Java weka.core.matrix Matrix fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java weka.core.matrix Matrix fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for weka.core.matrix Matrix.

The text is from its open source code.


Matrix(int m, int n)
Construct an m-by-n matrix of zeros.
Matrix(double vals[], int m)
Construct a matrix from a one-dimensional packed array
Matrix(double[][] A)
Construct a matrix from a 2-D array.
Matrix(Reader r)
Reads a matrix from a reader.
Matrix(int m, int n, double s)
Construct an m-by-n constant matrix.
Matrix(double[][] A, int m, int n)
Construct a matrix quickly without checking arguments.


Matrix determinant
Eigenvalue Decomposition
doubleget(int i, int j)
Get a single element.
Access the internal two-dimensional array.
Get column dimension.
Make a one-dimensional column packed copy of the internal array.
MatrixgetMatrix(int i0, int i1, int j0, int j1)
Get a submatrix.
Get row dimension.
Make a one-dimensional row packed copy of the internal array.
Matrixidentity(int m, int n)
Generate identity matrix
Matrix inverse or pseudoinverse
Matrixminus(Matrix B)
C = A - B
Matrixplus(Matrix B)
C = A + B
MatrixplusEquals(Matrix B)
A = A + B
Matrixrandom(int m, int n)
Generate matrix with random elements
LinearRegressionregression(Matrix y, double ridge)
Performs a (ridged) linear regression.
voidset(int i, int j, double s)
Set a single element.
voidsetMatrix(int i0, int i1, int j0, int j1, Matrix X)
Set a submatrix.
Matrixsolve(Matrix B)
Solve A*X = B
Matrixtimes(double s)
Multiply a matrix by a scalar, C = s*A
Matrixtimes(Matrix B)
Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
MatrixtimesEquals(double s)
Multiply a matrix by a scalar in place, A = s*A
Matrix transpose.
voidwrite(Writer w)
Writes out a matrix.