Example usage for org.w3c.dom Element hashCode

List of usage examples for org.w3c.dom Element hashCode


In this page you can find the example usage for org.w3c.dom Element hashCode.


public native int hashCode();

Source Link


Returns a hash code value for the object.


From source file:com.clican.pluto.dataprocess.spring.parser.DeployParser.java

public BeanDefinition parse(Element element, ParserContext parserContext) {
    BeanDefinitionRegistry bdr = parserContext.getRegistry();
    RootBeanDefinition beanDef = new RootBeanDefinition();
    beanDef.setAbstract(false);//from w  w  w .  j a  v  a2s  . co  m
    String id = element.getAttribute("id");
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(id)) {
        id = "dplDeploy#" + element.hashCode();
    bdr.registerBeanDefinition(id, beanDef);

    this.setBeanDefinitionStringProperty("name", beanDef, element);
    this.setBeanDefinitionStringProperty("url", beanDef, element);
    this.setBeanDefinitionStringProperty("propertyResources", beanDef, element);

    return beanDef;

From source file:eu.europa.esig.dss.xades.validation.XAdESSignature.java

 * This method returns the last timestamp validation data for an archive timestamp.
 * @return//  w w  w.j a va 2 s .c o m
public Element getLastTimestampValidationData() {

    final List<TimestampToken> archiveTimestamps = getArchiveTimestamps();
    TimestampToken mostRecentTimestamp = null;
    for (final TimestampToken archiveTimestamp : archiveTimestamps) {

        if (mostRecentTimestamp == null) {

            mostRecentTimestamp = archiveTimestamp;
        final Date generationTime = archiveTimestamp.getGenerationTime();
        final Date mostRecentGenerationTime = mostRecentTimestamp.getGenerationTime();
        if (generationTime.after(mostRecentGenerationTime)) {

            mostRecentTimestamp = archiveTimestamp;
    final int timestampHashCode = mostRecentTimestamp.getHashCode();
    final NodeList nodeList = DSSXMLUtils.getNodeList(signatureElement,
            xPathQueryHolder.XPATH_UNSIGNED_SIGNATURE_PROPERTIES + "/*");
    boolean found = false;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < nodeList.getLength(); ii++) {

        final Element unsignedSignatureElement = (Element) nodeList.item(ii);
        final int nodeHashCode = unsignedSignatureElement.hashCode();
        if (nodeHashCode == timestampHashCode) {

            found = true;
        } else if (found) {

            final String nodeName = unsignedSignatureElement.getLocalName();
            if ("TimeStampValidationData".equals(nodeName)) {

                return unsignedSignatureElement;
    return null;

From source file:com.netspective.sparx.util.xml.XmlSource.java

public void inheritNodes(Element element, Map sourcePool, String attrName, Set excludeElems) {
    String inheritAttr = element.getAttribute(attrName);
    while (inheritAttr != null && inheritAttr.length() > 0) {
        Element inheritFromElem = null;
        StringTokenizer inheritST = new StringTokenizer(inheritAttr, ",");
        String[] inherits = new String[15];
        int inheritsCount = 0;
        while (inheritST.hasMoreTokens()) {
            inherits[inheritsCount] = inheritST.nextToken();
            inheritsCount++;//from  www . ja  v a  2s .c  o  m

        /** we're going to work backwards because we want to make sure the
         *  elements are added in the appropriate order (same order as the
         *  inheritance list)

        for (int j = (inheritsCount - 1); j >= 0; j--) {
            String inheritType = inherits[j];
            inheritFromElem = (Element) sourcePool.get(inheritType);
            if (inheritFromElem == null) {
                errors.add("can not extend '" + element.getAttribute("name") + "' from '" + inheritType
                        + "': source not found");

            /* don't inherit the same objects more than once */
            String inheritanceId = Integer.toString(element.hashCode()) + '.'
                    + Integer.toString(inheritFromElem.hashCode());
            if (inheritanceHistorySet.contains(inheritanceId)) {
                errors.add("Attempting to copy duplicate node: " + inheritanceId + ", " + element.getTagName()
                        + ", " + element.getAttribute("name") + ", " + inheritFromElem.getTagName());

            Element extendsElem = xmlDoc.createElement("extends");

            inheritElement(inheritFromElem, element, excludeElems, inheritType);

        // find the next one if we have more parents
        if (inheritFromElem != null)
            inheritAttr = inheritFromElem.getAttribute(attrName);
            inheritAttr = null;

From source file:eu.europa.esig.dss.xades.validation.XAdESSignature.java

 * This method creates {@code TimestampToken} based on provided parameters.
 * @param timestampElement/*from   w  w w .j ava  2s . c  o  m*/
 *            contains the encapsulated timestamp
 * @param timestampType
 *            {@code TimestampType}
 * @return {@code TimestampToken} of the given type
 * @throws DSSException
private TimestampToken makeTimestampToken(final Element timestampElement, final TimestampType timestampType)
        throws DSSException {

    final Element timestampTokenNode = DSSXMLUtils.getElement(timestampElement,
    if (timestampTokenNode == null) {

        // TODO (09/11/2014): The error message must be propagated to the
        // validation report
        LOG.warn("The timestamp (" + timestampType.name() + ") cannot be extracted from the signature!");
        return null;

    final String base64EncodedTimestamp = timestampTokenNode.getTextContent();
    final TimeStampToken timeStampToken = createTimeStampToken(base64EncodedTimestamp);
    final TimestampToken timestampToken = new TimestampToken(timeStampToken, timestampType, certPool);
    setTimestampCanonicalizationMethod(timestampElement, timestampToken);

    // TODO: timestampToken.setIncludes(element.getIncludes)...
    // final NodeList includes =
    // timestampTokenNode.getElementsByTagName("Include");
    // for (int i = 0; i < includes.getLength(); ++i) {
    // timestampToken.getTimestampIncludes().add(new
    // TimestampInclude(includes.item(i).getBaseURI(),
    // includes.item(i).getAttributes()));
    // }
    return timestampToken;

From source file:org.eclipse.winery.repository.importing.CSARImporter.java

 * Imports the specified types into the repository. The types are converted to an import statement
 * /*w w  w.j av  a 2 s. c  o m*/
 * @param errors Container for error messages
private void importTypes(TDefinitions defs, final List<String> errors) {
    Types typesContainer = defs.getTypes();
    if (typesContainer != null) {
        List<Object> types = typesContainer.getAny();
        for (Object type : types) {
            if (type instanceof Element) {
                Element element = (Element) type;

                // generate id part of ImportId out of definitions' id
                // we do not use the name as the name has to be URLencoded again and we have issues with
                // the interplay with
                // org.eclipse.winery.common.ids.definitions.imports.GenericImportId.getId(TImport) then.
                String id = defs.getId();
                // try to make the id unique by hashing the "content" of the definition
                id = id + "-" + Integer.toHexString(element.hashCode());

                // set importId
                TOSCAComponentId importId;
                String ns;
                if (element.getNamespaceURI().equals(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI)) {
                    ns = element.getAttribute("targetNamespace");
                    importId = new XSDImportId(ns, id, false);
                } else {
                    // Quick hack for non-XML-Schema-definitions
                    ns = "unknown";
                    importId = new GenericImportId(ns, id, false, element.getNamespaceURI());

                // Following code is adapted from importOtherImports

                TDefinitions wrapperDefs = BackendUtils.createWrapperDefinitions(importId);
                TImport imp = new TImport();
                String fileName = id + ".xsd";
                CSARImporter.storeDefinitions(importId, wrapperDefs);

                // put the file itself to the repo
                // ref is required to generate fileRef
                RepositoryFileReference ref = BackendUtils.getRefOfDefinitions(importId);
                RepositoryFileReference fileRef = new RepositoryFileReference(ref.getParent(), fileName);
                // convert element to document
                // QUICK HACK. Alternative: Add new method Repository.INSTANCE.getOutputStream and
                // transform DOM node to OuptputStream
                String content = Util.getXMLAsString(element);
                try {
                    Repository.INSTANCE.putContentToFile(fileRef, content, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                            .debug("Could not put XML Schema definition to file " + fileRef.toString(), e);
                    errors.add("Could not put XML Schema definition to file " + fileRef.toString());

                // add import to definitions

                // adapt path - similar to importOtherImport
                String newLoc = "../" + Utils.getURLforPathInsideRepo(BackendUtils.getPathInsideRepo(fileRef));
            } else {
                // This is a known type. Otherwise JAX-B would render it as Element
                errors.add("There is a Type of class " + type.getClass().toString()
                        + " which is unknown to Winery. The type element is imported as is");

From source file:org.infoglue.cms.applications.structuretool.actions.ViewSiteNodePageComponentsAction.java

 * This method adds a component to the page. 
 *///from   ww  w. ja  v a  2 s.c  o  m

public String doMoveComponentToSlot() throws Exception {
    logger.info("* MOVING COMPONENT TO ANOTHER SLOT                         *");
    logger.info("siteNodeId:" + this.siteNodeId);
    logger.info("languageId:" + this.languageId);
    logger.info("contentId:" + this.contentId);
    logger.info("queryString:" + this.getRequest().getQueryString());
    logger.info("parentComponentId:" + this.parentComponentId);
    logger.info("componentId:" + this.componentId);
    logger.info("slotId:" + this.slotId);
    logger.info("specifyBaseTemplate:" + this.specifyBaseTemplate);


    logger.info("masterLanguageId:" + this.masterLanguageVO.getId());

    ContentVO componentContentVO = null;

    if (this.specifyBaseTemplate.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
        throw new SystemException("Not possible to move component to base slot");
    } else {
        String componentXML = getPageComponentsString(siteNodeId, this.masterLanguageVO.getId());

        Document document = XMLHelper.readDocumentFromByteArray(componentXML.getBytes("UTF-8"));

        String componentXPath = "//component[@id=" + this.componentId + "]";
        String parentComponentXPath = "//component[@id=" + this.parentComponentId + "]/components";

        logger.info("componentXPath:" + componentXPath);
        logger.info("parentComponentXPath:" + parentComponentXPath);

        Node componentNode = org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(document.getDocumentElement(),
        logger.info("Found componentNode:" + componentNode);

        Node parentComponentComponentsNode = org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI
                .selectSingleNode(document.getDocumentElement(), parentComponentXPath);
        logger.info("Found parentComponentComponentsNode:" + parentComponentComponentsNode);

        if (componentNode != null && parentComponentComponentsNode != null) {
            Element component = (Element) componentNode;
            Element currentParentElement = (Element) componentNode.getParentNode();
            Element parentComponentComponentsElement = (Element) parentComponentComponentsNode;
            Element parentComponentElement = (Element) parentComponentComponentsNode.getParentNode();

            Integer componentContentId = new Integer(component.getAttribute("contentId"));
            Integer parentComponentContentId = new Integer(parentComponentElement.getAttribute("contentId"));
            logger.info("componentContentId:" + componentContentId);
            logger.info("parentComponentContentId:" + parentComponentContentId);
            componentContentVO = ContentController.getContentController()

            PageEditorHelper peh = new PageEditorHelper();
            List<Slot> slots = peh.getSlots(parentComponentContentId, languageId, this.getInfoGluePrincipal());
            boolean allowed = true;
            Iterator<Slot> slotsIterator = slots.iterator();
            while (slotsIterator.hasNext()) {
                Slot slot = slotsIterator.next();
                logger.info(slot.getId() + "=" + slotId);
                if (slot.getId().equals(slotId)) {
                    String[] allowedComponentNames = slot.getAllowedComponentsArray();
                    String[] disallowedComponentNames = slot.getDisallowedComponentsArray();
                    if (allowedComponentNames != null && allowedComponentNames.length > 0) {
                        allowed = false;
                        for (int i = 0; i < allowedComponentNames.length; i++) {
                            if (allowedComponentNames[i].equalsIgnoreCase(componentContentVO.getName()))
                                allowed = true;
                    if (disallowedComponentNames != null && disallowedComponentNames.length > 0) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < disallowedComponentNames.length; i++) {
                            if (disallowedComponentNames[i].equalsIgnoreCase(componentContentVO.getName()))
                                allowed = false;

            logger.info("Should the component:" + componentContentVO + " be allowed to be put in " + slotId
                    + ":" + allowed);
            logger.info("currentParentElement:" + currentParentElement.getNodeName() + ":"
                    + currentParentElement.hashCode());
            logger.info("parentComponentComponentsElement:" + parentComponentComponentsElement.getNodeName()
                    + ":" + parentComponentComponentsElement.hashCode());

            logger.info("slotPositionComponentId:" + slotPositionComponentId);
            if ((component.getParentNode() == parentComponentComponentsElement
                    && slotId.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getAttribute("name")))) {

                component.setAttribute("name", slotId);

                logger.info("slotPositionComponentId:" + slotPositionComponentId);

                if (slotPositionComponentId != null && !slotPositionComponentId.equals("")) {
                    logger.info("Moving component to slot: " + slotPositionComponentId);

                    Element afterElement = null;

                    NodeList childNodes = parentComponentComponentsElement.getChildNodes();
                    for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                        Node node = childNodes.item(i);
                        if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                            Element element = (Element) node;
                            if (element.getAttribute("id").equals(slotPositionComponentId)) {
                                afterElement = element;

                    if (afterElement != null) {
                        logger.info("Inserting component before: " + afterElement);
                        parentComponentComponentsElement.insertBefore(component, afterElement);
                    } else {
                } else {
                    logger.info("Appending component...");

                String modifiedXML = XMLHelper.serializeDom(document, new StringBuffer()).toString();

                ContentVO contentVO = NodeDeliveryController
                        .getNodeDeliveryController(siteNodeId, this.masterLanguageVO.getId(), contentId)
                        .getBoundContent(this.getInfoGluePrincipal(), siteNodeId, this.masterLanguageVO.getId(),
                                true, "Meta information", DeliveryContext.getDeliveryContext());
                ContentVersionVO contentVersionVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController()
                        .getLatestActiveContentVersionVO(contentVO.getId(), this.masterLanguageVO.getId());

                        contentVersionVO.getContentVersionId(), "ComponentStructure", modifiedXML,

                this.url = getComponentRendererUrl() + getComponentRendererAction() + "?siteNodeId="
                        + this.siteNodeId + "&languageId=" + this.languageId + "&contentId=" + this.contentId
                        + "&focusElementId=" + componentId + "&componentContentId=" + componentContentVO.getId()
                        + "&showSimple=" + this.showSimple;
            } else if (allowed && (component.getParentNode() != parentComponentComponentsElement
                    || !slotId.equalsIgnoreCase(component.getAttribute("name")))) {
                logger.info("Moving component...");

                component.setAttribute("name", slotId);

                if (slotPositionComponentId != null && !slotPositionComponentId.equals("")) {
                    NodeList childNodes = parentComponentComponentsElement.getChildNodes();
                    for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) {
                        Node node = childNodes.item(i);
                        if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                            Element element = (Element) node;
                            if (element.getAttribute("id").equals(slotPositionComponentId)) {
                                logger.info("Inserting component before: " + element);
                                parentComponentComponentsElement.insertBefore(component, element);
                } else {

                String modifiedXML = XMLHelper.serializeDom(document, new StringBuffer()).toString();

                ContentVO contentVO = NodeDeliveryController
                        .getNodeDeliveryController(siteNodeId, this.masterLanguageVO.getId(), contentId)
                        .getBoundContent(this.getInfoGluePrincipal(), siteNodeId, this.masterLanguageVO.getId(),
                                true, "Meta information", DeliveryContext.getDeliveryContext());
                ContentVersionVO contentVersionVO = ContentVersionController.getContentVersionController()
                        .getLatestActiveContentVersionVO(contentVO.getId(), this.masterLanguageVO.getId());

                        contentVersionVO.getContentVersionId(), "ComponentStructure", modifiedXML,

                this.url = getComponentRendererUrl() + getComponentRendererAction() + "?siteNodeId="
                        + this.siteNodeId + "&languageId=" + this.languageId + "&contentId=" + this.contentId
                        + "&focusElementId=" + componentId + "&componentContentId=" + componentContentVO.getId()
                        + "&showSimple=" + this.showSimple;
            } else {
                this.url = getComponentRendererUrl() + getComponentRendererAction() + "?siteNodeId="
                        + this.siteNodeId + "&languageId=" + this.languageId + "&contentId=" + this.contentId
                        + "&showSimple=" + this.showSimple;


    this.url = this.getResponse().encodeURL(url);
    return NONE;

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.identity.sts.GenericTokenIssuer.java

 * Encrypt the given SAML Assertion element with the given key information.
 * /*from   w  w  w  .ja v  a  2 s .  c  o  m*/
 * @param doc
 * @param assertionElement
 * @param encryptedKey
private void encryptSAMLAssertion(Document doc, Element assertionElement, WSSecEncryptedKey encryptedKey)
        throws TrustException {
    XMLCipher xmlCipher = null;
    SecretKey secretKey = null;
    String xencEncryptedDataId = null;
    KeyInfo keyInfo = null;
    EncryptedData encData = null;
    try {
        xmlCipher = XMLCipher.getInstance(WSConstants.AES_256);
        secretKey = WSSecurityUtil.prepareSecretKey(WSConstants.AES_256, encryptedKey.getEphemeralKey());
        xmlCipher.init(XMLCipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
        xencEncryptedDataId = "EncDataId-" + assertionElement.hashCode();

        keyInfo = new KeyInfo(doc);

        encData = xmlCipher.getEncryptedData();
        xmlCipher.doFinal(doc, assertionElement, false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new TrustException(TrustException.REQUEST_FAILED, e);