Example usage for org.xml.sax.helpers AttributesImpl getIndex

List of usage examples for org.xml.sax.helpers AttributesImpl getIndex


In this page you can find the example usage for org.xml.sax.helpers AttributesImpl getIndex.


public int getIndex(String uri, String localName) 

Source Link


Look up an attribute's index by Namespace name.


From source file:org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.ArraySerializer.java

 * Serialize an element that is an array.
 * @param name is the element name/*from  w ww.  j a v a  2 s. c  o m*/
 * @param attributes are the attributes...serialize is free to add more.
 * @param value is the value
 * @param context is the SerializationContext
public void serialize(QName name, Attributes attributes, Object value, SerializationContext context)
        throws IOException {
    if (value == null)
        throw new IOException(Messages.getMessage("cantDoNullArray00"));

    MessageContext msgContext = context.getMessageContext();
    SchemaVersion schema = SchemaVersion.SCHEMA_2001;
    SOAPConstants soap = SOAPConstants.SOAP11_CONSTANTS;
    boolean encoded = context.isEncoded();

    if (msgContext != null) {
        schema = msgContext.getSchemaVersion();
        soap = msgContext.getSOAPConstants();

    Class cls = value.getClass();
    Collection list = null;

    if (!cls.isArray()) {
        if (!(value instanceof Collection)) {
            throw new IOException(Messages.getMessage("cantSerialize00", cls.getName()));
        list = (Collection) value;

    // Get the componentType of the array/list
    Class componentClass;
    if (list == null) {
        componentClass = cls.getComponentType();
    } else {
        componentClass = Object.class;

    // Get the QName of the componentType
    // if it wasn't passed in from the constructor
    QName componentTypeQName = this.componentType;

    // Check to see if componentType is also an array.
    // If so, set the componentType to the most nested non-array
    // componentType.  Increase the dims string by "[]"
    // each time through the loop.
    // Note from Rich Scheuerle:
    //    This won't handle Lists of Lists or
    //    arrays of Lists....only arrays of arrays.
    String dims = "";

    if (componentTypeQName != null) {
        // if we have a Type QName at this point,
        // this is because ArraySerializer has been instanciated with it
        TypeMapping tm = context.getTypeMapping();
        SerializerFactory factory = (SerializerFactory) tm.getSerializer(componentClass, componentTypeQName);
        while (componentClass.isArray() && factory instanceof ArraySerializerFactory) {
            ArraySerializerFactory asf = (ArraySerializerFactory) factory;
            componentClass = componentClass.getComponentType();
            QName componentType = null;
            if (asf.getComponentType() != null) {
                componentType = asf.getComponentType();
                if (encoded) {
                    componentTypeQName = componentType;
            // update factory with the new values
            factory = (SerializerFactory) tm.getSerializer(componentClass, componentType);
            if (soap == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS)
                dims += "* ";
                dims += "[]";
    } else {
        // compatibility mode
        while (componentClass.isArray()) {
            componentClass = componentClass.getComponentType();
            if (soap == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS)
                dims += "* ";
                dims += "[]";

    // Try the current XML type from the context
    if (componentTypeQName == null) {
        componentTypeQName = context.getCurrentXMLType();
        if (componentTypeQName != null) {
            if ((componentTypeQName.equals(xmlType) || componentTypeQName.equals(Constants.XSD_ANYTYPE)
                    || componentTypeQName.equals(soap.getArrayType()))) {
                componentTypeQName = null;

    if (componentTypeQName == null) {
        componentTypeQName = context.getItemType();

    // Then check the type mapping for the class
    if (componentTypeQName == null) {
        componentTypeQName = context.getQNameForClass(componentClass);

    // If still not found, look at the super classes
    if (componentTypeQName == null) {
        Class searchCls = componentClass;
        while (searchCls != null && componentTypeQName == null) {
            searchCls = searchCls.getSuperclass();
            componentTypeQName = context.getQNameForClass(searchCls);
        if (componentTypeQName != null) {
            componentClass = searchCls;

    // Still can't find it?  Throw an error.
    if (componentTypeQName == null) {
        throw new IOException(Messages.getMessage("noType00", componentClass.getName()));

    int len = (list == null) ? Array.getLength(value) : list.size();
    String arrayType = "";
    int dim2Len = -1;
    if (encoded) {
        if (soap == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS) {
            arrayType = dims + len;
        } else {
            arrayType = dims + "[" + len + "]";

        // Discover whether array can be serialized directly as a two-dimensional
        // array (i.e. arrayType=int[2,3]) versus an array of arrays.
        // Benefits:
        //   - Less text passed on the wire.
        //   - Easier to read wire format
        //   - Tests the deserialization of multi-dimensional arrays.
        // Drawbacks:
        //   - Is not safe!  It is possible that the arrays are multiply
        //     referenced.  Transforming into a 2-dim array will cause the
        //     multi-referenced information to be lost.  Plus there is no
        //     way to determine whether the arrays are multi-referenced.
        //   - .NET currently (Dec 2002) does not support 2D SOAP-encoded arrays
        // OLD Comment as to why this was ENABLED:
        // It is necessary for
        // interoperability (echo2DStringArray).  It is 'safe' for now
        // because Axis treats arrays as non multi-ref (see the note
        // in SerializationContext.isPrimitive(...) )
        // More complicated processing is necessary for 3-dim arrays, etc.
        // Axis 1.1 - December 2002
        // Turned this OFF because Microsoft .NET can not deserialize
        // multi-dimensional SOAP-encoded arrays, and this interopability
        // is pretty high visibility. Make it a global configuration parameter:
        //  <parameter name="enable2DArrayEncoding" value="true"/>    (tomj)

        // Check the message context to see if we should turn 2D processing ON
        // Default is OFF
        boolean enable2Dim = false;

        // Vidyanand : added this check
        if (msgContext != null) {
            enable2Dim = JavaUtils

        if (enable2Dim && !dims.equals("")) {
            if (cls.isArray() && len > 0) {
                boolean okay = true;
                // Make sure all of the component arrays are the same size
                for (int i = 0; i < len && okay; i++) {

                    Object elementValue = Array.get(value, i);
                    if (elementValue == null)
                        okay = false;
                    else if (dim2Len < 0) {
                        dim2Len = Array.getLength(elementValue);
                        if (dim2Len <= 0) {
                            okay = false;
                    } else if (dim2Len != Array.getLength(elementValue)) {
                        okay = false;
                // Update the arrayType to use mult-dim array encoding
                if (okay) {
                    dims = dims.substring(0, dims.length() - 2);
                    if (soap == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS)
                        arrayType = dims + len + " " + dim2Len;
                        arrayType = dims + "[" + len + "," + dim2Len + "]";
                } else {
                    dim2Len = -1;

    // Need to distinguish if this is array processing for an
    // actual schema array or for a maxOccurs usage.
    // For the maxOccurs case, the currentXMLType of the context is
    // the same as the componentTypeQName.
    QName itemQName = context.getItemQName();
    boolean maxOccursUsage = !encoded && itemQName == null
            && componentTypeQName.equals(context.getCurrentXMLType());

    if (encoded) {
        AttributesImpl attrs;
        if (attributes == null) {
            attrs = new AttributesImpl();
        } else if (attributes instanceof AttributesImpl) {
            attrs = (AttributesImpl) attributes;
        } else {
            attrs = new AttributesImpl(attributes);

        String compType = context.attributeQName2String(componentTypeQName);

        if (attrs.getIndex(soap.getEncodingURI(), soap.getAttrItemType()) == -1) {
            String encprefix = context.getPrefixForURI(soap.getEncodingURI());

            if (soap != SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS) {
                compType = compType + arrayType;

                attrs.addAttribute(soap.getEncodingURI(), soap.getAttrItemType(), encprefix + ":arrayType",
                        "CDATA", compType);

            } else {
                attrs.addAttribute(soap.getEncodingURI(), soap.getAttrItemType(), encprefix + ":itemType",
                        "CDATA", compType);

                attrs.addAttribute(soap.getEncodingURI(), "arraySize", encprefix + ":arraySize", "CDATA",

        // Force type to be SOAP_ARRAY for all array serialization.
        // There are two choices here:
        // Force the type to type=SOAP_ARRAY
        //   Pros:  More interop test successes.
        //   Cons:  Since we have specific type information it
        //          is more correct to use it.  Plus the specific
        //          type information may be important on the
        //          server side to disambiguate overloaded operations.
        // Use the specific type information:
        //   Pros:  The specific type information is more correct
        //          and may be useful for operation overloading.
        //   Cons:  More interop test failures (as of 2/6/2002).
        String qname = context.getPrefixForURI(schema.getXsiURI(), "xsi") + ":type";
        QName soapArray;
        if (soap == SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS) {
            soapArray = Constants.SOAP_ARRAY12;
        } else {
            soapArray = Constants.SOAP_ARRAY;

        int typeI = attrs.getIndex(schema.getXsiURI(), "type");
        if (typeI != -1) {
            attrs.setAttribute(typeI, schema.getXsiURI(), "type", qname, "CDATA",
        } else {
            attrs.addAttribute(schema.getXsiURI(), "type", qname, "CDATA", context.qName2String(soapArray));

        attributes = attrs;

    // For the maxOccurs case, each item is named with the QName
    // we got in the arguments.  For normal array case, we write an element with
    // that QName, and then serialize each item as <item>
    QName elementName = name;
    Attributes serializeAttr = attributes;
    if (!maxOccursUsage) {
        serializeAttr = null; // since we are putting them here
        context.startElement(name, attributes);
        if (itemQName != null)
            elementName = itemQName;
        else if (componentQName != null)
            elementName = componentQName;

    if (dim2Len < 0) {
        // Normal case, serialize each array element
        if (list == null) {
            for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) {
                Object aValue = Array.get(value, index);

                // Serialize the element.
                        (serializeAttr == null ? serializeAttr : new AttributesImpl(serializeAttr)), aValue,
                        componentTypeQName, componentClass); // prefered type QName
        } else {
            for (Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                Object aValue = iterator.next();

                // Serialize the element.
                        (serializeAttr == null ? serializeAttr : new AttributesImpl(serializeAttr)), aValue,
                        componentTypeQName, componentClass); // prefered type QName
    } else {
        // Serialize as a 2 dimensional array
        for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) {
            for (int index2 = 0; index2 < dim2Len; index2++) {
                Object aValue = Array.get(Array.get(value, index), index2);
                context.serialize(elementName, null, aValue, componentTypeQName, componentClass);

    if (!maxOccursUsage)

From source file:org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializer.java

private void setAttributeProperty(Object propValue, QName qname, QName xmlType, Class javaType,
        AttributesImpl attrs, SerializationContext context) throws Exception {

    String namespace = qname.getNamespaceURI();
    String localName = qname.getLocalPart();

    // org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl JavaDoc says: "For the
    // sake of speed, this method does no checking to see if the
    // attribute is already in the list: that is the
    // responsibility of the application." check for the existence
    // of the attribute to avoid adding it more than once.
    if (attrs.getIndex(namespace, localName) != -1) {
        return;//from   www  .  j av a2 s .c o m

    String propString = context.getValueAsString(propValue, xmlType, javaType);

    attrs.addAttribute(namespace, localName, context.attributeQName2String(qname), "CDATA", propString);

From source file:org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.JAFDataHandlerSerializer.java

 * Serialize a JAF DataHandler quantity.
 *//*from ww  w.  j a va2s  .  c om*/
public void serialize(QName name, Attributes attributes, Object value, SerializationContext context)
        throws IOException {
    DataHandler dh = (DataHandler) value;
    //Add the attachment content to the message.
    Attachments attachments = context.getCurrentMessage().getAttachmentsImpl();

    if (attachments == null) {
        // Attachments apparently aren't supported.
        // Instead of throwing NullPointerException like
        // we used to do, throw something meaningful.
        throw new IOException(Messages.getMessage("noAttachments"));
    SOAPConstants soapConstants = context.getMessageContext().getSOAPConstants();
    Part attachmentPart = attachments.createAttachmentPart(dh);

    AttributesImpl attrs = new AttributesImpl();
    if (attributes != null && 0 < attributes.getLength())
        attrs.setAttributes(attributes); //copy the existing ones.

    int typeIndex = -1;
    if ((typeIndex = attrs.getIndex(Constants.URI_DEFAULT_SCHEMA_XSI, "type")) != -1) {

        //Found a xsi:type which should not be there for attachments.

    if (attachments.getSendType() == Attachments.SEND_TYPE_MTOM) {
        context.startElement(name, attrs);
        AttributesImpl attrs2 = new AttributesImpl();
        attrs2.addAttribute("", soapConstants.getAttrHref(), soapConstants.getAttrHref(), "CDATA",
        context.startElement(new QName(Constants.URI_XOP_INCLUDE, Constants.ELEM_XOP_INCLUDE), attrs2);
    } else {
        boolean doTheDIME = false;
        if (attachments.getSendType() == Attachments.SEND_TYPE_DIME)
            doTheDIME = true;

        attrs.addAttribute("", soapConstants.getAttrHref(), soapConstants.getAttrHref(), "CDATA",
                doTheDIME ? attachmentPart.getContentId() : attachmentPart.getContentIdRef());

        context.startElement(name, attrs);
        context.endElement(); //There is no data to so end the element.

From source file:org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement.java

 * Set an attribute, adding the attribute if it isn't already present
 * in this element, and changing the value if it is.  Passing null as the
 * value will cause any pre-existing attribute by this name to go away.
 *///from  w ww .  j  a v  a  2 s.  c  o m
public void setAttribute(String namespace, String localName, String value) {
    AttributesImpl attributes = makeAttributesEditable();

    int idx = attributes.getIndex(namespace, localName);
    if (idx > -1) {
        // Got it, so replace it's value.
        if (value != null) {
            attributes.setValue(idx, value);
        } else {

    addAttribute(namespace, localName, value);

From source file:org.apache.fop.render.svg.EmbeddedSVGImageHandler.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void handleImage(RenderingContext context, Image image, final Rectangle pos) throws IOException {
    SVGRenderingContext svgContext = (SVGRenderingContext) context;
    ImageXMLDOM svg = (ImageXMLDOM) image;
    ContentHandler handler = svgContext.getContentHandler();
    AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
    atts.addAttribute("", "x", "x", CDATA, SVGUtil.formatMptToPt(pos.x));
    atts.addAttribute("", "y", "y", CDATA, SVGUtil.formatMptToPt(pos.y));
    atts.addAttribute("", "width", "width", CDATA, SVGUtil.formatMptToPt(pos.width));
    atts.addAttribute("", "height", "height", CDATA, SVGUtil.formatMptToPt(pos.height));
    try {// w  w w.j a v  a2  s.  c  om

        Document doc = (Document) svg.getDocument();
        Element svgEl = (Element) doc.getDocumentElement();
        if (svgEl.getAttribute("viewBox").length() == 0) {
            log.warn("SVG doesn't have a viewBox. The result might not be scaled correctly!");

        TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();
        DOMSource src = new DOMSource(svg.getDocument());
        SAXResult res = new SAXResult(new DelegatingFragmentContentHandler(handler) {

            private boolean topLevelSVGFound = false;

            private void setAttribute(AttributesImpl atts, String localName, String value) {
                int index;
                index = atts.getIndex("", localName);
                if (index < 0) {
                    atts.addAttribute("", localName, localName, CDATA, value);
                } else {
                    atts.setAttribute(index, "", localName, localName, CDATA, value);

            public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String name, Attributes atts)
                    throws SAXException {
                if (!topLevelSVGFound && SVG_ELEMENT.getNamespaceURI().equals(uri)
                        && SVG_ELEMENT.getLocalName().equals(localName)) {
                    topLevelSVGFound = true;
                    AttributesImpl modAtts = new AttributesImpl(atts);
                    setAttribute(modAtts, "x", SVGUtil.formatMptToPt(pos.x));
                    setAttribute(modAtts, "y", SVGUtil.formatMptToPt(pos.y));
                    setAttribute(modAtts, "width", SVGUtil.formatMptToPt(pos.width));
                    setAttribute(modAtts, "height", SVGUtil.formatMptToPt(pos.height));
                    super.startElement(uri, localName, name, modAtts);
                } else {
                    super.startElement(uri, localName, name, atts);

        transformer.transform(src, res);
    } catch (TransformerException te) {
        throw new IOException(te.getMessage());

From source file:org.enhydra.shark.asap.util.BeanSerializerShark.java

private void setAttributeProperty(Object propValue, QName qname, QName xmlType, AttributesImpl attrs,
        SerializationContext context) throws Exception {

    String namespace = qname.getNamespaceURI();
    String localName = qname.getLocalPart();

    // org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl JavaDoc says: "For the
    // sake of speed, this method does no checking to see if the
    // attribute is already in the list: that is the
    // responsibility of the application." check for the existence
    // of the attribute to avoid adding it more than once.
    if (attrs.getIndex(namespace, localName) != -1) {
        return;//from  ww w .ja  v  a  2  s.  c  o m

    String propString = context.getValueAsString(propValue, xmlType);

    attrs.addAttribute(namespace, localName, context.attributeQName2String(qname), "CDATA", propString);