Example usage for org.xml.sax XMLReader interface-usage

List of usage examples for org.xml.sax XMLReader interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.xml.sax XMLReader interface-usage.


From source file com.amalto.core.load.payload.FlushXMLReader.java

public class FlushXMLReader implements XMLReader {
    private final XMLStreamReader reader;
    private final StateContext context;

From source file net.javacrumbs.json2xml.JsonXmlReader.java

 * Helper class that can be used for JSON -> XML transformation.
 * <pre>
 *   Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
 *   InputSource source = new InputSource(...);
 *   Result result = ...;

From source file org.xchain.framework.sax.CommandXmlReader.java

 * @author Mike Moulton
 * @author Christian Trimble
 * @author Josh Kennedy
public class CommandXmlReader implements XMLReader {

From source file org.milyn.edisax.EDIParser.java

 * EDI Parser.
 * <p/>
 * Generates a stream of SAX events from an EDI message stream based on the supplied
 * {@link #setMappingModel(EdifactModel) mapping model}.

From source file CSVXMLReader.java

 * An abstract class that implements the SAX2 XMLReader interface. The
 * intent of this class is to make it easy for subclasses to act as
 * SAX2 XMLReader implementations. This makes it possible, for example, for
 * them to emit SAX2 events that can be fed into an XSLT processor for
 * transformation.