator<Entry<String, right>> rightiter = gr.rights.entrySet().iterator();
            while (rightiter.hasNext()) {
                Entry<String, right> rightelem = rightiter.next();
                String group = rightelem.getKey();
                int grid = resolve.groups.get(group);
                right rightval = rightelem.getValue();
                st.setInt(1, grid);
                st.setString(2, uuid);
                st.setInt(3, rightval.rd);
                st.setInt(4, rightval.wr);
                st.setInt(5, rightval.dl);
                st.setInt(6, rightval.sb);
                st.setInt(7, rightval.ad);
                st.setString(8, rightval.types);
                st.setString(9, rightval.rules);
                st.setString(10, rightval.notify);


        /// On copie tout dans les vrai tables
        /// Structure
        sql = "INSERT INTO node(node_uuid, node_parent_uuid, node_children_uuid, node_order, metadata, metadata_wad, metadata_epm, res_node_uuid, res_res_node_uuid, res_context_node_uuid, shared_res, shared_node, shared_node_res, shared_res_uuid, shared_node_uuid, shared_node_res_uuid, asm_type, xsi_type, semtag, semantictag, label, code, descr, format, modif_user_id, modif_date, portfolio_id) "
                + "SELECT new_uuid, node_parent_uuid, node_children_uuid, node_order, metadata, metadata_wad, metadata_epm, res_node_uuid, res_res_node_uuid, res_context_node_uuid, shared_res, shared_node, shared_node_res, shared_res_uuid, shared_node_uuid, shared_node_res_uuid, asm_type, xsi_type, semtag, semantictag, label, code, descr, format, modif_user_id, modif_date, portfolio_id "
                + "FROM t_data";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        /// Resources
        sql = "INSERT INTO resource_table(node_uuid, xsi_type, content, user_id, modif_user_id, modif_date) "
                + "SELECT new_uuid, xsi_type, content, user_id, modif_user_id, modif_date " + "FROM t_res";
        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        /// Ajout du portfolio dans la table
        sql = "INSERT INTO portfolio(portfolio_id, root_node_uuid, user_id, model_id, modif_user_id, modif_date, active) "
                + "SELECT d.portfolio_id, d.new_uuid, p.user_id, p.model_id, p.modif_user_id, p.modif_date, p.active "
                + "FROM t_data d INNER JOIN portfolio p " + "ON d.node_uuid=p.root_node_uuid";

        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        /// Ajout du portfolio dans le groupe de portfolio
        if (null == portfGroupName || "".equals(portfGroupName))
            portfGroupName = "default";

        sql = "INSERT INTO portfolio_group(owner, portfolio_id, group_name) VALUES(?,uuid2bin(?),?)";

        st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
        st.setInt(1, userId);
        st.setString(2, newPortfolioUuid);
        st.setString(3, portfGroupName);

        /// Finalement on cre un rle designer
        int groupid = postCreateRole(newPortfolioUuid, "designer", userId);

        /// Ajoute la personne dans ce groupe
        putUserGroup(Integer.toString(groupid), Integer.toString(userId));

    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            newPortfolioUuid = "erreur: " + e.getMessage();
            if (connection.getAutoCommit() == false)
        } catch (SQLException e1) {
    } finally {
        try {
            // Les 'pooled connection' ne se ferment pas vraiment. On nettoie manuellement les tables temporaires...
            if (dbserveur.equals("mysql")) {
                sql = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS t_data, t_res, t_struc, t_struc_2, t_rights";
                st = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

        } catch (SQLException e) {

    return newPortfolioUuid;

From source file:com.moviejukebox.reader.MovieJukeboxXMLReader.java

 * Parse a single movie detail XML file//  w w w .  j a v a 2 s.  c  o m
 * @param xmlFile
 * @param movie
 * @return
public boolean parseMovieXML(File xmlFile, Movie movie) {
    boolean forceDirtyFlag = Boolean.FALSE; // force dirty flag for example when extras have been deleted
    Document xmlDoc;

    try {
        xmlDoc = DOMHelper.getDocFromFile(xmlFile);
    } catch (MalformedURLException error) {
        LOG.error(ERROR_FIXIT, xmlFile.getName());
        return Boolean.FALSE;
    } catch (IOException error) {
        LOG.error(ERROR_FIXIT, xmlFile.getName());
        return Boolean.FALSE;
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException error) {
        LOG.error(ERROR_FIXIT, xmlFile.getName());
        return Boolean.FALSE;

    NodeList nlMovies; // Main list of movies, there should only be 1
    Node nMovie; // Node for the movie

    NodeList nlElements; // Reusable NodeList for the other elements
    Node nElements; // Reusable Node for the other elements

    nlMovies = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(MOVIE);
    for (int loopMovie = 0; loopMovie < nlMovies.getLength(); loopMovie++) {
        nMovie = nlMovies.item(loopMovie);
        if (nMovie.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            Element eMovie = (Element) nMovie;

            // Get all the IDs associated with the movie
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("id");
            for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    Element eId = (Element) nElements;

                    String movieDb = eId.getAttribute(MOVIEDB);
                    if (StringTools.isNotValidString(movieDb)) {
                        movieDb = ImdbPlugin.IMDB_PLUGIN_ID;
                    movie.setId(movieDb, eId.getTextContent());
            } // End of ID

            // Get the Version the XML was written with
            movie.setMjbVersion(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "mjbVersion"));

            // Get the Git SHA the XML was written with
            movie.setMjbGitSHA(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "mjbGitSHA"));

            // Get the date/time the XML was written
            movie.setMjbGenerationDateString(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "xmlGenerationDate"));

            if (StringTools.isNotValidString(movie.getBaseFilename())) {
                movie.setBaseFilename(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "baseFilenameBase"));

            if (StringTools.isNotValidString(movie.getBaseName())) {
                movie.setBaseName(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, BASE_FILENAME));

            // Get the title fields
            parseOverridableTitle(movie, eMovie);
            parseOverridableOriginalTitle(movie, eMovie);
            movie.setTitleSort(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, SORT_TITLE));

            // Get the year. We don't care about the attribute as that is the index
            parseOverridableYear(movie, eMovie);

            // Get the release date
            parseOverridableReleaseDate(movie, eMovie);

            // get the show status
            movie.setShowStatus(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "showStatus"));

            // Get the ratings. We don't care about the RATING as this is a calulated value.
            // So just get the childnodes of the "ratings" node
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("ratings");
            if (nlElements.getLength() > 0) {
                nlElements = nlElements.item(0).getChildNodes();
                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                    if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element eRating = (Element) nElements;

                        String movieDb = eRating.getAttribute(MOVIEDB);
                        if (StringTools.isNotValidString(movieDb)) {
                            movieDb = ImdbPlugin.IMDB_PLUGIN_ID;
                        movie.addRating(movieDb, Integer.parseInt(eRating.getTextContent()));
            } // End of Ratings

            // Get the watched flags
            movie.setWatchedNFO(Boolean.parseBoolean(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "watchedNFO")));
            movie.setWatchedFile(Boolean.parseBoolean(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "watchedFile")));

            // Get artwork URLS
            movie.setPosterURL(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "posterURL")));
            movie.setFanartURL(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "fanartURL")));
            movie.setBannerURL(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "bannerURL")));
            movie.setClearArtURL(HTMLTools.decodeHtml(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "clearArtURL")));
            movie.setClearLogoURL(HTMLTools.decodeHtml(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "clearLogoURL")));
            movie.setTvThumbURL(HTMLTools.decodeHtml(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "tvThumbURL")));
                    HTMLTools.decodeHtml(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "seasonThumbURL")));
            movie.setMovieDiscURL(HTMLTools.decodeHtml(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "movieDiscURL")));

            // Get artwork files
            movie.setPosterFilename(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "posterFile")));
                    HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "detailPosterFile")));
            movie.setThumbnailFilename(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "thumbnail")));
            movie.setFanartFilename(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "fanartFile")));
            movie.setBannerFilename(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "bannerFile")));
                    HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "wideBannerFile")));
                    HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "clearArtFile")));
                    HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "clearLogoFile")));
            movie.setTvThumbFilename(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "tvThumbFile")));
                    HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "seasonThumbFile")));
                    HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "movieDiscFile")));

            // Get the plot and outline
            parseOverridablePlot(movie, eMovie);
            parseOverridableOutline(movie, eMovie);

            // Get the quote
            parseOverridableQuote(movie, eMovie);

            // Get the tagline
            parseOverridableTagline(movie, eMovie);

            // Get the company name
            parseOverridableCompany(movie, eMovie);

            // get the runtime
            parseOverridableRuntime(movie, eMovie);

            // get the top 250
            parseOverridableTop250(movie, eMovie);

            // Get the directors
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("directors");
            if (nlElements.getLength() > 0) {
                Element tagElement = (Element) nlElements.item(0);
                nlElements = tagElement.getChildNodes();
                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                    if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element ePerson = (Element) nElements;
                        movie.addDirector(ePerson.getTextContent(), tagElement.getAttribute(SOURCE));

            // Get the writers
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("writers");
            if (nlElements.getLength() > 0) {
                Element tagElement = (Element) nlElements.item(0);
                nlElements = tagElement.getChildNodes();
                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                    if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element ePerson = (Element) nElements;
                        movie.addWriter(ePerson.getTextContent(), tagElement.getAttribute(SOURCE));

            // Get the cast
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("cast");
            if (nlElements.getLength() > 0) {
                Element tagElement = (Element) nlElements.item(0);
                nlElements = tagElement.getChildNodes();
                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                    if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element ePerson = (Element) nElements;
                        movie.addActor(ePerson.getTextContent(), tagElement.getAttribute(SOURCE));

            // Get the country
            parseOverridableCountry(movie, eMovie);

            // Get the genres
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("genres");
            if (nlElements.getLength() > 0) {
                Element tagElement = (Element) nlElements.item(0);
                nlElements = tagElement.getChildNodes();
                List<String> genres = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                    if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element eGenre = (Element) nElements;
                movie.setGenres(genres, tagElement.getAttribute(SOURCE));

            // Process the sets
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("sets");
            if (nlElements.getLength() > 0) {
                nlElements = nlElements.item(0).getChildNodes();
                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                    if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element eSet = (Element) nElements;
                        String order = eSet.getAttribute(ORDER);
                        if (StringTools.isValidString(order)) {
                            movie.addSet(eSet.getTextContent(), Integer.parseInt(order));
                        } else {

            // Get certification
            parseOverridableCertification(movie, eMovie);

            // Get language
            parseOverridableLanguage(movie, eMovie);

            // Get subtitles
            movie.setSubtitles(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "subtitles"));

            // Get the TrailerExchange
                    DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "trailerExchange").equalsIgnoreCase(YES));

            // Get trailerLastScan date/time
            movie.setTrailerLastScan(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, TRAILER_LAST_SCAN));

            // Get file container
            parseOverridableContainer(movie, eMovie);

            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("codecs");
            if (nlElements.getLength() > 0) {
                nlElements = nlElements.item(0).getChildNodes();
                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                    if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        String codecType = nElements.getNodeName();
                        if (nElements.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) {
                            for (int cLooper = 0; cLooper < nElements.getChildNodes().getLength(); cLooper++) {
                                Node nCodec = nElements.getChildNodes().item(cLooper);
                                if (nCodec.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    Element eCodec = (Element) nCodec;

                                    Codec codec;
                                    if (CodecType.VIDEO.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(codecType)) {
                                        codec = new Codec(CodecType.VIDEO);
                                    } else {
                                        codec = new Codec(CodecType.AUDIO);
                                    String tmpValue = eCodec.getAttribute("channels");
                                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tmpValue)) {

                                    tmpValue = eCodec.getAttribute(SOURCE);
                                    if (StringTools.isValidString(tmpValue)) {
                                    } else {

                            } // END of codec information for audio/video
                    } // END of audio/video codec
                } // END of codecs loop
            } // END of codecs

            // get the resolution
            parseOverridableResolution(movie, eMovie);

            // get the video source
            parseOverridableVideoSource(movie, eMovie);

            // get the video output
            parseOverridableVideoOutput(movie, eMovie);

            // get aspect ratio
            parseOverridableAspectRatio(movie, eMovie);

            // get frames per second
            parseOverridableFramesPerSecond(movie, eMovie);

            // Get navigation info
            movie.setFirst(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "first")));
            movie.setPrevious(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "previous")));
            movie.setNext(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "next")));
            movie.setLast(HTMLTools.decodeUrl(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "last")));

            // Get the library description, if it's not been set elsewhere (e.g. scanner)
            String tempLibraryDescription = DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "libraryDescription");
            if (StringTools.isNotValidString(movie.getLibraryDescription())) {
            } else if (!movie.getLibraryDescription().equals(tempLibraryDescription)) {
                // The current description is different to the one in the XML
                LOG.debug("Different library description! Setting dirty INFO");
                forceDirtyFlag = Boolean.TRUE;

            // Get prebuf
            movie.setPrebuf(Long.parseLong(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eMovie, "prebuf")));

            // Issue 1901: Awards
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("awards");
            if (nlElements.getLength() > 0) {
                nlElements = nlElements.item(0).getChildNodes();
                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                    if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element eAwardEvent = (Element) nElements;
                        AwardEvent awardEvent = new AwardEvent();

                        Node nAward;
                        for (int loopAwards = 0; loopAwards < eAwardEvent.getChildNodes()
                                .getLength(); loopAwards++) {
                            nAward = eAwardEvent.getChildNodes().item(loopAwards);
                            if (nAward.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                Element eAward = (Element) nAward;
                                Award award = new Award();

                                String tmpAward = eAward.getAttribute("wons");
                                if (StringTools.isValidString(tmpAward)) {
                                tmpAward = eAward.getAttribute("nominations");
                                if (StringTools.isValidString(tmpAward)) {

                        } // End of Awards

            } // End of AwardEvents

            // Issue 1897: Cast enhancement
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("people");
            if (nlElements.getLength() > 0) {
                nlElements = nlElements.item(0).getChildNodes();

                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                    if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element ePerson = (Element) nElements;
                        Filmography person = new Filmography();


                        // Get any "id_???" values
                        for (int loopAttr = 0; loopAttr < ePerson.getAttributes().getLength(); loopAttr++) {
                            Node nPersonAttr = ePerson.getAttributes().item(loopAttr);
                            if (nPersonAttr.getNodeName().startsWith(ID)) {
                                String name = nPersonAttr.getNodeName().replace(ID, "");
                                person.setId(name, nPersonAttr.getNodeValue());

                        String source = ePerson.getAttribute(SOURCE);
                        if (StringTools.isValidString(source)) {
                            if (person.getDepartment().equalsIgnoreCase(Filmography.DEPT_DIRECTING)) {
                                movie.setOverrideSource(OverrideFlag.PEOPLE_DIRECTORS, source);
                            } else if (person.getDepartment().equalsIgnoreCase(Filmography.DEPT_WRITING)) {
                                movie.setOverrideSource(OverrideFlag.PEOPLE_WRITERS, source);
                            } else if (person.getDepartment().equalsIgnoreCase(Filmography.DEPT_ACTORS)) {
                                movie.setOverrideSource(OverrideFlag.PEOPLE_ACTORS, source);
                        } else {
            } // End of Cast

            // Issue 2012: Financial information about movie
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("business");
            for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    Element eBusiness = (Element) nElements;

                    Node nCountry;
                    for (int loopBus = 0; loopBus < eBusiness.getChildNodes().getLength(); loopBus++) {
                        nCountry = eBusiness.getChildNodes().item(loopBus);
                        if (nCountry.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                            Element eCountry = (Element) nCountry;
                            if ("gross".equalsIgnoreCase(eCountry.getNodeName())) {
                                movie.setGross(eCountry.getAttribute(COUNTRY), eCountry.getTextContent());
                            } else if ("openweek".equalsIgnoreCase(eCountry.getNodeName())) {
                                movie.setOpenWeek(eCountry.getAttribute(COUNTRY), eCountry.getTextContent());
                    } // End of budget info
            } // End of business info

            // Issue 2013: Add trivia
            if (ENABLE_TRIVIA) {
                nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("trivia");
                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
            } // End of trivia info

            // Get the file list
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("files");
            if (nlElements.getLength() > 0) {
                nlElements = nlElements.item(0).getChildNodes();
                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                    if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element eFile = (Element) nElements;
                        MovieFile movieFile = new MovieFile();

                        try {
                            File mfFile = new File(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eFile, "fileLocation"));
                            // Check to see if the file exists, or we are preserving the jukebox
                            if (mfFile.exists() || MovieJukebox.isJukeboxPreserve()) {
                                // Save the file to the MovieFile
                            } else {
                                // We can't find this file anymore, so skip it.
                                        "Missing video file in the XML file ({}), it may have been moved or no longer exist.",
                        } catch (Exception ignore) {
                            // If there is an error creating the file then don't save anything
                            LOG.debug("Failed parsing file {}", xmlFile.getName());

                        String attr = eFile.getAttribute(TITLE);
                        if (StringTools.isValidString(attr)) {

                        attr = eFile.getAttribute(SEASON);
                        if (StringUtils.isNumeric(attr)) {

                        attr = eFile.getAttribute("firstPart");
                        if (StringUtils.isNumeric(attr)) {

                        attr = eFile.getAttribute("lastPart");
                        if (StringUtils.isNumeric(attr)) {

                        attr = eFile.getAttribute("subtitlesExchange");
                        if (StringTools.isValidString(attr)) {

                        movieFile.setFilename(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eFile, "fileURL"));

                        if (DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eFile, "fileArchiveName") != null) {
                            movieFile.setArchiveName(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eFile, "fileArchiveName"));

                        // We need to get the part from the fileTitle
                        NodeList nlFileParts = eFile.getElementsByTagName("fileTitle");
                        if (nlFileParts.getLength() > 0) {
                            for (int looperFile = 0; looperFile < nlFileParts.getLength(); looperFile++) {
                                Node nFileParts = nlFileParts.item(looperFile);
                                if (nFileParts.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    Element eFileParts = (Element) nFileParts;
                                    String part = eFileParts.getAttribute(PART);
                                    String source = eFileParts.getAttribute(SOURCE);
                                    if (StringUtils.isNumeric(part)) {
                                        movieFile.setTitle(NumberUtils.toInt(part, 0),
                                                eFileParts.getTextContent(), source);
                                    } else {
                                        movieFile.setTitle(eFileParts.getTextContent(), source);

                        // Get the airs info
                        nlFileParts = eFile.getElementsByTagName("airsInfo");
                        if (nlFileParts.getLength() > 0) {
                            for (int looperFile = 0; looperFile < nlFileParts.getLength(); looperFile++) {
                                Node nFileParts = nlFileParts.item(looperFile);
                                if (nFileParts.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    Element eFileParts = (Element) nFileParts;
                                    int part = NumberUtils.toInt(eFileParts.getAttribute(PART), 1);

                                    movieFile.setAirsAfterSeason(part, eFileParts.getAttribute("afterSeason"));

                        // Get first aired information
                        nlFileParts = eFile.getElementsByTagName("firstAired");
                        if (nlFileParts.getLength() > 0) {
                            for (int looperFile = 0; looperFile < nlFileParts.getLength(); looperFile++) {
                                Node nFileParts = nlFileParts.item(looperFile);
                                if (nFileParts.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    Element eFileParts = (Element) nFileParts;
                                    int part = NumberUtils.toInt(eFileParts.getAttribute(PART), 1);
                                    String source = eFileParts.getAttribute(SOURCE);
                                    movieFile.setFirstAired(part, eFileParts.getTextContent(), source);

                        // get the file plot
                        nlFileParts = eFile.getElementsByTagName("filePlot");
                        if (nlFileParts.getLength() > 0) {
                            for (int looperFile = 0; looperFile < nlFileParts.getLength(); looperFile++) {
                                Node nFileParts = nlFileParts.item(looperFile);
                                if (nFileParts.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    Element eFileParts = (Element) nFileParts;
                                    int part = NumberUtils.toInt(eFileParts.getAttribute(PART), 1);
                                    String source = eFileParts.getAttribute(SOURCE);
                                    movieFile.setPlot(part, eFileParts.getTextContent(), source, Boolean.TRUE);

                        // get the file rating
                        nlFileParts = eFile.getElementsByTagName("fileRating");
                        if (nlFileParts.getLength() > 0) {
                            for (int looperFile = 0; looperFile < nlFileParts.getLength(); looperFile++) {
                                Node nFileParts = nlFileParts.item(looperFile);
                                if (nFileParts.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    Element eFileParts = (Element) nFileParts;
                                    int part = NumberUtils.toInt(eFileParts.getAttribute(PART), 1);
                                    String source = eFileParts.getAttribute(SOURCE);
                                    movieFile.setRating(part, eFileParts.getTextContent(), source);

                        // get the file image url
                        nlFileParts = eFile.getElementsByTagName("fileImageURL");
                        if (nlFileParts.getLength() > 0) {
                            for (int looperFile = 0; looperFile < nlFileParts.getLength(); looperFile++) {
                                Node nFileParts = nlFileParts.item(looperFile);
                                if (nFileParts.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    Element eFileParts = (Element) nFileParts;
                                    int part = NumberUtils.toInt(eFileParts.getAttribute(PART), 1);

                        // get the file image filename
                        nlFileParts = eFile.getElementsByTagName("fileImageFile");
                        if (nlFileParts.getLength() > 0) {
                            for (int looperFile = 0; looperFile < nlFileParts.getLength(); looperFile++) {
                                Node nFileParts = nlFileParts.item(looperFile);
                                if (nFileParts.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    Element eFileParts = (Element) nFileParts;
                                    int part = NumberUtils.toInt(eFileParts.getAttribute(PART), 1);

                        // get the file IDs
                        nlFileParts = eFile.getElementsByTagName("fileId");
                        if (nlFileParts.getLength() > 0) {
                            for (int looperFile = 0; looperFile < nlFileParts.getLength(); looperFile++) {
                                Node nFileParts = nlFileParts.item(looperFile);
                                if (nFileParts.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    Element eFileParts = (Element) nFileParts;
                                    int part = NumberUtils.toInt(eFileParts.getAttribute(PART), 1);
                                    String source = eFileParts.getAttribute(SOURCE);
                                    movieFile.setId(part, source, eFileParts.getTextContent());

                        NodeList nlAttachments = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("attachments");
                        if (nlAttachments.getLength() > 0) {
                            nlAttachments = nlAttachments.item(0).getChildNodes();
                            for (int looperAtt = 0; looperAtt < nlAttachments.getLength(); looperAtt++) {
                                Node nAttachment = nlAttachments.item(looperAtt);
                                if (nAttachment.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    Element eAttachment = (Element) nAttachment;
                                    Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
                                            DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eAttachment, "attachmentId")));
                                            DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eAttachment, "contentType")));
                                            DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eAttachment, "mimeType"));
                                            .parseInt(DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eAttachment, "part")));

                        // Parse watched 
                        String watchedDateString = DOMHelper.getValueFromElement(eFile, "watchedDate");
                        final long watchedDate;
                        if (StringTools.isNotValidString(watchedDateString)) {
                            watchedDate = 0;
                        } else {
                            // strip milliseconds
                            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                            cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
                            watchedDate = cal.getTimeInMillis();
                        final boolean watched = Boolean.parseBoolean(eFile.getAttribute("watched"));
                        movieFile.setWatched(watched, watchedDate);

                        // This is not a new file

                        // Add the movie file to the movie
            } // END of files

            // Get the extra list
            nlElements = eMovie.getElementsByTagName("extras");
            if (nlElements.getLength() > 0) {
                nlElements = nlElements.item(0).getChildNodes();
                for (int looper = 0; looper < nlElements.getLength(); looper++) {
                    nElements = nlElements.item(looper);
                    if (nElements.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element eExtra = (Element) nElements;

                        String extraTitle = eExtra.getAttribute(TITLE);
                        String extraFilename = eExtra.getTextContent();

                        if (!extraTitle.isEmpty() && !extraFilename.isEmpty()) {
                            boolean exist = Boolean.FALSE;
                            if (extraFilename.startsWith("http:")) {
                                // This is a URL from a NFO file
                                ExtraFile ef = new ExtraFile();
                                movie.addExtraFile(ef, Boolean.FALSE); // Add to the movie, but it's not dirty
                                exist = Boolean.TRUE;
                            } else {
                                // Check for existing files
                                for (ExtraFile ef : movie.getExtraFiles()) {
                                    // Check if the movie has already the extra file
                                    if (ef.getFilename().equals(extraFilename)) {
                                        exist = Boolean.TRUE;
                                        // the extra file is old

                            if (!exist) {
                                // the extra file has been deleted so force the dirty flag
                                forceDirtyFlag = Boolean.TRUE;
            } // END of extras

        } // End of ELEMENT_NODE
    } // End of Movie Loop

    // This is a new movie, so clear the current dirty flags
    movie.setDirty(DirtyFlag.INFO, forceDirtyFlag || movie.hasNewMovieFiles() || movie.hasNewExtraFiles());

    return Boolean.TRUE;

From source file:com.codename1.android.AndroidLayoutImporter.java

private void convertButton(Element inputSrcElement, Element out) {
    out.setAttribute("type", "Button");
    //System.out.println("Converting button "+inputSrcElement);
    int attlen = inputSrcElement.getAttributes().getLength();
    for (int i = 0; i < attlen; i++) {
        Node n = inputSrcElement.getAttributes().item(i);
        //System.out.println("Namespace is "+n.getNamespaceURI());
        //System.out.println("Node "+i+"="+n);
    }/*from  ww  w  . j a v a2  s. com*/

    //System.out.println("Text is "+inputSrcElement.getAttributeNS(NS_ANDROID, "text"));
    if (inputSrcElement.hasAttributeNS(NS_ANDROID, "text")) {
        out.setAttribute("text", parseText(inputSrcElement.getAttributeNS(NS_ANDROID, "text")));


From source file:net.sourceforge.pmd.rules.RuleFactory.java

 * Parses a property definition node and returns the defined property descriptor.
 * @param propertyElement Property node to parse
 * @return The property descriptor//from  www.  j  a v a  2s  . co m
private static PropertyDescriptor<?> parsePropertyDefinition(Element propertyElement) {
    String typeId = propertyElement.getAttribute(PropertyDescriptorField.TYPE.attributeName());

    PropertyDescriptorExternalBuilder<?> pdFactory = PropertyTypeId.factoryFor(typeId);
    if (pdFactory == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No property descriptor factory for type: " + typeId);

    Map<PropertyDescriptorField, String> values = new HashMap<>();
    NamedNodeMap atts = propertyElement.getAttributes();

    /// populate a map of values for an individual descriptor
    for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) {
        Attr a = (Attr) atts.item(i);
        values.put(PropertyDescriptorField.getConstant(a.getName()), a.getValue());

    if (StringUtils.isBlank(values.get(DEFAULT_VALUE))) {
        NodeList children = propertyElement.getElementsByTagName(DEFAULT_VALUE.attributeName());
        if (children.getLength() == 1) {
            values.put(DEFAULT_VALUE, children.item(0).getTextContent());
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No value defined!");

    // casting is not pretty but prevents the interface from having this method
    return pdFactory.build(values);

From source file:net.sourceforge.pmd.testframework.RuleTst.java

private TestDescriptor[] parseTests(Rule rule, Document doc) {
    Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
    NodeList testCodes = root.getElementsByTagName("test-code");

    TestDescriptor[] tests = new TestDescriptor[testCodes.getLength()];
    for (int i = 0; i < testCodes.getLength(); i++) {
        Element testCode = (Element) testCodes.item(i);

        boolean reinitializeRule = true;
        Node reinitializeRuleAttribute = testCode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("reinitializeRule");
        if (reinitializeRuleAttribute != null) {
            String reinitializeRuleValue = reinitializeRuleAttribute.getNodeValue();
            if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(reinitializeRuleValue)
                    || "0".equalsIgnoreCase(reinitializeRuleValue)) {
                reinitializeRule = false;
            }//from   w  ww . j  a  v  a  2 s .c o m

        boolean isRegressionTest = true;
        Node regressionTestAttribute = testCode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("regressionTest");
        if (regressionTestAttribute != null) {
            String reinitializeRuleValue = regressionTestAttribute.getNodeValue();
            if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(reinitializeRuleValue)) {
                isRegressionTest = false;

        boolean isUseAuxClasspath = true;
        Node useAuxClasspathAttribute = testCode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("useAuxClasspath");
        if (useAuxClasspathAttribute != null) {
            String useAuxClasspathValue = useAuxClasspathAttribute.getNodeValue();
            if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(useAuxClasspathValue)) {
                isUseAuxClasspath = false;

        NodeList ruleProperties = testCode.getElementsByTagName("rule-property");
        Properties properties = new Properties();
        for (int j = 0; j < ruleProperties.getLength(); j++) {
            Node ruleProperty = ruleProperties.item(j);
            String propertyName = ruleProperty.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();
            properties.setProperty(propertyName, parseTextNode(ruleProperty));

        NodeList expectedMessagesNodes = testCode.getElementsByTagName("expected-messages");
        List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
        if (expectedMessagesNodes != null && expectedMessagesNodes.getLength() > 0) {
            Element item = (Element) expectedMessagesNodes.item(0);
            NodeList messagesNodes = item.getElementsByTagName("message");
            for (int j = 0; j < messagesNodes.getLength(); j++) {

        NodeList expectedLineNumbersNodes = testCode.getElementsByTagName("expected-linenumbers");
        List<Integer> expectedLineNumbers = new ArrayList<>();
        if (expectedLineNumbersNodes != null && expectedLineNumbersNodes.getLength() > 0) {
            Element item = (Element) expectedLineNumbersNodes.item(0);
            String numbers = item.getTextContent();
            for (String n : numbers.split(" *, *")) {

        String code = getNodeValue(testCode, "code", false);
        if (code == null) {
            // Should have a coderef
            NodeList coderefs = testCode.getElementsByTagName("code-ref");
            if (coderefs.getLength() == 0) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Required tag is missing from the test-xml. Supply either a code or a code-ref tag");
            Node coderef = coderefs.item(0);
            String referenceId = coderef.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue();
            NodeList codeFragments = root.getElementsByTagName("code-fragment");
            for (int j = 0; j < codeFragments.getLength(); j++) {
                String fragmentId = codeFragments.item(j).getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue();
                if (referenceId.equals(fragmentId)) {
                    code = parseTextNode(codeFragments.item(j));

            if (code == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No matching code fragment found for coderef");

        String description = getNodeValue(testCode, "description", true);
        int expectedProblems = Integer.parseInt(getNodeValue(testCode, "expected-problems", true));

        String languageVersionString = getNodeValue(testCode, "source-type", false);
        if (languageVersionString == null) {
            tests[i] = new TestDescriptor(code, description, expectedProblems, rule);
        } else {
            LanguageVersion languageVersion = LanguageRegistry
            if (languageVersion != null) {
                tests[i] = new TestDescriptor(code, description, expectedProblems, rule, languageVersion);
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unknown LanguageVersion for test: " + languageVersionString);
        tests[i].setNumberInDocument(i + 1);
    return tests;