Java weka.clusterers XMeans fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java weka.clusterers XMeans fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for weka.clusterers XMeans.

The text is from its open source code.


the default constructor.


voidbuildClusterer(Instances data)
Generates the X-Means clusterer.
intclusterInstance(Instance instance)
Classifies a given instance.
Return the centers of the clusters as an Instances object
voidsetBinValue(double value)
Sets the distance value between true and false of binary attributes.
voidsetCutOffFactor(double i)
Sets a new cutoff factor.
voidsetDebugLevel(int d)
Sets the debug level.
voidsetDistanceF(DistanceFunction distanceF)
gets the "binary" distance value.
voidsetMaxIterations(int i)
Sets the maximum number of iterations to perform.
voidsetMaxKMeans(int i)
Set the maximum number of iterations to perform in KMeans.
voidsetMaxKMeansForChildren(int i)
Sets the maximum number of iterations KMeans that is performed on the child centers.
voidsetMaxNumClusters(int n)
Sets the maximum number of clusters to generate.
voidsetMinNumClusters(int n)
Sets the minimum number of clusters to generate.
voidsetUseKDTree(boolean value)
Sets whether to use the KDTree or not.