Java - Write code to get the prefix length found of common characters at the beginning of the strings.


Write code to get the prefix length found of common characters at the beginning of the strings.


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//package com.book2s;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        String string1 = "";
        String string2 = "";
        System.out.println(getPrefixLength(string1, string2));

     * maximum prefix length to use.
    private static final int MINPREFIXTESTLENGTH = 6;

     * gets the prefix length found of common characters at the beginning of the strings.
     * @param string1
     * @param string2
     * @return the prefix length found of common characters at the beginning of the strings
    public static int getPrefixLength(final String string1,
            final String string2) {
        final int n = Math.min(MINPREFIXTESTLENGTH,
                Math.min(string1.length(), string2.length()));
        // check for prefix similarity of length n
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // check the prefix is the same so far
            if (string1.charAt(i) != string2.charAt(i)) {
                // not the same so return as far as got
                return i;
        return n; // first n characters are the same