Java weka.attributeSelection AttributeSelection fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java weka.attributeSelection AttributeSelection fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for weka.attributeSelection AttributeSelection.

The text is from its open source code.



Perform a cross validation for attribute selection.
returns a string summarizing the results of repeated attribute selection runs on splits of a dataset.
get the final ranking of the attributes.
InstancesreduceDimensionality(Instances in)
reduce the dimensionality of a set of instances to include only those attributes chosen by the last run of attribute selection.
InstancereduceDimensionality(Instance in)
reduce the dimensionality of a single instance to include only those attributes chosen by the last run of attribute selection.
voidSelectAttributes(Instances data)
Perform attribute selection on the supplied training instances.
voidselectAttributesCVSplit(Instances split)
Select attributes for a split of the data.
get the final selected set of attributes.
voidsetEvaluator(ASEvaluation evaluator)
set the attribute/subset evaluator
voidsetFolds(int folds)
set the number of folds for cross validation
voidsetRanking(boolean r)
produce a ranking (if possible with the set search and evaluator)
voidsetSearch(ASSearch search)
set the search method
voidsetSeed(int s)
set the seed for use in cross validation
voidsetXval(boolean x)
do a cross validation
get a description of the attribute selection