Java - Interface Multiple Implementing


A class can implement multiple interfaces.

All interfaces being implemented are listed after the keyword implements in the class declaration.


interface Adder {
  int add(int n1, int n2);

interface Subtractor {
  int subtract(int n1, int n2);

class ArithOps implements Adder, Subtractor {
  // Override the add() method of the Adder interface
  public int add(int n1, int n2) {
    return n1 + n2;
  }// w  w w . jav a2 s  . c o m

  // Override the subtract() method of the Subtractor interface
  public int subtract(int n1, int n2) {
    return n1 - n2;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ArithOps a = new ArithOps();
    Adder b = new ArithOps();
    Subtractor c = new ArithOps();
    b = a;
    c = a;


A Turtle Class, Which Implements the Walkable and Swimmable Interfaces


interface Swimmable {
  void swim();/*  w  ww.  j  a  v  a  2s. c  om*/

interface Walkable {
  void walk();

class Turtle implements Walkable, Swimmable {
  private String name;

  public Turtle(String name) { = name;

  // Adding a bite() method to the Turtle class
  public void bite() {
    System.out.println(name + " (a turtle) is biting.");

  // Implementation for the walk() method of the Walkable interface
  public void walk() {
    System.out.println(name + " (a turtle) is walking.");

  // Implementation for the swim() method of the Swimmable interface
  public void swim() {
    System.out.println(name + " (a turtle) is swimming.");

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Turtle turti = new Turtle("Turti");
    // Using Turtle type as Turtle, Walkable and Swimmable
    // a Turtle type variable can access all three methods, bite(), walk(), and
    // swim() like so:

    Turtle t = new Turtle("Turti");

    // When you use a Turtle object as the Walkable type, you can access only
    // the walk() method.

    // When you use a Turtle object as the Swimmable type, you can access only
    // the swim() method.
    t = new Turtle("Trach");
    Walkable w = t;
    w.walk(); // OK. Using w, you can access only the walk() method of Turtle
              // object

    Swimmable s = t;
    s.swim(); // OK. Using s you can access only the swim() method

  public static void letItBite(Turtle t) {

  public static void letItWalk(Walkable w) {

  public static void letItSwim(Swimmable s) {

