Example usage for org.w3c.dom Element getTagName

List of usage examples for org.w3c.dom Element getTagName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.w3c.dom Element getTagName.


public String getTagName();

Source Link


The name of the element.


From source file:org.getobjects.eoaccess.EOModelLoader.java

 * Handle the "entity" tag./* w  ww . j  a v  a 2  s .  co  m*/
 * <p>
 * Attributes:
 * <pre>
 *   name          - String - name of entity
 *   table         - String
 *   schema        - String - none =&gt; inherit from model, "" =&gt; no schema
 *   class         - String - name of class for rows
 *   datasource    - String - name of datasource class
 *   tableNameLike - String - makes this a pattern entity for matches
 *   primarykey    - String - name of primary key attribute
 *   primarykeys   - String - comma separated names of pkey attributes
 *   readonly      - bool
 *   flags         - String - 'readonly' flag
 *   restrictingQualifier - String - an EOQualifier
 * </pre>
 * Child elements:
 * <pre>
 *   "attribute" tags
 *   "to-one"    tags
 *   "to-many"   tags
 *   "fetch"     tags
 *   "operation" tags (not yet implemented)
 * </pre>
protected EOEntity loadEntityFromElement(Element _node, Map<String, Object> _modelOpts) {
    if (_node == null)
        return null;
    if (!_node.getTagName().equals("entity")) {
        log.info("given node is not a <entity> tag");
        return null;

    EOAttribute[] attrs = this.loadAttributesFromElement(_node);
    if (attrs == null)
        return null;

    EORelationship[] relships = this.loadRelationshipsFromElement(_node);

    /* determine attributes */

    String tableName = _node.getAttribute("table");
    String schemaName = _node.getAttribute("schema");
    String entityName = _node.getAttribute("name");
    String className = _node.getAttribute("class");
    String dsClassName = _node.getAttribute("datasource");
    String eQualifier = _node.getAttribute("restrictingQualifier");

    boolean tableNameIsPattern = false;
    if (tableName == null || tableName.length() == 0) {
        tableNameIsPattern = true;
        tableName = _node.getAttribute("tableNameLike");
        if (tableName == null || tableName.length() == 0) {
            if (entityName != null && entityName.length() > 0) {
                /* be tolerant, derive tablename from entity name ... */
                tableNameIsPattern = false;
                tableName = entityName;
            } else {
                this.addError("missing table name for entity");
                return null;

    if (entityName == null || entityName.length() == 0) {
        if (!tableNameIsPattern)
            entityName = tableName;

    if (className != null && className.length() == 0)
        className = null;
    if (dsClassName != null && dsClassName.length() == 0)
        dsClassName = null;

    if (schemaName == null)
        schemaName = (String) _modelOpts.get("defaultSchema");
    else if (schemaName.length() == 0) /* if you do NOT want to inherit */
        schemaName = null;

    String pkeys[] = null;
    String pkeyv = _node.getAttribute("primarykey");
    if (pkeyv != null && pkeyv.length() > 0) {
        pkeys = new String[] { pkeyv };
    } else {
        /* treat the value as a CSV list */
        pkeyv = _node.getAttribute("primarykeys");
        if (pkeyv != null && pkeyv.length() > 0)
            pkeys = pkeyv.split(",");

    if (pkeys == null)
        log.warn("no primary key found for Entity named " + entityName);

    Boolean readonly = this.getBoolAttribute(_node, "readonly");
    String flagSet = _node.getAttribute("flags");
    if (flagSet != null && flagSet.length() > 0) {
        if (readonly == null)
            readonly = flagSet.contains("readonly");

    // TODO: process restricting qualifier

    /* load fetch specifications and adaptor ops */

    Map<String, EOFetchSpecification> fspecs = this.loadFetchSpecificationsFromElement(entityName, _node);

    Map<String, EOAdaptorOperation[]> ops = this.loadAdaptorOperationsFromElement(entityName, _node);

    /* construct */

    EOEntity entity = new EOEntity(entityName, tableName, tableNameIsPattern, schemaName, className,
            dsClassName, attrs, pkeys, relships, fspecs, ops);
    if (readonly != null)
        entity.isReadOnly = readonly;

    if (eQualifier != null) {
        EOQualifier q = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat(eQualifier);

    return entity;

From source file:org.getobjects.eoaccess.EOModelLoader.java

 * Example://w ww.  j a  va 2 s. c om
 * <pre>
 *   &lt;attribute column="id" autoincrement="true" null="false" /&gt;
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * Attributes:
 * <pre>
 *   name           - property name of attribute (defaults to column)
 *   column         - column name of attribute
 *   columnNameLike - makes this a pattern attribute for matching columns
 *   autoincrement  - boolean -
 *   null           - boolean -
 *   type           - String  - SQL type, eg VARCHAR2
 *   readformat     - String
 *   writeformat    - String
 * </pre>
protected EOAttribute loadAttributeFromElement(Element _node) {
    if (_node == null)
        return null;
    if (!_node.getTagName().equals("attribute")) {
        log.info("given node is not an <attribute> tag");
        return null;

    /* extract attributes */

    String s;

    boolean isColumnPattern = false;

    s = _node.getAttribute("name");
    String name = UObject.isNotEmpty(s) ? s : null;
    s = _node.getAttribute("column");
    String column = UObject.isNotEmpty(s) ? s : null;

    if (column == null) {
        s = _node.getAttribute("columnNameLike");
        column = UObject.isNotEmpty(s) ? s : null;
        if (column == null) {
            if ((column = name) == null) {
                this.addError("missing column name for attribute: " + _node);
                return null;
        } else
            isColumnPattern = true;
    } else if (name == null)
        name = column;

    s = _node.getAttribute("autoincrement");
    Boolean isAutoIncrement = UObject.isNotEmpty(s) ? UObject.boolValue(s) : null;
    s = _node.getAttribute("null");
    Boolean allowsNull = UObject.isNotEmpty(s) ? UObject.boolValue(s) : null;
    s = _node.getAttribute("notnull"); /* backwards compat */
    if (allowsNull != null && UObject.isNotEmpty(s)) {
        log.warn("both 'null' and 'notnull' attribute set for attribute '" + name + "', discarding 'notnull'");
    } else if (allowsNull == null && UObject.isNotEmpty(s)) {
        allowsNull = !UObject.boolValue(s);

    s = _node.getAttribute("readformat");
    String readformat = UObject.isNotEmpty(s) ? s : null;
    s = _node.getAttribute("writeformat");
    String writeformat = UObject.isNotEmpty(s) ? s : null;

    // TODO: column type

    EOAttribute attr = new EOAttribute(name, column, isColumnPattern, _node.getAttribute("type"),
            isAutoIncrement, allowsNull, null, // TODO: width
            readformat, writeformat, null, // TODO: default
            null, /* comment     */
            null, /* collation   */
            null /* privileges */);
    return attr;

From source file:org.getobjects.eoaccess.EOModelLoader.java

 * 'to-one' or 'to-many' tags/*from ww  w .ja v  a2s . com*/
 * <p>
 * Attributes:<pre>
 *   name              - name of relationship
 *   to or destination - name of target entity
 *   target            - name of target entity
 *   join              - Strings separated by comma</pre>
 * Eg:<pre>
 *   &lt;to-one  name="toProject" to="Project" join="companyId,ownerId" /&gt;
 *   &lt;to-many name="toOwner"   to="Account" join="ownerId,companyId" /&gt;
 *   &lt;to-one  to="Project" join="companyId,ownerId" />
 * </pre>
// TODO: support join subelements
protected EORelationship loadRelationshipFromElement(Element _node) {
    if (_node == null)
        return null;
    if (!_node.getTagName().startsWith("to")) {
        log.info("given node is not a <relationship> tag");
        return null;

    /* extract attributes */

    String s;

    boolean isToMany = _node.getTagName().contains("many");

    s = _node.getAttribute("name");
    String name = UObject.isNotEmpty(s) ? s : null;

    s = _node.getAttribute("to");
    String destEntity = UObject.isNotEmpty(s) ? s : null;
    if (destEntity == null) {
        s = _node.getAttribute("destination");
        destEntity = UObject.isNotEmpty(s) ? s : null;
    if (destEntity == null) {
        s = _node.getAttribute("target");
        destEntity = UObject.isNotEmpty(s) ? s : null;

    /* default: is toTarget, eg to=Project => toProject */
    // TBD: such stuff belongs in the name-beautifier?
    if (name == null)
        name = "to" + destEntity;

    /* join attribute */

    s = _node.getAttribute("join");
    String[] parts = s != null ? s.split(",") : null;
    EOJoin[] joins = null;

    if (parts != null && parts.length == 1) {
        joins = new EOJoin[1];
        joins[0] = new EOJoin(parts[0], parts[0]);
    } else if (parts != null && parts.length > 1) {
        joins = new EOJoin[parts.length / 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 2)
            joins[i / 2] = new EOJoin(parts[i], parts[i + 1]);
    // TODO: join subelements

    /* construct */

    EORelationship rel = new EORelationship(name, isToMany, null /* entity */, destEntity, joins);
    return rel;

From source file:org.getobjects.eoaccess.EOModelLoader.java

 * "fetch" tag//  w w w  .  j  av a2s .c o m
 * <p>
 * Attributes:<pre>
 *   name       - String  - name of fetch specification
 *   rawrows    - boolean - do not map to objects, return raw Map's
 *   distinct   - boolean - make results distinct
 *   deep       - boolean - make a deep query (for hierarchical datasets)
 *   readonly   - boolean - do not store a snapshot to track modifications
 *   lock       - boolean - attempt some SQL lock
 *   requiresAllBindings  - boolean - all bindings must be filled
 *   attributes - CSV     - rawrows|distinct|deep|readonly|lock|allbinds
 *   limit      - int
 *   offset     - int
 *   prefetch   - CSV     - list of prefetch pathes
 * </pre>
 * Children:<pre>
 *   'attribute' tags - CSV (eg name,lastname,firstname)
 *   'prefetch'  tags - CSV (eg employments.company,projects)
 *   'qualifier' tags
 *   'ordering'  tags
 *   'sql'       tags (with pattern attribute)
 *     - EOCustomQueryExpressionHintKeyBindPattern (with pattern)
 *     - EOCustomQueryExpressionHintKey (w/o pattern)</pre>
 * Example:<pre>
 *   &lt;fetch name="count" rawrows="true"&gt;
 *     &lt;sql&gt;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table&lt;/sql&gt;
 *   &lt;/fetch&gt;
 *   &lt;fetch name="abc" distinct="true" deep="false" lock="false"
 *          requiresAllBindings="true" limit="100" offset="0"
 *          entity="Contact"
 *          attributes="id,lastname,firstname"
 *     &gt;
 *     &lt;qualifier>lastname like $name&lt;/qualifier&gt;
 *     &lt;ordering key="balance" order="DESC" /&gt;
 *     &lt;ordering key="lastname" /&gt;
 *   &lt;/fetch&gt;
 * </pre>
protected EOFetchSpecification loadFetchSpecificationFromElement(String _entityName, Element _node) {
     * TODO: would be cool to allow intermixing of raw SQL and qualifiers, like:
     *   <fetch name="count" rawrows="true">
     *     <sql>SELECT COUNT(T.*) FROM table T, rel X WHERE </sql>
     *     <qualifier>T.lastname = $lastname</qualifier>
     *     <sql> AND T.id = X.id</sql>
     *     <ordering>lastname</ordering>
     *   </fetch>

    if (_node == null)
        return null;
    if (!_node.getTagName().equals("fetch")) {
        log.info("given node is not a <fetch> tag");
        return null;

    Map<String, Object> hints = new HashMap<String, Object>(4);
    String s;

    /* flags */

    Boolean fetchesRawRows = this.getBoolAttribute(_node, "rawrows");
    Boolean distinct = this.getBoolAttribute(_node, "distinct");
    Boolean deep = this.getBoolAttribute(_node, "deep");
    Boolean readonly = this.getBoolAttribute(_node, "readonly");
    Boolean lock = this.getBoolAttribute(_node, "lock");
    Boolean requiresAllBindings = this.getBoolAttribute(_node, "requiresAllBindings");

    String flagSet = _node.getAttribute("flags");
    if (flagSet != null && flagSet.length() > 0) {
        if (fetchesRawRows == null)
            fetchesRawRows = flagSet.contains("raw");
        if (distinct == null)
            distinct = flagSet.contains("distinct");
        if (readonly == null)
            readonly = flagSet.contains("readonly");
        if (lock == null)
            lock = flagSet.contains("lock");
        if (requiresAllBindings == null)
            requiresAllBindings = flagSet.contains("allbinds");

    if (distinct == null)
        distinct = Boolean.FALSE;
    if (deep == null)
        deep = Boolean.FALSE;

    /* more attributes */

    Integer limit = this.getIntAttribute(_node, "limit");
    Integer offset = this.getIntAttribute(_node, "offset");
    String entityName = _node.getAttribute("entity");
    if (entityName != null && entityName.length() == 0)
        entityName = null;
    if (entityName == null)
        entityName = _entityName;

    //    /* walk elements */
    //    TBD: walk objects in sequence, possibly creating merged SQL expressions
    //    NodeList children = _node.getChildNodes();
    //    if (children != null && children.getLength() > 0) {
    //      List<String> collectAttrs = new ArrayList<String>(8);
    //      for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
    //        Node node = children.item(i);
    //        if (node == null || !(node instanceof Element)) continue;
    //        Element element = (Element)node;
    //        String  tagName = element.getTagName();
    //        if ("attributes".equals(tagName)) {
    //        }
    //      }
    //    }

    /* fetch attributes */

    String[] fetchAttributes = null;
    String[] prefetchPaths = null;

    s = _node.getAttribute("attributes");
    if (UObject.isNotEmpty(s)) {
        fetchAttributes = s.split(",");
    } else {
        s = this.joinTrimmedTextsOfElements(_node.getElementsByTagName("attributes"), ",");
        if (UObject.isNotEmpty(s))
            fetchAttributes = s.split(",");

    s = _node.getAttribute("prefetch");
    if (UObject.isNotEmpty(s)) {
        prefetchPaths = s.split(",");
    } else {
        s = this.joinTrimmedTextsOfElements(_node.getElementsByTagName("prefetch"), ",");
        if (UObject.isNotEmpty(s))
            prefetchPaths = s.split(",");

    /* qualifiers */

    s = this.joinTrimmedTextsOfElements(_node.getElementsByTagName("qualifier"), " AND ");
    EOQualifier qualifier = s != null ? EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat(s) : null;
    if (s != null && qualifier == null) {
        log.error("could not parse qualifier in model:\n'" + s + "'");
        return null;

    /* sort-orderings */

    EOSortOrdering[] orderings = null;
    NodeList orderingNodes = _node.getElementsByTagName("ordering");
    if (orderingNodes != null && orderingNodes.getLength() > 0) {
        orderings = new EOSortOrdering[orderingNodes.getLength()];
        for (int i = 0; i < orderingNodes.getLength(); i++) {
            orderings[i] = this.loadOrderingFromElement((Element) orderingNodes.item(i));
            if (orderings[i] == null) {
                log.error("could not parse an ordering in model: " + orderingNodes.item(i));
                return null;

    /* custom SQL */

    NodeList sqlNodes = _node.getElementsByTagName("sql");
    s = this.joinTrimmedTextsOfElements(sqlNodes, "; ");
    if (UObject.isNotEmpty(s)) {
        Boolean pat = this.getBoolAttribute((Element) sqlNodes.item(0), "pattern");
        if (pat != null && pat)
            hints.put("EOCustomQueryExpressionHintKeyBindPattern", s);
            hints.put("EOCustomQueryExpressionHintKey", s);

    /* construct */

    if (hints.size() == 0)
        hints = null;

    EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification(entityName, qualifier, orderings, distinct, deep, hints);

    if (fetchesRawRows != null)
    if (readonly != null)
    if (lock != null)
    if (limit != null)
    if (offset != null)
    if (fetchAttributes != null)
    if (prefetchPaths != null && prefetchPaths.length > 0)

    if (requiresAllBindings != null)

    return fs;

From source file:org.getobjects.eoaccess.EOModelLoader.java

protected EOSortOrdering loadOrderingFromElement(Element _e) {
    /*/* w ww .  ja va 2s.c om*/
     * Eg:
     *   <ordering key="lastname" operation="DESC" />
    if (_e == null)
        return null;
    if (!_e.getTagName().startsWith("order")) { // allow orderby, etc
        log.info("given node is not a <ordering> tag");
        return null;

    /* determine key */

    String key = _e.getAttribute("key");
    if (key == null || key.length() == 0)
        key = _e.getTextContent();

    if (key == null || key.length() == 0) {
        log.error("could not parse an ordering in model: " + _e);
        return null;

    /* determine selector */

    String ssel = _e.getAttribute("operation");
    if (ssel == null || ssel.length() == 0)
        ssel = _e.getAttribute("op");
    if (ssel == null || ssel.length() == 0)
        ssel = _e.getAttribute("order");
    Object sel;
    if (ssel == null || ssel.length() == 0)
        sel = EOSortOrdering.EOCompareAscending;
    else if ("ASC".equalsIgnoreCase(ssel))
        sel = EOSortOrdering.EOCompareAscending;
    else if ("DESC".equalsIgnoreCase(ssel))
        sel = EOSortOrdering.EOCompareDescending;
    else if ("CASE ASC".equalsIgnoreCase(ssel))
        sel = EOSortOrdering.EOCompareCaseInsensitiveAscending;
    else if ("CASE DESC".equalsIgnoreCase(ssel))
        sel = EOSortOrdering.EOCompareCaseInsensitiveDescending;
        sel = ssel;

    return new EOSortOrdering(key, sel);

From source file:org.glom.app.libglom.Document.java

 * @param node/*from  w w w. j  a  v a  2 s.c  om*/
 * @return
private List<LayoutGroup> loadLayoutNode(final Element node, final String tableName, final String layoutName) {
    if (node == null) {
        return null;

    final List<LayoutGroup> result = new ArrayList<>();
    int groupIndex = 0;
    final List<Node> listNodes = getChildrenByTagName(node, NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUPS);
    for (final Node nodeGroups : listNodes) {
        if (!(nodeGroups instanceof Element)) {

        final Element elementGroups = (Element) nodeGroups;

        final NodeList list = elementGroups.getChildNodes();
        final int num = list.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            final Node nodeLayoutGroup = list.item(i);
            if (nodeLayoutGroup == null) {

            if (!(nodeLayoutGroup instanceof Element)) {

            final Path path = new Path();
            path.tableName = tableName;
            path.layoutName = layoutName;
            path.indices[0 /* depth */] = groupIndex;

            final Element element = (Element) nodeLayoutGroup;
            final String tagName = element.getTagName();
            switch (tagName) {
            case NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUP: {
                final LayoutGroup group = new LayoutGroup();
                loadDataLayoutGroup(element, group, tableName, path);
            case NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_NOTEBOOK: {
                final LayoutItemNotebook group = new LayoutItemNotebook();
                loadDataLayoutGroup(element, group, tableName, path);
            case NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_PORTAL:
                final LayoutItemPortal portal = new LayoutItemPortal();
                loadDataLayoutPortal(element, portal, tableName, path);

    return result;

From source file:org.glom.app.libglom.Document.java

 * @param nodeGroup//from  w  w w .  java2 s.c o m
 * @param group
private void loadDataLayoutGroup(final Element nodeGroup, final LayoutGroup group, final String tableName,
        final Path path) {
    loadTitle(nodeGroup, group);

    // Read the column count:
    int columnCount = (int) getAttributeAsDecimal(nodeGroup, ATTRIBUTE_LAYOUT_GROUP_COLUMNS_COUNT);
    if (columnCount < 1) {
        columnCount = 1; // 0 is a useless default.

    final int depth = path.indices.length;

    // Get the child items:
    final NodeList listNodes = nodeGroup.getChildNodes();
    final int num = listNodes.getLength();
    int pathIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {

        final Node node = listNodes.item(i);
        if (!(node instanceof Element)) {

        final Element element = (Element) node;
        final String tagName = element.getTagName();

        //Do not increment pathIndex for an item
        //that we will not use:
        if (tagName.equals(NODE_TRANSLATIONS_SET)) {

        // Create a path of indices for the child:
        final Path pathChild = new Path();
        pathChild.tableName = path.tableName;
        pathChild.layoutName = path.layoutName;
        pathChild.indices = new int[path.indices.length + 1];
        System.arraycopy(path.indices, 0, pathChild.indices, 0, path.indices.length);
        pathChild.indices[depth] = pathIndex;

        switch (tagName) {
        case NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUP: {
            final LayoutGroup childGroup = new LayoutGroup();
            loadDataLayoutGroup(element, childGroup, tableName, pathChild);
            final LayoutItemNotebook childGroup = new LayoutItemNotebook();
            loadDataLayoutGroup(element, childGroup, tableName, pathChild);
            final LayoutItemPortal childGroup = new LayoutItemPortal();
            loadDataLayoutPortal(element, childGroup, tableName, pathChild);
        case NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_ITEM: {
            final LayoutItemField item = new LayoutItemField();
            loadDataLayoutItemField(element, item, tableName);
            final LayoutItemText item = new LayoutItemText();
            loadDataLayoutItemText(element, item);
            final LayoutItemImage item = new LayoutItemImage();
            loadDataLayoutItemImage(element, item, pathChild);
            final LayoutItemGroupBy item = new LayoutItemGroupBy();
            loadDataLayoutItemGroupBy(element, item, tableName, pathChild);

From source file:org.glom.web.server.libglom.Document.java

 * @param node/*from  w w w . j av  a 2 s  .c o  m*/
 * @return
private List<LayoutGroup> loadLayoutNode(final Element node, final String tableName, final String layoutName) {
    if (node == null) {
        return null;

    final List<LayoutGroup> result = new ArrayList<LayoutGroup>();
    int groupIndex = 0;
    final List<Node> listNodes = getChildrenByTagName(node, NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUPS);
    for (final Node nodeGroups : listNodes) {
        if (!(nodeGroups instanceof Element)) {

        final Element elementGroups = (Element) nodeGroups;

        final NodeList list = elementGroups.getChildNodes();
        final int num = list.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            final Node nodeLayoutGroup = list.item(i);
            if (nodeLayoutGroup == null) {

            if (!(nodeLayoutGroup instanceof Element)) {

            final Path path = new Path();
            path.tableName = tableName;
            path.layoutName = layoutName;
            path.indices[0 /* depth */] = groupIndex;

            final Element element = (Element) nodeLayoutGroup;
            final String tagName = element.getTagName();
            if (tagName.equals(NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUP)) {
                final LayoutGroup group = new LayoutGroup();
                loadDataLayoutGroup(element, group, tableName, path);
            } else if (tagName.equals(NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_NOTEBOOK)) {
                final LayoutItemNotebook group = new LayoutItemNotebook();
                loadDataLayoutGroup(element, group, tableName, path);
            } else if (tagName.equals(NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_PORTAL)) {
                final LayoutItemPortal portal = new LayoutItemPortal();
                loadDataLayoutPortal(element, portal, tableName, path);

    return result;

From source file:org.glom.web.server.libglom.Document.java

 * @param element/*  www . j av a2  s.  c  om*/
 * @param group
private void loadDataLayoutGroup(final Element nodeGroup, final LayoutGroup group, final String tableName,
        final Path path) {
    loadTitle(nodeGroup, group);

    // Read the column count:
    int columnCount = (int) getAttributeAsDecimal(nodeGroup, ATTRIBUTE_LAYOUT_GROUP_COLUMNS_COUNT);
    if (columnCount < 1) {
        columnCount = 1; // 0 is a useless default.

    final int depth = path.indices.length;

    // Get the child items:
    final NodeList listNodes = nodeGroup.getChildNodes();
    final int num = listNodes.getLength();
    int pathIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {

        final Node node = listNodes.item(i);
        if (!(node instanceof Element)) {

        final Element element = (Element) node;
        final String tagName = element.getTagName();

        //Do not increment pathIndex for an item
        //that we will not use:
        if (tagName.equals(NODE_TRANSLATIONS_SET)) {

        // Create a path of indices for the child:
        final Path pathChild = new Path();
        pathChild.tableName = path.tableName;
        pathChild.layoutName = path.layoutName;
        pathChild.indices = new int[path.indices.length + 1];
        System.arraycopy(path.indices, 0, pathChild.indices, 0, path.indices.length);
        pathChild.indices[depth] = pathIndex;

        if (tagName.equals(NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_GROUP)) {
            final LayoutGroup childGroup = new LayoutGroup();
            loadDataLayoutGroup(element, childGroup, tableName, pathChild);
        } else if (tagName.equals(NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_NOTEBOOK)) {
            final LayoutItemNotebook childGroup = new LayoutItemNotebook();
            loadDataLayoutGroup(element, childGroup, tableName, pathChild);
        } else if (tagName.equals(NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_PORTAL)) {
            final LayoutItemPortal childGroup = new LayoutItemPortal();
            loadDataLayoutPortal(element, childGroup, tableName, pathChild);
        } else if (tagName.equals(NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_ITEM)) {
            final LayoutItemField item = new LayoutItemField();
            loadDataLayoutItemField(element, item, tableName);
        } else if (tagName.equals(NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_TEXTOBJECT)) {
            final LayoutItemText item = new LayoutItemText();
            loadDataLayoutItemText(element, item);
        } else if (tagName.equals(NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_IMAGEOBJECT)) {
            final LayoutItemImage item = new LayoutItemImage();
            loadDataLayoutItemImage(element, item, pathChild);
        } else if (tagName.equals(NODE_DATA_LAYOUT_ITEM_GROUPBY)) {
            final LayoutItemGroupBy item = new LayoutItemGroupBy();
            loadDataLayoutItemGroupBy(element, item, tableName, pathChild);

From source file:org.gvnix.flex.ui.MxmlRoundTripUtils.java

 * Create a base 64 encoded SHA1 hash key for a given XML element. The key
 * is based on the element name, the attribute names and their values. Child
 * elements are ignored. Attributes named 'z' are not concluded since they
 * contain the hash key itself.//from  w w  w .  j  a  va 2  s  . c o  m
 * @param element The element to create the base 64 encoded hash key for
 * @return the unique key
public static String calculateUniqueKeyFor(Element element) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    NamedNodeMap attributes = element.getAttributes();
    SortedMap<String, String> attrKVStore = Collections.synchronizedSortedMap(new TreeMap<String, String>());
    for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
        Node attr = attributes.item(i);
        if (!"z".equals(attr.getNodeName()) && !attr.getNodeName().startsWith("_")) {
            attrKVStore.put(attr.getNodeName(), attr.getNodeValue());
    for (Entry<String, String> entry : attrKVStore.entrySet()) {
    return base64(sha1(sb.toString().getBytes()));