Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


//   The Kleene Programming Language

//   Copyright 2006-2012 SAP AG

//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//   You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//   limitations under the License.

//   Author: (Kenneth R. Beesley)

//   [short description here]

// An interpreter for the Kleene language based on a Java
// finite-state library defined in FSLib (the current FSLib is a
// Java wrapper of the OpenFst library).  This class deals with the
// AST trees coming from the Kleene parser and the interpreter
// stack.  It calls methods in the Java wrapping of the
// finite-state library (currently based on OpenFst) .

import java.util.Stack;
import; // see htj UCharacterIterator


import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.ElementPath;
import org.dom4j.ElementHandler;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;

//import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils ;


// local StreamFlusher class

class StreamFlusher extends Thread {
    InputStream is;
    String type;

    StreamFlusher(InputStream is, String type) { = is;
        this.type = type;

    public void run() {
        try {
            InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
            String line = null;
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
                System.out.println(type + ">" + line);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {

// If necessary, move enums to a separate file.
// These enums are used when compiling alternation rules.
enum RuleArrowType {

enum RuleObligType {

enum RuleMatchType {

enum RuleContextLevels {
    ONE, TWO;

enum RuleMapType {

// temporarily hold the ASTs in an ASTrule_lhs_markup
class MarkupParts {
    private ASTleft_markup_insertion leftMarkupInsertion;
    private ASTright_markup_insertion rightMarkupInsertion;

    // constructor
    public MarkupParts() {
        leftMarkupInsertion = null;
        rightMarkupInsertion = null;

    void setLeftMarkupInsertion(ASTleft_markup_insertion leftMarkupInsertion) {
        this.leftMarkupInsertion = leftMarkupInsertion;

    void setRightMarkupInsertion(ASTright_markup_insertion rightMarkupInsertion) {
        this.rightMarkupInsertion = rightMarkupInsertion;

    ASTleft_markup_insertion getLeftMarkupInsertion() {
        return leftMarkupInsertion;

    ASTright_markup_insertion getRightMarkupInsertion() {
        return rightMarkupInsertion;

// local RuleLocalVarSetting class

// Used in interpretation of 'where' clauses in alternation rules.
// e.g.    $a -> $b / left _ right { where $a _E_ $@{b, d, g}, $b _E_ $@{p, t, k}
// Associates a local rule variable, e.g. $a, and an Fst (N.B. not as AST).
// This where clause would result in three compilation scenarios with local variables:
//       1.       $a = b,     $b = p
//       2.       $a = d,      $b = t
//       3.      $a = g,      $b = k
// In this example, the three compilation scenarios each involves 
// two RuleLocalVarSetting objects.
// The where_... clause contains one or more ASTelmt_of_net_list_exp daughters
//    each of which contains an ASTnet_id, and an ASTnet_list_exp.
// Note that the ASTnet_list_exp might be any net_list_exp, and so could
// be a net_list_id whose elements are already compiled into Fsts.  So we
// don't have the option of storing ASTs here.
// So for each   $a = net_list_exp
// the Fst values of net_list_exp are those in the current Frame.

class RuleLocalVarSetting {

    String varName;
    Fst fstValue;

    // constructor
    public RuleLocalVarSetting() {
        varName = null;
        fstValue = null;

    public RuleLocalVarSetting(String varName, Fst fstValue) {
        this.varName = varName;
        this.fstValue = fstValue;

    void setVarName(String varName) {
        this.varName = varName;

    void setFstValue(Fst fstValue) {
        this.fstValue = fstValue;

    String getVarName() {
        return varName;

    Fst getFstValue() {
        return fstValue;

//   Holds the left and right parts of a single context,
//   extracted from a rule AST.
//   (One syntactic rule can have multiple contexts.)
//   Each syntactic context can be one_level or two_level.

class RuleContextSyntacticParts {
    private RuleContextLevels levels; // value is RuleContextLevels.ONE or .TWO

    // either one or both contexts can be null
    private ASTleft_rule_context leftRuleContext;
    private ASTright_rule_context rightRuleContext;

    // constructors
    public RuleContextSyntacticParts() {
        this.leftRuleContext = null;
        this.rightRuleContext = null;

    public RuleContextSyntacticParts(RuleContextLevels levels) {
        this.levels = levels;
        this.leftRuleContext = null;
        this.rightRuleContext = null;
    // end constructors

    void setLevels(RuleContextLevels levels) {
        this.levels = levels;

    void setLeftRuleContext(ASTleft_rule_context leftRuleContext) {
        this.leftRuleContext = leftRuleContext;

    void setRightRuleContext(ASTright_rule_context rightRuleContext) {
        this.rightRuleContext = rightRuleContext;

    RuleContextLevels getLevels() {
        return levels;

    ASTleft_rule_context getLeftRuleContext() {
        return leftRuleContext;

    ASTright_rule_context getRightRuleContext() {
        return rightRuleContext;

// one RuleSyntacticParts is created for each rule AST
// from one RuleSyntacticParts object, an ArrayList of
// RuleSemanticParts objects is created.  A one-to-many
// mapping (from one RuleSyntacticParts to RuleSemanticParts)
// can result if the rule has where classes or epenthesis.

class RuleSyntacticParts {

    private RuleArrowType arrowType; // RuleArrowType.LEFT  or .RIGHT
    private RuleObligType obligType; // RuleObligType.OBLIG or .OPT
    private RuleMatchType matchType; // RuleMatchType.ALL, .MAX_L2R, 
    //   .MIN_L2R, .MAX_R2L, .MIN_R2L
    private RuleMapType mapType; // RuleMapType.MAP or .MARKUP

    // A straightforward mapping rule always has LHS upper and lower ASTs, 
    // usually set by a constructor.  Both set for a straightforward
    // mapping rule.  Only one set for a markup rule.  See constructors below.
    private ASTrule_lhs_upper lhsUpper;
    private ASTrule_lhs_lower lhsLower;
    // a "transducer" rule has the upper and lower levels already, combined
    // in a single regexp child that defines an FST
    private ASTrule_lhs_transducer lhsTransducer;

    // A markup rule will have exactly one of lhsUpper and lhsLower set to null, 
    // with the following two ASTs set to non-null values
    private ASTleft_markup_insertion leftMarkupInsertion;
    private ASTright_markup_insertion rightMarkupInsertion;

    // for the RHS contexts, if any (the constructors always set it to null)
    private ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> contexts;

    // for the where_clauses, if any (the constructors always set it to null)
    private ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> localVarSettings;

    // constructors

    // constructor for straightforward mapping rules
    // a -> b / ...
    public RuleSyntacticParts(ASTrule_lhs_upper lhsUpper, ASTrule_lhs_lower lhsLower) {
        // a straightforward rule always has a LHS with upper and lower
        this.lhsUpper = lhsUpper;
        this.lhsLower = lhsLower;
        this.lhsTransducer = null;

        this.leftMarkupInsertion = null;
        this.rightMarkupInsertion = null;

        this.mapType = RuleMapType.MAP;
        // assume initially that no RHS (contexts) or where_clauses are present
        contexts = null;
        localVarSettings = null;

    // constructor for transducer rules
    // a:b -> / ...
    public RuleSyntacticParts(ASTrule_lhs_transducer lhsTransducer) {
        this.lhsUpper = null;
        this.lhsLower = null;
        this.lhsTransducer = lhsTransducer;

        this.leftMarkupInsertion = null;
        this.rightMarkupInsertion = null;

        this.mapType = RuleMapType.MAP;
        // assume initially that no RHS (contexts) or where_clauses are present
        contexts = null;
        localVarSettings = null;

    // constructor for right-arrow markup rules   X -> Y ... Z
    // (transducer rules cannot be Markup rules)
    public RuleSyntacticParts(ASTrule_lhs_upper lhsUpper, ASTleft_markup_insertion leftMarkupInsertion,
            ASTright_markup_insertion rightMarkupInsertion) {
        this.lhsUpper = lhsUpper;
        this.lhsLower = null;
        this.lhsTransducer = null;

        this.leftMarkupInsertion = leftMarkupInsertion;
        this.rightMarkupInsertion = rightMarkupInsertion;

        this.mapType = RuleMapType.MARKUP;
        // assume initially that no RHS (contexts) or where_clauses are present
        contexts = null;
        localVarSettings = null;

    // constructor for left-arrow markup rules  Y ... Z <-  X
    // (transducer rules cannot be Markup rules)
    public RuleSyntacticParts(ASTleft_markup_insertion leftMarkupInsertion,
            ASTright_markup_insertion rightMarkupInsertion, ASTrule_lhs_lower lhsLower) {
        this.lhsUpper = null;
        this.lhsLower = lhsLower;
        this.lhsTransducer = null;

        this.leftMarkupInsertion = leftMarkupInsertion;
        this.rightMarkupInsertion = rightMarkupInsertion;

        this.mapType = RuleMapType.MARKUP;
        // assume initially that no RHS (contexts) or where_clauses are present
        contexts = null;
        localVarSettings = null;

    // end constructors
    // Start setters

    void setArrowType(RuleArrowType arrowType) { //   .LEFT or .RIGHT
        this.arrowType = arrowType;

    void setObligType(RuleObligType obligType) { //   .OBLIG or .OPT
        this.obligType = obligType;

    void setMatchType(RuleMatchType matchType) { //   .ALL, .MAX_L2R,   .MAX_R2L
        //         .MIN_L2R or .MIN_R2L
        this.matchType = matchType;

    void setMapType(RuleMapType mapType) { // .MAP or .MARKUP
        this.mapType = mapType;

    void setLhs_upper(ASTrule_lhs_upper lhsUpper) {
        this.lhsUpper = lhsUpper;

    void setLhs_lower(ASTrule_lhs_lower lhsLower) {
        this.lhsLower = lhsLower;

    void setLhs_transducer(ASTrule_lhs_transducer lhsTransducer) {
        this.lhsTransducer = lhsTransducer;

    void setContexts(ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> contexts) {
        this.contexts = contexts;

    void setLocalVarSettings(ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> localVarSettings) {
        this.localVarSettings = localVarSettings;

    // start getters

    RuleArrowType getArrowType() {
        return arrowType;

    RuleObligType getObligType() {
        return obligType;

    RuleMatchType getMatchType() {
        return matchType;

    RuleMapType getMapType() {
        return mapType;

    ASTrule_lhs_upper getLhsUpper() {
        return lhsUpper;

    ASTrule_lhs_lower getLhsLower() {
        return lhsLower;

    ASTrule_lhs_transducer getLhsTransducer() {
        return lhsTransducer;

    ASTleft_markup_insertion getLeftMarkupInsertion() {
        return leftMarkupInsertion;

    ASTright_markup_insertion getRightMarkupInsertion() {
        return rightMarkupInsertion;

    ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> getContexts() {
        return contexts;

    ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> getLocalVarSettings() {
        return localVarSettings;

// interpreter class

public class InterpreterKleeneVisitor implements KleeneVisitor {

    Environment env; // env keeps track of Frames and tables
    // that map variable names to their values

    SymMap symmap; // symmap provides a two-way mapping between
    // alphabetic and multichar symbols and the integers used to store
    // them on FST arcs;  Provide methods
    // 1.  int symmap.putsym(String)   // adds it only if not already added
    // 2.  int symmap.getint(String)   // returns null if not found
    // 3.  String symmap.getsym(int)

    // If another library is ever used, make OpenFstLibraryWrapper
    // implement an interface named LibraryWrapper, and then change
    // the following line to 
    // LibraryWrapper lib;
    OpenFstLibraryWrapper lib;
    Hulden hulden;

    Frame mainFrame; // corresponds to GUI symbol-table window

    // Constructor constructor
    // (called just once--only one interpreter is used in Kleene)
    public InterpreterKleeneVisitor(Environment e) {
        env = e;

        stack = new Stack<Object>(); // only one stack is used
        symmap = new SymMap(); // see other Constructor options
        // only one SymMap is used

        // If another library is ever used, parameterize
        // which one is loaded here
        lib = new OpenFstLibraryWrapper(env, symmap); // only one is used
        hulden = new Hulden(lib, symmap); // only one is used
        // Mans Hulden's algorithms

        // add OTHER_ID and OTHER_NONID this way because the representation
        // of OTHER could change for a new library;  do not refer directly
        // to "OTHER_ID" or "OTHER_NONID" in this file


    void outputInterpMessage(String msg, Object data) {
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI()) {
            PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

        } else {

    // for OTHER display
    private void getSigmaStrings(Fst fst, StringBuilder sbhex, StringBuilder sb) {
        HashSet<Integer> sigma = fst.getSigma();

        int cpv;

        for (Iterator<Integer> iter = sigma.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            cpv =;

            sbhex.append(Integer.toString(cpv, 16) + " ");
            if (iter.hasNext()) {
                sb.append(", ");
            } else {
                sb.append(" ");

    Fst correctSigmaOther(Fst fst) {
        // OTHER should never match the # used in rules KRB ruleany
        // Rethink:  2015-01-18 perhaps the OTHER in a _rule_ FST should
        // never match the #
        //if (fst.getContainsOther()) {
        //   fst.getSigma().add(symmap.putsym(hulden.ruleWordBoundarySym)) ;
        return fst;

    Fst interpRestrictionExp(Fst lhs, Fst rhs, boolean forAlternationRule) {
        // When compiling stand-alone restriction expressions like
        // a => L _ R
        // then if fst Two below contains .#. (the ruleWordBoundarySym), 
        // then you need 
        // to compute Three as shown below, as the complement of Two relative to
        // .#. \.#.* .#.
        // Two will contain .#. if the restriction expression looks like a => # l _ r
        // or a => l _ r #, etc.
        // But if the restriction is being done as part of an alternation rule
        // (replace rule) compilation, in the step that computes "Context" as a 
        // restriction expression, you don't have to worry about Two 
        // containing .#., because the boundary symbols are taken care of by the 
        // "Base" fst used when compiling alternation rules.

        // Here to be safe, need to make sure that lhs does not
        // contain the restriction delimiter (if it contains OTHER, then
        // it would normally include the restriction delimiter; so if it
        // contains OTHER, then add restDelimSym to the sigma
        if (lhs.getContainsOther()) {
            if (lhs.getFromSymtab()) {
                // then work on a copy to avoid corrupting an FST in the
                // symbol table
                lhs = lib.CopyFst(lhs);
            // then just add the restriction delimiter to the sigma
        } // else it has a finite sigma, and is already safe

        // Hulden:  [ \x* x lhs x \x* ]
        Fst oneMinuend = lib.Concat5Fsts(hulden.NotRestDelimStarFst(), lib.OneArcFst(hulden.restDelimSym), lhs,
                lib.OneArcFst(hulden.restDelimSym), hulden.NotRestDelimStarFst());

        // "One" is the language of all strings that have at least one lhs
        // in an illegal context.
        // Hulden:   define One [\x* x lhs x \x*] - [\x* [L x \x* x R] \x*]
        Fst One = lib.Difference(oneMinuend, rhs);

        Fst Two = One;
        // Hulden:   define Two `[One, x, 0] ;
        hulden.SubstEpsilonInPlace(Two, hulden.restDelimSym);

        // why this apparent null operation? here and below?
        // At one time, at least, it appeared that OpenFst was not
        // perceiving correctly that Two contained epsilons after the
        // call to SubstEpsilonInPlace()
        Two = lib.Concat(Two, lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst());

        // KRB changed to OptimizeInPlaceForce from OptimizeInPlace

        // Compute Fst Three

        Fst Three = null;

        if (forAlternationRule) {
            // don't need to treat the ruleWordBoundarySym as special, because this
            // is taken care of by the "Base" fst that is also computed when
            // compiling alternation rules; here just compute Three as  ~Two
            Three = lib.Complement(Two);
        } else {
            // for stand-alone restriction expressions, need to compute Three
            // specially iff Two contains .#. (ruleWordBoundarySym)
            if (Two.getSigma().contains(symmap.putsym(hulden.ruleWordBoundarySym))) {
                // Hulden: then need to
                // define Three [.#. \.#.* .#.] - Two 
                // (take the complement with respect to .#. \.#.* .#.
                // so that any .#. in the contexts is constrained
                // to be on the beginning or end.
                Three = lib.Difference(lib.Concat3Fsts(lib.OneArcFst(hulden.ruleWordBoundarySym),
                        newNotWordBoundStarFst(), lib.OneArcFst(hulden.ruleWordBoundarySym)), Two);
                hulden.SubstEpsilonInPlace(Three, hulden.ruleWordBoundarySym);
            } else {
                // Two does not contain .#.
                // just take the normal complement  .* - Two
                Three = lib.Complement(Two);
        Three = lib.Concat(Three, lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst());
        // KRB:  changed to OptimizeInPlaceForce from OptimizeInPlace

        // KRB:  consider if # should be excluded from OTHER, as in rule FSTs.
        // I think not, but keep it in mind.

        return Three;

    Fst interpRestrictionContext(Fst leftContext, Fst rightContext) {

        // First make sure that leftContext and rightContext do not
        // contain the restDelimSym (i.e. iff they contain
        // OTHER, then these contexts DO implicitly contain the restDelimSym;
        // then add the restDelimSym to the sigma so that OTHER
        // doesn't cover it)

        if (leftContext.getContainsOther()) {
            if (leftContext.getFromSymtab()) {
                // then work with a copy to avoid changing something
                // in the symbol table
                leftContext = lib.CopyFst(leftContext);
        if (rightContext.getContainsOther()) {
            if (rightContext.getFromSymtab()) {
                rightContext = lib.CopyFst(rightContext);

        // each individual context in a restriction expression gets
        // interpreted as
        // leftContext  __RD  [\__RD]*  __RD  rightContext

        Fst resultFst = lib.Concat5Fsts(leftContext, lib.OneArcFst(hulden.restDelimSym),
                hulden.NotRestDelimStarFst(), lib.OneArcFst(hulden.restDelimSym), rightContext);
        // KRB: changed to OptimizeInPlaceForce from OptimizeInPlace

        return resultFst;

    Fst newNotWordBoundStarFst() {
        // Hulden \.#.*
        Fst notWordBoundStar = lib.UniversalLanguageFst();
        // now add the ruleWordBoundarySym to the sigma, 
        // so that OTHER here doesn't cover it
        return notWordBoundStar;

    int getIntValue(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            return ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else if (obj instanceof Double) {
            return ((Double) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Object sent to getIntValue is neither Long nor Double");

    // *******************************************************
    // End of functions written to implement alternation rules
    // *******************************************************

    private static Document parseXML(String str) throws DocumentException {
        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
        Document document =;
        return document;

    private String basicNetListInfo(NetList netList) {
        return "Network list value: Size: " + netList.size();

    private String basicFstInfo(Fst fst) {

        // Collect basic information about the new Fst for display

        int stateCount = lib.NumStates(fst);
        String stateStr = Integer.toString(stateCount);
        if (stateCount == 1) {
            stateStr += " state, ";
        } else {
            stateStr += " states, ";
        int arcCount = lib.NumArcs(fst);
        String arcStr = Integer.toString(arcCount);
        if (arcCount == 1) {
            arcStr += " arc, ";
        } else {
            arcStr += " arcs, ";
        String pathStr;
        if (lib.IsCyclic(fst)) {
            pathStr = "Cyclic, ";
        } else {
            long pathCount = lib.NumPaths(fst);
            pathStr = Long.toString(pathCount);
            if (pathCount == 1) {
                pathStr += " path, ";
            } else {
                pathStr += " paths, ";

        String arityStr;
        if (lib.IsAcceptor(fst)) {
            // looks like an acceptor to OpenFst
            if (!fst.getContainsOther()) {
                // simple case, does NOT contain OTHER
                arityStr = "Acceptor, ";
            } else if (lib.IsSemanticAcceptor(fst)) {
                arityStr = "Acceptor, ";
            } else {
                arityStr = "Semantic Transducer, ";
        } else {
            // definitely a transducer
            arityStr = "Transducer, ";

        String weightStr;
        if (lib.IsUnweighted(fst)) {
            weightStr = "Unweighted, ";
        } else {
            weightStr = "Weighted, ";
        String otherStr;
        if (fst.getContainsOther()) {
            otherStr = "Contains OTHER";
        } else {
            otherStr = "Closed Sigma";
        String sapRtnStr = "";
        if (fst.getIsRtn()) {
            sapRtnStr = ", SAP RTN";

        // GetShortFstInfo() is a library function that uses info-main.h,
        // 2012-04-19 info-main.h seems to be obsolete.  The FstInfo
        // class is now defined in fst/script/info-impl.h, but the FstInfo
        // class shouldn't be used directly anymore.
        //   FstInfo objects; it is possible and might be useful to get much
        //  more info from this FstInfo object.  But for a net like
        //  $net = abc ; 
        //  the <FstInfo>.NumArcs() reports 4 arcs, which might include the
        //   exit arc, but such a counting did not appear to be consistent
        String infoString = lib.GetShortFstInfo(fst) + ", " + stateStr + arcStr + pathStr + arityStr + weightStr
                + otherStr + sapRtnStr;
        return infoString;

    private String getFullpath(String userTyped) {
        File file = new File(userTyped);
        String fullpath = "";

        if (userTyped.startsWith("~/")) {
            // rooted at the user's home directory
            fullpath = System.getProperty("user.home") + userTyped.substring(1);
        } else {
            try {
                fullpath = file.getCanonicalPath();
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                // KRB--how to handle this?
        return fullpath;

    // During the interpretation of the AST, the value of a node is typically 
    // pushed onto the stack
    Stack<Object> stack;

    public void setMainFrame() {
        mainFrame = env.getCurrentFrame();

    // InterpreterKleeneVisitor.jdelete is called from
    // the finalize() method of; only this interpreter
    // should know about the underlying native C++ library
    public static void jdelete(long ptr) {

    public void reset() {

    // Limit the number of analysis/generation results shown in the GUI
    // KRB: magic number
    int resultDisplayLimit = 100; // parameterize this somehow
    int generate = 0;
    int analyze = 1;

    private void listOutputStrings(String msg, Fst resultFst, Object data) {
        PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();
        terminal.appendToHistory("\n" + msg + "\n");

        long stringCount = lib.NumPaths(resultFst);
        if (stringCount == 0) {
            terminal.appendToHistory("(resulting language is empty)");
        } else if (stringCount == -1) {
            // then has loops, infinite language
            terminal.appendToHistory("(resulting language is infinite)");
        } else if (stringCount <= resultDisplayLimit) {
            // then just list them (parameterize this figure later)
            FstStringLister lister = new FstStringLister(terminal, symmap);
            // second arg 0 is for input side, 
            //               1 for output side
            lib.ListAllStrings(resultFst, 0, lister);
            // ptr to fst, 0 for input projection, false for printEpsilons
            // the projection doesn't matter here, of course, because the
            // network was already reduced above to the input projection
        } else {
            terminal.appendToHistory("(resulting language exceeds resultDisplayLimit: " + resultDisplayLimit + ")");

    // testAnalyze() is called from the 'test' function (in the GUI)
    // apply the testFst to one string (an array of CPVs)
    public void testAnalyze(Fst testFst, int[] cpvArray, Object data) {
        Fst resultFst = lib.ApplyToOneString(testFst, cpvArray, analyze);

        env.put("$analysisresult", resultFst);
        // add an Icon to the Symtab window
        addToGUISymtab("$analysisresult", SymtabIcons.NET_IMAGE, data);

        listOutputStrings("Analysis results:", resultFst, data);

    // testGenerate() is called from the 'test' function (in the GUI)
    public void testGenerate(Fst testFst, int[] cpvArray, Object data) {
        // For comments, see testAnalyze() above
        Fst resultFst = lib.ApplyToOneString(testFst, cpvArray, generate);

        env.put("$generationresult", resultFst);
        // add an Icon to the Symtab window
        addToGUISymtab("$generationresult", SymtabIcons.NET_IMAGE, data);

        listOutputStrings("Generation results:", resultFst, data);

    void writeXmlHelper(Fst fst, String fullpath, String encoding) {
        FstXmlWriter fstXmlWriter = new FstXmlWriter(lib.ArcType(fst), fst.getSigma(), symmap,
                fst.getContainsOther(), new File(fullpath), encoding);

        // Call Fst2xml to iterate through the native Fst 
        //   states and arcs.  (I can't do this from Java.) It will make calls
        // back to methods in the fstXmlWriter to do the actual output 
        //   to file.
        // (The C++ code has iterators, but Unicode file output 
        //   from C++ is not
        // worth the trouble.  Even if the C++ code were written to 
        //   write the XML
        // directly, it would still have to make calls back to the 
        //   symmap method
        // .getsym(i)
        // to convert the int-value labels to strings.

        lib.Fst2xml(fst, fstXmlWriter, symmap.getStartPuaCpv());

    void writeXmlHelperStateOriented(Fst fst, String fullpath, String name, String encoding) {
        // see if it has any input/upper epsilon loops
        boolean ubounded = lib.IsUBounded(fst);

        FstXmlWriterStateOriented fstXmlWriterStateOriented = new FstXmlWriterStateOriented(lib.ArcType(fst),
                fst.getSigma(), symmap, fst.getContainsOther(), ubounded, new File(fullpath), name, encoding);

        // Call Fst2xmlStateOriented to iterate through the native Fst 
        //   states and arcs.  (I can't do this from Java.) It will make calls
        // back to methods in the fstXmlWriterStateOriented to do the actual output 
        //   to file.
        // (The C++ code has iterators, but Unicode file output 
        //   from C++ is not
        // worth the trouble.  Even if the C++ code were written to 
        //   write the XML
        // directly, it would still have to make calls back to the 
        //   symmap method
        // .getsym(i)
        // to convert the int-value labels to strings.

        lib.Fst2xmlStateOriented(fst, fstXmlWriterStateOriented, symmap.getStartPuaCpv());

    private Fst xml2fst(String filepath) throws Exception {

        // read an XML file representing a network, return the network

        final Fst fst = lib.EmptyLanguageFst();

        final HashSet<Integer> sigma = fst.getSigma();

        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); // SAXReader from dom4j

        // each SAXReader handler must define onStart() and onEnd() methods

        // when the kleeneFst element is first found
        reader.addHandler("/kleeneFst", new ElementHandler() {
            public void onStart(ElementPath path) {
                Element current = path.getCurrent();

                // semiring is an attribute on the kleeneFst node
                String semiring = current.attribute("semiring").getValue();

            public void onEnd(ElementPath path) {

        reader.addHandler("/kleeneFst/sigma", new ElementHandler() {
            public void onStart(ElementPath path) {
                if (path.getCurrent().attribute("containsOther").getValue().equals("true")) {
                } else {

            public void onEnd(ElementPath path) {

        reader.addHandler("/kleeneFst/sigma/sym", new ElementHandler() {
            public void onStart(ElementPath path) {

            public void onEnd(ElementPath path) {
                Element sym = path.getCurrent();


        // when the arcs element is first found
        reader.addHandler("/kleeneFst/arcs", new ElementHandler() {
            public void onStart(ElementPath path) {
                // grab the two attrs and convert to int
                int startState = Integer.parseInt(path.getCurrent().attribute("start").getValue());
                int numStates = Integer.parseInt(path.getCurrent().attribute("numStates").getValue());
                lib.AddStates(fst, numStates);
                // native function, add this many  
                // states to the new Fst

                lib.SetStart(fst, startState); // set the start state

            public void onEnd(ElementPath path) {

        // handle each whole arc element
        reader.addHandler("/kleeneFst/arcs/arc", new ElementHandler() {

            // in an ElementHandler, need to supply .onStart(),
            // called when the start tag is found, and
            // .onEnd(), which is called when the end tag is found.

            public void onStart(ElementPath path) {

            public void onEnd(ElementPath path) {

                // retrieve the entire arc element
                Element arc = path.getCurrent();

                // these two are always present
                int src_id = Integer.parseInt(arc.attribute("s").getValue());
                int dest_id = Integer.parseInt(arc.attribute("d").getValue());

                // there will be either one io attr xor separate i and o attrs
                // (keep the io option to facilitate hand-written XML files)

                String input;
                String output;
                Attribute io = arc.attribute("io");
                if (io != null) {
                    input = io.getValue();
                    output = io.getValue();
                } else {
                    input = arc.attribute("i").getValue();
                    output = arc.attribute("o").getValue();

                if (!symmap.containsKey(input)) {
                    // symbol name in XML file not in the 
                    //     current internal symtab
                if (!symmap.containsKey(output)) {

                // the w attr is optional in the arc elmt
                Attribute w = arc.attribute("w");
                if (w != null) {
                    // call AddArc to add an arc to the fst 
                    //      being built from the XML file description
                    // semiring generalization point
                    lib.AddArc(fst, src_id, symmap.getint(input), symmap.getint(output),
                            Float.parseFloat(w.getValue()), dest_id);

                } else {
                    // semiring generalization point
                    lib.AddArcNeutralWeight(fst, src_id, symmap.getint(input), symmap.getint(output), dest_id);


        // for each full final element
        reader.addHandler("/kleeneFst/arcs/final", new ElementHandler() {
            public void onStart(ElementPath path) {

            public void onEnd(ElementPath path) {
                Element arc = path.getCurrent();

                // s attr is always present
                int src_id = Integer.parseInt(arc.attribute("s").getValue());

                // the w attr is optional
                Attribute w = arc.attribute("w");
                if (w != null) {
                    lib.SetFinal(fst, src_id, Float.parseFloat(w.getValue()));
                } else {
                    lib.SetFinalNeutralWeight(fst, src_id);


        Document document = null;

        // the actual XML reading/parsing is done here
        try {
            // XmlReader detects the encoding of the XML document and
            // handles BOMs, including the UTF-8 BOMs that Java usually
            // chokes on
            document = XmlReader(new FileInputStream(filepath)));

            // Old, pre-XmlReader code
            //if (encoding.equals("UTF-8")) {
            //   // then need to work around SUN's irresponsible decision not to
            //   //  handle the optional UTF-8 BOM correctly
            //   document = InputStreamReader(
            //            new UTF8BOMStripperInputStream(new FileInputStream(filepath)),
            //            "UTF-8")
            //                 ) ;
            //} else {
            //   document = InputStreamReader(
            //                           new FileInputStream(filepath),
            //                           encoding)
            //                 ) ;
        } catch (DocumentException de) {
            // dom4j DocumentException extends Exception
            throw de;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
            throw fnfe;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;


        return fst;

    // KRB:  refine the type checking; perhaps store the return type
    // somehow in the FuncValue object
    private boolean typeMatch(String id, Object obj) {
        // check longer prefixes first

        if (id.startsWith("$^^") && obj instanceof FuncValue)
            return true;
        else if (id.startsWith("$^") && obj instanceof FuncValue)
            return true;

        else if (id.startsWith("$@^^") && obj instanceof FuncValue)
            return true;
        else if (id.startsWith("$@^") && obj instanceof FuncValue)
            return true;
        else if (id.startsWith("$@") && obj instanceof NetList)
            return true;

        else if (id.startsWith("$") && obj instanceof Fst)
            return true;

        else if (id.startsWith("#^^") && obj instanceof FuncValue)
            return true;
        else if (id.startsWith("#^") && obj instanceof FuncValue)
            return true;

        else if (id.startsWith("#@^^") && obj instanceof FuncValue)
            return true;
        else if (id.startsWith("#@^") && obj instanceof FuncValue)
            return true;
        else if (id.startsWith("#@") && obj instanceof NumList)
            return true;

        // void and voidvoid functions
        else if (id.startsWith("^^") && obj instanceof FuncValue)
            return true;
        else if (id.startsWith("^") && obj instanceof FuncValue)
            return true;

        else if (id.startsWith("#") && ((obj instanceof Long) || (obj instanceof Double)))
            return true;
            return false;

    private int getParamIndex(String id, ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal) {
        int index = 0;
        for (Iterator<ParamSlot> iter = pal.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            ParamSlot ps =;
            if (ps.getName().equals(id)) {
                return index;
        return -1; // not found

    // bind parameters params in a function call

    private void bind_params(ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal, ArgCounts ac, Object data) {
        // The pal (param array list) comes from the FuncObject itself, indicating
        //    the parameters that the function expects.
        // The ArgCounts object was created when the arg_list was evaluated, and it
        //    contains positional_arg_count and named_arg_count
        int positional_args_count = ac.getPositionalArgsCount();
        int named_args_count = ac.getNamedArgsCount();

        // the arguments should be on the stack;
        // values (corresponding to positional args) on top
        // with NamedArgs (corresponding to named args) underneath,
        // so all the arguments are popped off the stack in their original
        // syntactic order.

        int param_count = pal.size(); // the number of params to bind

        // for each positional argument, there must be a corresponding
        // required or optional parameter (with or without a default value); 
        // First assign params left-to-right from all positional arguments.

        if (positional_args_count > param_count) {
            throw new FuncCallException(
                    "Function called with more positional arguments than there are parameters.");

        // Loop through the positional_args, if any, and bind the
        // corresponding ParamSlots l->r in the pal.  The positional-arg values
        // are on the stack, pushed on in reverse syntactic order, so they
        // can be popped off in the original syntactic order.
        for (int i = 0; i < positional_args_count; i++) {
            // get the i-th ParamSlot
            ParamSlot ps = pal.get(i);
            // pop the corresponding argument value off the stack
            Object obj = stack.pop();
            if (typeMatch(ps.getName(), obj)) {
            } else {
                throw new FuncCallException("Attempt to set arg named " + ps.getName()
                        + " with a positional argument of the incorrect type.");

        // Now handle the named arguments

        for (int i = 0; i < named_args_count; i++) {
            // Each named arg is represented as a NamedArg object on the stack.
            NamedArg na = (NamedArg) stack.pop();
            String id = na.getName();
            // Find the parameter with that id
            int ind = getParamIndex(id, pal);
            if (ind == -1) {
                throw new FuncCallException("Attempt to set non-existent param named " + id + ".");
            ParamSlot ps = pal.get(ind);

            if (ps.hasValue()) {
                // was already set by a positional argument
                throw new FuncCallException(
                        "Attempt to set param " + id + " twice, with both a positional and a named argument.");
            // no type problem if the names matched;
            // set the optional parameter value from the named argument

        // now pass through the ArrayList making sure that all Param Slots
        // have been set, one way or another.

        for (int i = 0; i < param_count; i++) {
            ParamSlot ps = pal.get(i);
            if (!ps.hasValue()) {
                if (ps.hasDefault()) {
                } else {
                    throw new FuncCallException(
                            "Param " + ps.getName() + " not set by either a positional or a named argument.");

        // Finally, actually bind the param names to the arg values, 
        // in the current Frame

        for (int i = 0; i < param_count; i++) {
            ParamSlot ps = pal.get(i);
            env.put(ps.getName(), ps.getValue());

    private void addToGUISymtab(String id, String iconFileName, Object data) {
        ((InterpData) data).getGUI().addSymtabIconButton(id, iconFileName);

    private void removeFromGUISymtab(String id, Object data) {
        ((InterpData) data).getGUI().removeSymtabIconButton(id);

    private boolean isOpenFstRtnConventions() {
        if (((Long) env.get("#KLEENErtnConventions"))
                .longValue() == ((Long) env.get("#KLEENEopenFstRtnConventions")).longValue()) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    // End of helper functions

    /**************  visit methods for an AST produced by the parser ******
     * in classic Visitor fashion, the root of the AST is sent a message to
     * "accept" this Visitor

    // the method for SimpleNode should never be called,
    //   but for some reason it seems to be required
    public Object visit(SimpleNode node, Object data) {
        System.out.println("Error: call to visit(SimpleNode) method in InterpreterKleeneVisitor");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTprogram node, Object data) {
        // Not currently used?  Scripts are parsed and executed
        // one statement at a time?
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTstand_alone_block node, Object data) {
        // these blocks are groups of statements, evaluated in 
        //      a new Frame

        int childCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            try {
                node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
                if (((InterpData) data).getLoopContinue() || ((InterpData) data).getLoopBreak()
                        || ((InterpData) data).getFuncReturn() || ((InterpData) data).getQuitSession()) {
                    // bail out of this block, but don't reset
                    // the fields in data
            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                throw re;
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTif_else_block node, Object data) {
        // these blocks seen in if-else statements
        // see ASTloop_block for the blocks in while and until
        // see ASTfunc_block for the blocks seen in function definitions
        // see ASTstand_alone_block for block-grouped statements
        int childCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            if (((InterpData) data).getLoopContinue() || ((InterpData) data).getLoopBreak()
                    || ((InterpData) data).getFuncReturn() || ((InterpData) data).getQuitSession()) {
                // bail out of this if-then block, but don't reset
                // the fields in data
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTloop_block node, Object data) {
        // these blocks seen in while and until statements
        // see ASTblock for the blocks in if-then
        // see ASTfunc_block for the blocks seen in function 
        // definitions

        int childCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            if (((InterpData) data).getLoopContinue() || ((InterpData) data).getLoopBreak()
                    || ((InterpData) data).getFuncReturn() || ((InterpData) data).getQuitSession()) {
                // bail out of this if-then block, but don't reset
                // the fields in data
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTfunc_block node, Object data) {
        int childCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // there shouldn't be break or next statements immediately
            //   in such a block (syntactic? or semantic error?)
            // if it hit a return stmt during the execution of this stmt
            // (at any depth), then .getFuncReturn() will be true
            if (((InterpData) data).getFuncReturn()) {
                ((InterpData) data).setFuncReturn(false);
            } else if (((InterpData) data).getQuitSession()) {
                // don't reset the data field here
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTsap_rtn_conventions_statement node, Object data) {
        Long l = (Long) env.get("#KLEENEsapRtnConventions");
        // use putGlobal() to cause the binding to be made in the
        // global symbol table, so it will be available when
        // processing functions defined in .kleene/global/predefined.kl
        env.putGlobal("#KLEENErtnConventions", env.get("#KLEENEsapRtnConventions"));
        outputInterpMessage("// Setting SapRtnConventions", data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTcontinue_statement node, Object data) {
        // "return" the information that a 'continue' command was
        //    encountered, in the data
        ((InterpData) data).setLoopContinue(true);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTbreak_statement node, Object data) {
        // "return" the information that a 'break' command was
        //    encountered, in the data
        ((InterpData) data).setLoopBreak(true);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTquit_statement node, Object data) {
        // "return" the information that a 'quit' command was
        //     encountered, in the data
        ((InterpData) data).setQuitSession(true);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTempty_statement node, Object data) {
        // parser found an isolated semicolon
        // no-op
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_assignment node, Object data) {
        // Syntax:  $net = a*b+(dog|cat)s? ;

        // two daughters:  
        //      net_id
        //      regexp

        // Don't evaluate the zeroth daughter (which would return
        // a network value; rather just get the image of this LHS

        String net_id = ((ASTnet_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();

        // If net_id is already bound in the current symtab, either to a
        // normal object or to an ExternValue (containing a handle to the
        // non-local Frame where net_id is bound), then this assignment will
        // just reset the existing binding.  

        // Otherwise, if there is no local
        // binding of net_id at all, this assignment statement is intended
        // to both declare a new _local_ net_id key and to bind it to the
        // value of the right-hand-side in the current local symtab.
        // Problem: if the right-hand-side refers to (i.e. retrieves the
        // value of) net_id as a free (i.e. non-local) variable, then the
        // result is confusing and usually an error.

        // So when, on the RHS, a variable is free (not found in the 
        //     currentFrame)
        // then the currentFrame is given a placeholder binding of 
        //     key->FreeVariable,
        // to block any subsequent attempt to give key a real local binding in
        // currentFrame

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Should leave an Fst object on the stack (see
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        // relate the net_id and the fst in the current Frame
        env.put(net_id, fst);

        // Now if the current Frame is the main Frame, add
        // an appropriate SymbolIconButton to the window.  In other
        // words, do NOT try to add a SymbolIconButton if the
        // current Frame is a temporary one used to process a 
        // function call, or a stand_alone_block,
        // and do NOT try to add a SymbolIconButton
        // if the interpreter is working on a startup script (i.e.
        // is not operating within the interactive GUI)

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            // then we're in the GUI

            // add an Icon to the Symtab window
            addToGUISymtab(net_id, SymtabIcons.NET_IMAGE, data);
            PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();
            terminal.appendToHistory("// " + basicFstInfo(fst));

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_id node, Object data) {
        // Called only when the net_id is on the RHS (_not_ the LHS)
        // of an assignment statement (i.e. inside a regular
        // expression or right-linear production); the value of a net_id
        // like $mynet is an Fst

        String net_id = node.getImage();

        // with the String name, retrieve the Fst from the environment
        Fst fst = (Fst) env.get(net_id);
        if (fst != null) {
            // The net_id was found in a symbol table.
            // Fst is a Java wrapper object around a long int that stores a
            // (basically C++) pointer to a network.  Need to mark this
            // Fst as being "fromSymtab" if, as here, the value came from a
            // symbol table (and therefore cannot be changed, i.e. must be
            // persistent in case the net_id is referred to again).
            // leave the Fst on the stack
        } else {
            // attempt to refer to (use) an undefined variable
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined net_id: " + net_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTiterator_net_id node, Object data) {
        // foreach ($iterator_net_id in $@arr) { }

        // should never be called; used only to get the image

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTiterator_num_id node, Object data) {
        // foreach ($iterator_num_id in #@arr) { }

        // should never be called; used only to get the image

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrrprod_definition node, Object data) {
        // Definition of a "production" in a right-recursive 
        //      phrase-structure grammar
        // Syntax:  $>foo = a b c $>bar ;
        // parser returns AST tree (_not_ evaluated at this time)
        // rrprod_definition
        //     rrprod_id: $>foo
        //     rrProdRHS
        //         regexp
        // Need to allocate an RrKleeneVisitor and tell the AST regexp
        // daughter to accept it.  This "right-recursive" visitor 
        //    1) checks to make sure that any rrprod_id references are really 
        //         right-linear in the AST, and 
        //   2) returns a HashSet of such "dependencies".

        // This method directly handles a rrprod_id on the LHS.
        // Do not eval the rrprod_id, but just get the Image directly
        // (When a rrprod_id on the RHS is _evaluated_, see ASTrrprod_id.)
        String rrprod_id = ((ASTrrprod_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        symmap.putsym(rrprod_id); // needs to be in the symbol table
        // Note that an rrprod_id gets a negative integer value

        // get the RHS AST (_not_ evaluated now) for storage in the 
        //    symbol table
        ASTrrProdRHS rhs = (ASTrrProdRHS) node.jjtGetChild(1);

        // Do NOT call .jjtAccept(this, data) here.
        // Just check the AST for well-formedness and save it in the 
        //    symbol table
        // (along with a HashSet of its dependencies).

        // Tell the RHS to accept a special visitor that checks to make
        // sure that the RHS contains only valid right-recursive references,
        // and returns a HashSet of them.
        // KRB:  Could the same RrKleeneVisitor be re-used?
        RrKleeneVisitor rkv = new RrKleeneVisitor();

        // The Boolean data value indicates whether an rrprod_id can appear
        // (in a right-recursive position); start with true.  
        // The constructor of the
        // RrKleeneVisitor instantiates the HashSet returned; it
        // contains all the rr references like $>foo found on the
        // RHS (and the Visitor makes sure that any such references
        // are in legal places).
        HashSet<String> hs = (HashSet<String>) rhs.jjtAccept(rkv, new Boolean(true));

        // save the AST, with the set of dependencies, in the symbol table for
        // later evaluation as part of a whole grammar of rr productions.  
        // The value of the rrprod_id in the symbol table is an RrProdObject.
        env.put(rrprod_id, new RrProdObject(rhs, hs));

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(rrprod_id, SymtabIcons.RRPROD_IMAGE, data);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrrprod_id node, Object data) {
        // This method is for rrprod_id ($>foo) on the RHS of a 
        //   right-linear production;
        // Compare to handling of multichar symbols

        String image = node.getImage();
        int negcpv = symmap.putsym(image);
        // will be a NEGATIVE integer

        // A special temporary value; arcs labeled with negative
        // labels will be turned into eps:eps arcs, and repointed to
        // the start state of the target Fst, (via call to the $^start()
        // function; see rrGrammarConnect in

        // create a two-state, one arc Fst with a 
        //      negative negcpv:negcpv label


        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_assignment node, Object data) {
        // two children 
        //      num_id
        //      numexp
        // Syntax:  #num = 2 + 2 ;

        // See comments for ASTnet_assignment

        String num_id = ((ASTnum_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);

        // internally in Kleene, all "ints" are stored as Long,
        // and all "floats" are stored as Double
        Object obj = stack.pop(); // a Long or Double object
        env.put(num_id, obj);

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(num_id, SymtabIcons.NUM_IMAGE, data);

            PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

            String value;
            if (obj instanceof Long) {
                value = "Long value: " + Long.toString((Long) obj);
            } else {
                value = "Double value: " + Double.toString((Double) obj);
            terminal.appendToHistory("// " + value);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_id node, Object data) {
        // called only when the num_id is on the RHS
        // need to look up and push the value from the environment
        String num_id = node.getImage();
        Object obj = env.get(num_id);
        if (obj != null) {
            if (obj instanceof Long) {
                stack.push((Long) obj);
            } else if (obj instanceof Double) {
                stack.push((Double) obj);
            return data;
        } else {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined num_id: " + num_id);

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_assignment node, Object data) {
        // For a function "assignment", involving an equal sign, and
        //      returning a net (Fst) value, e.g.
        // $^myfunc = $^($a, $b) { return $a | $b ; }
        // or
        // $^yourfunc = $^myfunc ; // creates an alias

        String func_id = ((ASTnet_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue on the stack

        //  Bind the func_id to the FuncValue in the environment
        env.put(func_id, stack.pop());

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(func_id, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_assignment node, Object data) {
        // For a function "assignment", involving an equal sign, and
        //      returning a net list value, e.g.
        // $@^myfunc = $@^($a, $b) { return $a | $b ; }
        // or
        // $@^yourfunc = $@^myfunc ; // creates an alias

        String func_id = ((ASTnet_list_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue on the stack

        //  Bind the func_id to the FuncValue in the environment
        env.put(func_id, stack.pop());

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(func_id, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_assignment node, Object data) {
        // For a function "assignment", involving an equal sign, and
        //      returning a num list value, e.g.
        // #@^myfunc = #@^($a, $b) { return $a | $b ; }
        // or
        // #@^yourfunc = #@^myfunc ; // creates an alias

        String func_id = ((ASTnum_list_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue on the stack

        //  Bind the func_id to the FuncValue in the environment
        env.put(func_id, stack.pop());

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(func_id, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_assignment node, Object data) {
        // For a function "assignment", involving an equal sign, and
        //      returning nothing.

        String func_id = ((ASTvoid_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue on the stack
        env.put(func_id, stack.pop());

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(func_id, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_definition node, Object data) {
        // For a net function "definition", e.g.
        // Syntax:  $^myfunc($a, $b...) {  }
        // three daughters in the AST
        //    net_func_id
        //    param_list  (with 0,1 or 2 daughters)
        //        required_params
        //        optional_params (with default values indicated)
        //    func_block

        String funcName = ((ASTnet_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data); // ASTparam_list
        // should leave an ArrayList<ParamSlot> on the stack
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();

        // add to the environment (symtab)
        // A FuncValue always carries a handle to the current frame, i.e. the
        //    frame in which the function was defined.  References are searched
        //   through the static links in the Environment, and this implements
        //   lexical scope.
        env.put(funcName, new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(),
                // the static frame
                pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(2)));
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(funcName, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_definition node, Object data) {
        // For a net arr function "definition", e.g.
        // Syntax:  $@^myfunc($a, $b...) {  }
        // three daughters in the AST
        //    net_list_func_id
        //    param_list  (with 0,1 or 2 daughters)
        //        required_params
        //        optional_params (with default values indicated)
        //    func_block

        String funcName = ((ASTnet_list_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data); // ASTparam_list
        // should leave an ArrayList<ParamSlot> on the stack
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();

        // add to the environment (symtab)
        // A FuncValue always carries a handle to the current frame, i.e. the
        //    frame in which the function was defined.  References are searched
        //   through the static links in the Environment, and this implements
        //   lexical scope.
        env.put(funcName, new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(),
                // the static frame
                pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(2)));
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(funcName, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_definition node, Object data) {
        // For a num arr function "definition", e.g.
        // Syntax:  #@^myfunc(1, 2...) {  }
        // three daughters in the AST
        //    num_list_func_id
        //    param_list  (with 0,1 or 2 daughters)
        //        required_params
        //        optional_params (with default values indicated)
        //    func_block

        String funcName = ((ASTnum_list_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data); // ASTparam_list
        // should leave an ArrayList<ParamSlot> on the stack
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();

        // add to the environment (symtab)
        // A FuncValue always carries a handle to the current frame, i.e. the
        //    frame in which the function was defined.  References are searched
        //   through the static links in the Environment, and this implements
        //   lexical scope.
        env.put(funcName, new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(),
                // the static frame
                pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(2)));
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(funcName, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_definition node, Object data) {
        // for a void function "definition", e.g.
        // ^myfunc (#num) { info #num ; }
        // three daughters in the AST, now look like
        //    void_func_id
        //    param_list  (with 0,1 or 2 daughters)
        //        required_params
        //        optional_params (with default values indicated)
        //    func_block

        String funcName = ((ASTvoid_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data); // ASTparam_list
        // should leave an ArrayList<ParamSlot> on the stack
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();

        // add to the environment (symtab)
        env.put(funcName, new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(),
                // the static frame
                pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(2)));
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(funcName, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_assignment node, Object data) {
        String func_id = ((ASTnum_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        env.put(func_id, stack.pop());
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(func_id, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_definition node, Object data) {
        // three daughters:  num_func_id  param_list  func_block
        String funcName = ((ASTnum_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Should leave an ArrayList on the stack
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        env.put(funcName, new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(2)));
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(funcName, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_func_assignment node, Object data) {
        // See ASTnet_assignment for comments
        String funcFunc_id = ((ASTnet_func_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        env.put(funcFunc_id, stack.pop());
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(funcFunc_id, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_func_assignment node, Object data) {
        String funcFunc_id = ((ASTvoid_func_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue object on the stack
        env.put(funcFunc_id, stack.pop());
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(funcFunc_id, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_func_definition node, Object data) {
        // 3 daughters
        String funcFuncName = ((ASTnet_func_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        env.put(funcFuncName, new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(2)));
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(funcFuncName, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_func_definition node, Object data) {
        // 3 daughters
        String funcFuncName = ((ASTvoid_func_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        env.put(funcFuncName, new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(2)));
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(funcFuncName, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_func_id node, Object data) {
        // This method is called for net_func_func_id on the right-hand-side,
        // so it needs to successfully look up the value (or throw
        // an exception); for an assignment, e.g. $^^func() =
        // this visit method is not called for the LHS id
        String net_func_func_id = node.getImage();
        Object obj = env.get(net_func_func_id);
        if (obj != null) {
        } else {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined net_func_func_id: " + net_func_func_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_func_id node, Object data) {
        // This method is called for net_list_func_func_id on the right-hand-side,
        // so it needs to successfully look up the value (or throw
        // an exception); for an assignment, e.g. $@^^func() =
        // this visit method is not called for the LHS id
        String net_list_func_func_id = node.getImage();
        Object obj = env.get(net_list_func_func_id);
        if (obj != null) {
        } else {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined net_list_func_func_id: " + net_list_func_func_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_func_id node, Object data) {
        // this is called for void_func_func_id on the right-hand-side,
        // so it needs to successfully look up the value (or throw
        // an exception); for an assignment, e.g. ^^func() =
        // this visit method is not called for the LHS id
        String void_func_func_id = node.getImage();
        Object obj = env.get(void_func_func_id);
        if (obj != null) {
        } else {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined void_func_func_id: " + void_func_func_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_func_assignment node, Object data) {
        String funcFunc_id = ((ASTnum_func_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue object on the stack
        env.put(funcFunc_id, stack.pop());
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(funcFunc_id, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_func_definition node, Object data) {
        // three daughters:  num_func_func_id  param_list  func_block
        String funcFuncName = ((ASTnum_func_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        env.put(funcFuncName, new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(2)));
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            addToGUISymtab(funcFuncName, SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_func_id node, Object data) {
        // this method is called for a num_func_func_id on the RHS;
        // need to look up and push the value from the environment
        String num_func_func_id = node.getImage();
        Object obj = env.get(num_func_func_id);
        if (obj != null) {
        } else {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined num_func_func_id: " + num_func_func_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_assignment node, Object data) {

        String net_list_id = ((ASTnet_list_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // child 1 could be net_list_id, net_list_lit or net_list_func_call
        // Should leave a NetList object on the stack (see
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        // relate the net_list_id and the NetList in the current Frame
        env.put(net_list_id, netList);

        // Now if the current Frame is the main Frame, add
        // an appropriate SymbolIconButton to the window.  In other
        // words, do NOT try to add a SymbolIconButton if the
        // current Frame is a temporary one used to process a 
        // function call, or a stand_alone_block,
        // and do NOT try to add a SymbolIconButton
        // if the interpreter is working on a startup script (i.e.
        // is not operating within the interactive GUI)

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            // then we're in the GUI

            // add an Icon to the Symtab window
            addToGUISymtab(net_list_id, SymtabIcons.NET_ARR_IMAGE, data);
            PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();
            terminal.appendToHistory("// " + basicNetListInfo(netList));

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_assignment node, Object data) {

        String num_list_id = ((ASTnum_list_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // child 1 could be num_list_id, num_list_lit or num_list_func_call
        // Should leave a NumList object on the stack (see
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        // relate the num_list_id and the NumList in the current Frame
        env.put(num_list_id, numList);

        // Now if the current Frame is the main Frame, add
        // an appropriate SymbolIconButton to the window.  In other
        // words, do NOT try to add a SymbolIconButton if the
        // current Frame is a temporary one used to process a 
        // function call, or a stand_alone_block,
        // and do NOT try to add a SymbolIconButton
        // if the interpreter is working on a startup script (i.e.
        // is not operating within the interactive GUI)

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame() == mainFrame) {
            // then we're in the GUI

            // add an Icon to the Symtab window
            addToGUISymtab(num_list_id, SymtabIcons.NUM_ARR_IMAGE, data);
            PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();
            terminal.appendToHistory("// Number list value: Size " + numList.size());

        return data;


    public Object visit(ASTif_statement node, Object data) {
        // daughters are if_part  elsif_part*  else_part?
        int childCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // break loop for the first daughter that succeeds (returns true)
            if (lib.isTrue(stack.pop())) {
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTboolean_test node, Object data) {
        // just an arithmetic expression
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double value on the stack
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTif_part node, Object data) {
        // two daughters:  boolean_test   block (or other stmt)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (lib.isTrue(stack.pop())) {
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // "return" true to block evaluation of elsif or else blocks
            stack.push(new Long(1L));
        } else {
            // "return" false
            stack.push(new Long(0L));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTelsif_part node, Object data) {
        // two daughters:  boolean_test   block (or other stmt)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (lib.isTrue(stack.pop())) {
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            stack.push(new Long(1L));
        } else {
            stack.push(new Long(0L));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTelse_part node, Object data) {
        // one daughter:  block (or other stmt)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Yes, return "true" here.  ASTif_statement always pops off
        // the value "returned"
        stack.push(new Long(1L));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTforeach_net_iteration_statement node, Object data) {
        // foreach ($foo in $@arr) {    }

        // three daughters
        //      iterator_net_id()
        //      net_list_exp()
        //      loop_block || statement

        String net_id = ((ASTiterator_net_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(2); // an AST

        // do not allocate a new frame (cf. Python)

        if (obj instanceof ASTloop_block) {
            ASTloop_block loop_block = (ASTloop_block) obj;

            for (Iterator<Fst> i = netList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                // bind the net_id in the new Frame
                // execute the block
                loop_block.jjtAccept(this, data);

                if (((InterpData) data).getLoopContinue()) {
                    ((InterpData) data).setLoopContinue(false);
                } else if (((InterpData) data).getLoopBreak()) {
                    ((InterpData) data).setLoopBreak(false);
                } else if (((InterpData) data).getFuncReturn()) {
                    // a 'return' statement
                    // don't reset data here
                } else if (((InterpData) data).getQuitSession()) {
                    // a 'quit' statement
                    // don't reset data here
        } else {
            for (Iterator<Fst> i = netList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                // execute the statement
                node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTforeach_num_iteration_statement node, Object data) {
        // foreach (#foo in #@arr) {    }

        // three daughters
        //      iterator_num_id()
        //      num_list_exp()
        //      loop_block || statement

        String num_id = ((ASTiterator_num_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(2); // an AST

        if (obj instanceof ASTloop_block) {

            ASTloop_block loop_block = (ASTloop_block) obj;

            for (Iterator i = numList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                // bind the net_id in the new Frame
                // execute the block
                loop_block.jjtAccept(this, data);

                if (((InterpData) data).getLoopContinue()) {
                    ((InterpData) data).setLoopContinue(false);
                } else if (((InterpData) data).getLoopBreak()) {
                    ((InterpData) data).setLoopBreak(false);
                } else if (((InterpData) data).getFuncReturn()) {
                    // a 'return' statement
                    // don't reset data here
                } else if (((InterpData) data).getQuitSession()) {
                    // a 'quit' statement
                    // don't reset data here
        } else {
            for (Iterator i = numList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                // execute the statement
                node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTwhile_statement node, Object data) {
        // two daughters:  boolean_test and ( loop_block || statement )
        ASTboolean_test boolean_test = (ASTboolean_test) node.jjtGetChild(0);
        Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(1);

        if (obj instanceof ASTloop_block) {
            while (true) {
                // re-evaluate the boolean_test (an AST) each time;
                // should leave a Long or a Double on the stack
                boolean_test.jjtAccept(this, data);
                if (lib.isTrue(stack.pop())) {
                    // then eval the block (an AST)
                    node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);

                    if (((InterpData) data).getLoopContinue()) {
                        ((InterpData) data).setLoopContinue(false);
                    } else if (((InterpData) data).getLoopBreak()) {
                        ((InterpData) data).setLoopBreak(false);
                    } else if (((InterpData) data).getFuncReturn()) {
                        // a 'return' statement
                        // don't reset data here
                    } else if (((InterpData) data).getQuitSession()) {
                        // a 'quit' statement
                        // don't reset data here
                } else {
                    // end of the while loop
        } else {
            while (true) {
                boolean_test.jjtAccept(this, data);
                if (lib.isTrue(stack.pop())) {
                    //statement.jjtAccept(this, data) ;
                    node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTuntil_statement node, Object data) {
        // two daughters:  boolean_test and ( loop_block | statement )
        ASTboolean_test boolean_test = (ASTboolean_test) node.jjtGetChild(0);

        Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(1);

        if (obj instanceof ASTloop_block) {
            while (true) {
                // re-evaluate the boolean_test AST each time;
                // should leave a Long or a Double on the stack
                boolean_test.jjtAccept(this, data);
                // N.B. the logical not (!) here, compared to while_statement above
                if (!lib.isTrue(stack.pop())) {
                    node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);

                    if (((InterpData) data).getLoopContinue()) {
                        ((InterpData) data).setLoopContinue(false);
                    } else if (((InterpData) data).getLoopBreak()) {
                        ((InterpData) data).setLoopBreak(false);
                    } else if (((InterpData) data).getFuncReturn()) {
                        // don't reset data here
                    } else if (((InterpData) data).getQuitSession()) {
                        // don't reset data here
                } else {
        } else {
            while (true) {
                boolean_test.jjtAccept(this, data);
                if (!lib.isTrue(stack.pop())) {
                    node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTreturn_statement node, Object data) {
        // in a void function, will have no daughters
        // else it will have exactly one daughter; this is syntactically
        // constrained, either 0 or 1 daughter

        int childCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        if (childCount != 0) {
            node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // should leave an object on the stack

        // if childCount == 0, then it was a bare return ; stmt
        // should be in a void function

        ((InterpData) data).setFuncReturn(true);
        // this causes the function block to terminate

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnumexp node, Object data) {
        // should be just one child
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double on the stack
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTboolean_or_exp node, Object data) {
        // should be two daughters
        // do a short-stop, left-to-right evaluation
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (lib.isTrue(stack.pop())) {
            // no need to evaluate the second child
            stack.push(new Long(1L));
        } else {
            // evaluate the second daughter
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            if (lib.isTrue(stack.pop()))
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTboolean_and_exp node, Object data) {
        // should be two daughters
        // do a short-stop, left-to-right evaluation
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (lib.isTrue(stack.pop())) {
            // So far so good.
            // now evaluate the second daughter
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            if (lib.isTrue(stack.pop()))
                // then both are true
                stack.push(new Long(1L)); // leave "true" on the stack
                stack.push(new Long(0L)); // leave "false" on the stack
        } else
            // the first daughter was false, so the whole boolean_and_exp is false
            stack.push(new Long(0L)); // leave "false" on the stack
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTboolean_not_exp node, Object data) {
        // should be only one daughter, syntactically constrained
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // the _not_ is handled here
        if (lib.isTrue(stack.pop()))
            stack.push(new Long(0L)); // then return False
            stack.push(new Long(1L)); // else return True
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTless_than_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters, either Long or Double
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        Object second = stack.pop();
        Object first = stack.pop();
        if (first instanceof Long) {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Long) first).longValue() < ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Long) first).longValue() < ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        } else {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Double) first).doubleValue() < ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Double) first).doubleValue() < ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTless_than_or_equal_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters, either Long or Double
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        Object second = stack.pop();
        Object first = stack.pop();
        if (first instanceof Long) {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Long) first).longValue() <= ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Long) first).longValue() <= ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        } else {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Double) first).doubleValue() <= ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Double) first).doubleValue() <= ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTgreater_than_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters, either Long or Double
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        Object second = stack.pop();
        Object first = stack.pop();
        if (first instanceof Long) {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Long) first).longValue() > ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Long) first).longValue() > ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        } else {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Double) first).doubleValue() > ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Double) first).doubleValue() > ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTgreater_or_equal_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters, either Long or Double
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        Object second = stack.pop();
        Object first = stack.pop();
        if (first instanceof Long) {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Long) first).longValue() >= ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Long) first).longValue() >= ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        } else {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Double) first).doubleValue() >= ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Double) first).doubleValue() >= ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTequal_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters, either Long or Double
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        Object second = stack.pop();
        Object first = stack.pop();
        if (first instanceof Long) {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Long) first).longValue() == ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Long) first).longValue() == ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        } else {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Double) first).doubleValue() == ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Double) first).doubleValue() == ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnot_equal_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters, either Long or Double
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        Object second = stack.pop();
        Object first = stack.pop();
        if (first instanceof Long) {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Long) first).longValue() != ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Long) first).longValue() != ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        } else {
            if (second instanceof Long)
                if (((Double) first).doubleValue() != ((Long) second).longValue())
                    stack.push(new Long(1L));
                    stack.push(new Long(0L));
            else if (((Double) first).doubleValue() != ((Double) second).doubleValue())
                stack.push(new Long(1L));
                stack.push(new Long(0L));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTaddition_exp node, Object data) {
        // always two daughters (Long or Double), constrained syntactically
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);

        Object second = stack.pop(); // N.B. pop off the 2nd arg first
        Object first = stack.pop();
        if (first instanceof Long) {
            if (second instanceof Long) {
                // both args are Long
                stack.push(new Long(((Long) first).longValue() + ((Long) second).longValue()));
            } else {
                // one arg Long, one Double, promoted to Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Long) first).longValue() + ((Double) second).doubleValue()));
        } else { // first is Double
            if (second instanceof Double) {
                // both args are Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Double) first).doubleValue() + ((Double) second).doubleValue()));
            } else {
                // one arg Double, one Long, promotes to Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Double) first).doubleValue() + ((Long) second).longValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTsubtraction_exp node, Object data) {
        // N.B. "subtraction" means arithmetic subtraction in
        // Kleene;
        // See "difference" for subtraction of Fsts
        // always two daughters (Long or Double), syntactically constrained
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);

        Object second = stack.pop(); // N.B. pop off the 2nd arg first
        Object first = stack.pop();
        if (first instanceof Long) {
            if (second instanceof Long) {
                // both args are Long
                stack.push(new Long(((Long) first).longValue() - ((Long) second).longValue()));
            } else {
                // first arg Long, second Double, promotes to Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Long) first).longValue() - ((Double) second).doubleValue()));
        } else { // first is Double
            if (second instanceof Double) {
                // both args are Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Double) first).doubleValue() - ((Double) second).doubleValue()));
            } else {
                // first arg Double, second Long, promotes to Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Double) first).doubleValue() - ((Long) second).longValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTmult_exp node, Object data) {
        // always two daughters (Long or Double), syntactically constrained
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);

        Object second = stack.pop(); // N.B. pop off the 2nd arg first
        Object first = stack.pop();
        if (first instanceof Long) {
            if (second instanceof Long) {
                // both args are Long
                stack.push(new Long(((Long) first).longValue() * ((Long) second).longValue()));
            } else {
                // first arg Long, second Double, promotes to Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Long) first).longValue() * ((Double) second).doubleValue()));
        } else { // first is Double
            if (second instanceof Double) {
                // both args are Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Double) first).doubleValue() * ((Double) second).doubleValue()));
            } else {
                // first arg Double, second Long, promotes to Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Double) first).doubleValue() * ((Long) second).longValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdiv_exp node, Object data) {
        // always two daughters (Long or Double)
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);

        Object second = stack.pop(); // N.B. pop off the 2nd arg first
        Object first = stack.pop();
        if (first instanceof Long) {
            if (second instanceof Long) {
                // both args are Long
                stack.push(new Long(((Long) first).longValue() / ((Long) second).longValue()));
            } else {
                // first arg Long, second Double, promotes to Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Long) first).longValue() / ((Double) second).doubleValue()));
        } else { // first is Double
            if (second instanceof Double) {
                // both args are Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Double) first).doubleValue() / ((Double) second).doubleValue()));
            } else {
                // first arg Double, second Long, promotes to Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Double) first).doubleValue() / ((Long) second).longValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTmod_exp node, Object data) {
        // always two daughters (Long or Double)
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);

        Object second = stack.pop(); // N.B. pop off the 2nd arg first
        Object first = stack.pop();
        if (first instanceof Long) {
            if (second instanceof Long) {
                // both args are Long
                stack.push(new Long(((Long) first).longValue() % ((Long) second).longValue()));
            } else {
                // first arg Long, second Double, promotes to Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Long) first).longValue() % ((Double) second).doubleValue()));
        } else { // first is Double
            if (second instanceof Double) {
                // both args are Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Double) first).doubleValue() % ((Double) second).doubleValue()));
            } else {
                // first arg Double, second Long, promotes to Double
                stack.push(new Double(((Double) first).doubleValue() % ((Long) second).longValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTunary_minus_exp node, Object data) {
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        Object obj = stack.pop();
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            stack.push(new Long(((Long) obj).longValue() * -1));
        } else {
            stack.push(new Double(((Double) obj).doubleValue() * -1.0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_call node, Object data) {
        //  E.g. #^add(1,2) or 
        //       #^(...){...}(1,2)
        //  two daughters:  num_func_exp  arg_list
        //  the num_func_exp could be num_func_id or an anon function,
        //  so need to evaluate it to get the value
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // It should leave a FuncValue object on the stack
        FuncValue funcValue = (FuncValue) stack.pop();
        // the second daughter is an argument list
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // the top object left on the stack is a count of the arguments
        ArgCounts ac = (ArgCounts) stack.pop();

        // Now allocate a new Frame for the execution of the function call
        // The FuncValue object stores a handle to the "static" Frame
        //   in which it was originally defined.  (Free variables are
        //   looked up starting at this static Frame, implementing
        //   Lexical Scope.)

        // now bind the formal params to the args
        try {
            bind_params(funcValue.getParamArrayList(), ac, data);
            // may throw FuncCallException, a kind of RuntimeException
            // catch any Exceptions and release the Frame before rethrowing
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // now execute the body of the function (a func_block)
        try {
            funcValue.getFuncBlock().jjtAccept(this, data);
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // normal release of the Frame created for the execution of the func call

        // Check the return value; there should be a Long or Double left on
        // the stack.
        Object obj = stack.peek();
        if (obj == null) {
            throw new FuncCallException("Num valued function call fails to return a Long or Double.");
        } else if (!((obj instanceof Long) | (obj instanceof Double))) {
            throw new FuncCallException("Number-valued function call returns incorrect type.");

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_exp node, Object data) {
        // could be a num_func_id or a num_func_anon_exp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_id node, Object data) {
        // this method is called for a num_func_id on the RHS;
        // need to look up and push the value from the environment
        String num_func_id = node.getImage();
        Object obj = env.get(num_func_id);
        if (obj != null) {
        } else {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined num_func_id: " + num_func_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_anon_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters:  param_list  func_block
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        stack.push(new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(1)));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_func_call node, Object data) {
        //  E.g. #^^increment_by(1) or 
        //       #^^(...){...}(1)
        //  two daughters:  num_func_func_exp  arg_list
        //  the num_func_func_exp could be num_func_func_id or an 
        //  anon function,
        //  so need to evaluate it to get the value
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue on the stack
        FuncValue funcValue = (FuncValue) stack.pop();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // the top object left on the stack is a count of the arguments
        ArgCounts ac = (ArgCounts) stack.pop();

        // Now allocate a new Frame for the execution of the function call
        // The FuncValue object stores a handle to the "static" Frame
        //   in which it was originally defined.  (Free variables are
        //   looked up starting at this static Frame, implementing
        //   Lexical Scope.)

        // now bind the formal params to the args
        try {
            bind_params(funcValue.getParamArrayList(), ac, data);
            // may throw FuncCallException, a kind of RuntimeException
            // catch all exceptions and release the frame before rethrowing
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // now execute the body of the function (a func_block)
        try {
            funcValue.getFuncBlock().jjtAccept(this, data);
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // normal release of the Frame created for the execution of the func call

        // Check the return value; there should be a FuncValue left on
        // the stack.
        Object obj = stack.peek();
        if (obj == null) {
            throw new FuncCallException("NumFuncFunc valued function call fails to return a value.");
        } else if (!(obj instanceof FuncValue)) {
            throw new FuncCallException("NumFuncFunc valued function call returns incorrect type.");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_func_call node, Object data) {
        //  E.g. #@^^name(1) or 
        //       #@^^(...){...}(1)
        //  two daughters:  num_list_func_func_exp  arg_list
        //  the num_list_func_func_exp could be num_list_func_func_id or
        //  an anonymous function,
        //  so need to evaluate it to get the function value
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue on the stack
        FuncValue funcValue = (FuncValue) stack.pop();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // the top object left on the stack is a count of the arguments
        ArgCounts ac = (ArgCounts) stack.pop();

        // Now allocate a new Frame for the execution of the function call
        // The FuncValue object stores a handle to the "static" Frame
        //   in which it was originally defined.  (Free variables are
        //   looked up starting at this static Frame, implementing
        //   Lexical Scope.)

        // now bind the formal params to the args
        try {
            bind_params(funcValue.getParamArrayList(), ac, data);
            // may throw FuncCallException, a kind of RuntimeException
            // catch all exceptions and release the frame before rethrowing
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // now execute the body of the function (a func_block)
        try {
            funcValue.getFuncBlock().jjtAccept(this, data);
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // normal release of the Frame created for the execution of the func call

        // Check the return value; there should be a FuncValue left on
        // the stack.
        Object obj = stack.peek();
        if (obj == null) {
            throw new FuncCallException("NumListFuncFunc valued function call fails to return a value.");
        } else if (!(obj instanceof FuncValue)) {
            throw new FuncCallException("NumListFuncFunc valued function call returns incorrect type.");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_func_call node, Object data) {
        //  E.g. $@^^name(1) or 
        //       $@^^(...){...}(1)
        //  two daughters:  net_list_func_func_exp  arg_list
        //  the net_list_func_func_exp could be net_list_func_func_id or 
        //  an anonymous function,
        //  so need to evaluate it to get the function value
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue on the stack
        FuncValue funcValue = (FuncValue) stack.pop();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // the top object left on the stack is a count of the arguments
        ArgCounts ac = (ArgCounts) stack.pop();

        // Now allocate a new Frame for the execution of the function call
        // The FuncValue object stores a handle to the "static" Frame
        //   in which it was originally defined.  (Free variables are
        //   looked up starting at this static Frame, implementing
        //   Lexical Scope.)

        // now bind the formal params to the args
        try {
            bind_params(funcValue.getParamArrayList(), ac, data);
            // may throw FuncCallException, a kind of RuntimeException
            // catch all exceptions and release the frame before rethrowing
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // now execute the body of the function (a func_block)
        try {
            funcValue.getFuncBlock().jjtAccept(this, data);
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // normal release of the Frame created for the execution of the func call

        // Check the return value; there should be a FuncValue left on
        // the stack.
        Object obj = stack.peek();
        if (obj == null) {
            throw new FuncCallException("NetListFuncFunc valued function call fails to return a value.");
        } else if (!(obj instanceof FuncValue)) {
            throw new FuncCallException("NetListFuncFunc valued function call returns incorrect type.");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_func_exp node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_func_exp node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_func_exp node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_func_anon_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters:  param_list  func_block
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        stack.push(new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(1)));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdec_int_literal node, Object data) {
        stack.push(new Long(node.getLongValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASThex_int_literal node, Object data) {
        stack.push(new Long(node.getLongValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdec_float_literal node, Object data) {
        stack.push(new Double(node.getDoubleValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrrProdRHS node, Object data) {
        // always has a single daughter: ASTregexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTregexp node, Object data) {
        // There should be just one daughter
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // and should leave an Fst node on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.peek();

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTcomposed_exp node, Object data) {
        // cf. to method for intersected_exp

        // A _o_ B _o_ C ...  is parsed into a flat AST 
        //      (treated like an n-ary operation)
        // there will always be at least two daughters 
        //      (this is syntactically constrained)
        // Beware memory leaks (because the OpenFst Compose(A,B) is 
        //      non-destructive, creating a new OpenFst (C++) object)

        // start by getting a new sigma* Java Fst (hasOther will be 
        // set to true); all the daughter Fsts will be composed
        // onto it (on the "bottom") one at a time
        Fst resultFst = lib.UniversalLanguageFst();

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        // Loop through the daughters, composing each one with
        //    ("on the bottom of") the resultFst
        for (int i = 0; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // leaves an Fst object on the stack

            Fst daughterFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

            resultFst = lib.Compose(resultFst, daughterFst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_lhs node, Object data) {
        // alternation rules always have a LHS, 
        // and usually an ASTrule_lhs
        // with exactly two children: 
        //       0.  ASTrule_lhs_upper or ASTrule_lhs_markup
        //       1.  ASTrule_lhs_lower or ASTrule_lhs_markup
        //    (The exception is a "transducer" rule, which has
        //    ASTrule_lhs_transducer (parallel to ASTrule_lhs))

        // create a new RuleSyntacticParts to hold the LHS ASTs
        // (not to be interpreted yet)  DON'T eval them here.

        RuleSyntacticParts rsp = null;

        // If one of the daughters is an ASTrule_lhs_markup node, then we have
        // a Markup Rule

        Object objUpper = node.jjtGetChild(0);
        Object objLower = node.jjtGetChild(1);

        if (objUpper instanceof ASTrule_lhs_upper) {
            // objLower could be either ASTrule_lhs_lower or ASTrule_lhs_markup

            if (objLower instanceof ASTrule_lhs_lower) {
                // straightforward mapping rule  upper -> lower
                rsp = new RuleSyntacticParts((ASTrule_lhs_upper) objUpper, (ASTrule_lhs_lower) objLower);
            } else {
                // right-arrow markup rule:  X  ->  Y ~~~ Z
                //                    or  X  ->  Y ~~~      (lacking a right insertion)
                //                       or  X  ->    ~~~ Z      (lacking a left insertion)
                //                       or  X  ->    ~~~      (no insertions, a no-op)
                ((ASTrule_lhs_markup) objLower).jjtAccept(this, data);
                // this leaves a MarkupParts object on the stack
                MarkupParts markupParts = (MarkupParts) stack.pop();
                rsp = new RuleSyntacticParts((ASTrule_lhs_upper) objUpper, markupParts.getLeftMarkupInsertion(),
        } else {
            // the objUpper is of type ASTrule_lhs_markup
            // the objLower is of type ASTrule_lhs_lower
            // left-arrow markup rule
            //       Y ~~~ Z <-  X
            //       Y ~~~   <-  X      (lacking a right insertion)
            //         ~~~ Z <-  X      (lacking a left insertion)
            //         ~~~   <-  X      (no insertions, a no-op)
            ((ASTrule_lhs_markup) objUpper).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // this leaves a MarkupParts object on the stack
            MarkupParts markupParts = (MarkupParts) stack.pop();
            rsp = new RuleSyntacticParts(markupParts.getLeftMarkupInsertion(),
                    markupParts.getRightMarkupInsertion(), (ASTrule_lhs_lower) objLower);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_lhs_transducer node, Object data) {
        // rule LHS written as a transducer, e.g. the a:b in
        // a:b -> / left _ right or the a*:b in a*:b -> / l _ r
        // these transducer rules cannot be Markup rules

        // create a new RuleSyntacticParts to hold the LHS AST
        // (not to be interpreted yet)  DON'T eval it here.

        // just one child, some kind of regexp AST
        stack.push(new RuleSyntacticParts(node));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_lhs_upper node, Object data) {
        // should be one daughter, some kind of regexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leave the Fst on the stack
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_lhs_lower node, Object data) {
        // should be one daughter, some kind of regexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leave the Fst on the stack
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_lhs_markup node, Object data) {
        // daughters:  ASTleft_markup_insertion and ASTright_markup_insertion,
        // both optional
        // A MarkupParts objects holds handles to the ASTs, which can be null
        MarkupParts markupParts = new MarkupParts();
        for (int i = 0; i < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            if (obj instanceof ASTleft_markup_insertion) {
                markupParts.setLeftMarkupInsertion((ASTleft_markup_insertion) obj);
            } else if (obj instanceof ASTright_markup_insertion) {
                markupParts.setRightMarkupInsertion((ASTright_markup_insertion) obj);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTleft_markup_insertion node, Object data) {
        // should be one daughter, some kind of regexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leave the Fst on the stack
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTright_markup_insertion node, Object data) {
        // should be one daughter, some kind of regexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leave the Fst on the stack
        return data;

    Fst compileRuleSemanticParts(ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> listOfSemanticParts) {

        // KRB: debug
        //System.out.println("\nEntering compileRuleSemanticParts()\n") ;
        //System.out.println("\nNumber of RuleSemanticParts: " + listOfSemanticParts.size()) ;

        // The listOfSemanticParts contains potentially multiple RuleSemanticParts 
        // objects, which are to be compiled in parallel.  The information in the
        // possible multiple RuleSemanticParts is used to define three finite-state
        // machines that are eventually intersected: Base & Context & Constraints
        // to make the final Fst result representing all the RuleSemanticParts.

        // Initialize some structures for collecting Base, Context and Constraints
        // (or parts thereof) for _all_ the rules being compiled in parallel.
        // Parallelism can result from:
        //       1.  Overt calls to $^parallel( rule, rule, ...)
        //       2.  Where clauses:   
        //          $a -> $b / _ #  { where  $a _E_ $@(b, d, g), $b _E_ $@(p, t, k) }
        //          which is an abbreviation for 3 (parallel) rules
        //          ( b -> p / _ # , d -> t / _ #,   g -> k / _ # )
        //       3.  Epenthesis in rules:
        //          a* -> b   gets interpreted as two parallel rules
        //          (  (a* - "") -> b, "" -> b  )

        // In the definition of Base there is one CP(A,B), i.e. hulden.CP(upper, lower), 
        // or CPMarkup...(X, Y, Z)
        // representing the LHS, for each semantic rule; the CPs for all the parallel
        // rules are _unioned_ together in the computation of Base, so
        // start with an empty-language fst and union all the CPs into it.

        Fst BaseUnionOfCPs = lib.EmptyLanguageFst();

        // Rule compilation involves the calculation of a language restriction,
        // which may have multiple context parts (one for each individual context
        // in all the parallel rules).  To accomplish this for a set of parallel
        // rules, each context L _ R is interpreted as [L x \x* x R], where x is
        // a special restriction delimiter used only internally.  These networks, 
        // one for each context, get unioned together, and then at the end
        // the resulting unionOfContexts is surrounded with \x*, i.e. 
        // [\x* unionOfContexts \x*]
        // Start with a unionOfContexts that is the empty language and union all
        // the [L x \x* x R] parts into it.  The surrounding \x* and \x* will be
        // added later.

        Fst unionOfContexts = lib.EmptyLanguageFst();

        // The Constraints, potentially one for each context in all the parallel rules
        // (there can be more than one context per rule) are _intersected_ together. 
        // Start with .*, the Universal Language and intersect constraints into it.
        // Constraints are used only for obligatory rules.  (Optionality in a rule
        // corresponds to a lack of such constraints for that particular rule.)

        Fst Constraints = lib.UniversalLanguageFst();

        // iterate through the list of RuleSemanticParts objects that need to be
        // compiled in parallel
        for (Iterator<RuleSemanticParts> iter = listOfSemanticParts.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {

            // KRB: debug
            //System.out.println("Loop start for one RuleSemanticPart") ;

            RuleSemanticParts rsempt =;

            // Uppercase letters A and B used here for variables to facilitate 
            // comparison with Hulden's rule-compilation examples.

            // Symbols A and B are used herein for straightforward rewrite rules
            // (also needed for constraints)
            Fst A = null; // upper LHS
            Fst B = null; // lower LHS

            Fst ABTransducer = null; // used only for transducer rules

            // Symbols X, Y and Z are used only for markup rules (X is the "input" 
            // expression, which could be upper or lower
            //    depending on the rule arrow direction; Y is always the left insertion,
            //    Z is always the right insertion) either
            // X -> Y ... Z
            // or
            // Y ... Z <- X
            // Used for Markup Rules
            Fst X = null; // input side (upper or lower)
            Fst Y = null; // leftMarkupInsertion
            Fst Z = null; // rightMarkupInsertion

            RuleArrowType arrowType = rsempt.getArrowType();
            //                     RuleArrowType.RIGHT or .LEFT
            RuleObligType obligType = rsempt.getObligType();
            //                     RuleObligType.OBLIG or .OPT
            RuleMatchType matchType = rsempt.getMatchType();
            //                     RuleMatchType.ALL, .MAX_L2R, .MIN_L2R, .MAX_R2L, .MIN_R2L
            RuleMapType mapType = rsempt.getMapType();
            //                     RuleMapType.MAP or .MARKUP
            boolean epenthesis = rsempt.getEpenthesis(); // true iff epenthesis

            if (rsempt.getTransducerLhs() != null) {

                // KRB: debug
                //System.out.println("This is a transducer-style rule, point A.") ;

                // Then this is a transducer rule, e.g.  a:b -> / ...
                // transducer rules cannot be markup rules
                ABTransducer = rsempt.getTransducerLhs();
                ABTransducer.setFromSymtab(true); // protect it when extracting projections

                // KRB: debug
                //System.out.println("Dumping ABTransducer at point A") ;
                //lib.FstDump(ABTransducer) ;

                // Separate the LHS, currently a transducer, into separate input and output
                //    projections

                // The algorithm needs one of these (A or B, depending on the arrow direction) 
                // for computing Constraints, but the cp (crossproduct) is computed directly
                // from the ABTransducer
                A = hulden.CleanupSpecialSymbolsAction(lib.InputProjection(ABTransducer));
                B = hulden.CleanupSpecialSymbolsAction(lib.OutputProjection(ABTransducer));

            } else if (mapType == RuleMapType.MARKUP) {
                // markup rules like a -> IL ... IR  / ...
                // (transducer rules cannot be markup rules)
                // Set X, Y and Z here

                // set X (input, upper or lower), Y (left insertion) and Z (right insertion)
                // Note that CleanupSpecialSymbolsAction was called on all these parts when
                // the RuleSemanticParts was created
                if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                    // the input is the upper left-hand side
                    X = rsempt.getUpperLhs();
                } else {
                    // the input is the lower left-hand side
                    X = rsempt.getLowerLhs();

                // if Y and/or Z were missing (null) in the syntax, they were
                // previously assigned to EmptyStringLanguageFst
                Y = rsempt.getLeftMarkupInsertion();

                Z = rsempt.getRightMarkupInsertion();
            } else {
                // straightforward mapping rule like  A -> B
                // Note that CleanupSpecialSymbolsAction was called on both these
                // parts when the RuleSemanticParts was created
                // Set A and B here (two acceptors)

                // straightforward MAP rule
                A = rsempt.getUpperLhs();

                B = rsempt.getLowerLhs();

            // cp for the Hulden "cross-product" of the LHS expressions
            Fst cp = null;

            if (ABTransducer != null) {
                // then it's a transducer rule;
                // just "flatten" the transducer specified in the syntax
                cp = hulden.CPflatten(ABTransducer);

                // KRB: debug
                //System.out.println("dumping the ASTransducer at point B") ;
                //lib.FstDump(ABTransducer) ;
                //System.out.println("dumping the flattened cp transducer at point Bprime") ;
                //lib.FstDump(cp) ;

            } else if (mapType == RuleMapType.MAP) {
                // It's a straightforward mapping rule, compute hulden.CP()
                cp = hulden.CP(A, B);

            } else {
                // It's a Markup Rule--use a different CPMarkup
                if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                    // right-arrow Markup Rule:      X  ->  Y ... Z

                    cp = hulden.CPMarkupRightArrow(X, Y, Z);

                } else {
                    // left-arrow Markup Rule:     Y ... Z  <-  X
                    cp = hulden.CPMarkupLeftArrow(X, Y, Z);


            // union this cp (one for each semantic rule) into the BaseUnionOfCPs
            // UnionIntoFirstInPlace() is destructive of the first argument, as desired here.
            BaseUnionOfCPs = lib.UnionIntoFirstInPlace(BaseUnionOfCPs, cp);

            // Now get the contexts of the current rule
            ArrayList<RuleContextSemanticParts> contexts = rsempt.getContexts();
            // a rule written without a context will have the universal context
            //    .*  _  .*
            // assigned automatically

            // iterate through the contexts for the current SemanticRuleParts
            for (Iterator<RuleContextSemanticParts> rciter = contexts.iterator(); rciter.hasNext();) {

                RuleContextSemanticParts rcsp =;

                // CleanupSpecialSymbolsContext was called on the context
                // parts when the RuleContextSemanticParts was created

                Fst leftUpperContext = rcsp.getLeftUpperContext();
                if (leftUpperContext != null)

                Fst leftLowerContext = rcsp.getLeftLowerContext();
                if (leftLowerContext != null)

                Fst rightUpperContext = rcsp.getRightUpperContext();
                if (rightUpperContext != null)

                Fst rightLowerContext = rcsp.getRightLowerContext();
                if (rightLowerContext != null)

                // initialize
                Fst finalLeftContext = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();
                Fst finalRightContext = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();
                // these will be left as the empty string language for missing 
                // two-level contexts

                if (leftUpperContext != null) {
                    if (leftLowerContext != null) {
                        // an overt left context in a two-level context
                        finalLeftContext = lib.Intersect(hulden.Upper(leftUpperContext),
                    } else {
                        // an overt upper left context in a one-level context
                        finalLeftContext = hulden.Upper(leftUpperContext);
                } else if (leftLowerContext != null) {
                    finalLeftContext = hulden.Lower(leftLowerContext);

                if (rightUpperContext != null) {
                    if (rightLowerContext != null) {
                        // an overt right context in a two-level context
                        finalRightContext = lib.Intersect(hulden.Upper(rightUpperContext),
                    } else {
                        // an overt upper right context in a one-level context
                        finalRightContext = hulden.Upper(rightUpperContext);
                } else if (rightLowerContext != null) {
                    finalRightContext = hulden.Lower(rightLowerContext);


                Fst dfs = hulden.DeleteFirstSymbol(cp);

                // There is one context restriction context for each context in all the
                // parallel rules; Each context L _ DeleteFirstSymbol(CP(A,B)) R
                // with two-level contexts
                //              (Lu & Ll) _ DeleteFirstSymbol(CP(A,B)) (Ru & Rl)
                //              or now possibly            CPMarkup(X,Y,Z)
                //              both called just "cp" at this point
                // for missing two-level contexts, e.g.  a -> b / a:b 2_2
                // the right context is just the empty string language

                if (epenthesis) {
                    // The rule is explicitly marked as an epenthesis rule
                    // then add an extra constraint for epenthesis
                    if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                        finalLeftContext = hulden.EPContextL_RIGHT_ARROW(finalLeftContext);
                        finalRightContext = hulden.EPContextR_RIGHT_ARROW(finalRightContext);
                    } else {
                        // Left-arrow rule
                        finalLeftContext = hulden.EPContextL_LEFT_ARROW(finalLeftContext);
                        finalRightContext = hulden.EPContextR_LEFT_ARROW(finalRightContext);

                // KRB don't let OTHER in a rule context match #, the word boundary, unless
                // it is an epenthesis rule, in which case an example like "" -> b
                // with implied context "" -> b / .* _ .* , the context needs to match #
                // to that ""->b applied down to aaa yields bababa
                if (!epenthesis) {
                    if (finalLeftContext.getContainsOther()) {
                    if (finalRightContext.getContainsOther()) {

                Fst leftRestrictionContext = finalLeftContext;
                Fst rightRestrictionContext = lib.Concat(dfs, finalRightContext);

                // interpRestrictionContext makes sure that the two context parts do
                // not contain the restDelimSym (shown as x here), and returns
                // leftRestrictionContext x \x* x rightRestrictionContext
                Fst restContextFst = interpRestrictionContext(leftRestrictionContext, rightRestrictionContext);

                // Union this restContextFst into the "unionOfContexts" used to compute
                // the "Context" Fst in Hulden's algorithm.
                // UnionIntoFirstInPlace() is destructive of the first argument, as desired here
                unionOfContexts = lib.UnionIntoFirstInPlace(unionOfContexts, restContextFst);

                // Now see if a constraint need to be calculated for the current context
                // A constraint, needed for non-optional rules, makes sure that if an
                // input string is found, the rule will fire.

                if (obligType == RuleObligType.OBLIG || matchType == RuleMatchType.MAX_L2R
                        || matchType == RuleMatchType.MIN_L2R || matchType == RuleMatchType.MAX_R2L
                        || matchType == RuleMatchType.MIN_R2L) {
                    // Then we need to compute constraint(s) for the current context.
                    // Multiple constraints are unioned together, so start with
                    // the empty language.
                    Fst constraintsForOneContext = lib.EmptyLanguageFst();

                    if (epenthesis) {
                        // this is an epenthesis rule
                        // KRB: debug
                        //System.out.println("This is an epenthesis rule") ;

                        constraintsForOneContext = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();

                        // KRB
                        // MAX_ and MIN_ are semantically inappropriate
                        // or confusing, I think, with a pure epenthesis rule. 
                        // Catch rules like a* {min} -> b  during interpretation?
                    } else {
                        // not an epenthesis rule

                        // KRB: debug
                        //System.out.println("This is NOT an epenthesis rule.") ;

                        // First need to compute the "difference", which
                        // is A-0 or B-0 in Hulden's examples, e.g.
                        // A -> B

                        Fst inputFst = null;

                        if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                            // in a right-arrow rule, the A (or X for a markup rule) is the input
                            inputFst = (mapType == RuleMapType.MAP) ? A : X;
                        } else {
                            // for a left-arrow rule, the B (or X for a markup rule) is the input
                            inputFst = (mapType == RuleMapType.MAP) ? B : X;

                        Fst difference = lib.Difference(inputFst, lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst());

                        if (obligType == RuleObligType.OBLIG) {
                            // Then need to compute the "Unrewritten" constraint,
                            // which makes sure that the rule applies wherever
                            // the context is right.
                            // Unrewritten(A-0) or Unrewritten(B-0) in Hulden's examples,
                            // should work for both right-arrow and left-arrow rules because
                            // when tape 1 has @O@ ("outside"), and symbol x is on tape 2,
                            // then tape 3 has @ID@
                            constraintsForOneContext = hulden.Unrewritten(difference);
                            // suitable for matchType == RuleMatchType.ALL  KRB???

                        // the following possibilities are mutually exclusive
                        if (matchType == RuleMatchType.MAX_L2R) {

                            // need to add (union in) more constraints
                            if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                                // KRB: debug
                                //System.out.println("Union in constraints for right arrow MAX_L2R; point Z") ;

                                constraintsForOneContext = lib.Union3Fsts(constraintsForOneContext,
                            } else {
                                // KRB: debug
                                //System.out.println("Union in constraints for left arrow MAX_L2R; point Z2") ;

                                constraintsForOneContext = lib.Union3Fsts(constraintsForOneContext,
                        } else if (matchType == RuleMatchType.MIN_L2R) {
                            // need to add (union in) more constraints
                            if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                                constraintsForOneContext = lib.Union3Fsts(constraintsForOneContext,
                            } else {
                                constraintsForOneContext = lib.Union3Fsts(constraintsForOneContext,
                                        hulden.ShortestLeftArrow(difference), hulden.LeftmostLeftArrow(difference));
                        } else if (matchType == RuleMatchType.MAX_R2L) {
                            // not implemented yet
                            // need to add (union in) more constraints
                            if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                                constraintsForOneContext = lib.Union3Fsts(constraintsForOneContext,
                            } else {
                                constraintsForOneContext = lib.Union3Fsts(constraintsForOneContext,

                        } else if (matchType == RuleMatchType.MIN_R2L) {
                            // not implemented yet
                            // need to add (union in) more constraints
                            if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                                constraintsForOneContext = lib.Union3Fsts(constraintsForOneContext,
                            } else {
                                constraintsForOneContext = lib.Union3Fsts(constraintsForOneContext,

                    // get the "NotContain" constraint for one context
                    Fst notContain = hulden.NotContain(
                            lib.Concat3Fsts(finalLeftContext, constraintsForOneContext, finalRightContext));

                    // and intersect this constraint into the total Constraints
                    Constraints = lib.Intersect(Constraints, notContain);
                } // end of block adding a constraint for a context
            } // end of loop through contexts
        } // end of loop through RuleSemanticParts

        // KRB: debug
        //System.out.println("End of loop through RuleSemanticParts") ;

        Fst Outside = lib.Concat3Fsts(lib.OneArcFst(hulden.outsideMarkerSym),
                lib.Difference(hulden.Tape2Sig(), lib.OneArcFst(hulden.ruleWordBoundarySym)),

        Fst Base = lib.Concat3Fsts(hulden.Boundary(), lib.KleeneStar(lib.Union(Outside, BaseUnionOfCPs)),

        // surround with \x* unionOfContexts \x*
        Fst restrictionRhsFst = lib.Concat3Fsts(hulden.NotRestDelimStarFst(), unionOfContexts,

        //  IOpen => 
        //  [ Upper(L1u) & Lower(L1l) ] _ DeleteFirstSymbol(CP(A1, B1)) [ Upper(R1u) & Lower(R1l) ] ,
        //  [ Upper(L2u) & Lower(L2l) ] _ DeleteFirstSymbol(CP(A2, B2)) [ Upper(R2u) & Lower(R2l) ] ;
        //  done slightly differently here to allow the restrictionRhsFst to be accumulated
        //  during the loop through the contexts
        Fst Context = interpRestrictionExp(hulden.IOpen(), restrictionRhsFst, true);
        // true means that the restriction is part of the compilation of an alternation rule

        // The result is the intersection of Base, Context and Constraints.
        // Context makes sure that any rule "action" upper -> lower 
        //     is inside a valid context.
        // Constraints makes sure that 1) no unrewritten upper appears in a 
        //     context where it should be rewritten and 2) max or min, l2r or r2l 
        // Optional rules ->? do not use these Constraints.

        Fst AlternationRule = lib.Intersect3Fsts(Base, Context, Constraints);

        Fst CleanAlternationRule = hulden.CleanupRule(AlternationRule);

        return CleanAlternationRule;

    class RuleContextSemanticParts {
        Fst leftUpperContext;
        Fst leftLowerContext;
        Fst rightUpperContext;
        Fst rightLowerContext;

        // constructor
        public RuleContextSemanticParts(Fst leftUpperContext, Fst leftLowerContext, Fst rightUpperContext,
                Fst rightLowerContext) {
            this.leftUpperContext = leftUpperContext;
            this.leftLowerContext = leftLowerContext;
            this.rightUpperContext = rightUpperContext;
            this.rightLowerContext = rightLowerContext;

        Fst getLeftUpperContext() {
            return leftUpperContext;

        Fst getLeftLowerContext() {
            return leftLowerContext;

        Fst getRightUpperContext() {
            return rightUpperContext;

        Fst getRightLowerContext() {
            return rightLowerContext;

    class RuleSemanticParts {
        private RuleArrowType arrowType;
        private RuleObligType obligType;
        private RuleMatchType matchType;
        private RuleMapType mapType;

        private boolean epenthesis;

        // for a straightforward mapping rule, both of these will be non-null
        private Fst upperLhs = null;
        private Fst lowerLhs = null;
        // for a transducer rule, the following will be non-null
        private Fst transducerLhs = null;

        // a Markup rule will have both of the following non-null, 
        // and one of the above null;  when these are set (by 
        // compileRuleInCurrentFrame) CleanupSpecialSymbolsAction
        // is called.
        private Fst leftMarkupInsertion = null;
        private Fst rightMarkupInsertion = null;

        private ArrayList<RuleContextSemanticParts> contexts;

        // N.B. no holding of localVarSettings (from where clauses) here.
        // Local var settings were made bound when each RuleSemanticParts was
        // instantiated 

        // constructors

        public RuleSemanticParts() {
            epenthesis = false;

            upperLhs = null;
            lowerLhs = null;
            transducerLhs = null;

            leftMarkupInsertion = null;
            rightMarkupInsertion = null;

            contexts = null;

        public RuleSemanticParts(RuleSemanticParts old) {





        // end constructors

        void setArrowType(RuleArrowType arrowType) {
            this.arrowType = arrowType;

        void setObligType(RuleObligType obligType) {
            this.obligType = obligType;

        void setMatchType(RuleMatchType matchType) {
            this.matchType = matchType;

        void setMapType(RuleMapType mapType) {
            this.mapType = mapType;

        void setEpenthesis(boolean val) {
            this.epenthesis = val;

        void setUpperLhs(Fst upperLhs) {
            this.upperLhs = upperLhs;

        void setLowerLhs(Fst lowerLhs) {
            this.lowerLhs = lowerLhs;

        void setTransducerLhs(Fst transducerLhs) {
            this.transducerLhs = transducerLhs;

        void setLeftMarkupInsertion(Fst leftMarkupInsertion) {
            this.leftMarkupInsertion = leftMarkupInsertion;

        void setRightMarkupInsertion(Fst rightMarkupInsertion) {
            this.rightMarkupInsertion = rightMarkupInsertion;

        void setContexts(ArrayList<RuleContextSemanticParts> contexts) {
            this.contexts = contexts;

        RuleArrowType getArrowType() {
            return arrowType;

        RuleObligType getObligType() {
            return obligType;

        RuleMatchType getMatchType() {
            return matchType;

        RuleMapType getMapType() {
            return mapType;

        boolean getEpenthesis() {
            return epenthesis;

        Fst getUpperLhs() {
            return upperLhs;

        Fst getLowerLhs() {
            return lowerLhs;

        Fst getTransducerLhs() {
            return transducerLhs;

        Fst getLeftMarkupInsertion() {
            return leftMarkupInsertion;

        Fst getRightMarkupInsertion() {
            return rightMarkupInsertion;

        ArrayList<RuleContextSemanticParts> getContexts() {
            return contexts;

    ArrayList<RuleContextSemanticParts> compileRuleSyntacticContexts(RuleSyntacticParts rsynp, InterpData data) {
        // Handle the set of contexts for one rule.
        // Each syntactic context gets translated into one semantic context
        // Get the ArrayList of RuleContextSyntacticParts from the RuleSyntacticParts
        // object.  Each RuleContextSyntacticParts contains two unevaluated ASTs:
        // leftRuleContext and rightRuleContext (each can be null) and levels (ONE or TWO)
        ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> contexts = rsynp.getContexts();

        // the result will be a parallel ArrayList of RuleContextSemanticParts
        ArrayList<RuleContextSemanticParts> result = new ArrayList<RuleContextSemanticParts>();

        // the arrowType is the same for the whole rule
        RuleArrowType arrowType = rsynp.getArrowType();

        if (contexts == null) {
            // then the original rule looks like a -> b  with no overt context(s) at all, 
            // equivalent to
            // a -> b /  _      a <- b /  _
            // or  
            // a -> b / "" _ ""     a <- b /  "" _ ""
            // These last forms are what we need to model here for Hulden's algorithms.
            // Always pretend that there is one one-level context with empty-string left and right
            if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                // order of arguments is leftUpper, leftLower, rightUpper, rightLower
                // set the upper contexts to the empty string language
                result.add(new RuleContextSemanticParts(lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst(), null,
                        lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst(), null));
            } else {
                // for a left-arrow rule
                // set the lower contexts to the empty string language
                result.add(new RuleContextSemanticParts(null, lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst(), null,

            // and we're done
            return result;

        // Reaching here, there was at least one overt syntactic context, 
        // but it could be empty like
        // a -> b / _     or   a <- b /  _
        // or partially empty like  a -> b / l _    or   a -> b /  _  r
        // or  a -> b /  l _ r

        for (Iterator<RuleContextSyntacticParts> iter = contexts.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            RuleContextSyntacticParts context =;

            // each context can be one-level or two-level
            RuleContextLevels levels = context.getLevels();

            // default, start by setting all 4 semantic context parts (FSTs) to null
            Fst leftUpperContext = null;
            Fst leftLowerContext = null;
            Fst rightUpperContext = null;
            Fst rightLowerContext = null;

            // In the syntax, the right and left context ASTs are just regexps;
            // We don't know if they're acceptors or transducers until 
            // they're evaluated.

            ASTleft_rule_context leftRuleContextAst = context.getLeftRuleContext();
            ASTright_rule_context rightRuleContextAst = context.getRightRuleContext();

            if (leftRuleContextAst == null && rightRuleContextAst == null) {
                // overt but empty context, e.g. a -> b /  _  or   a <- b / _ 
                // Pretend that we have  a -> b / "" _ ""     or   a <- b / "" _ ""
                // If the context is two-level, leave the nulls
                // but if the context is one-level, then insert the empty string languages
                if (levels == RuleContextLevels.ONE) {
                    if (rsynp.getArrowType() == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                        // set the upper contexts to the empty string language
                        result.add(new RuleContextSemanticParts(lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst(), null,
                                lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst(), null));
                    } else {
                        // for a left-arrow rule
                        // set the lower contexts to the empty string language
                        result.add(new RuleContextSemanticParts(null, lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst(), null,

            if (leftRuleContextAst != null) {
                // then evaluate it
                leftRuleContextAst.jjtAccept(this, data);
                Fst leftContext = (Fst) stack.pop(); // may be acceptor or transducer
                leftContext.setFromSymtab(true); // needed if TWO levels and need to extract projections

                if (levels == RuleContextLevels.ONE) {
                    if (!lib.IsSemanticAcceptor(leftContext)) {
                        throw new RuleSemanticException(
                                "In a one-level context, the left context evaluated as a Transducer.");
                    if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                        // then the indicated context matches only on the upper side
                        leftUpperContext = leftContext;
                    } else {
                        // for <- rule, the indicated context matches only on
                        //     the lower side
                        leftLowerContext = leftContext;
                } else {
                    // two-level context, e.g. a:b
                    // split it into upper and lower
                    leftUpperContext = lib.InputProjection(leftContext);
                    leftLowerContext = lib.OutputProjection(leftContext);
            } else {
                // the left context is empty:  a -> b /  _  r  or   a <- b /  _  r
                // Handle it like  a -> b / "" _ r    or   a <- b / ""  _  r
                // If it's a two-level context, just leave leftUpperContext and
                // leftLowerContext set to null for Hulden's algorithms
                if (levels == RuleContextLevels.ONE) {
                    if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                        leftUpperContext = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();
                    } else {
                        // for a left-arrow rule
                        leftLowerContext = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();

            if (rightRuleContextAst != null) {
                // then evaluate it
                rightRuleContextAst.jjtAccept(this, data);
                Fst rightContext = (Fst) stack.pop(); // may be acceptor or transducer
                rightContext.setFromSymtab(true); // needed if TWO levels and need to extract projections

                if (levels == RuleContextLevels.ONE) {
                    if (!lib.IsSemanticAcceptor(rightContext)) {
                        throw new RuleSemanticException(
                                "In a one-level context, the right context evaluated as a Transducer.");
                    if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                        // then the context matches only on the upper side
                        rightUpperContext = rightContext;
                    } else {
                        // for <- rule, the context matches only on the lower side
                        rightLowerContext = rightContext;
                } else {
                    // split the Fst context into upper and lower
                    rightUpperContext = lib.InputProjection(rightContext);
                    rightLowerContext = lib.OutputProjection(rightContext);
            } else {
                // the right context is empty:  a -> b / l  _    or  a <- b / l _
                // Handle it like a -> b / l _ ""  or  a <-b / l _ ""
                // If it's a two-level context, just leave leftUpperContext and
                // leftLowerContext set to null for Hulden's algorithms
                if (levels == RuleContextLevels.ONE) {
                    if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                        rightUpperContext = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();
                    } else {
                        rightLowerContext = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();

            // make sure that none of the context parts contains special
            // characters used when compiling the rules

            Fst Lu = leftUpperContext;
            if (Lu != null) {
                Lu = hulden.CleanupSpecialSymbolsContext(Lu);
            //Lu.setFromSymtab(true) ;

            Fst Ll = leftLowerContext;
            if (Ll != null) {
                Ll = hulden.CleanupSpecialSymbolsContext(Ll);
            //Ll.setFromSymtab(true) ;

            Fst Ru = rightUpperContext;
            if (Ru != null) {
                Ru = hulden.CleanupSpecialSymbolsContext(Ru);
            //Ru.setFromSymtab(true) ;

            Fst Rl = rightLowerContext;
            if (Rl != null) {
                Rl = hulden.CleanupSpecialSymbolsContext(Rl);
            //Rl.setFromSymtab(true) ;

            result.add(new RuleContextSemanticParts(Lu, Ll, Ru, Rl));
        return result;

    ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> compileRuleInCurrentFrame(RuleSyntacticParts rsynp, InterpData data) {
        // Don't worry about the where clauses (localVarSettings in the rsynp) here;
        // This method is called from compileRuleSyntacticParts, which takes care of
        // the where clauses and setting the local variables 
        // (one set of them at a time)

        // Usually return one RuleSemanticParts object.
        // But if the input expression (upper side in a right-arrow rule, lower side in a
        // left-arrow rule) can match the empty string, and is not just the empty
        // string; split the original rule into two rules, one of them an epenthesis
        // rule, then return two RuleSemanticParts.

        RuleArrowType arrowType = rsynp.getArrowType(); // RIGHT or LEFT 
        RuleObligType obligType = rsynp.getObligType(); // OBLIG or OPT
        RuleMatchType matchType = rsynp.getMatchType(); // ALL, MAX_L2R, MIN_L2R, MAX_R2L, MIN_R2L
        RuleMapType mapType = rsynp.getMapType(); // MAP or MARKUP

        // the return value, start with an empty List
        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> oneOrTwoRuleSemanticParts = new ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts>();

        // There's always one RuleSemanticParts returned, here called the 
        // "basicRuleSemanticParts." If the input expression matches the
        // empty string, and does not denote _just_ the empty string, 
        // then a second RuleSemanticParts is returned as well
        RuleSemanticParts basicRuleSemanticParts = new RuleSemanticParts();


        // Handle the LHS

        if (mapType == RuleMapType.MARKUP) {
            // Markup Rule; either the left insertion xor the right insertion 
            // could be syntactically missing
            Fst leftMarkupInsertion = null;
            if (rsynp.getLeftMarkupInsertion() != null) {
                rsynp.getLeftMarkupInsertion().jjtAccept(this, data);
                leftMarkupInsertion = (Fst) stack.pop();
                if (!lib.IsSemanticAcceptor(leftMarkupInsertion)) {
                    throw new RuleSemanticException(
                            "The left-side insertion of a markup rule compiled into a Transducer.  An Acceptor is required.");
            } else {
                // for missing left insertion, interpret as the empty string
                leftMarkupInsertion = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();

            Fst rightMarkupInsertion = null;
            if (rsynp.getRightMarkupInsertion() != null) {
                rsynp.getRightMarkupInsertion().jjtAccept(this, data);
                rightMarkupInsertion = (Fst) stack.pop();
                if (!lib.IsSemanticAcceptor(rightMarkupInsertion)) {
                    throw new RuleSemanticException(
                            "The right-side insertion of a markup rule compiled into a Transducer.  An Acceptor is required.");
            } else {
                // for missing right insertion, interpret as the empty string
                rightMarkupInsertion = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();


        // initialize
        Fst upperLhs = null;
        Fst lowerLhs = null;
        Fst transducerLhs = null;

        if (rsynp.getLhsTransducer() != null) {
            // this is a transducer rule, e.g. a:b -> / ...
            // where the mapping is expressed in the syntax as a transducer.
            // .getLhsTransducer() returns an ASTrule_lhs_transducer, which
            // has one child, some kind of regexp denoting a transducer
            rsynp.getLhsTransducer().jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // leaves an Fst on the stack
            transducerLhs = (Fst) stack.pop();
            transducerLhs = hulden.CleanupSpecialSymbolsAction(transducerLhs);
            // .setFromSymtab because, for an oblig rule, the upper or lower language
            // will need to be extracted


        } else {
            // this is a mapping rule (with separately specified upperLhs and LowerLhs),
            // or a markup rule, in which case one of the following still needs to be set
            if (rsynp.getLhsUpper() != null) {
                rsynp.getLhsUpper().jjtAccept(this, data);
                // leaves an Fst on the stack
                upperLhs = (Fst) stack.pop();
                if (!lib.IsSemanticAcceptor(upperLhs)) {
                    throw new RuleSemanticException(
                            "The upper left-hand-side expression in an alternation rule compiled into a Transducer.  An Acceptor is required.");

            if (rsynp.getLhsLower() != null) {
                rsynp.getLhsLower().jjtAccept(this, data);
                lowerLhs = (Fst) stack.pop();
                if (!lib.IsSemanticAcceptor(lowerLhs)) {
                    throw new RuleSemanticException(
                            "The lower left-hand-side expression in an alternation rule compiled into a Transducer.  An Acceptor is required.");

        // compile the RHS (contexts)

        basicRuleSemanticParts.setContexts(compileRuleSyntacticContexts(rsynp, data));

        // check for epenthesis in the rule, need to decide which
        // is the "input" side:  upper for a right-arrow rule,
        // and lower for a left-arrow rule

        Fst inputFst;

        if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
            // the input side is the upper side for a right-arrow rule
            if (transducerLhs != null) {
                // this is a transducer rule like a:b -> / l _ r
                inputFst = lib.InputProjection(transducerLhs);
            } else {
                // this is a normal mapping rule like a -> b / l _ r
                inputFst = upperLhs;
        } else {
            // the input side is the lower side for a left-arrow rule
            if (transducerLhs != null) {
                // this is a transducer rule
                inputFst = lib.OutputProjection(transducerLhs);
            } else {
                inputFst = lowerLhs;

        if (lib.ContainsEmptyString(inputFst)) { // if the input expression can match the empty string

            // KRB: debug
            //System.out.println("Input exp contains the empty string") ;

            // for now, at least, disallow epsilon in the input for transducer rules
            //if ( transducerLhs != null) {
            //   throw new RuleSemanticException("The input expression in the transducer rule can match the empty string") ;

            // for now, at least, disallow epsilon in the input for {max} and {min} rules
            if ((matchType == RuleMatchType.MAX_L2R) || (matchType == RuleMatchType.MIN_L2R)
                    || (matchType == RuleMatchType.MAX_R2L) || (matchType == RuleMatchType.MIN_R2L)) {
                throw new RuleSemanticException(
                        "The input expression to the {max} or {min} rule can match the empty string.  Report your intentions to the developer.");

            // either compile the rule as an epenthesis rule, OR
            // extract out the epenthesis as a separate rule to be compiled in parallel

            if (lib.IsEmptyStringLanguage(inputFst)) {
                // then this rule is a straightforward epenthesis rule like "" -> b
            } else {
                // this is a rule like  a* -> b, where the input side
                //       can match the empty string, and more
                // or it's a transducer rule like  a*:b -> /
                // or (a*:b) | c:d | e:f -> /
                // For non-transducer rule
                // Modify the rule to be (a* - "") -> b
                // and
                // create a new parallel RuleSemanticParts for the epenthesis
                // rule  "" -> b

                // For transducer rules, 
                // create a new "parallel" epenthesis rule that has only the empty string language on the input side
                // start with a copy of the basic rule;  mark it explicitly as an epenthesis rule

                RuleSemanticParts epenthesisRuleSemanticParts = new RuleSemanticParts(basicRuleSemanticParts);

                // for TRANSDUCER RULES
                if (transducerLhs != null) {
                    Fst newTransducerLhs; // new (modified) LHS for the basic transducer rule
                    // remove the epsilon from the basic transducer LHS, using _composition_
                    if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                        // the epsilon is on the upper side; 
                        // compose the complement of the empty-string language on the upper side
                        newTransducerLhs = hulden.CleanupSpecialSymbolsAction(
                                lib.Compose(lib.Complement(lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst()), transducerLhs));
                    } else {
                        // the epsilon is on the lower side;
                        // compose the complement of the empty-string language on the lower side
                        newTransducerLhs = hulden.CleanupSpecialSymbolsAction(
                                lib.Compose(transducerLhs, lib.Complement(lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst())));
                    // the epenthesis is now removed from the input side of the basic rule

                    if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                        // in the epenthesisRuleSemanticParts, make the upper side the empty-string language
                                lib.Compose(lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst(), transducerLhs)));
                    } else {
                        // in the epenthesisRuleSemanticParts, make the lower side the empty-string language
                                lib.Compose(transducerLhs, lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst())));

                } else {
                    // In basicRuleSemanticParts, _subtract_ the empty string from the
                    // LHS input expression (modify the inputFst for the basic rule)

                    Fst newInputFst = hulden
                            .CleanupSpecialSymbolsAction(lib.Difference(inputFst, lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst()));

                    // modify the basic rule
                    if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                    } else {

                    // reset the input LHS expression to the empty string language
                    if (arrowType == RuleArrowType.RIGHT) {
                    } else {

                // add 

        return oneOrTwoRuleSemanticParts;

    ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> compileRuleSyntacticParts(RuleSyntacticParts rsynp, InterpData data) {

        // input is one RuleSyntacticParts object, representing one syntactic Rule AST.
        // One RuleSyntacticParts object can result in multiple RuleSemanticParts
        // objects because of where clauses and/or epenthesis (which effectively translate
        // into multiple rules to be compiled in parallel).  The RuleSemanticParts(s) are 
        // returned as an ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts>

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> result = new ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts>();

        // get the local variables settings (if any, originally from 'where' clauses)
        ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> localVarSettings = rsynp.getLocalVarSettings();

        if (localVarSettings != null) {
            // There are local rule-var settings from where clauses.
            // The variable settings will be done in a new Frame to prevent interference
            // with existing variables in the current and higher frames.

            env.allocateFrame(); // Push to a new Frame here
            // (see env.releaseFrame() below)

            ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting> oneSetOfSettings = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < localVarSettings.size(); i++) {
                oneSetOfSettings = localVarSettings.get(i);

                // set each of the local variables in the new Frame
                for (int j = 0; j < oneSetOfSettings.size(); j++) {
                    String varName = oneSetOfSettings.get(j).getVarName();
                    Fst fstValue = oneSetOfSettings.get(j).getFstValue();
                    env.put(varName, fstValue);

                // now compile the rule with these settings
                // If the input expression can match the empty string,
                // then the compilation will result in two RuleSemanticParts objects because
                // the epenthesis part is split into a separate parallel rule
                ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> oneOrTwoRuleSemanticParts = compileRuleInCurrentFrame(rsynp, data);
                // add the RuleSemanticParts from these variable settings to the result

            // release the Frame used for setting the 'where' variables
            env.releaseFrame(); // Pop back to orig frame here

        } else {
            // simple case; no local rule variables from where clauses, but there could
            // still be an effective translation to two parallel rules if epenthesis is
            // possible (if the input expression can match the empty string)

            ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> oneOrTwoRuleSemanticParts = compileRuleInCurrentFrame(rsynp, data);

            // add the RuleSemanticParts from these variable settings to the result

        return result;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_right_arrow_oblig node, Object data) {
        // The most commonly used kind of alternation rule
        //       Simplest form:
        // a -> b
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a -> b / left _ right
        // a -> b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with multiple contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a -> b { where ... }
        // a -> b / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // rule_right_arrow_oblig can also be a right-arrow Markup Rule with   
        //       X -> Y ... Z / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it; see visit(ASTrule_lhs...   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts ruleSyntacticParts = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();
        // each rule AST (each syntactic rule) has its "parts" stored in one
        // RuleSyntacticParts object

        // set what we know from the rule arrow
        ruleSyntacticParts.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.RIGHT); // right-arrow, 
        //    not left-arrow
        ruleSyntacticParts.setObligType(RuleObligType.OBLIG); // oblig not optional
        ruleSyntacticParts.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.ALL); // not max or min

        // Collect the rule parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).  (Child(0), the rule_lhs, was just handled above)
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                ruleSyntacticParts.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                ruleSyntacticParts.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the 
        // local var settings for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a _list_ of 
        // RuleSemanticParts objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses 
        // and/or epenthesis effectively translate into multiple rules that need
        // to be compiled in parallel.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> listOfRuleSemanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(ruleSyntacticParts,
                (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call (i.e. the rule was written
        // inside $^parallel(...), just push the listOfRuleSemanticParts.
        // But if not, then convert the listOfRuleSemanticParts into an Fst
        //    and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
            // then just push the listOfRuleSemanticParts on the stack,
            // to be popped off and used by net_parallel_func_call, which
            // will call compileRuleSemanticParts
        } else {
            // call compileRuleSemanticParts directly, and push the resulting
            // single Fst on the stack

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_right_arrow_oblig node, Object data) {
        // a:b -> / left_right
        // a:b -> / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // cannot be a Markup rule

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs_transducer only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs_transducer and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs_transducer and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs_transducer, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts ruleSyntacticParts = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();
        // each rule AST (each syntactic rule) has its "parts" stored in one
        // RuleSyntacticParts object

        // set what we know from the rule arrow
        ruleSyntacticParts.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.RIGHT); // right-arrow, 
        //    not left-arrow
        ruleSyntacticParts.setObligType(RuleObligType.OBLIG); // oblig not optional
        ruleSyntacticParts.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.ALL); // not max or min

        // Collect the rule parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).  (Child(0), the rule_lhs, was just handled above)
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                ruleSyntacticParts.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                ruleSyntacticParts.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the 
        // local var settings for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a _list_ of 
        // RuleSemanticParts objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses 
        // and/or epenthesis effectively translate into multiple rules that need
        // to be compiled in parallel.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> listOfRuleSemanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(ruleSyntacticParts,
                (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call (i.e. the rule was written
        // inside $^parallel(...), just push the listOfRuleSemanticParts.
        // But if not, then convert the listOfRuleSemanticParts into an Fst
        //    and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
            // then just push the listOfRuleSemanticParts on the stack,
            // to be popped off and used by net_parallel_func_call, which
            // will call compileRuleSemanticParts
        } else {
            // call compileRuleSemanticParts directly, and push the resulting
            // single Fst on the stack

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_left_arrow_oblig node, Object data) {
        // a:b <- / left_right
        // a:b <- / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // cannot be a Markup rule

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs_transducer only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs_transducer and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs_transducer and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs_transducer, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts ruleSyntacticParts = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();
        // each rule AST (each syntactic rule) has its "parts" stored in one
        // RuleSyntacticParts object

        // set what we know from the rule arrow
        ruleSyntacticParts.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.LEFT); // left-arrow, 
        //    not right-arrow
        ruleSyntacticParts.setObligType(RuleObligType.OBLIG); // oblig not optional
        ruleSyntacticParts.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.ALL); // not max or min

        // Collect the rule parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).  (Child(0), the rule_lhs, was just handled above)
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                ruleSyntacticParts.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                ruleSyntacticParts.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the 
        // local var settings for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a _list_ of 
        // RuleSemanticParts objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses 
        // and/or epenthesis effectively translate into multiple rules that need
        // to be compiled in parallel.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> listOfRuleSemanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(ruleSyntacticParts,
                (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call (i.e. the rule was written
        // inside $^parallel(...), just push the listOfRuleSemanticParts.
        // But if not, then convert the listOfRuleSemanticParts into an Fst
        //    and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
            // then just push the listOfRuleSemanticParts on the stack,
            // to be popped off and used by net_parallel_func_call, which
            // will call compileRuleSemanticParts
        } else {
            // call compileRuleSemanticParts directly, and push the resulting
            // single Fst on the stack

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_right_arrow_opt node, Object data) {
        // The most commonly used kind of OPTIONAL alternation rule
        // a ->? b
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a ->? b / left _ right
        // a ->? b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a -> b / l _ r  { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // Can also be a Markup Rule   X ->?  Y ... Z

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_right_arrow_opt node, Object data) {
        // a:b ->? / left_right
        // a:b ->? / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // cannot be a Markup rule

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs_transducer only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs_transducer and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs_transducer and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs_transducer, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts ruleSyntacticParts = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();
        // each rule AST (each syntactic rule) has its "parts" stored in one
        // RuleSyntacticParts object

        // set what we know from the rule arrow
        ruleSyntacticParts.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.RIGHT); // right-arrow, 
        //    not left-arrow
        ruleSyntacticParts.setObligType(RuleObligType.OPT); // opt not oblig
        ruleSyntacticParts.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.ALL); // not max or min

        // Collect the rule parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).  (Child(0), the rule_lhs, was just handled above)
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                ruleSyntacticParts.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                ruleSyntacticParts.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the 
        // local var settings for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a _list_ of 
        // RuleSemanticParts objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses 
        // and/or epenthesis effectively translate into multiple rules that need
        // to be compiled in parallel.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> listOfRuleSemanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(ruleSyntacticParts,
                (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call (i.e. the rule was written
        // inside $^parallel(...), just push the listOfRuleSemanticParts.
        // But if not, then convert the listOfRuleSemanticParts into an Fst
        //    and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
            // then just push the listOfRuleSemanticParts on the stack,
            // to be popped off and used by net_parallel_func_call, which
            // will call compileRuleSemanticParts
        } else {
            // call compileRuleSemanticParts directly, and push the resulting
            // single Fst on the stack

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_left_arrow_opt node, Object data) {
        // a:b <-? / left_right
        // a:b <-? / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // cannot be a Markup rule

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs_transducer only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs_transducer and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs_transducer and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs_transducer, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts ruleSyntacticParts = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();
        // each rule AST (each syntactic rule) has its "parts" stored in one
        // RuleSyntacticParts object

        // set what we know from the rule arrow
        ruleSyntacticParts.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.LEFT); // left-arrow, 
        //    not right-arrow
        ruleSyntacticParts.setObligType(RuleObligType.OPT); // opt not oblig
        ruleSyntacticParts.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.ALL); // not max or min

        // Collect the rule parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).  (Child(0), the rule_lhs, was just handled above)
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                ruleSyntacticParts.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                ruleSyntacticParts.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the 
        // local var settings for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a _list_ of 
        // RuleSemanticParts objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses 
        // and/or epenthesis effectively translate into multiple rules that need
        // to be compiled in parallel.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> listOfRuleSemanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(ruleSyntacticParts,
                (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call (i.e. the rule was written
        // inside $^parallel(...), just push the listOfRuleSemanticParts.
        // But if not, then convert the listOfRuleSemanticParts into an Fst
        //    and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
            // then just push the listOfRuleSemanticParts on the stack,
            // to be popped off and used by net_parallel_func_call, which
            // will call compileRuleSemanticParts
        } else {
            // call compileRuleSemanticParts directly, and push the resulting
            // single Fst on the stack

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_right_arrow_max_l2r_oblig node, Object data) {
        // a {max}-> b   or     a {maxl2r}-> b  (equivalent)
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a {max}-> b / left _ right
        // a {max}-> b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a {max}-> b / l _ r  { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // Can also be a Markup Rule   X {max}-> Y ~~~ Z / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_right_arrow_max_l2r_oblig node, Object data) {
        // <transducer> {max} -> / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_right_arrow_min_l2r_oblig node, Object data) {
        // <transducer> {max} -> / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_right_arrow_min_l2r_opt node, Object data) {
        // <transducer> {max} -> / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_right_arrow_max_l2r_opt node, Object data) {
        // a {max}->? b   or     a {maxl2r}->? b  (equivalent)
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a {max}->? b / left _ right
        // a {max}->? b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a {max}->? b / l _ r  { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // Can also be a Markup Rule   X {max}->? Y ~~~ Z / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_right_arrow_max_l2r_opt node, Object data) {
        // <transducer> {max} ->? / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

       public Object visit(ASTrule_right_arrow_max_r2l_oblig node, Object data) {
          // a {maxr2l}-> b
          //       With optional context(s)
          // a {maxr2l}-> b / left _ right
          // a {maxr2l}-> b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
          //       With optional where clause(s)
          // a {maxr2l}-> b / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
          // Can also be a Markup Rule   X {maxr2l}-> Y ~~~ Z / ...
          int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren() ;
          // if 1, then rule_lhs only
          // if 2, then either
          //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
          //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
          // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses
          // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
          // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
          node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
          // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
          RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts)stack.pop() ;
          // set what we know from the rule arrow
          rsynpt.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.RIGHT) ;
          rsynpt.setObligType(RuleObligType.OBLIG) ;
          rsynpt.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.MAX_R2L) ;
          // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
          // at Child(1).
          // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
          for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
     Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i) ;
     node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
     if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
        // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
        rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>)stack.pop()) ;
     } else {
        // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
        // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
        // the stack
        rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>)stack.pop()) ;
          // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
          // for the where-clauses
          // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
          // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.
          ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data) ;
          // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
          // just push the semanticParts.
          // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst
          Object mother = node.jjtGetParent() ;
          if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
     stack.push(semanticParts) ;
          } else {
     stack.push(compileRuleSemanticParts(semanticParts)) ;
          return data ;
       public Object visit(ASTrule_right_arrow_max_r2l_opt node, Object data) {
          // a {maxr2l}->? b
          //       With optional context(s)
          // a {maxr2l}->? b / left _ right
          // a {maxr2l}->? b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
          //       With optional where clause(s)
          // a {maxr2l}->? b / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
          // Can also be a Markup Rule   X {maxr2l}-> Y ~~~ Z / ...
          int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren() ;
          // if 1, then rule_lhs only
          // if 2, then either
          //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
          //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
          // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses
          // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
          // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
          node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
          // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
          RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts)stack.pop() ;
          // set what we know from the rule arrow
          rsynpt.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.RIGHT) ;
          rsynpt.setObligType(RuleObligType.OPT) ;
          rsynpt.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.MAX_R2L) ;
          // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
          // at Child(1).
          // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
          for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
     Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i) ;
     node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
     if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
        // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
        rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>)stack.pop()) ;
     } else {
        // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
        // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
        // the stack
        rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>)stack.pop()) ;
          // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
          // for the where-clauses
          // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
          // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.
          ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data) ;
          // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
          // just push the semanticParts.
          // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst
          Object mother = node.jjtGetParent() ;
          if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
     stack.push(semanticParts) ;
          } else {
     stack.push(compileRuleSemanticParts(semanticParts)) ;
          return data ;
    public Object visit(ASTrule_right_arrow_min_l2r_oblig node, Object data) {
        // a {min}-> b   or    a {minl2r}-> b   (equivalent)
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a {min}-> b / left _ right
        // a {min}-> b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a {min}-> b / l _ r  { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // Can also be a Markup Rule   X  {min}->  Y .. Z / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_right_arrow_min_l2r_opt node, Object data) {
        // a {min}->? b   or    a {minl2r}-> b   (equivalent)
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a {min}->? b / left _ right
        // a {min}->? b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a {min}->? b / l _ r  { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // Can also be a Markup Rule   X  {min}->  Y .. Z / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;
       public Object visit(ASTrule_right_arrow_min_r2l_oblig node, Object data) {
          // a {minr2l}-> b
          //       With optional context(s)
          // a {minr2l}-> b / left _ right
          // a {minr2l}-> b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
          //       With optional where clause(s)
          // a {minr2l}-> b / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
          // Can also be a Markup Rule   X  {minr2l}->  Y .. Z / ...
          int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren() ;
          // if 1, then rule_lhs only
          // if 2, then either
          //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
          //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
          // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses
          // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
          // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
          node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
          // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
          RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts)stack.pop() ;
          // set what we know from the rule arrow
          rsynpt.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.RIGHT) ;
          rsynpt.setObligType(RuleObligType.OBLIG) ;
          rsynpt.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.MIN_R2L) ;
          // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
          // at Child(1).
          // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
          for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
     Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i) ;
     node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
     if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
        // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
        rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>)stack.pop()) ;
     } else {
        // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
        // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
        // the stack
        rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>)stack.pop()) ;
          // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
          // for the where-clauses
          // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
          // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.
          ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data) ;
          // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
          // just push the semanticParts.
          // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst
          Object mother = node.jjtGetParent() ;
          if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
     stack.push(semanticParts) ;
          } else {
     stack.push(compileRuleSemanticParts(semanticParts)) ;
          return data ;
       public Object visit(ASTrule_right_arrow_min_r2l_opt node, Object data) {
          // a {minr2l}->? b
          //       With optional context(s)
          // a {minr2l}->? b / left _ right
          // a {minr2l}->? b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
          //       With optional where clause(s)
          // a {minr2l}->? b / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
          // Can also be a Markup Rule   X  {minr2l}->  Y .. Z / ...
          int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren() ;
          // if 1, then rule_lhs only
          // if 2, then either
          //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
          //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
          // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses
          // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
          // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
          node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
          // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
          RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts)stack.pop() ;
          // set what we know from the rule arrow
          rsynpt.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.RIGHT) ;
          rsynpt.setObligType(RuleObligType.OPT) ;
          rsynpt.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.MIN_R2L) ;
          // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
          // at Child(1).
          // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
          for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
     Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i) ;
     node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
     if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
        // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
        rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>)stack.pop()) ;
     } else {
        // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
        // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
        // the stack
        rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>)stack.pop()) ;
          // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
          // for the where-clauses
          // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
          // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.
          ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data) ;
          // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
          // just push the semanticParts.
          // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst
          Object mother = node.jjtGetParent() ;
          if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
     stack.push(semanticParts) ;
          } else {
     stack.push(compileRuleSemanticParts(semanticParts)) ;
          return data ;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_left_arrow_oblig node, Object data) {
        // a <- b
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a <- b / left _ right
        // a <- b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a <- b / l _ r  { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // Can also be a Markup Rule  Y ... Z <-  X / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_left_arrow_opt node, Object data) {
        // a <-? b
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a <-? b / left _ right
        // a <-? b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a <-? b / l _ r  { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // Can also be a Markup Rule   Y ... Z  <-?  X
        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_left_arrow_max_l2r_oblig node, Object data) {
        // a <-{max} b   or   a <-{maxl2r}    (equivalent)
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a <-{max} b / left _ right
        // a <-{max} b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a <-{max} b / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // Can also be a Markup Rule   Y ... Z  <-{max}  X  / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_left_arrow_max_l2r_oblig node, Object data) {
        // <- {max} <transducer>  /

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the rule parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_left_arrow_min_l2r_oblig node, Object data) {
        // <transducer> {max} <- /

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_left_arrow_max_l2r_opt node, Object data) {
        // a <-? {max} b   or   a <-{maxl2r}    (equivalent)
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a <-? {max} b / left _ right
        // a <-? {max} b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a <-? {max} b / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // Can also be a Markup Rule   Y ... Z  <-? {max}  X  / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_left_arrow_max_l2r_opt node, Object data) {
        // <transducer> {max} <-? /

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_transducer_left_arrow_min_l2r_opt node, Object data) {
        // <transducer> {max} <-? /

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs_transducer as the 0th child, 
        // evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

       public Object visit(ASTrule_left_arrow_max_r2l_oblig node, Object data) {
          // a <-{maxr2l}  
          //       With optional context(s)
          // a <-{maxr2l} b / left _ right
          // a <-{maxr2l} b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
          //       With optional where clause(s)
          // a <-{maxr2l} b / l _ r  { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
          // Can also be a Markup Rule   Y ... Z  <-{maxr2l}  X  / ...
          int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren() ;
          // if 1, then rule_lhs only
          // if 2, then either
          //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
          //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
          // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses
          // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
          // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
          node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
          // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
          RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts)stack.pop() ;
          // set what we know from the rule arrow
          rsynpt.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.LEFT) ;
          rsynpt.setObligType(RuleObligType.OBLIG) ;
          rsynpt.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.MAX_R2L) ;
          // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
          // at Child(1).
          // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
          for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
     Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i) ;
     node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
     if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
        // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
        rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>)stack.pop()) ;
     } else {
        // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
        // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
        // the stack
        rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>)stack.pop()) ;
          // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
          // for the where-clauses
          // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
          // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.
          ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data) ;
          // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
          // just push the semanticParts.
          // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst
          Object mother = node.jjtGetParent() ;
          if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
     stack.push(semanticParts) ;
          } else {
     stack.push(compileRuleSemanticParts(semanticParts)) ;
          return data ;

       public Object visit(ASTrule_left_arrow_max_r2l_opt node, Object data) {
          // a <-? {maxr2l}  
          //       With optional context(s)
          // a <-? {maxr2l} b / left _ right
          // a <-? {maxr2l} b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
          //       With optional where clause(s)
          // a <-? {maxr2l} b / l _ r  { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
          // Can also be a Markup Rule   Y ... Z  <-? {maxr2l}  X  / ...
          int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren() ;
          // if 1, then rule_lhs only
          // if 2, then either
          //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
          //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
          // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses
          // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
          // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
          node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
          // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
          RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts)stack.pop() ;
          // set what we know from the rule arrow
          rsynpt.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.LEFT) ;
          rsynpt.setObligType(RuleObligType.OPT) ;
          rsynpt.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.MAX_R2L) ;
          // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
          // at Child(1).
          // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
          for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
     Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i) ;
     node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
     if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
        // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
        rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>)stack.pop()) ;
     } else {
        // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
        // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
        // the stack
        rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>)stack.pop()) ;
          // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
          // for the where-clauses
          // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
          // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.
          ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data) ;
          // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
          // just push the semanticParts.
          // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst
          Object mother = node.jjtGetParent() ;
          if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
     stack.push(semanticParts) ;
          } else {
     stack.push(compileRuleSemanticParts(semanticParts)) ;
          return data ;
    public Object visit(ASTrule_left_arrow_min_l2r_oblig node, Object data) {
        // a <-{min} b   or    a <-{minl2r}  b    (equivalent)
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a <-{min} b / left _ right
        // a <-{min} b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a <-{min} b / l _ r  { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // Can also be a Markup Rule  Y ... Z <-{min}  X / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrule_left_arrow_min_l2r_opt node, Object data) {
        // a <-? {min} b   or    a <-{minl2r}  b    (equivalent)
        //       With optional context(s)
        // a <-? {min} b / left _ right
        // a <-? {min} b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
        //       With optional where clause(s)
        // a <-? {min} b / l _ r  { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
        // Can also be a Markup Rule  Y ... Z <-? {min}  X / ...

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // if 1, then rule_lhs only
        // if 2, then either
        //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
        //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
        // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses

        // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
        // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
        RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts) stack.pop();

        // set what we know from the rule arrow

        // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
        // at Child(1).
        // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
        for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
                // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
                rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>) stack.pop());
            } else {
                // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
                // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
                // the stack
                rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
        // for the where-clauses

        // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
        // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.

        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data);

        // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
        // just push the semanticParts.
        // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst

        Object mother = node.jjtGetParent();
        if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
        } else {

        return data;

       public Object visit(ASTrule_left_arrow_min_r2l_oblig node, Object data) {
          // a <-{minr2l}  b 
          //       With optional context(s)
          // a <-{minr2l} b / left _ right
          // a <-{minr2l} b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
          //       With optional where clause(s)
          // a <-{minr2l} b / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
          // Can also be a Markup Rule  Y ... Z <-{minr2l}  X / ...
          int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren() ;
          // if 1, then rule_lhs only
          // if 2, then either
          //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
          //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
          // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses
          // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
          // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
          node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
          // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
          RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts)stack.pop() ;
          // set what we know from the rule arrow
          rsynpt.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.LEFT) ;
          rsynpt.setObligType(RuleObligType.OBLIG) ;
          rsynpt.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.MIN_R2L) ;
          // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
          // at Child(1).
          // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
          for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
     Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i) ;
     node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
     if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
        // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
        rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>)stack.pop()) ;
     } else {
        // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
        // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
        // the stack
        rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>)stack.pop()) ;
          // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
          // for the where-clauses
          // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
          // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.
          ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data) ;
          // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
          // just push the semanticParts.
          // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst
          Object mother = node.jjtGetParent() ;
          if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
     stack.push(semanticParts) ;
          } else {
     stack.push(compileRuleSemanticParts(semanticParts)) ;
          return data ;

       public Object visit(ASTrule_left_arrow_min_r2l_opt node, Object data) {
          // a <-? {minr2l}  b 
          //       With optional context(s)
          // a <-? {minr2l} b / left _ right
          // a <-? {minr2l} b / l1 _ r1 || l2 _ r2 ...   (one rule with mult. contexts)
          //       With optional where clause(s)
          // a <-? {minr2l} b / l _ r { where ...}        (there can be multiple where clauses)
          // Can also be a Markup Rule  Y ... Z <-? {minr2l}  X / ...
          int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren() ;
          // if 1, then rule_lhs only
          // if 2, then either
          //             rule_lhs and rule_rhs
          //          or  rule_lhs and where_clauses
          // if 3, then rule_lhs, rule_rhs, where_clauses
          // There will always be an ASTrule_lhs as the 0th child, 
          // with upper and lower ASTs; evaluate it   
          node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
          // leaves a new RuleSyntacticParts object on the stack
          RuleSyntacticParts rsynpt = (RuleSyntacticParts)stack.pop() ;
          // set what we know from the rule arrow
          rsynpt.setArrowType(RuleArrowType.LEFT) ;
          rsynpt.setObligType(RuleObligType.OPT) ;
          rsynpt.setMatchType(RuleMatchType.MIN_R2L) ;
          // Collect the parts from the rest of the AST, if any, starting
          // at Child(1).
          // There might be an ASTrule_rhs and/or an ASTwhere_clauses
          for (int i = 1; i < daughterCount; i++) {
     Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(i) ;
     node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
     if (obj instanceof ASTrule_rhs) {
        // then there's an ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> on the stack
        rsynpt.setContexts((ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>)stack.pop()) ;
     } else {
        // it must be an ASTwhere_clauses
        // then there's an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> on
        // the stack
        rsynpt.setLocalVarSettings((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>)stack.pop()) ;
          // the big advantage of the RuleSyntacticParts is that it organizes the settings
          // for the where-clauses
          // now convert the one RuleSemanticParts object into a list of RuleSemanticParts
          // objects.  Can be one to many because of where-clauses and/or epenthesis.
          ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> semanticParts = compileRuleSyntacticParts(rsynpt, (InterpData) data) ;
          // If the mother node is ASTnet_parallel_func_call, 
          // just push the semanticParts.
          // but if not, then convert the semanticParts into an Fst and push the Fst
          Object mother = node.jjtGetParent() ;
          if (mother instanceof ASTnet_parallel_func_call) {
     stack.push(semanticParts) ;
          } else {
     stack.push(compileRuleSemanticParts(semanticParts)) ;
          return data ;

    public Object visit(ASTrestriction_exp node, Object data) {
        // 2 daughters:  restriction_lhs
        //                which should have one regexp daughter
        //               e.g. lit_char or concatenated_exp
        //               restriction_rhs
        // e.g.  abc => left _ right
        // e.g.  abc => foo _ bar || fum _ fang 

        // Evaluate the 0th child, the LHS of the restriction
        // expression, e.g. the b in   b => l _ r
        // For now, just get the straightforward Fst
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst lhs = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // Now evaluate the RHS of the restriction expression
        // (of type ASTrestriction_rhs) which can contain multiple
        // contexts
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);

        // Hulden:
        // for one context L _ R, where x is a special restriction delimiter
        //       [\x* [L x \x* x R] \x* ]
        // for two contexts,  L1 _ R1 || L2 _ R2
        //      [\x* [ [L1 x \x* x R1] | [L2 x \x* x R2] ] \x*]
        // etc.

        Fst rhs = (Fst) stack.pop();
        Fst resultFst = interpRestrictionExp(lhs, rhs, false);
        // false here means that this restriction is NOT part of the compilation
        // of an alternation rule.  Rather it is for a stand-alone 
        // restriction expression like A => L _ R


        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrestriction_lhs node, Object data) {
        // should have one daughter, some kind of regular expression
        // just evaluate it and leave the Fst object on the stack
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    // for => restrictions that compile into acceptors
    public Object visit(ASTrestriction_rhs node, Object data) {
        // Syntax:  RHS of   a => left _ right
        //                   a => left1 _ right1 || left2 _ right2 ...
        // will contain one or more ASTrestriction_context node daughters

        // Hulden
        // each individual context L _ R will be interpreted first as [L x \x* x R]
        // where x is a special restriction-delimiter symbol (here **RD).
        // These get unioned together, and then the result is surrounded
        // with \x*, i.e. the whole rhs is
        // [ \x*  unionOfContexts \x* ]

        // Interpret all the daughters, each one interprets as an
        // Fst that is unioned into 

        Fst unionOfContexts = lib.EmptyLanguageFst();

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        // loop through the daughters, one for each context;
        // each daughter is of type ASTrestriction_context
        for (int i = 0; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);

            Fst daughterFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

            unionOfContexts = lib.UnionIntoFirstInPlace(unionOfContexts, daughterFst);

        //  Hulden:  [ \x* unionOfContext \x* ] for whole RHS
        Fst resultFst = lib.Concat3Fsts(hulden.NotRestDelimStarFst(), unionOfContexts,
        return data;

    // for alternation rules
    public Object visit(ASTrule_rhs node, Object data) {
        // a rule_rhs will contain one or more 'context' daughters
        // each of which is either    ASTone_level_rule_context or
        //                      ASTtwo_level_rule_context

        // result
        ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts> contexts = new ArrayList<RuleContextSyntacticParts>();

        for (int i = 0; i < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) {
            // each context can be either    ASTone_level_rule_context or
            //                         ASTtwo_level_rule_context
            // both, when evaluated, push a RuleContextSyntacticParts object
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            RuleContextSyntacticParts rcsp = (RuleContextSyntacticParts) stack.pop();
        return data;

    // for a rule context with the _ operator
    public Object visit(ASTone_level_rule_context node, Object data) {
        RuleContextSyntacticParts rcsp = new RuleContextSyntacticParts(RuleContextLevels.ONE);
        // a RuleContextSyntacticParts stores the two context sides as ASTs
        // the constructor initially sets both contexts to null

        // could have ASTleft_rule_context or ASTright_rule_context,
        // both or neither; for right now, collect the ASTs; don't evaluate them
        for (int j = 0; j < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); j++) {
            Object contextSide = node.jjtGetChild(j);
            if (contextSide instanceof ASTleft_rule_context) {
                rcsp.setLeftRuleContext((ASTleft_rule_context) contextSide);
            } else {
                rcsp.setRightRuleContext((ASTright_rule_context) contextSide);
        return data;

    // for a rule context with the 2_2 (or equivalent) operator
    public Object visit(ASTtwo_level_rule_context node, Object data) {
        RuleContextSyntacticParts rcsp = new RuleContextSyntacticParts(RuleContextLevels.TWO);

        // could have ASTleft_rule_context or ASTright_rule_context,
        // both or neither; for right now, collect the ASTs; don't evaluate them
        for (int j = 0; j < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); j++) {
            Object contextSide = node.jjtGetChild(j);
            if (contextSide instanceof ASTleft_rule_context) {
                rcsp.setLeftRuleContext((ASTleft_rule_context) contextSide);
            } else {
                rcsp.setRightRuleContext((ASTright_rule_context) contextSide);
        return data;

    // for rules that compile into transducers
    public Object visit(ASTleft_rule_context node, Object data) {
        // should have one daughter, some kind of regexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leave the Fst on the stack
        return data;

    // for rules that compile into transducers
    public Object visit(ASTright_rule_context node, Object data) {
        // should have one daughter, some kind of regexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leave the Fst on the stack
        return data;

    // for => restrictions that compile into acceptors
    public Object visit(ASTrestriction_context node, Object data) {
        // Can have
        //      1.  left_restriction_context and right_restriction_context
        //      2.  just a left_restriction_context
        //      3.  just a right_restriction_context
        //      4.  no daughters at all

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        // get the values for the two contexts (just straightforward
        // FSTs for now)
        Fst leftContext;
        Fst rightContext;

        if (daughterCount == 2) {
            // there is both a leftContext and a rightContext
            node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
            leftContext = (Fst) stack.pop();

            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            rightContext = (Fst) stack.pop();
        } else if (daughterCount == 1) {
            // just a rightContext, or a leftContext
            // (the missing context is just the empty string language
            node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
            if (node.jjtGetChild(0) instanceof ASTleft_restriction_context) {
                leftContext = (Fst) stack.pop();

                rightContext = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();
            } else {
                leftContext = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();

                rightContext = (Fst) stack.pop();
        } else {
            // no left or right context
            leftContext = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();
            rightContext = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();

        Fst resultFst = interpRestrictionContext(leftContext, rightContext);

        return data;

    // for => restrictions that compile into acceptors
    public Object visit(ASTleft_restriction_context node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // just leave the resulting Fst on the stack
        return data;

    // for => restrictions that compile into acceptors
    public Object visit(ASTright_restriction_context node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // just leave the resulting Fst on the stack
        return data;

    private void cartProdWhereClauses(ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>> listOfListOfList,
            ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting> current, int k, ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> result) {
        if (k == listOfListOfList.size()) {
        } else {
            for (int j = 0; j < listOfListOfList.get(k).size(); j++) {
                ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting> next = new ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>(current);
                cartProdWhereClauses(listOfListOfList, next, k + 1, result);

    public Object visit(ASTwhere_clauses node, Object data) {
        // will have one or more where-clause daughters, either
        //       ASTwhere_matched_clause or
        //       ASTwhere_mixed_clause
        // each one when evaluated will push onto the stack an object of type
        //    ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>
        //    Where there are multiple where-clause daughters, need to computer the
        //    Cartesian Product of all the varName-Fst settings

        ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>> listOfListOfList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>>();
        // evaluate each of the individual where clauses
        for (int i = 0; i < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // each leaves an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> object on the stack
            // add to the list of list of list
            listOfListOfList.add((ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>) stack.pop());

        // the goal of the interpretation of the ASTwhere_clauses is to return
        // one ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>>

        ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> result = null;

        // Each ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting> is a set of local var
        // settings such as $a = b, $b = p under which the _syntactic_ rule parts
        // will be compiled to create a SemanticRuleParts object (and if that
        // SemanticRuleParts object has an input side that matches the empty string,
        // and if that input side matches more than just the empty string, then
        // a second SemanticRuleParts object will result to handle the epenthesis case.;:w

        if (listOfListOfList.size() == 1) {
            // just one where clause, probably the typical case
            result = listOfListOfList.get(0);
        } else {
            // multiple where clauses under ASTwhere_clauses
            // compute the Cartesian Product of the daughter values, 
            // each of which is an ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>
            // to get (in result) a single
            // ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>

            result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>();
            ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting> current = new ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>();

            cartProdWhereClauses(listOfListOfList, current, 0, result);

        // KRB: See if this works as a test.

        for (Iterator<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> lli = result.iterator(); lli.hasNext(); ) {
           ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting> listOfRuleLocalVarSetting = ;
           System.out.print("[ ") ;
           for (int l = 0; l < listOfRuleLocalVarSetting.size(); l++) {
        System.out.print("[ ") ;
        System.out.print(listOfRuleLocalVarSetting.get(l).getVarName() + " ") ;
        System.out.print(ObjectUtils.identityToString(listOfRuleLocalVarSetting.get(l).getFstValue()) + " ]") ;
           System.out.println("]") ;

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTwhere_matched_clause node, Object data) {
        // Syntax, e.g.
        // { where  $a _E_ $@(b, d, g), $b _E_ $@(p, t, k) }
        // or
        // where_matched { $a _E_ $@(b, d, g), $b _E_ $@(p, t, k) }
        // There will be one or more local variables like $a and $b here.
        // Each of the net lists must have the same non-zero number of elements.
        // ASTwhere_matched_clause
        //       ASTelmt_of_net_list_exp      1 or more of these daughters
        //          ASTnet_id
        //          ASTnet_list_exp
        // Result:
        // List
        //       List      $a = b   $b = p      (each a RuleLocalVarSetting)
        //       List   $a = d   $b = t
        //       List   $a = g   $b = k

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // to collect the local variable names as strings (do not evaluate them)
        ArrayList<String> varNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        // to collect the netlists of Fst values
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Fst>> listOfListOfFst = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Fst>>();

        // collect the variable names and lists of Fsts
        // make sure that the Fst lists are of equal size/length (required for where_matched)
        int listSize = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            ASTelmt_of_net_list_exp elmtOfNetListExp = (ASTelmt_of_net_list_exp) node.jjtGetChild(i);
            // don't eval the ASTnet_id, just get the String image
            varNames.add(((ASTnet_id) (elmtOfNetListExp.jjtGetChild(0))).getImage());
            elmtOfNetListExp.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // leaves a NetList object on the stack
            NetList netList = (NetList) stack.pop();
            if (i == 0) {
                // first Fst list found, set the size; all the remaining
                //     Fst lists must have the same size
                listSize = netList.size();
            } else {
                if (netList.size() != listSize) {
                    throw new WhereClauseException(
                            "The Fst lists in a where_matched clause must all have the same size.  Zeroth list has size: "
                                    + listSize + ".  " + i + "th list has size: " + netList.size() + ".");

        ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>();

        // j indexes over the Fst values in all the Fst lists
        for (int j = 0; j < listSize; j++) {
            ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting> listOfSetting = new ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>();
            // index over the daughters of ASTwhere_matched_clause
            for (int i = 0; i < daughterCount; i++) {
                listOfSetting.add(new RuleLocalVarSetting(varNames.get(i), listOfListOfFst.get(i).get(j)));

        return data;

    private void cartProdWhereMixed(ArrayList<String> listOfVarNames, ArrayList<ArrayList<Fst>> listOfListOfFst,
            ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting> current, int k, ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> result) {
        if (k == listOfListOfFst.size()) {
            result.add(new ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>(current));
        } else {
            for (int j = 0; j < listOfListOfFst.get(k).size(); j++) {
                current.set(k, new RuleLocalVarSetting(listOfVarNames.get(k), listOfListOfFst.get(k).get(j)));
                cartProdWhereMixed(listOfVarNames, listOfListOfFst, current, k + 1, result);

    public Object visit(ASTwhere_mixed_clause node, Object data) {
        // ASTwhere_mixed_clause
        //       ASTelmt_of_net_list_exp      1 or more of these
        //          ASTnet_id            just get the String image
        //          ASTnet_list_exp         could be a variable, or literal $@(a, b, c)
        //                            Evaluate it! get the Fsts in the current Frame

        ArrayList<String> listOfVarNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Fst>> listOfListOfFst = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Fst>>();

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        // collect the varNames and the lists of Fst
        for (int i = 0; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            ASTelmt_of_net_list_exp elmtOfNetListExp = (ASTelmt_of_net_list_exp) node.jjtGetChild(i);
            // always has two daughters:  ASTnet_id and ASTnet_list_exp
            // don't evaluate the net_id, just get the String image
            String varName = ((ASTnet_id) elmtOfNetListExp.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();

            // evaluate daughter 1, the ASTnet_list_exp
            elmtOfNetListExp.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // leaves a NetList object on the stack
            // a NetList has method .getLinkedList() that returns LinkedList<Fst>
            // and .getArrayList() that returns an ArrayList<Fst>
            NetList netList = (NetList) stack.pop();

        ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>> result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>>();
        ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting> current = new ArrayList<RuleLocalVarSetting>();
        // need to 'populate' current so that the indexed slots can be re-assigned
        for (int i = 0; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            current.add(new RuleLocalVarSetting("", null));

        // now compute the Cartesian Product of var-Fst settings
        cartProdWhereMixed(listOfVarNames, listOfListOfFst, current, 0, result);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTelmt_of_net_list_exp node, Object data) {
        // KRB:  shouldn't be interpreted directly
        System.out.println("Interp: ASTelmt_of_net_list_exp node not implemented.");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdifference_exp node, Object data) {
        // N.B. "difference" here means Fst difference;
        // "subtraction" is the term used herein for the arithmetic operation
        // there should be exactly two daughters, syntactically constrained

        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        // the second arg will be on top of the stack
        Fst secondFst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        Fst firstFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        Fst resultFst = lib.Difference(firstFst, secondFst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTunioned_exp node, Object data) {
        // The args to be unioned are parsed into a flat AST 
        //    (union is treated like an n-ary operation)

        int last = node.jjtGetNumChildren() - 1;

        // start with a new empty FST, union all the argument Fsts into it
        // use EmptyLanguageWithStartStateFst instead of EmptyLanguageFst,
        // this one creates a one-state Fst (start state, not final),
        // which gives expected results of something like a|b when
        // optimization is turned off
        Fst resultFst = lib.EmptyLanguageWithStartStateFst();

        // some unions, especially in lexicon-like right-recursive 
        // phrase-structure grammars, can get very long, 
        // so optimize only at intervals; KRB: magic number
        int optimizeInterval = 1000;

        boolean optimize;

        for (int i = 0; i <= last; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst daughterFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

            if ((i == last) || ((i % optimizeInterval) == 0)) {
                optimize = true;
            } else {
                optimize = false;
            resultFst = lib.UnionIntoFirstInPlace(resultFst, daughterFst, optimize);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTintersected_exp node, Object data) {
        // KRB:  compare to method for ASTcomposed_exp
        // A & B & C ...  is parsed into a flat AST 
        //      (treated like an n-ary operation)
        // there will always be at least two daughters 
        //      (this is syntactically constrained)

        // get a new sigma* Java Fst (hasOther will be set to true)
        Fst resultFst = lib.UniversalLanguageFst(); // see Java func above

        int daughterCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // Loop through the daughters, intersecting each one into the result
        for (int i = 0; i < daughterCount; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst daughterFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

            resultFst = lib.Intersect(resultFst, daughterFst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTconcatenation_exp node, Object data) {
        // Concatenation is parsed/evaluated as an n-ary operation 
        int last = node.jjtGetNumChildren() - 1;

        // start with an empty-string-language Fst
        // concatenate the daughter Fsts into it
        Fst resultFst = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();
        boolean optimize;

        for (int i = 0; i <= last; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst daughterFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

            optimize = (i == last) ? true : false;
            resultFst = lib.Concat(resultFst, daughterFst, optimize);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTcrossproduct_exp node, Object data) {
        // there should be exactly two daughters, syntactically
        // constrained 

        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        Fst secondFst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        Fst firstFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        Fst resultFst = lib.Crossproduct(firstFst, secondFst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTweight_exp node, Object data) {
        // KRB:  just float (Double) values for now (Tropical semiring)
        // user might use just an int (Long), so convert as necessary
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);

        // semiring generalization point

        float weight;
        Object obj = stack.pop();
        if (obj instanceof Double) {
            weight = ((Double) obj).floatValue();
        } else {
            weight = ((Long) obj).floatValue();

        // Create a two-state, one arc Fst with eps:eps label and 
        //    indicated arc weight,
        // and Tropical weight neutral 0.0 final weight

        stack.push(lib.OneArcFst(lib.Epsilon, lib.Epsilon, weight, (float) 0.0));

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTcomplement_exp node, Object data) {
        // syntax is   ~A  where A is any regular expression
        // calculated as (.* - A)

        // there should be just one daughter, an ASTregexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst positiveFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        Fst resultFst = lib.Complement(positiveFst);

        // the result should never match the # used in rules KRB ruleany
        // Rethink:  2015-01-18 the other in a _rule_ FST should not match #
        //resultFst.getSigma().add(symmap.putsym(hulden.ruleWordBoundarySym)) ;

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTkleene_star node, Object data) {
        // Syntax:  x*
        // should be just one daughter
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        Fst resultFst = lib.KleeneStar(fst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTkleene_plus node, Object data) {
        // Syntax:   x+
        // should be just one daughter
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        Fst resultFst = lib.KleenePlus(fst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASToptional node, Object data) {
        // just one argument, syntactically constrained
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data); // leaves an Fst on stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        Fst resultFst = lib.UnionIntoFirstInPlace(lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst(), fst);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTiterated_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters:  zeroth is a regexp
        //                 first is either  ASTiteration_exact     syntax was {4}
        //                          or      ASTiteration_low       syntax was {2,}
        //                          or      ASTiteration_low_high  syntax was {2,4}
        //                          or      ASTiteration_high      syntax was {,4} 
        //                                                            equiv. to {0,4}

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data); // leaves an Fst on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        Fst resultFst;

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves one or two Longs on the stack

        // check the type of Child(1) to see if one or two Longs 
        // remain on the stack, and how to treat them.
        Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(1);
        if (obj instanceof ASTiteration_low_high) {
            // there will be two Long values on the stack.
            // the high value will be on top of the stack
            long high = ((Long) stack.pop()).longValue();
            long low = ((Long) stack.pop()).longValue();
            resultFst = lib.Iterate(fst, low, high);
        } else if (obj instanceof ASTiteration_low) {
            // just one Long on the stack
            long low = ((Long) stack.pop()).longValue();
            // use -1 "high" arg to indicate unlimited
            resultFst = lib.Iterate(fst, low, -1L);
        } else if (obj instanceof ASTiteration_high) {
            // just one Long on the stack
            long high = ((Long) stack.pop()).longValue();
            // the low value is 0
            resultFst = lib.Iterate(fst, 0L, high);
        } else {
            // it's ASTiteration_exact, just one Long on the stack
            long exact = ((Long) stack.pop()).longValue();
            resultFst = lib.Iterate(fst, exact, exact);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTiteration_low_high node, Object data) {
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        // should usually leave two Long objects on the stack (but might be Double)
        // syntactically, you could have complicated arithmetic expressions.
        // Leave just Long objects on the stack (in the right order).
        // the object left on top of the stack holds the high value
        Object high = stack.pop();
        Object low = stack.pop();

        if (low instanceof Long) {
        } else {
            stack.push(new Long(((Double) low).longValue()));

        if (high instanceof Long) {
        } else {
            stack.push(new Long(((Double) high).longValue()));

        // leaves the high Long on top of the stack, 
        // with the low Long just under it
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTiteration_low node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // object on the Stack usually a Long, but could be a Double
        Object low = stack.pop();
        if (low instanceof Long) {
        } else {
            stack.push(new Long(((Double) low).longValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTiteration_exact node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object exact = stack.pop();
        if (exact instanceof Long) {
        } else {
            stack.push(new Long(((Double) exact).longValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTiteration_high node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object high = stack.pop();
        if (high instanceof Long) {
        } else {
            stack.push(new Long(((Double) high).longValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlit_char node, Object data) {
        String image = node.getImage();

        // KRB:  possible normalization point
        // see
        int cpv = symmap.putsym(image);

        // create a two-state, one arc Fst with cpv:cpv label
        // semiring generalization point

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTmultichar_symbol node, Object data) {
        String image = node.getImage();

        if (image.startsWith("__")) {
            throw new KleeneInterpreterException(
                    "Multicharacter symbols starting with __ (two underscores) are reserved for internal system use.");
        } else if (image.startsWith("**")) {
            throw new KleeneInterpreterException(
                    "Multicharacter symbols starting with ** (two asterisks) are reserved for internal system use.");
        } else if (image.equals("OTHER_ID")) {
            throw new KleeneInterpreterException(
                    "The multicharacter symbol OTHER_ID is reserved for internal system use.");
        } else if (image.equals("OTHER_NONID")) {
            throw new KleeneInterpreterException(
                    "The multicharacter symbol OTHER_NONID is reserved for internal system use.");
        } else if (image.equals("KLEENE**@#@")) {
            // tokenizer finds unliteralized #, in a rule/restriction
            // context, and resets the image to "KLEENE**@#@"
            // change it here to **@#@
            image = "**@#@";

        int cpv = symmap.putsym(image);

        // create a two-state, one arc Fst with cpv:cpv label
        // semiring generalization point
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTsquare_bracket_multichar_symbol node, Object data) {
        String image = node.getImage();

        if (image.startsWith("__")) {
            throw new KleeneInterpreterException(
                    "Multicharacter symbols starting with __ (two underscores) are reserved for internal system use.");
        if (image.startsWith("**")) {
            throw new KleeneInterpreterException(
                    "Multicharacter symbols starting with ** (two asterisks) are reserved for internal system use.");

        int cpv = symmap.putsym(image);

        // create a two-state, one arc Fst with cpv:cpv label
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdouble_quoted_string node, Object data) {
        // There can be any number of characters (including zero) in the string
        int last = node.jjtGetNumChildren() - 1;
        // The daughters are all of type ASTdouble_quoted_char

        Fst resultFst = lib.EmptyStringLanguageFst();

        boolean optimize; // optimize only on the last loop

        for (int i = 0; i <= last; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // OpenFst's Concat(first, second) is destructive of the first arg
            Fst daughterFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

            optimize = (i == last) ? true : false;

            resultFst = lib.Concat(resultFst, daughterFst, optimize);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdouble_quoted_char node, Object data) {
        // A double_quoted_char is a character inside double quotes
        String image = node.getImage();

        // KRB:  possible Unicode normalization point
        // KRB:  ignore, for initial testing, the possibility of
        // double_quoted_char matching a letter plus following combining diacritics;
        // take care of this when dealing with robust normalization;  see
        //; cf to ASTlit_char
        int cpv = symmap.putsym(image);

        // get a two-state, one arc Fst with cpv:cpv label
        // no need to optimize, I think

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTchar_union node, Object data) {
        // Syntax is [aeiou], [A-Za-z0-9], [abcm-z], etc.
        int last = node.jjtGetNumChildren() - 1;

        // use EmptyLanguageWithStartStateFst instead of EmptyLanguageFst,
        // the former creates a one-state network (start, not final), and
        // gives more intuitive results when setOptimize is set to false
        Fst resultFst = lib.EmptyLanguageWithStartStateFst();

        // there are four possible types of daughter: 
        //      char_range, 
        //      square_bracket_char
        //      square_bracket_lit_hyphen
        //      square_bracket_multichar_symbol
        // (all result in an Fst pushed on the stack)
        boolean optimize;
        for (int i = 0; i <= last; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // OpenFst's Union(first, second) is destructive 
            //      of the first arg
            Fst daughterFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

            optimize = (i == last) ? true : false;

            resultFst = lib.UnionIntoFirstInPlace(resultFst, daughterFst, optimize);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTcomplement_char_union node, Object data) {
        // Syntax:  [^abc]  [^a-z] etc.
        int last = node.jjtGetNumChildren() - 1;

        // Compute as . - [...]

        // First, compute the Fst covering the characters in [^...]
        // Cf ASTchar_union

        // start with an empty FST, union into it
        // use EmptyLanguageWithStartStateFst instead of EmptyLanguageFst,
        // the former creates a one-state (start, not final) fst and gives
        // more intuitive results when setOptimize is set to false
        Fst charUnionFst = lib.EmptyLanguageWithStartStateFst();

        boolean optimize;

        for (int i = 0; i <= last; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // will leave an Fst object on the stack

            Fst daughterFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

            optimize = (i == last) ? true : false;

            charUnionFst = lib.UnionIntoFirstInPlace(charUnionFst, daughterFst, optimize);

        // Second, get a network for ., subtract charUnionFst

        Fst resultFst = lib.Difference(lib.SigmaFst(), charUnionFst);

        // the result should never match the # used in rules KRB ruleany
        // Rethink:  2015-01-18 the OTHER in a _rule_ FST should never match #
        //resultFst.getSigma().add(symmap.putsym(hulden.ruleWordBoundarySym)) ;

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTchar_range node, Object data) {
        // Syntax:   a-z  inside [...] or [^...]
        //    just a shorthand for a symbol union
        // always two daughters, always ASTlit_char?

        String imageFirst = ((ASTlit_char) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        String imageLast = ((ASTlit_char) node.jjtGetChild(1)).getImage();
        // KRB:  ignore, for initial testing, the possibility of
        // lit_char matching a letter plus following combining diacritics;
        // take care of this when dealing with robust normalization;  see

        int cpvFirst = symmap.putsym(imageFirst);
        int cpvLast = symmap.putsym(imageLast);

        if (cpvFirst > cpvLast) {
            // then the range is impossible/badly formed
            throw new CharRangeException(
                    "In a character range [x-y], the code point value of y must be greater or equal to the code point value of x.");

        Fst resultFst = lib.CharRangeUnionFst(cpvFirst, cpvLast);

        // need to put the whole range of chars in the symmap
        // for proper 'dot' display of labels in networks; and
        // add them to the sigma
        for (int cpv = cpvFirst; cpv <= cpvLast; cpv++) {
            // no need to worry about OTHER

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_call node, Object data) {
        // Usual Syntax:  $^myunion(a, b)    has an Fst value
        //  e.g. $^myunion($a, $b)   $^myfunc($a, $b, $c=abc, $d=def) or
        //  $^myfunc($a = a*b+, $b = [a-m]+) 
        //  net_func_call always has two daughters:
        //  net_func_call
        //      net_func_exp  
        //      arg_list
        //  N.B. net_func_exp could be 
        //       net_func_id     e.g. $^myfunc  OR
        //       $^ exp    e.g. $^(...){...}   OR
        //       net_func_func_call e.g.  $^^func(...)
        //  so net_func_exp needs to be evaluated 
        //  (will leave a FuncValue object on the stack)

        // Evaluate daughter 0, the net_func_exp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Should leave a FuncValue on the stack
        FuncValue funcValue = (FuncValue) stack.pop();

        // now evaluate the arg_list, which can have 0 to 2 daughters
        // If either daughter is present, it is non-empty.
        // If both daughters are present, 
        //      positional_args is always before named_args

        // arg_list
        //     positional_args
        //     named_args
        // N.B. the arguments have to be evaluated in the current Frame,
        // before allocating a new daughter frame for the execution of the
        // function body.  If either daughter is present, it is non-empty.

        // Evaluate daughter 1, the arg_list
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave on the stack, from top down
        // 1.  an ArgCounts object (containing positional_args_count 
        //         and named_args_count)
        // 2.  the positional arguments (in syntactic order), 
        //         the number being positional_args_count
        // 3.  the named arguments (each represented by a NamedArg object), 
        //         the number being named_args_count
        // first pop off the ArgCounts object, 
        //    leaving the evaluated args (if any) on the stack
        ArgCounts ac = (ArgCounts) stack.pop();

        //  Now allocate a new Frame for execution of this function call
        //  (N.B. released below when the function returns)

        // now bind the formal params to the arg values, in the new Frame
        try {
            bind_params(funcValue.getParamArrayList(), ac, data);
            // may throw FuncCallException, a kind of RuntimeException
            // catch all Exceptions and release the frame before rethrowing
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;
          // now execute the body of the function (a func_block); more precisely,
          // send a message to the function block telling it to accept this 
          // IntepreterVisitor

        try {
            funcValue.getFuncBlock().jjtAccept(this, data);
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // normal release of the Frame created for the execution of this func call

        // Check return value; 
        //   there should be an Fst object left on the stack
        // (this is ASTnet_func_call) by a return stmt in the funcBlock.  
        // Make sure that the object left on the stack 
        //      is a Java Fst object.
        Object obj = stack.peek();
        if (obj == null) {
            throw new FuncCallException("Net valued function call failed to return a net.");
        } else if (!(obj instanceof Fst)) {
            throw new FuncCallException("Net valued function call returns incorrect type.");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_call node, Object data) {
        //  e.g. ^myfoo($a, $b)   
        //       ^myfunc($a, $b, $c=abc, $d=def) or
        //  ^myfunc($a = a*b+, $b = [a-m]+) 
        //  void_func_call
        //      void_func_exp  
        //      arg_list
        //  N.B. void_func_exp could be 
        //       void_func_id     or
        //       ^ exp
        //       void_func_func_call
        //  so it needs to be evaluated
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Should leave a FuncValue on the stack
        FuncValue funcValue = (FuncValue) stack.pop();

        // now evaluate the arg_list, which can have up to two daughters
        // arg_list
        //     positional_args
        //     named_args
        // N.B. that the arguments have to be evaluated in the current Frame,
        // before allocating a new daughter frame for the execution of the
        // function body.  If either daughter is present, it is non-empty.

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave on the stack, from top down
        // 1.  an ArgCounts object
        // 2.  the positional arguments (in syntactic order)
        // 3.  the named arguments (each represented by a NamedArg object)
        // first pop off the ArgCounts object, leaving the evaluated args
        ArgCounts ac = (ArgCounts) stack.pop();

        //  Now allocate a new Frame for the execution of this function call
        //  (N.B. released below when the function returns)

        // now bind the formal params to the arg values, in the new Frame
        try {
            bind_params(funcValue.getParamArrayList(), ac, data);
            // may throw FuncCallException, a kind of RuntimeException
            // catch all Exceptions and release the frame before rethrowing
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // a void function should return no real value; 
        // push a special VoidValue object here; it should be on top of the
        // stack when the function returns (else there was some error)

        stack.push(new VoidValue());

        // now execute the body of the function (a func_block)
        try {
            funcValue.getFuncBlock().jjtAccept(this, data);
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // normal release of the Frame created for the execution of this func call

        // Check return value; there should be a VoidValue object left on the stack
        Object obj = stack.peek();
        if (obj == null) {
            throw new FuncCallException("Void function call failed to return properly.");
        } else if (!(obj instanceof VoidValue)) {
            throw new FuncCallException("Net valued function call returns incorrect type.");
        stack.pop(); // get rid of the VoidValue object
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_reverse_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__reverse($arg)  built-in, 
        //       wrapped as $^reverse($arg)
        // one daughter, syntactically constrained
        //      ASTregexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // lib.Reverse() is not destructive.
        Fst resultFst = lib.Reverse(fst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_shortestPath_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__shortestPath($arg, #nshortest)  built-in, 
        //     wrapped as $^shortestPath($arg, #nshortest=1)
        // two daughters: ASTregexp  ASTnumexp (constrained by the parser)
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        // top Object on the stack should be a Long (perhaps Double)
        Object obj = stack.pop();
        int nshortest;
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            nshortest = ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            nshortest = ((Double) obj).intValue();
        // next, an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        // OpenFst ShortestPath, returns a new Fst.
        if (nshortest < 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("The second arg to shortestPath must be >= 0");
        Fst resultFst = lib.ShortestPath(fst, nshortest);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_flatten_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__flatten!($fsm)
        // wrapped as $^flatten!($fsm)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // do not copy, just work on the fst in place

        int hardEpsilonSymVal = symmap.putsym(hulden.hardEpsilonSym);
        int otherIdSymVal = symmap.putsym(lib.otherIdSym);
        int otherNonIdSymVal = symmap.putsym(lib.otherNonIdSym);

        lib.FlattenInPlace(fst, hardEpsilonSymVal, otherIdSymVal, otherNonIdSymVal);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_flatten_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__flatten($fsm)
        // wrapped as $^flatten($fsm)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (fst.getFromSymtab()) {
            // then need to work on a copy
            fst = lib.CopyFst(fst);

        int hardEpsilonSymVal = symmap.putsym(hulden.hardEpsilonSym);
        int otherIdSymVal = symmap.putsym(lib.otherIdSym);
        int otherNonIdSymVal = symmap.putsym(lib.otherNonIdSym);

        lib.FlattenInPlace(fst, hardEpsilonSymVal, otherIdSymVal, otherNonIdSymVal);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_flatten4rule_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__flatten4rule!($fsm)
        // wrapped as $^flatten4rule!($fsm)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // do not copy, just work on the fst in place

        int hardEpsilonSymVal = symmap.putsym(hulden.hardEpsilonSym);
        //int otherIdSymVal = symmap.putsym(lib.otherIdSym) ;
        //int otherNonIdSymVal = symmap.putsym(lib.otherNonIdSym) ;

        //lib.Flatten4RuleInPlace(fst, hardEpsilonSymVal, otherIdSymVal, otherNonIdSymVal) ;
        lib.Flatten4RuleInPlace(fst, hardEpsilonSymVal);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_flatten4rule_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__flatten4rule($fsm)
        // wrapped as $^flatten4rule($fsm)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (fst.getFromSymtab()) {
            // then need to work on a copy
            fst = lib.CopyFst(fst);

        int hardEpsilonSymVal = symmap.putsym(hulden.hardEpsilonSym);
        //int otherIdSymVal = symmap.putsym(lib.otherIdSym) ;
        //int otherNonIdSymVal = symmap.putsym(lib.otherNonIdSym) ;

        //lib.Flatten4RuleInPlace(fst, hardEpsilonSymVal, otherIdSymVal, otherNonIdSymVal) ;
        lib.Flatten4RuleInPlace(fst, hardEpsilonSymVal);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_invert_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__invert($arg)  built-in, wrapped as $^invert($arg)
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp (constrained by the parser)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (fst.getFromSymtab()) {
            // then need to work on a copy
            fst = lib.CopyFst(fst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_invert_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__invert!($arg)  built-in, wrapped as $^invert!($arg)
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp (constrained by the parser)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // Don't make a copy
        // just invert the original network in place
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_optimize_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__optimize($arg)  built-in, wrapped as $^optimize($arg)
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp (constrained by the parser)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        Fst resultFst;
        if (fst.getFromSymtab()) {
            // then need to work on a copy
            resultFst = lib.CopyFst(fst);
        } else {
            resultFst = fst;
        // force the optimization
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_optimize_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__optimize!($arg)  built-in, wrapped as $^optimize!($arg)
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp (constrained by the parser)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        // Don't make a copy
        // just optimize the original network in place
        // force the optimization
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_rmepsilon_func_call node, Object data) {
        // the function call is not destructive (i.e. returns a new net
        // if the argument is from a symbol table)
        // just $^__rmEpsilon($arg)  built-in, wrapped as $^rmepsilon and
        // $^rmEpsilon
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp (constrained by the parser)
        // N.B. this Kleene function does not work in place for a network
        //   that comes from the symbol table (and so has a name, or alias
        //   names) bound to it
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        if (fst.getFromSymtab()) {
            // then need to work on and return a copy
            fst = lib.CopyFst(fst);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_rmepsilon_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // the function call is destructive (i.e. works in place)
        // just $^__rmEpsilon!($arg)  built-in, wrapped as $^rmepsilon! and
        // $^rmEpsilon!
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp (constrained by the parser)
        // N.B. this Kleene function does not work in place for a network
        //   that comes from the symbol table (and so has a name, or alias
        //   names) bound to it
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_determinize_func_call node, Object data) {
        // not destructive
        // just $^__determinize($arg) built-in, wrapped as $^determinize()
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp  (constrained by the parser)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        if (fst.getFromSymtab()) {
            // then need to work on and return a copy
            fst = lib.CopyFst(fst);
        // N.B. there is an lib.Determinze(fst) that is always
        // non-destructive, always returning a new Fst, but there's
        // no point in returning a new Fst if the input Fst is
        // not from the symbol table
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_determinize_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // destructive
        // just $^__determinize!($arg) built-in, wrapped as $^determinize!()
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp  (constrained by the parser)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        // Don't make a copy
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_minimize_func_call node, Object data) {
        // this function call is not destructive, (i.e. returns a new net)
        // just $^__minimize($arg)  built-in, wrapped as $^minimize()
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp (constrained by the parser)
        // N.B. the OpenFst Minimize() works in place (destructive),
        //   so if the input comes from the symbol table (and so has
        //   a name, or names, linked to it, then we have to work on
        //   and return a copy
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (fst.getFromSymtab()) {
            // then need to work on a copy
            fst = lib.CopyFst(fst);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_minimize_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // destructive, (i.e. works in place)
        // just $^__minimize!($arg)  built-in, wrapped as $^minimize!()
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp (constrained by the parser)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // Don't make a copy
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_synchronize_func_call node, Object data) {
        // not destructive
        // just $^__synchronize($arg) built-in, wrapped as $^synchronize()
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp  (constrained by the parser)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        if (fst.getFromSymtab()) {
            // then need to work on and return a copy
            fst = lib.CopyFst(fst);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_synchronize_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // destructive
        // just $^__synchronize!($arg) built-in, wrapped as $^synchronize!()
        // just one daughter: ASTregexp  (constrained by the parser)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        // Don't make a copy
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_diac_func_call node, Object data) {
        // built-in $^__diac(), wrapped various ways in predefined.kl
        // 3 args (syntactically constrained)

        //   0.  destructive   numexp() boolean

        //   1.  fst         regexp()
        //   2.   projection   regexp() should denote a language of one string
        //                        "input"  (or "upper"),
        //                        "output" (or "lower"),
        //                        or "both"

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        boolean destructive = lib.isTrue(stack.pop()); // true for destructive

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst projFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        String projString = lib.GetSingleString(projFst,
                "Last arg to convertCase must denote a language of exactly one string: input, upper, output, lower or both")

        boolean input = false;
        boolean output = false;
        if (projString.equals("input") || projString.equals("upper")) {
            input = true;
        } else if (projString.equals("output") || projString.equals("lower")) {
            output = true;
        } else if (projString.equals("both")) {
            input = true;
            output = true;
        } else {
            throw new FuncCallException("Last arg to convertCase must be: input, upper, output, lower or both");

        Fst workFst = fst;
        if (!destructive) {
            workFst = lib.CopyFst(fst);

        lib.AddDiacInPlace(workFst, input, output);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_case_func_call node, Object data) {
        // built-in $^__case(), wrapped various ways in predefined.kl
        // 7 args (syntactically constrained)

        //   0.  destructive   numexp() boolean
        //   1.   convert      numexp() boolean (true for convert, false for add/allow)
        //   2.  all         numexp() boolean (true for whole path, false for init)

        //   3.  fst         regexp()
        //   4.   to_uc      numexp() boolean
        //   5.   to_lc      numexp() boolean
        //   6.   projection   regexp() should denote a language of one string
        //                        "input"  (or "upper"),
        //                        "output" (or "lower"),
        //                        or "both"

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        boolean destructive = lib.isTrue(stack.pop()); // true for destructive

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        boolean convert = lib.isTrue(stack.pop()); // true for convert, false for add/allow

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        boolean all = lib.isTrue(stack.pop()); //  T means whole path, F means init only

        // **************

        node.jjtGetChild(3).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        node.jjtGetChild(4).jjtAccept(this, data);
        boolean uc = lib.isTrue(stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(5).jjtAccept(this, data);
        boolean lc = lib.isTrue(stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(6).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst projFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        String projString = lib.GetSingleString(projFst,
                "Last arg to convertCase must denote a language of exactly one string: input, upper, output, lower, or both")

        boolean input = false;
        boolean output = false;
        if (projString.equals("input") || projString.equals("upper")) {
            input = true;
        } else if (projString.equals("output") || projString.equals("lower")) {
            output = true;
        } else if (projString.equals("both")) {
            input = true;
            output = true;
        } else {
            throw new FuncCallException("Last arg to convertCase must be: input, upper, output, lower or both");

        if (!destructive) {
            fst = lib.CopyFst(fst);

        if (convert) {
            lib.ConvertCaseInPlace(fst, all, uc, lc, input, output);
        } else {
            // add case variants
            // the result should contain all the original arcs, 
            // typically plus some new added arcs (a semantic union); 
            lib.AddCaseInPlace(fst, all, uc, lc, input, output);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_inputproj_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // syntax is the $^__inputproj!($arg)  built-in
        //       wrapped as $^inputproj!($arg)
        // one daughter, syntactically constrained
        //      ASTregexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();


        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_inputproj_func_call node, Object data) {
        // syntax is the $^__inputproj($arg)  built-in
        // one daughter, syntactically constrained
        //      ASTregexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // not destructive
        Fst resultFst = lib.InputProjection(fst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_outputproj_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // syntax is the $^__outputproj!($arg)  built-in
        //       wrapped as $^outputproj!($arg)
        // one daughter, syntactically constrained
        //      ASTregexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();


        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_outputproj_func_call node, Object data) {
        // syntax is the $^__outputproj($arg)  built-in
        //       wrapped as $^outputproj($arg)
        // one daughter, syntactically constrained
        //      ASTregexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // not destructive
        Fst resultFst = lib.OutputProjection(fst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_close_sigma_func_call node, Object data) {
        // this function call is not destructive (i.e. returns a new net)
        // just $^__closeSigma($fst, $base)  built-in, wrapped as
        // $^closeSigma($fst, $base="")
        // See also ASTnet_close_sigma_dest_func_call
        // two daughters: (constrained by the parser)
        //      regexp
        //      regexp

        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        Fst base = (Fst) stack.pop();
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // non-destructive
        if (fst.getFromSymtab()) {
            fst = lib.CopyFst(fst);

        // first promotes the sigma of fst relative to base
        // then deletes the OTHER arcs in fst, in place
        lib.CloseSigmaInPlace(fst, base);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_close_sigma_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // this function call is destructive (i.e. always operated on the arg in place
        // just $^__closeSigma!($fst, $base)  built-in, wrapped as
        // $^closeSigma!($fst, $base="")
        // See also ASTnet_close_sigma_func_call
        // two daughters: (constrained by the parser)
        //      regexp
        //      regexp

        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        Fst base = (Fst) stack.pop();
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // don't make a copy

        lib.CloseSigmaInPlace(fst, base);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_copy_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__copy($arg)  built-in
        // wrapped as $^copy($arg) in predefined.kl
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        Fst resultFst = lib.CopyFst(fst);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_rm_weight_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__rmWeight!($arg)  built-in
        // wrapped as $^rmWeight!($fst) in predefined.kl
        // one daughter, syntactically constrained
        //      ASTregexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        lib.RmWeightDestFst(fst); // destructive

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_rm_weight_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__rmWeight($arg)  built-in
        // wrapped as $^rmWeight($fst) in predefined.kl
        // one daughter, syntactically constrained
        //      ASTregexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // RmWeightFst is a Java function, non-destructive
        // will copy fst only if necessary
        Fst resultFst = lib.RmWeightFst(fst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_subst_symbol_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__substSymbol!($net, $old, $new)
        // wrapped as $^substSymbol!() in predefined.kl
        // exactly three daughters (syntactically constrained)

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst resultFst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        // do not copy--work on this Fst in place

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst oldSymFst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        // determinize, minimize and epsremove this net
        // even if user has set #KLEENEdeterminize, etc. to false

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst newSymFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // oldSymFst should have a single arc and label
        if (!lib.IsString(oldSymFst) || (lib.NumArcs(oldSymFst) != 1)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to substSymbol!() must denote a one-arc acceptor.");
        if (oldSymFst.getSigma().size() != 1) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to substSymbol!() must be a normal symbol.");

        // newSymFst should have a single arc and label, unless it 
        // denotes the emptyStringLanguage, in which case the
        // cpv is 0 (wired in value of epsilon)

        int oldCpv;
        int newCpv;

        if (lib.IsEmptyStringLanguage(newSymFst)) {
            // epsilon special case
            // the Fst denotes the empty-string language
            // in OpenFst, 0 is wired in as the int value of epsilon
            newCpv = lib.Epsilon;
        } else {
            // the usual case, need a one-string, one-symbol fst
            if (!lib.IsString(newSymFst) || (lib.NumArcs(newSymFst) != 1)) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to substSymbol!() must denote a one-arc acceptor.");
            if (newSymFst.getSigma().size() != 1) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to substSymbol!() must be a normal symbol.");
            newCpv = ((Integer) newSymFst.getSigma().toArray()[0]).intValue();

        oldCpv = ((Integer) oldSymFst.getSigma().toArray()[0]).intValue();

        lib.SubstLabelInPlace(resultFst, oldCpv, newCpv);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_subst_symbol_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__substSymbol($net, $old, $new)
        // wrapped as $^substSymbol() in predefined.kl
        // exactly three daughters (syntactically constrained)

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        Fst resultFst = fst;

        // non-destructive; copy if necessary
        if (fst.getFromSymtab()) {
            resultFst = lib.CopyFst(fst);

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst oldSymFst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        // determinize, minimize and epsremove this net
        // even if user has set #KLEENEdeterminize, etc. to false

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst newSymFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // oldSymFst should have a single arc and label
        if (!lib.IsString(oldSymFst) || (lib.NumArcs(oldSymFst) != 1)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to substSymbol() must denote a one-arc acceptor.");
        if (oldSymFst.getSigma().size() != 1) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to substSymbol() must be a normal symbol.");

        // newSymFst should have a single arc and label, unless it 
        // denotes the emptyStringLanguage, in which case the
        // cpv is 0 (wired in value of epsilon)

        int oldCpv;
        int newCpv;

        if (lib.IsEmptyStringLanguage(newSymFst)) {
            // epsilon special case
            // the Fst denotes the empty-string language
            newCpv = lib.Epsilon;
        } else {
            // the usual case, need a one-string, one-symbol fst
            if (!lib.IsString(newSymFst) || (lib.NumArcs(newSymFst) != 1)) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to substSymbol() must denote a one-arc acceptor.");
            if (newSymFst.getSigma().size() != 1) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to substSymbol() must be a normal symbol.");
            newCpv = ((Integer) newSymFst.getSigma().toArray()[0]).intValue();

        oldCpv = ((Integer) oldSymFst.getSigma().toArray()[0]).intValue();

        lib.SubstLabelInPlace(resultFst, oldCpv, newCpv);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_eq_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__eq!($net, $old, $new)
        // wrapped as $^eq!() in predefined.kl
        // exactly three daughters (syntactically constrained)

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst resultFst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        // do not copy--work on this Fst in place

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst leftDelimSymFst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        // determinize, minimize and epsremove this net
        // even if user has set #KLEENEdeterminize, etc. to false

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst rightDelimSymFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // leftDelimSymFst should have a single arc and label
        if (!lib.IsString(leftDelimSymFst) || (lib.NumArcs(leftDelimSymFst) != 1)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to eq!() must denote a one-arc acceptor.");
        if (leftDelimSymFst.getSigma().size() != 1) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to eq!() must be a normal symbol.");
        int leftDelimCpv = ((Integer) leftDelimSymFst.getSigma().toArray()[0]).intValue();

        // rightDelimSymFst should have a single arc and label
        if (!lib.IsString(rightDelimSymFst) || (lib.NumArcs(rightDelimSymFst) != 1)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to eq!() must denote a one-arc acceptor.");
        if (rightDelimSymFst.getSigma().size() != 1) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to eq!() must be a normal symbol.");
        int rightDelimCpv = ((Integer) rightDelimSymFst.getSigma().toArray()[0]).intValue();

        lib.EqRedupInPlace(resultFst, leftDelimCpv, rightDelimCpv);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_eq_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__eq($net, $old, $new)
        // wrapped as $^eq() in predefined.kl
        // exactly three daughters (syntactically constrained)

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        Fst resultFst = fst;

        // non-destructive function; copy the first arg if necessary
        if (fst.getFromSymtab()) {
            resultFst = lib.CopyFst(fst);

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst leftDelimSymFst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        // determinize, minimize and epsremove this net
        // even if user has set #KLEENEdeterminize, etc. to false

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst rightDelimSymFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // leftDelimSymFst should have a single arc and label
        if (!lib.IsString(leftDelimSymFst) || (lib.NumArcs(leftDelimSymFst) != 1)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to eq() must denote a one-arc acceptor.");
        if (leftDelimSymFst.getSigma().size() != 1) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to eq() must be a normal symbol.");
        int leftDelimCpv = ((Integer) leftDelimSymFst.getSigma().toArray()[0]).intValue();

        // rightDelimSymFst should have a single arc and label
        if (!lib.IsString(rightDelimSymFst) || (lib.NumArcs(rightDelimSymFst) != 1)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to eq() must denote a one-arc acceptor.");
        if (rightDelimSymFst.getSigma().size() != 1) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to eq() must be a normal symbol.");
        int rightDelimCpv = ((Integer) rightDelimSymFst.getSigma().toArray()[0]).intValue();

        lib.EqRedupInPlace(resultFst, leftDelimCpv, rightDelimCpv);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_read_xml_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just $^__readXml($filepath)  built-in
        // wrapped with $^readXml($filepath)
        // just one daughter for $^__readXml() (syntactically
        // constrained by the parser)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst pathFst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        String userTyped = lib.GetSingleString(pathFst,
                "First arg to readXml must denote a language of exactly one string, denoting a file path");

        String fullpath = getFullpath(userTyped);

        Fst resultFst;
        try {
            resultFst = xml2fst(fullpath);
            // xml2fst, Java function, see above
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // catch the hard Exception and
            // throw a RuntimeException here, so that Kleene can recover
            throw new FuncCallException("Problem in $^readXml() reading indicated file.");

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_rand_gen_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^randGen($fst, npath, max_length)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        long npath;
        long max_length;

        // second arg is the number of paths to leave in the resultFst
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        // get long from either Long or Double
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            npath = ((Long) obj).longValue();
        } else {
            npath = ((Double) obj).longValue();

        // third arg is the maximum length of any single path
        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        obj = stack.pop();

        // get long from either Long or Double
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            max_length = ((Long) obj).longValue();
        } else {
            max_length = ((Double) obj).longValue();

        // compute the random subset of fst
        Fst resultFst = lib.RandGen(fst, npath, max_length);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_start_func_call node, Object data) {
        // syntax:   $^start($>foo)   a built-in function-like regexp
        // Not really implemented as a function, cannot be aliased, i.e.
        // $^debut = $^start  is not legal
        // The value of the statement, if successful, is an Fst.

        // just one daughter: ASTrrprod_id, which includes the name
        // of the start production 
        // (This is constrained syntactically by the parser)
        // Don't evaluate daughter.  Just retrieve the image.
        String rrprod_id = ((ASTrrprod_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();

        // The rrprod_id argument to $^start() will be the root of the 
        //      right-linear grammar,
        // but rrprod_id may refer to other productions, which may, 
        //      in turn, refer
        // to other productions, etc.  (even circular references).
        // Need to check that all the RrDependencies ("right-recursive") 
        //      of $>foo are defined,
        // and that all the dependencies of the dependencies are defined,
        // etc.

        // Check and list dependencies (the productions)
        // for the whole implied grammar, keep them in an ArrayList
        // (I tried to use a HashSet, but this proved to be
        // impossible to iterate through AND increase in size)
        ArrayList<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<String>();
        // Start with the current rrprod_id (the start); use ArrayList
        // so that dependencies of the overall grammar are added only
        // once (no duplicates).  The order of objects in the ArrayList
        // is constant and starts at index 0

        // Now loop through the ArrayList of dependencies, adding new ones 
        // as they appear
        // (use a for-loop so that the size can grow during iteration--
        // tried to use HashSet, but this proved impossible)
        for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++) {
            String dep = dependencies.get(i);
            // Look up the dependency name (getting back an RrProdObject)
            // if successful (i.e. is in the symbol table).
            RrProdObject rrProdObject = (RrProdObject) env.get(dep);
            if (rrProdObject == null) {
                throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined rrprod_id: " + dep);
            // also check net_id and other _id references? or catch during
            // interpretation?  
            // The dependencies of each defined production are stored 
            // in the symbol table as part of the RrProdObject, 
            // as a HashSet
            HashSet<String> hs = rrProdObject.getRrDependencies();
            if (!hs.isEmpty()) {
                for (Iterator<String> iter = hs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    String s =;
                    // if the overall list of dependencies does not yet
                    // contain s, then add it
                    if (!dependencies.contains(s)) {

        // Reaching here, the whole Rr grammar has been defined.
        // (All the required Rr productions are available in the
        // symbol table.)

        // Create an Fst result.
        // Need to copy all the states and arcs of networks 
        //      of the productions
        // into the result network, keeping track of the 
        //      new startStateNum of each network.  
        // (This is a modification of the concatenation
        // algorithm of OpenFst, minus the code that creates an 
        //      epsilon arc from the final state(s) of the first 
        //      network to the start state of the second.
        // Try to compile each network in the grammar.  Initially
        // each right-recursive reference $>foo is treated much 
        // like a multichar-symbol, but with
        // a negative code point value (a negative label value on an arc).
        // These negative code point values should not be added to
        // the sigma.

        Fst resultFst = null;

        // Instead of a HashMap, use two parallel ArrayLists,
        // later converted to int[], to pass easily to a C++ 
        // native function that stitches the network together.

        // ArrayLists expand as necessary; avoid any preconceived
        // size limit.
        ArrayList<Integer> keys = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        ArrayList<Integer> vals = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        //  will have neg ints (representing $>foo refs) mapped 
        // to positive numbers corresponding to start states of the
        // various dependencies (productions) in the overall grammar.

        // Again loop through the list of dependencies (the names
        // of all the productions in the implied grammar);
        // they are "defined" (stored as ASTs) but not yet
        // "evaluated" into FSTs

        for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++) {
            String rrprod = dependencies.get(i);

            RrProdObject rrProdObject = (RrProdObject) env.get(rrprod);
            // get the AST (.getRHS()), 
            // and evaluate it to produce an Fst object
            ASTrrProdRHS astRrProdRHS = rrProdObject.getRHS();
            astRrProdRHS.jjtAccept(this, data);
            // should leave an Fst object on the stack, for one production
            Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

            int startStateNum;

            if (i == 0) {
                // the zeroth is the root production
                resultFst = lib.CopyFst(fst);
                startStateNum = lib.StartState(resultFst);
            } else {
                // returns the _new_ start state number of fst
                startStateNum = lib.AddStatesAndArcsInPlace(resultFst, fst);


            // A rrprod_id like $>foo is stored with a NEGATIVE int value
            // on an Fst arc.
            int negcpv = symmap.getint(rrprod);

            // effectively create a Map from neg. int keys 
            //   (right-linear labels)to non-neg.
            // integers that represent the new state number of the start
            // state of this particular Fst (for one of the productions
            // of the overall grammar); 
            keys.add(negcpv); // will be a negative int value

        // Now need to "stitch" it all together

        lib.RrGrammarLinkInPlace(resultFst, keys, vals);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_parallel_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^parallel(rule, rule ...) wired in "special form"
        // two or more daughters--syntactically limited to alternation rules

        int ruleCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        node.childrenAccept(this, data);

        // each rule should interpret as a List of RuleSemanticParts objects,
        // pushed on the stack; collect them
        ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts> collection = new ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts>();

        for (int i = 0; i < ruleCount; i++) {
            collection.addAll((ArrayList<RuleSemanticParts>) stack.pop());

        // collection is a flat list of RuleSemanticParts from all the rules
        // under $^parallel(rule, rule, ...)

        // the result is one Fst representing all the parallel rules
        Fst parallelFst = compileRuleSemanticParts(collection);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_pathcount_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__pathCount($arg)  built-in, wrapped as #^pathCount($arg)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        long count = lib.NumPaths(fst); // returns -1 for cyclic networks

        stack.push(new Long(count));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_statecount_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__stateCount($arg)  built-in, wrapped as #^stateCount($arg)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        int count = lib.NumStates(fst);
        // in Kleene, all ints are stored internally as Long
        stack.push(new Long(count));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_arccount_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__arcCount($arg)  built-in, wrapped as #^arcCount($arg)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        int count = lib.NumArcs(fst);
        // in Kleene, ints are always stored as Long
        stack.push(new Long(count));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_get_int_cpv_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__getIntCpv($arg) built-in, wrapped as #^getIntCpv($arg)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net, one non-epsilon
        // symbol
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        // determinize, minimize and epsremove this net
        // even if user has set #KLEENEdeterminize, etc. to false
        lib.OptimizeInPlaceForce(fst); // removes any epsilon

        // should be an acceptor with a single arc and label
        if (!lib.IsString(fst) || (lib.NumArcs(fst) != 1)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Argument to #^getIntCpv() must denote a one-arc acceptor.");
        if (fst.getSigma().size() != 1) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Argument to #^getIntCpv() must be a normal symbol.");

        int cpv = ((Integer) fst.getSigma().toArray()[0]).intValue();
        // in Kleene, ints are always stored as Long
        stack.push(new Long(cpv));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_arity_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__arity($arg)  built-in, wrapped as #^arity($arg)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsAcceptor(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(2));
        return data;

    // boolean functions

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_rtn_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isRtn($arg)  built-in, wrapped as #^isRtn($arg)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (fst.getIsRtn())
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_cyclic_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isCyclic($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isCyclic($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsCyclic(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_ubounded_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isUBounded($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isUBounded($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsUBounded(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_lbounded_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isLBounded($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isLBounded($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsLBounded(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_acceptor_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isAcceptor($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isAcceptor($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsSemanticAcceptor(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_transducer_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isTransducer($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isTransducer($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (!(lib.IsSemanticAcceptor(fst)))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_output_labels_include_cpv_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__outputLabelsIncludeCpv($fsm, #cpv)  built-in, wrapped as
        // #^outputLabelsIncludeCpv($fsm, #cpv)
        // should be two daughters: regexp, numexp (int expected)
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack (should be Long,
        // but can't restrain it syntactically)
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        int cpv = 0;

        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            cpv = ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            // KRB: throw an exception in this case?
            // unlikely case--get the intValue()
            cpv = ((Double) obj).intValue();

        if (lib.OutputLabelsIncludeCpv(fst, cpv))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_weighted_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isWeighted($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isWeighted($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsWeighted(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_ideterministic_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isIDeterministic($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isIDeterministic($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsIDeterministic(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_odeterministic_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isODeterministic($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isODeterministic($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsODeterministic(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_epsilonfree_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isEpsilonFree($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isEpsilonFree($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsEpsilonFree(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_empty_language_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isEmptyLanguage($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isEmptyLanguage($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsEmptyLanguage(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_empty_string_language_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isEmptyStringLanguage($net) built-in, wrapped as #^isEmptyStringLanguage($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsEmptyStringLanguage(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_contains_empty_string_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__containsEmptyString($net) built-in, wrapped as #^containsEmptyString($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.ContainsEmptyString(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_string_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__isString($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isString($net) and
        //                                         #^isSingleStringLanguage($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.IsString(fst))
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_contains_other_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__containsOther($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^containsOther($net)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (fst.getContainsOther())
            stack.push(new Long(1));
            stack.push(new Long(0));
        return data;

    /*   not needed?  see definition in predefined.kl
       public Object visit(ASTlng_is_universal_language_func_call node, Object data) {
          // just #^__isUniversalLanguage($net)  built-in, wrapped as #^isUniversalLanguage($net)
          // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one net
          node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
          // leaves an Fst object on the stack
          Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop() ;
          // IsUniversalLanguage doesn't exist yet
          if (lib.IsUniversalLanguage(fst))
     stack.push(new Long(1)) ;
     stack.push(new Long(0)) ;
          return data ;

    // equivalent is used for acceptors, epsilon-free and deterministic
    public Object visit(ASTlng_equivalent_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__equivalent($a, $b, #delta)  built-in, wrapped as #^equivalent()
        // should be just three daughters, syntactically constrained
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);

        double delta; // OpenFst Equivalent calls for double delta
        // while the RandEquivalent calls for float delta

        Object delta_obj = stack.pop();
        // third arg could be Long or Double
        if (delta_obj instanceof Long) {
            delta = ((Long) delta_obj).doubleValue();
        } else {
            delta = ((Double) delta_obj).doubleValue();

        Fst b = (Fst) stack.pop();
        Fst a = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.Equivalent(a, b, delta))
            stack.push(new Long(1)); // true
            stack.push(new Long(0)); // false
        return data;

    // rand_equivalent is used for transducers
    public Object visit(ASTlng_rand_equivalent_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__randEquivalent($a, $b, #npath, #delta, #seed, #path_length)  
        // built-in, wrapped as #^randEquivalent()
        // should be 6 daughters, syntactically constrained
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);

        int path_length;

        Object path_length_obj = stack.pop();
        // 6th arg could be Long or Double
        if (path_length_obj instanceof Long) {
            path_length = ((Long) path_length_obj).intValue();
        } else {
            path_length = ((Double) path_length_obj).intValue();

        int seed;

        Object seed_obj = stack.pop();
        // 5th arg could be Long or Double
        if (seed_obj instanceof Long) {
            seed = ((Long) seed_obj).intValue();
        } else {
            seed = ((Double) seed_obj).intValue();

        float delta; // the OpenFst RandEquivalent calls for float delta
        // while the OpenFst Equivalent calls for double delta
        // keep an eye on this

        Object delta_obj = stack.pop();
        // 4th arg could be Long or Double
        if (delta_obj instanceof Long) {
            delta = ((Long) delta_obj).floatValue();
        } else {
            delta = ((Double) delta_obj).floatValue();

        long npath; // the OpenFst RandEquivalent calls for float

        Object npath_obj = stack.pop();
        // 3th arg could be Long or Double
        if (npath_obj instanceof Long) {
            npath = ((Long) npath_obj).longValue();
        } else {
            npath = ((Double) npath_obj).longValue();

        Fst b = (Fst) stack.pop();
        Fst a = (Fst) stack.pop();

        if (lib.RandEquivalent(a, b, npath, delta, seed, path_length))
            stack.push(new Long(1)); // true
            stack.push(new Long(0)); // false
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_abs_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__abs(numexp) built-in
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one numexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        // produce either Long or Double, according to the input
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            stack.push(new Long(Math.abs(((Long) obj).longValue())));
        } else {
            stack.push(new Double(Math.abs(((Double) obj).doubleValue())));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_to_string_func_call node, Object data) {
        // convert a number (Long or Float) to a string
        // just $^__toString(numexp) built-in
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one numexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        String str;

        // produce either Long or Double, according to the input
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            str = Long.toString(((Long) obj).longValue());
        } else {
            str = Double.toString(((Double) obj).doubleValue());

        // Because all digits in a number string are in the BMP,
        // this str will be composed of BMP Unicode characters
        // convert to an array of int
        int len = str.length();
        int[] cpvArray = new int[len];

        for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) {
            int cpv = str.codePointAt(index);
            symmap.putsym(String.valueOf((char) cpv));
            cpvArray[index] = cpv;
        Fst resultFst = lib.FstFromCpvArray(cpvArray);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_char_for_cpv_func_call node, Object data) {
        // convert a number (Long or Float) to a character
        // just $^__charForCPV(numexp) built-in, wrapped as $^charForCPV(numexp)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one numexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        int cpv;

        // produce a Long, representing a code point value
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            cpv = ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            cpv = ((Double) obj).intValue();

        symmap.putsym(String.valueOf((char) cpv));

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_implode_func_call node, Object data) {
        // The $^__implode(regexp) built-in, wrapped as $^implode(),
        // implodes a single string of characters into a single symbol, 
        // typically a multichar symbol,
        //    and return a network with one arc, labeled with that symbol

        // there should be just one daughter: arg_list with one regexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fstOrig = (Fst) stack.pop();

        String str = lib.GetSingleString(fstOrig, "Arg to implode must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (str.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Argument to implode must denote a language of one non-empty string.");

        // get the code point value (cpv)
        int cpv = symmap.putsym(str); // might exist in symmap, or not
        // get back the int value

        // create a one-arc Fst with the arc labeled with the codepoint
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_explode_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__explode(regexp) built-in
        // take a two-state, one arc acceptor, get the label 
        //    on the one arc
        //    (an int, typically mapping to a multichar name), 
        //      get the print name,
        //    make a new one-path network for the exploded 
        //      string of characters in that name

        // there should be just one daughter, acceptor,
        // one string (non-empty), two states, one arc
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        // get the single arc label
        int label = lib.GetSingleArcLabel(fst);

        // get the print name of the symbol 
        //   (typically a multichar symbol name)
        String str = symmap.getsym(label);

        // KRB
        // the str will be composed of BMP Unicode characters 
        //      (keep an eye on this--it
        //       depends on what is allowed in a multichar symbol)
        int len = str.length();
        // create an array of ints (code point values)
        int[] cpvArray = new int[len];
        for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) {
            int cpv = str.codePointAt(index);
            symmap.putsym(String.valueOf((char) cpv));
            cpvArray[index] = cpv;
        Fst resultFst = lib.FstFromCpvArray(cpvArray);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_get_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__get($@arr, 0) wrapped as $^get($@arr, 0)
        // two daughters
        //      net_list_exp
        //      numexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object obj = stack.pop();
        int index;
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            index = ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            index = ((Double) obj).intValue();

        int size = netList.size();
        if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal index to $^get(): " + index);

        Fst element = netList.get(index);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_getlast_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__getLast($@arr) wrapped as $^getLast($@arr)
        // two daughters
        //      net_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        if (netList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("The argument list is empty.");
        int size = netList.size();

        Fst element = netList.get(size - 1);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_get_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__get(#@arr, 0) wrapped as #^get(#@arr, 0)
        // two daughters
        //      num_list_exp
        //      numexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object obj = stack.pop();
        int index;
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            index = ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            index = ((Double) obj).intValue();

        int size = numList.size();
        if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal index to #^get(): " + index);

        Object element = numList.get(index); // Long or Double
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_getlast_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__getLast(#@arr) wrapped as #^getLast(#@arr)
        // one daughter
        //      num_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        if (numList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("The argument list is empty.");
        int size = numList.size();

        Object element = numList.get(size - 1); // Long or Double
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_head_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__head($@arr) wrapped as $^head($@arr)
        // one daughter
        //      net_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        if (netList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("The argument list is empty.");
        int size = netList.size();

        Fst element = netList.get(0);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_head_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__head(#@arr) wrapped as #^head(#@arr)
        // one daughter
        //      num_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        if (numList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("The argument list is empty.");

        Object element = numList.get(0);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_pop_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__pop!($@arr) wrapped as $^pop!($@arr)
        // one daughter
        //      net_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        if (netList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("The argument list is empty.");

        Fst element = netList.pop();
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_remove_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__remove!($@arr, #index)
        // two daughters
        //      net_list_exp
        //      numexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        int index = 0;
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            index = ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            index = ((Double) obj).intValue();

        NetList resultList = netList;

        int size = resultList.size();
        if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal index to $^remove!(): " + index);

        Fst removedElement = (Fst) (resultList.remove(index));

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_removelast_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__removeLast!($@arr)
        // one daughter
        //      net_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        NetList resultList = netList;

        if (netList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("The argument list is empty.");
        int size = resultList.size();

        Fst removedElement = (Fst) (resultList.remove(size - 1));

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_pop_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__pop!(#@arr) wrapped as #^pop!(#@arr)
        // one daughter
        //      num_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        if (numList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("The argument list is empty.");

        Object removedElement = numList.pop();
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_remove_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__remove!(#@arr, #index)
        // two daughters
        //      num_list_exp
        //      numexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        int index = 0;
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            index = ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            index = ((Double) obj).intValue();

        NumList resultList = numList;

        int size = resultList.size();
        if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal index to #^remove!(): " + index);

        Object removedElement = resultList.remove(index);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_removelast_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__removeLast!(#@arr)
        // one daughter
        //      num_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        NumList resultList = numList;

        if (resultList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("The argument list is empty.");
        int size = resultList.size();

        Object removedElement = resultList.remove(size - 1);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTslice_exp node, Object data) {
        // two numexp daughters
        node.childrenAccept(this, data);
        // should leave two objects on the stack (Long or Double)
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_get_slice_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^getSlice($@arr, 0, 3, 5:8), cannot be aliased
        //    because it has a variable number of arguments
        // at least two daughters
        //      net_list_exp
        //       ( numexp || slice_exp )+      

        int childCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        NetList resultList = new NetList();

        int indexLow, indexHigh;
        Object obj, objLow, objHigh;
        int size;

        for (int i = 1; i < childCount; i++) {
            if (node.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTnumexp) {
                node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
                // should leave a Long or Double on the stack

                obj = stack.pop();

            } else if (node.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTslice_exp) {
                node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
                // should leave two objects on the stack, High on top of Low
                // could be Long or Double

                objHigh = stack.pop();
                objLow = stack.pop();

                indexLow = getIntValue(objLow);
                indexHigh = getIntValue(objHigh);

                // indexLow is inclusive; indexHigh is exclusive

                if (indexLow > indexHigh) {
                    throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal relative values of range " + indexLow + ".." + indexHigh);

                size = netList.size();

                if (indexLow < 0 || indexLow >= size) {
                    throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal low value of range " + indexLow + ".." + indexHigh);

                if (indexHigh < 0 || indexHigh > size) {
                    throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal high value of range " + indexLow + ".." + indexHigh);

                for (int j = indexLow; j < indexHigh; j++) {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_get_slice_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^getSlice(#@arr, 0, 3, 5:8), cannot be aliased
        //    because it has a variable number of arguments
        // at least two daughters
        //      num_list_exp
        //       ( numexp || slice_exp )+      

        int childCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        NumList resultList = new NumList();

        int indexLow, indexHigh;
        Object obj, objLow, objHigh;
        int size;

        Object longOrDouble;

        for (int i = 1; i < childCount; i++) {
            if (node.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTnumexp) {
                node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
                // should leave a Long or Double on the stack

                obj = stack.pop();

                longOrDouble = numList.get(getIntValue(obj));

                if (longOrDouble instanceof Long) {
                    resultList.add((Long) longOrDouble);
                } else {
                    resultList.add((Double) longOrDouble);
            } else if (node.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof ASTslice_exp) {
                node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
                // should leave two objects on the stack, High on top of Low
                // could be Long or Double

                objHigh = stack.pop();
                objLow = stack.pop();

                indexLow = getIntValue(objLow);
                indexHigh = getIntValue(objHigh);

                // indexLow is inclusive; indexHigh is exclusive

                if (indexLow > indexHigh) {
                    throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal relative values of range " + indexLow + ".." + indexHigh);

                size = numList.size();

                if (indexLow < 0 || indexLow >= size) {
                    throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal low value of range " + indexLow + ".." + indexHigh);

                if (indexHigh < 0 || indexHigh > size) {
                    throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal high value of range " + indexLow + ".." + indexHigh);

                for (int j = indexLow; j < indexHigh; j++) {
                    longOrDouble = numList.get(j);
                    if (longOrDouble instanceof Long) {
                        resultList.add((Long) longOrDouble);
                    } else {
                        resultList.add((Double) longOrDouble);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_push_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__push!($fst, $@arr)
        // two daughters
        //      regexp
        //      net_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        NetList resultList = netList;


        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_push_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__push!(#num, #@arr)
        // two daughters
        //      numexp
        //      num_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object longOrDouble = stack.pop();

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        NumList resultList = numList;

        if (longOrDouble instanceof Long) {
            resultList.push((Long) longOrDouble);
        } else {
            resultList.push((Double) longOrDouble);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_add_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__add!($@arr, $fst)
        // two daughters
        //      net_list_exp
        //      regexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        NetList resultList = netList;


        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_add_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__add!(#@arr, #num)
        // two daughters
        //      num_list_exp
        //      numexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object longOrDouble = stack.pop();

        NumList resultList = numList;

        if (longOrDouble instanceof Long) {
            resultList.add((Long) longOrDouble);
        } else {
            resultList.add((Double) longOrDouble);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_addat_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__add!($@arr, #index, $fst)
        // three daughters
        //      net_list_exp
        //      numexp
        //      regexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        int index = 0;
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            index = ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            index = ((Double) obj).intValue();

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        NetList resultList = netList;

        int size = resultList.size();
        if (index < 0 || index > size) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal index to $@^addAt!(): " + index);

        resultList.addAt(index, fst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_addat_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__add!(#@arr, #index, #num)
        // three daughters
        //      num_list_exp
        //      numexp
        //      numexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        int index = 0;
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            index = ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            index = ((Double) obj).intValue();

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object longOrDouble = stack.pop();

        NumList resultList = numList;

        int size = resultList.size();
        if (index < 0 || index > size) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal index to #@^addAt!(): " + index);

        if (longOrDouble instanceof Long) {
            resultList.addAt(index, (Long) longOrDouble);
        } else {
            resultList.addAt(index, (Double) longOrDouble);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_set_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__set!($@arr, #index, $fst)
        // three daughters
        //      net_list_exp
        //      numexp
        //      regexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        int index = 0;
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            index = ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            index = ((Double) obj).intValue();

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        NetList resultList = netList;

        int size = resultList.size();
        if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal index to $@^set!(): " + index);

        resultList.set(index, fst);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_set_dest_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__set!(#@arr, #index, #num)
        // three daughters
        //      num_list_exp
        //      numexp
        //      numexp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        int index = 0;
        if (obj instanceof Long) {
            index = ((Long) obj).intValue();
        } else {
            index = ((Double) obj).intValue();

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object longOrDouble = stack.pop();

        NumList resultList = numList;

        int size = resultList.size();
        if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal index to #@^set!(): " + index);

        if (longOrDouble instanceof Long) {
            resultList.set(index, (Long) longOrDouble);
        } else {
            resultList.set(index, (Double) longOrDouble);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_tail_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__tail($@arr)
        // one daughter
        //      net_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        // as in Scheme, Haskell and Scala, fail if the argument
        // list is empty
        if (netList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("The argument list is empty.");

        NetList resultList = new NetList();

        int size = netList.size();

        // new object has all but the zeroth element
        for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_copy_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $^__copy($@arr)
        // one daughter
        //      net_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NetList netList = (NetList) (stack.pop());

        NetList resultList = new NetList();

        int size = netList.size();

        // shallow copy
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_tail_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__tail(#@arr)
        // one daughter
        //      num_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        // as in Scheme, Haskell and Scala, fail if the argument
        // list is empty
        if (numList.isEmpty()) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("The argument list is empty.");

        NumList resultList = new NumList();

        int size = numList.size();

        Object obj = null;

        // new object has all but the zeroth element
        for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
            obj = numList.get(i);
            if (obj instanceof Long) {
                resultList.add((Long) obj);
            } else {
                resultList.add((Double) obj);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_copy_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #^__copy(#@arr)
        // one daughter
        //      num_list_exp

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        NumList numList = (NumList) (stack.pop());

        NumList resultList = new NumList();

        int size = numList.size();

        Object obj = null;

        // shallow copy
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            obj = numList.get(i);
            if (obj instanceof Long) {
                resultList.add((Long) obj);
            } else {
                resultList.add((Double) obj);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_get_sigma_func_call node, Object data) {
        // $@^__getSigma($fst)
        // one daughter
        //      regexp
        // return the sigma as an array of nets, one for each symbol in
        // the sigma (minus special chars starting "__" that should not be 
        // considered when promoting OTHER)

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        NetList resultList = new NetList();

        String specialSymbolPrefix = "__";
        HashSet<Integer> sigma = fst.getSigma();
        String symbolName = "";

        if (!sigma.isEmpty()) {
            for (Iterator<Integer> iter = sigma.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                int cpv =;
                symbolName = symmap.getsym(cpv);
                if (!(symbolName.startsWith(specialSymbolPrefix))) {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_get_sigma_func_call node, Object data) {
        // #@^__getSigma($fst)
        // one daughter
        //      regexp
        // return the sigma as an array of Integer, one for each symbol in
        // the sigma (minus special chars starting "__" that should not be
        // considered when promoting OTHER)

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        NumList resultList = new NumList();

        String specialSymbolPrefix = "__";
        HashSet<Integer> sigma = fst.getSigma();
        String symbolName = "";

        if (!sigma.isEmpty()) {
            for (Iterator<Integer> iter = sigma.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                int cpv =;
                symbolName = symmap.getsym(cpv);
                if (!(symbolName.startsWith(specialSymbolPrefix))) {
                    resultList.add(new Long(cpv));

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_get_net_func_call node, Object data) {
        // one regexp daughter, syntactically constrained
        // should represent a language of one string

        // return a handle to a network, given its name

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst netNameFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());
        //lib.FstDump(netNameFst) ;

        String net_id = lib.GetSingleString(netNameFst,
                "Argument to $^getNet() must denote a language of exactly one string");

        if (net_id.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to info (filepath) must denote a non-empty string");

        // with the String name of the fst, retrieve the Fst from the environment
        Fst fst = (Fst) env.get(net_id);
        if (fst != null) {
            // The net_id was found in a symbol table.
            // Fst is a Java wrapper object around a long int that stores a
            // (basically C++) pointer to a network.  Need to mark this
            // Fst as being "fromSymtab" if, as here, the value came from a
            // symbol table (and therefore cannot be changed, i.e. must be
            // persistent in case the net_id is referred to again).
            // leave the Fst on the stack
            return data;
        } else {
            // attempt to refer to (use) an undefined variable
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined net_id: " + net_id);

    public Object visit(ASTnet_sub_func_call node, Object data) {
        // one ASTnet_id daughter, constrained by the parser, carries the image

        // return a one-arc network that represents a reference to
        // a subnetwork (to appear inside an RTN)

        boolean openFstRtnConv = isOpenFstRtnConventions();
        // currently either OpenFstRtnConventions, or
        //               SapRtnConventions

        // In OpenFstRtnConventions, a reference to a subnet $foo is
        // an arc labeled $eps:'__$foo'

        // In SapRtnConventions, a reference to a subnet $foo is
        // an arc labeled '$foo':'$foo' (the user can also manually
        // encode $^sub($foo):$eps, which indicates, to the runtime
        // code, a mapping to epsilon)

        String specialCharPrefix = "";

        if (openFstRtnConv) {
            specialCharPrefix = "__";
        } else {
            specialCharPrefix = "";

        // get the image from the daughter
        String name = specialCharPrefix + ((ASTnet_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();

        if (openFstRtnConv) {
            stack.push(lib.OneArcFst(0, name)); // OpenFstRtnConventions
        } else {
            stack.push(lib.OneArcFst(name, name)); // SapRtnConventions

        return data;

    // currently works from the sigma, finding all __$ references whether they
    // are on the input or output side
    private void findDependencies(Fst fst, ArrayList<String> dependencies) {
        String subnetReferencePrefix = "";
        if (isOpenFstRtnConventions()) {
            subnetReferencePrefix = "__$";
        } else {
            subnetReferencePrefix = "$";
        HashSet<Integer> sigma = fst.getSigma();
        String symbolName = "";
        String netIdName = "";

        if (!sigma.isEmpty()) {
            for (Iterator<Integer> iter = sigma.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                // the name should look like "a", "b", and perhaps
                // "__$sub" (for OpenFstRtnConventions) or "$sub" (for SapRtnConventions)
                symbolName = symmap.getsym(;
                if (symbolName.startsWith(subnetReferencePrefix)) {
                    // save the subnet name, minus any prefix
                    netIdName = symbolName.substring(symbolName.indexOf("$"));
                    // avoid duplicates
                    if (!dependencies.contains(netIdName)) {

    public Object visit(ASTnet_embed_rtn_subnets_func_call node, Object data) {

        // evaluate the argument, a regexp, leaving an Fst object on the stack
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst baseFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        // Check and list dependencies (the subnetworks)
        // for the whole implied RTN, keep them in an ArrayList
        // (HashSet would be convenient, but you can't iterate through it
        // and add objects to it during the iteration).  HashSet would keep
        // out duplicates automatically--it's a bit harder with ArrayList.

        ArrayList<String> dependencies = new ArrayList<String>();

        // find all subnets referred to by the baseFst
        findDependencies(baseFst, dependencies);

        // The order of objects in the ArrayList is constant and starts at index 0

        // Now loop through the ArrayList of dependencies, which is a set (no
        // duplicates) adding new dependencies as they appear
        // (use a for-loop so that the size can grow during iteration--
        // I tried to use HashSet, but this proved impossible)

        String dep;

        // keep a set of dependencies that are not defined (any
        // undefined dependency is an error)
        HashSet<String> not_defined = new HashSet<String>();

        for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.size(); i++) {
            dep = dependencies.get(i);

            // Look up the dependency name in the symbol table.
            Fst fst = (Fst) env.get(dep);
            if (fst == null) {
                // add it to the set of undefined dependencies
            // find any additional dependencies of this dependency
            findDependencies(fst, dependencies);

        // if any dependencies are not defined, throw an exception
        if (!not_defined.isEmpty()) {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined networks: " + not_defined.toString());

        // Reaching here, the whole RTN grammar has been defined.
        // (All the required networks are available in the
        // symbol table.)

        // Create an Fst result that incorporates the subnetworks,
        // unioning them in (with special prefixes) with the base
        // network.

        // EmbeddedRtn is not destructive; copies baseFst
        // if it comes from a symbol table
        Fst resultFst = lib.EmbeddedRtn(baseFst, dependencies, "__SUBNETWORKS");
        return data;

    // current used only by net_expand_rtn_func, which works only
    // with OpenFstRtnConventions
    private void findSubnetReferences(Fst fst, ArrayList<String> subnetReferences) {
        String subnetReferencePrefix = "__$";

        // look for output-side symbols that refer to subnetworks
        // first need to get the output-side sigma

        int[] outputSigmaArray = lib.GetOutputLabels(fst);

        String symbolName;
        String netIdName;
        for (int j = 0; j < outputSigmaArray.length; j++) {
            symbolName = symmap.getsym(outputSigmaArray[j]);
            if (symbolName.startsWith(subnetReferencePrefix)) {
                // strip the prefix
                netIdName = symbolName.substring(symbolName.indexOf("$"));
                // avoid duplicates
                if (!subnetReferences.contains(netIdName)) {
                    System.out.println("New reference: " + netIdName);

    public Object visit(ASTnet_expand_rtn_func_call node, Object data) {

        // syntax  $^expandRtn(regexp)

        if (lib.isSapRtnConventions()) {
            throw new KleeneInterpreterException("$^expandRtn() is not yet implemented under SapRtnConventions");

        // evaluate the one argument, a regexp, 
        // leaving an Fst object on the stack
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst baseFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        int baseFstInt;
        if (baseFst.getFromSymtab()) {
            // then reach down into the AST to get the image
            String net_id = ((ASTnet_id) (node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtGetChild(0))).getImage();
            baseFstInt = symmap.putsym("__" + net_id);
        } else {
            baseFstInt = -1000000; // KRB: magic number

        // a HashSet would be more convenient, but you can't iterate through
        // it and add to it
        ArrayList<String> subnetReferences = new ArrayList<String>();

        // find subnet references in the baseFst
        findSubnetReferences(baseFst, subnetReferences);

        // The order of objects in the ArrayList is constant and starts at index 0

        // Now loop through the ArrayList of subnetReferences, adding new ones 
        // as they appear
        // (use a for-loop so that the size can grow during iteration--
        // I tried to use HashSet and an Iterator, but this proved impossible)

        // Collect a set of undefined networks (if any)
        HashSet<String> not_defined = new HashSet<String>();

        String subnetName;
        Fst subFst;

        for (int i = 0; i < subnetReferences.size(); i++) {
            subnetName = subnetReferences.get(i);

            // Look up the subnet name in the symbol table.
            subFst = (Fst) env.get(subnetName);
            if (subFst == null) {
                // add it to the list
            // also look for subnet references in this subnet
            findSubnetReferences(subFst, subnetReferences);

        // bail out here, with a useful Exception message, if any
        // of the required subnets are not defined.
        if (!not_defined.isEmpty()) {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Failed RTN expansion, undefined networks: " + not_defined.toString());

        // Reaching here, the whole RTN grammar has been defined.
        // (All the required networks are available in the
        // symbol table.)

        Fst resultFst = lib.ExpandRtn(baseFst, baseFstInt, subnetReferences);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdbl_ceil_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__ceil(numexp) built-in
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one numexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        Object o = stack.pop();

        // Math.ceil() always produces Double
        if (o instanceof Long) {
            stack.push(new Double(Math.ceil(((Long) o).doubleValue())));
        } else {
            stack.push(new Double(Math.ceil(((Double) o).doubleValue())));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdbl_floor_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__floor(numexp) built-in
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one numexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        Object o = stack.pop();

        // Math.floor() always produces Double
        if (o instanceof Long) {
            stack.push(new Double(Math.floor(((Long) o).doubleValue())));
        } else {
            stack.push(new Double(Math.floor(((Double) o).doubleValue())));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_round_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__round(numexp) built-in
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one numexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        Object o = stack.pop();

        // Math.round() always produces Long from a Double arg
        if (o instanceof Long) {
            stack.push(new Long(Math.round(((Long) o).doubleValue())));
        } else {
            stack.push(new Long(Math.round(((Double) o).doubleValue())));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_long_func_call node, Object data) {
        // basically a cast to Long
        // just #^__long(numexp) built-in, wrapped as #^long() and $^int()
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one numexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        Object o = stack.pop();

        // always produce Long
        if (o instanceof Long) {
            stack.push(new Long(((Long) o).longValue()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new Long(((Double) o).longValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_size_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^size(exp) wired-in

        // one daughter
        //      NetList  or NumList

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object list = stack.pop();

        Long size;

        if (list instanceof NetList) {
            NetList netList = (NetList) list;
            size = new Long((long) (netList.size()));
        } else if (list instanceof NumList) {
            NumList numList = (NumList) list;
            size = new Long((long) (numList.size()));
        } else {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Type problem with argument to $^size");

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTlng_is_empty_func_call node, Object data) {
        // one daughter
        //      NetList  or NumList

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Object list = stack.pop();

        long size;

        if (list instanceof NetList) {
            size = (long) (((NetList) list).size());
        } else if (list instanceof NumList) {
            size = (long) (((NumList) list).size());
        } else {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Type problem with argument to $^isEmpty");

        if (size == 0L) {
            // isEmpty is true
            stack.push(new Long(1L));
        } else {
            // isEmpty is false
            stack.push(new Long(0L));

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdbl_double_func_call node, Object data) {
        // basically a cast to Double
        // just #^__double(numexp) built-in, 
        //      wrapped as #^double() and #^float()
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one numexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        Object o = stack.pop();

        // always produce Long
        if (o instanceof Long) {
            stack.push(new Double(((Long) o).doubleValue()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new Double(((Double) o).doubleValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdbl_rint_func_call node, Object data) {
        // just #^__rint(numexp) built-in
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one numexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        Object o = stack.pop();

        // Math.rint(double) always produce Double
        if (o instanceof Long) {
            stack.push(new Double(Math.rint(((Long) o).doubleValue())));
        } else {
            stack.push(new Double(Math.rint(((Double) o).doubleValue())));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdbl_log_func_call node, Object data) {
        // natural log (Java Math.log(double d)
        // just #^__log(numexp) built-in, 
        //      wrapped as #^log(#num)
        // should be just one daughter: arg_list with one numexp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leaves a Long or Double object on the stack
        Object o = stack.pop();

        // always produce Long
        if (o instanceof Long) {
            stack.push(Math.log(((Long) o).doubleValue()));
        } else {
            stack.push(Math.log(((Double) o).doubleValue()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_exp node, Object data) {
        // daughter should be net_func_id or net_func_anon_exp or
        // net_func_func_call
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue object on the stack
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_exp node, Object data) {
        // daughter should be void_func_id or void_func_anon_exp or
        // void_func_func_call
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue object on the stack
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_id node, Object data) {
        // this is called for net_func_id on the right-hand-side,
        // so it needs to successfully look up the FuncValue value 
        // (or throw
        // an exception); for an assignment, e.g. $^func =
        // this visit method is not called
        String net_func_id = node.getImage();
        // value from environment should be a FuncValue object
        Object obj = env.get(net_func_id);
        if (obj != null) {
        } else {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined net_func_id: " + net_func_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_id node, Object data) {
        // this is called for void_func_id on the right-hand-side,
        // so it needs to successfully look up the value (or throw
        // an exception); for an assignment, e.g. ^func() =
        // this visit method is not called
        String void_func_id = node.getImage();
        // value from environment should be a FuncValue object
        Object obj = env.get(void_func_id);
        if (obj != null) {
            return data;
        } else {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined void_func_id: " + void_func_id);

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_anon_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters: param_list, func_block
        // collect them into a new FuncValue object 
        //      and push it on the stack
        // Don't evaluate the func_block, just get the AST itself
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        // a FuncValue also needs to store a handle to the frame
        //   in which it was defined (to get lexical scoping)
        stack.push(new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(1)));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_anon_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters: param_list func_block
        // collect them into a FuncValue object and push it on the stack
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        stack.push(new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(1)));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_func_call node, Object data) {
        //  e.g. $^^add_suff(ing) or
        //       $^^(....){...}(ing)
        //  two daughters:  net_func_func_exp  arg_list
        //  N.B. net_func_func_exp could be net_func_func_id or a 
        //   an anonymous function,
        //  so it needs to be evaluated
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue object on the stack
        FuncValue funcValue = (FuncValue) stack.pop();
        // now eval the argument list
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // the object on top of the Stack is a count of the 
        //      function arguments
        ArgCounts ac = (ArgCounts) stack.pop();

        // allocate a new Frame for the execution of the function call

        // now bind the formal params to the arg values, in the new Frame
        try {
            bind_params(funcValue.getParamArrayList(), ac, data);
            // may throw FuncCallException, a kind of RuntimeException
            // catch all Exceptions and release the Frame before rethrowing
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;
          // now execute the body of the function (a func_block)
        try {
            funcValue.getFuncBlock().jjtAccept(this, data);
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // normal release of the new Frame created for the 
        //      execution of this func call

        // Check return value; there should be an FuncValue 
        //      object left on the stack
        // by a return stmt in the funcBlock.
        Object obj = stack.peek();
        if (obj == null) {
            throw new FuncCallException("NetFunc valued function call fails to return a net function.");
        } else if (!(obj instanceof FuncValue)) {
            throw new FuncCallException("NetFunc valued function call returns incorrect type.");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_func_call node, Object data) {
        //  e.g. ^^add_suff(ing) or
        //       ^^(....){...}(ing)
        //  two daughters:  void_func_func_exp  arg_list
        //  N.B. void_func_func_exp could be void_func_func_id or 
        //   an anonymous function,
        //  so it needs to be evaluated
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave a FuncValue object on the stack
        FuncValue funcValue = (FuncValue) stack.pop();
        // now eval the argument list
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // the object on top of the Stack is a count of the 
        //      function arguments
        ArgCounts ac = (ArgCounts) stack.pop();

        // allocate a new Frame for the execution of the function call

        // now bind the formal params to the arg values, in the new Frame
        try {
            bind_params(funcValue.getParamArrayList(), ac, data);
            // may throw FuncCallException, a kind of RuntimeException
            // catch all Exceptions and release the Frame before rethrowing
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;
          // now execute the body of the function (a func_block)
        try {
            funcValue.getFuncBlock().jjtAccept(this, data);
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // normal release of the new Frame created for the 
        //      execution of this func call

        // Check return value; there should be an FuncValue object left on the stack
        // by a return stmt in the funcBlock.
        Object obj = stack.peek();
        if (obj == null) {
            throw new FuncCallException("VoidFunc valued function call fails to return a void function.");
        } else if (!(obj instanceof FuncValue)) {
            throw new FuncCallException("VoidFunc valued function call returns incorrect type.");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_func_exp node, Object data) {
        // daughter should be net_func_func_id or net_func_func_anon_exp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_func_exp node, Object data) {
        // daughter should be void_func_func_id 
        //      or void_func_func_anon_exp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_func_anon_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters: param_list func_block
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        stack.push(new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(1)));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_func_anon_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters: param_list func_block
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        stack.push(new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(1)));
        return data;

    //    public Object visit(ASTarr_index_exp node, Object data) {
    //      System.out.println("Interp: ASTarr_index_exp node not implemented.") ;
    //      // e.g. (1)
    //      return data ;
    //    }
    //    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_ref node, Object data) {
    //      System.out.println("Interp: ASTnet_list_ref node not implemented.") ;
    //      return data ;
    //    }
    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_exp node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leave the result (a handle to a NetList) on the stack
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_id node, Object data) {
        // Called only when the net_list_id is on the RHS (_not_ the LHS)
        // of an assignment statement, e.g.  $@foo

        String net_list_id = node.getImage();

        // with the String name, retrieve the NetList from the environment
        NetList netList = (NetList) env.get(net_list_id);
        if (netList != null) {
            // The net_list_id was found in a symbol table.
            // NetList is a Java wrapper object around LinkedList<Fst> 
            // that stores handles to a set of Fst objects.
            // Need to mark this
            // Array as being "fromSymtab" if, as here, the value came from a
            // symbol table (and therefore cannot be changed, i.e. must be
            // persistent in case the net_id is referred to again).
            // leave the NetList on the stack
        } else {
            // attempt to refer to (use) an undefined variable
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined net_list_id: " + net_list_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_lit node, Object data) {
        // zero or more regexp daughters
        // $@(a, b, $bar) 

        NetList netList = new NetList();
        int childcount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        Fst fst = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < childcount; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());
        // leave the result on the stack

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_call node, Object data) {
        // Usual Syntax:  $@^myunion(a, b)    has a NetList value
        //  net_list_func_call always has two daughters:
        //      net_list_func_exp  
        //      arg_list
        //  N.B. net_list_func_exp could be 
        //       net_list_func_id     e.g. $@^myfunc  OR
        //       net_list_func_anon_exp    e.g. $^(...){...}
        //  so net_list_func_exp needs to be evaluated 

        // Evaluate daughter 0, the net_list_func_exp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Should leave a FuncValue on the stack
        FuncValue funcValue = (FuncValue) stack.pop();

        // now evaluate the arg_list, which can have 0 to 2 daughters
        // arg_list
        //     positional_args
        //     named_args

        // If either daughter is present, it is non-empty.
        // If both daughters are present, 
        //      positional_args is always before named_args

        // N.B. the arguments have to be evaluated in the current Frame,
        // before allocating a new daughter frame for the execution of the
        // function body.  

        // Evaluate daughter 1, the arg_list
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave on the stack, from top down
        // 1.  an ArgCounts object (containing positional_args_count 
        //         and named_args_count)
        // 2.  the positional arguments (in syntactic order), 
        //         the number being positional_args_count
        // 3.  the named arguments (each represented by a NamedArg object), 
        //         the number being named_args_count
        // first pop off the ArgCounts object, 
        //    leaving the evaluated args (if any) on the stack
        ArgCounts ac = (ArgCounts) stack.pop();

        //  Now allocate a new Frame for execution of this function call
        //  (N.B. released below when the function returns)

        // now bind the formal params to the arg values, in the new Frame
        try {
            bind_params(funcValue.getParamArrayList(), ac, data);
            // may throw FuncCallException, a kind of RuntimeException
            // catch all Exceptions and release the frame before rethrowing
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;
          // now execute the body of the function (a func_block); more precisely,
          // send a message to the function block telling it to accept this 
          // IntepreterVisitor

        try {
            funcValue.getFuncBlock().jjtAccept(this, data);
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // normal release of the Frame created for the execution of this func call

        // Check return value; 
        //   there should be a NetList object left on the stack
        // (this is ASTnet_list_func_call) by a return stmt in the funcBlock.  
        Object obj = stack.peek();
        if (obj == null) {
            throw new FuncCallException("Net list valued function call failed to return a net list.");
        } else if (!(obj instanceof NetList)) {
            throw new FuncCallException("Net list valued function call returns incorrect type.");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_exp node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_id node, Object data) {
        // this is called for net_list_func_id on the right-hand-side,
        // so it needs to successfully look up the FuncValue value 
        // (or throw
        // an exception); for an assignment, e.g. $@^func =
        // this visit method is not called on the LHS
        String net_list_func_id = node.getImage();
        // value from environment should be a FuncValue object
        Object obj = env.get(net_list_func_id);
        if (obj != null) {
        } else {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined net_list_func_id: " + net_list_func_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_anon_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters: param_list, func_block
        // collect them into a new FuncValue object 
        //      and push it on the stack
        // Don't evaluate the func_block, just get the AST itself
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        // a FuncValue also needs to store a handle to the frame
        //   in which it was defined (to get lexical scoping)
        stack.push(new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(1)));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_func_anon_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters: param_list, func_block
        // collect them into a new FuncValue object 
        //      and push it on the stack
        // Don't evaluate the func_block, just get the AST itself
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        // a FuncValue also needs to store a handle to the frame
        //   in which it was defined (to get lexical scoping)
        stack.push(new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(1)));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_func_anon_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters: param_list, func_block
        // collect them into a new FuncValue object 
        //      and push it on the stack
        // Don't evaluate the func_block, just get the AST itself
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        // a FuncValue also needs to store a handle to the frame
        //   in which it was defined (to get lexical scoping)
        stack.push(new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(1)));
        return data;

    //    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_ref node, Object data) {
    //      System.out.println("Interp: ASTnum_func_ref node not implemented.") ;
    //      // e.g.  #@mylist(3)
    //      return data ;
    //    }
    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_exp node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // leave the result (a handle to a NumList) on the stack
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_id node, Object data) {
        // Called only when the num_list_id is on the RHS (_not_ the LHS)
        // of an assignment statement, e.g.  #@foo

        String num_list_id = node.getImage();

        // with the String name, retrieve the NumList from the environment
        NumList numList = (NumList) env.get(num_list_id);
        if (numList != null) {
            // The num_list_id was found in a symbol table.
            // NumList is a Java wrapper object around LinkedList<Object> 
            // that stores handles to a set of Long or Double objects.
            // Need to mark this
            // Array as being "fromSymtab" if, as here, the value came from a
            // symbol table (and therefore cannot be changed, i.e. must be
            // persistent in case the net_id is referred to again).
            // leave the NumList on the stack
        } else {
            // attempt to refer to (use) an undefined variable
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined num_list_id: " + num_list_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_lit node, Object data) {
        // zero or more numexp daughters
        // #@(1, 2, #num) 

        NumList numList = new NumList();
        int childcount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        Object obj = null; // will be Long or Double

        for (int i = 0; i < childcount; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            obj = stack.pop();

            // NumList has .add() methods for Long and Double
            if (obj instanceof Long) {
                numList.add((Long) obj);
            } else if (obj instanceof Double) {
                numList.add((Double) obj);
            } else {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Illegal value in number list literal.");
        // leave the result on the stack

        return data;

    void rand_common(SimpleNode node, int projection, Object data) {
        // node:
        // required first arg is a regexp()
        // optional second arg is numexp() (npathval, the number of desired paths)
        // optional third arg is numexp() (max_lengthval)

        // projection
        // 0 for input projection
        // 1 for output projection
        // 2 for leave both projections (not implemented yet)

        // evaluate the first argument (a regexp())
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        long npathval = 15L; // arbitrary magic number, default
        long max_lengthval = 50L; // arbitrary magic number, default
        int displayLimit = 500; // arbitrary magic number, default

        int childCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        if (childCount > 1) {
            // then npath is explicitly specified, e.g. 20
            //  (the user wants 20 words printed out)
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // will leave a Long or Double on the stack
            Object obj = stack.pop();

            if (obj instanceof Long) {
                npathval = ((Long) obj).longValue();
            } else {
                npathval = ((Double) obj).longValue();

        if (childCount > 2) {
            // then max_length is also explicitly specified
            node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // will leave a Long or Double on the stack
            Object obj = stack.pop();

            if (obj instanceof Long) {
                max_lengthval = ((Long) obj).longValue();
            } else {
                max_lengthval = ((Double) obj).longValue();

        // compute the random subset of fst
        Fst resultFst = lib.RandGen(fst, npathval, max_lengthval);

        String sepString = "\n";

        long stringCount = lib.NumPaths(resultFst);
        PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = null;
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI()) {
            terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

        if (stringCount == 0) {
            String msg = "(language is empty)";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {
        } else if (stringCount == -1) {
            // then has loops, infinite language
            String msg = "(language is infinite)";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {
        } else if (stringCount <= displayLimit) {
            // then just list them (parameterize this figure later)
            if (terminal != null) {
                FstStringLister lister = new FstStringLister(terminal, symmap);
                // native function;  second arg 0 is for input side, 1 for output side
                lib.ListAllStrings(resultFst, projection, lister);
            } else {
                FstSystemStringLister sysLister = new FstSystemStringLister(symmap, sepString);
                lib.ListAllStrings(resultFst, projection, sysLister);
        } else {
            String msg = "(language exceeds displayLimit: " + displayLimit + ")";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {

    public Object visit(ASTrand_input_statement node, Object data) {
        // 0 for input projection
        rand_common(node, 0, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrand_output_statement node, Object data) {
        // 1 for output projection
        rand_common(node, 1, data);
        return data;
     * See rand_common above, can't currently handle both projections with ListAllStrings()
       public Object visit(ASTrand_output_statement node, Object data) {
          // 2 for both projections
          rand_common(node, 2, data) ;
          return data ;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_call node, Object data) {
        // Usual Syntax:  #@^__tail(#@arr)    has a NumList value
        //  num_list_func_call always has two daughters:
        //      num_list_func_exp  
        //      arg_list
        //  N.B. num_list_func_exp could be 
        //       num_list_func_id     e.g. #@^myfunc  OR
        //       num_list_func_anon_exp    e.g. #^(...){...}
        //  so num_list_func_exp needs to be evaluated 

        // Evaluate daughter 0, the num_list_func_exp
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Should leave a FuncValue on the stack
        FuncValue funcValue = (FuncValue) stack.pop();

        // now evaluate the arg_list, which can have 0 to 2 daughters
        // arg_list
        //     positional_args
        //     named_args

        // If either daughter is present, it is non-empty.
        // If both daughters are present, 
        //      positional_args is always before named_args

        // N.B. the arguments have to be evaluated in the current Frame,
        // before allocating a new daughter frame for the execution of the
        // function body.  

        // Evaluate daughter 1, the arg_list
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // should leave on the stack, from top down
        // 1.  an ArgCounts object (containing positional_args_count 
        //         and named_args_count)
        // 2.  the positional arguments (in syntactic order), 
        //         the number being positional_args_count
        // 3.  the named arguments (each represented by a NamedArg object), 
        //         the number being named_args_count
        // first pop off the ArgCounts object, 
        //    leaving the evaluated args (if any) on the stack
        ArgCounts ac = (ArgCounts) stack.pop();

        //  Now allocate a new Frame for execution of this function call
        //  (N.B. released below when the function returns)

        // now bind the formal params to the arg values, in the new Frame
        try {
            bind_params(funcValue.getParamArrayList(), ac, data);
            // may throw FuncCallException, a kind of RuntimeException
            // catch all Exceptions and release the frame before rethrowing
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;
          // now execute the body of the function (a func_block); more precisely,
          // send a message to the function block telling it to accept this 
          // IntepreterVisitor

        try {
            funcValue.getFuncBlock().jjtAccept(this, data);
        } catch (RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } // catch (Exception e) {
          //   env.releaseFrame() ;
          //   throw e ;

        // normal release of the Frame created for the execution of this func call

        // Check return value; 
        //   there should be a NumList object left on the stack
        // (this is ASTnum_list_func_call) by a return stmt in the funcBlock.  
        Object obj = stack.peek();
        if (obj == null) {
            throw new FuncCallException("Number list valued function call failed to return a number list.");
        } else if (!(obj instanceof NumList)) {
            throw new FuncCallException("Number list valued function call returns incorrect type.");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_exp node, Object data) {
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_id node, Object data) {
        // this is called for num_list_func_id on the right-hand-side,
        // so it needs to successfully look up the FuncValue value 
        // (or throw
        // an exception); for an assignment, e.g. #@^func =
        // this visit method is not called on the LHS
        String num_list_func_id = node.getImage();
        // value from environment should be a FuncValue object
        Object obj = env.get(num_list_func_id);
        if (obj != null) {
        } else {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined num_list_func_id: " + num_list_func_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_func_id node, Object data) {
        // this is called for num_list_func_func_id on the right-hand-side,
        // so it needs to successfully look up the FuncValue value 
        // (or throw
        // an exception); for an assignment, e.g. #@^func =
        // this visit method is not called on the LHS
        String num_list_func_func_id = node.getImage();
        // value from environment should be a FuncValue object
        Object obj = env.get(num_list_func_func_id);
        if (obj != null) {
        } else {
            throw new UndefinedIdException("Undefined num_list_func_func_id: " + num_list_func_func_id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_anon_exp node, Object data) {
        // two daughters: param_list, func_block
        // collect them into a new FuncValue object 
        //      and push it on the stack
        // Don't evaluate the func_block, just get the AST itself
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = (ArrayList<ParamSlot>) stack.pop();
        // a FuncValue also needs to store a handle to the frame
        //   in which it was defined (to get lexical scoping)
        stack.push(new FuncValue(env.getCurrentFrame(), pal, (ASTfunc_block) node.jjtGetChild(1)));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTany node, Object data) {
        // syntax is just  .   (dot)
        Fst anyFst = lib.SigmaFst();
        // The # symbol used in rules should never be matched by . (any) KRB ruleany
        // Rethink: 2015-01-18 the OTHER in a _rule_ FST should not match #
        //anyFst.getSigma().add(symmap.putsym(hulden.ruleWordBoundarySym)) ;
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTany_any node, Object data) {
        // syntax is just  .:. (perhaps with whitespace), tokenized
        //   as a single token (may contain whitespace)
        Fst anyAnyFst = lib.SigmaSigmaFst();
        // The # symbol used in rules should never be matches by .:. KRB ruleany
        // Rethink: 2015-01-18 the OTHER in a _rule_ FST should not match #
        //anyAnyFst.getSigma().add(symmap.putsym(hulden.ruleWordBoundarySym)) ;
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTepsilon node, Object data) {
        // syntax is just U+03F5 or _e_
        // denotes the empty string language
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTarg_list node, Object data) {
        // any positional arguments must appear before any named
        //    arguments (syntactically constrained)
        // arg_list             0 to 2 daughters
        //       positional_args
        //             XXX_exp
        //             XXX_exp
        //             ...
        //       named_args
        //           XXX_with_assignment
        //           XXX_with_assignment
        //           ...
        // if either _args daughter is there, it is non-empty

        int positional_args_count = 0;
        int named_args_count = 0;

        int childCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        if (childCount == 2) {
            // then there are both positional and named args;
            // N.B.  DO THE NAMED ARGS FIRST!! All arg values will be
            // pushed on the stack in the reverse of their syntactic order,
            // so that they can be popped off in the original 
            //      syntactic order.

            // evaluate the named_args first (child 1)
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // leaves an Integer object on top of the stack
            named_args_count = ((Integer) stack.pop()).intValue();
            // and it leaves the names-values on the stack in 
            //      NamedArg objects

            // then evaluate the positional_args (child 0)
            node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // leaves an Integer object on top of the stack
            positional_args_count = ((Integer) stack.pop()).intValue();
            // and it leaves the arg value objects on the stack

        } else if (childCount == 1) {
            // then there are positional XOR named args
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(0);
            if (obj instanceof ASTpositional_args) {
                node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
                positional_args_count = ((Integer) stack.pop()).intValue();
            } else {
                node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
                named_args_count = ((Integer) stack.pop()).intValue();
        // leave on top of the stack an ArgCounts object that records the
        // number of positional_args and the number of named_args
        stack.push(new ArgCounts(positional_args_count, named_args_count));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTpositional_args node, Object data) {
        int positional_args_count = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // The daughters are various kinds of _exp
        // loop backwards through the positional args, pushing the values
        // on the stack (so that they can be popped off in syntactic order)
        for (int i = positional_args_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // leaves a value object (FST, Long, Double, whatever...) 
            //      on the stack
        // leave on top of the stack the count
        stack.push(new Integer(positional_args_count));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnamed_args node, Object data) {
        int named_args_count = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        // each daughter is an XXX_with_assignment
        // loop backwards through the named args, pushing NamedArg 
        //      objects on the stack
        // (so that they can be popped off in the original syntactic order)
        //   IS SIGNIFICANT, but I'm
        // pushing all the args on the stack in reverse syntactic order
        for (int i = named_args_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            ((InterpData) data).setIsArg(true);
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // should leave a NamedArg object on the stack
        // add on top of the stack the count
        stack.push(new Integer(named_args_count));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTparam_list node, Object data) {
        // param_list            0 to 2 daughters
        //     required_params   (names, no default value indicated)
        //     optional_params   (names with default values indicated)
        // both the required_params and optional_params are optional 
        //   (so param_list may be empty)
        // when a function is defined, it may have required_params 
        //      and/or optional_params
        //     (the optional params have default values indicated).  
        // The default values, 
        // if any, need to be computed and stored at define time (in an
        // ArrayList<ParamSlot>).

        ArrayList<ParamSlot> pal = new ArrayList<ParamSlot>();
        // this pal will be pushed on the stack
        // will consist of ParamSlot objects, in syntactic order

        // initially assume no params at all
        ASTrequired_params required_params = null;
        ASToptional_params optional_params = null;

        int paramListChildCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        if (paramListChildCount == 2) {
            // then there is an ASTrequired_params, followed by
            // an ASToptional_params
            required_params = (ASTrequired_params) node.jjtGetChild(0);
            optional_params = (ASToptional_params) node.jjtGetChild(1);
        } else if (paramListChildCount == 1) {
            Object obj = node.jjtGetChild(0);
            if (obj instanceof ASTrequired_params) {
                required_params = (ASTrequired_params) obj;
            } else {
                optional_params = (ASToptional_params) obj;

        // required params do not have default values
        if (required_params != null) {
            int required_param_count = required_params.jjtGetNumChildren();

            for (int i = 0; i < required_param_count; i++) {
                // process the params in syntactic order
                Object p = required_params.jjtGetChild(i);
                // need to get the image and store it in a ParamSlot
                String image = "";

                if (p instanceof ASTnet_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnet_id) p).getImage();
                } else if (p instanceof ASTnet_func_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnet_func_id) p).getImage();
                } else if (p instanceof ASTnet_func_func_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnet_func_func_id) p).getImage();

                } else if (p instanceof ASTnet_list_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnet_list_id) p).getImage();
                } else if (p instanceof ASTnet_list_func_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnet_list_func_id) p).getImage();
                } else if (p instanceof ASTnet_list_func_func_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnet_list_func_func_id) p).getImage();

                } else if (p instanceof ASTnum_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnum_id) p).getImage();
                } else if (p instanceof ASTnum_func_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnum_func_id) p).getImage();
                } else if (p instanceof ASTnum_func_func_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnum_func_func_id) p).getImage();

                } else if (p instanceof ASTnum_list_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnum_list_id) p).getImage();
                } else if (p instanceof ASTnum_list_func_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnum_list_func_id) p).getImage();
                } else if (p instanceof ASTnum_list_func_func_id) {
                    image = ((ASTnum_list_func_func_id) p).getImage();

                } else {
                    throw new UndefinedIdException(
                            "Error checking required params.  See interpreter ASTparam_list");

                // add a ParamSlot to the pal (name, but no default value)
                pal.add(new ParamSlot(image));

        if (optional_params != null) {
            // optional params in function definitions have default 
            //   values indicated
            int optional_param_count = optional_params.jjtGetNumChildren();
            for (int i = 0; i < optional_param_count; i++) {
                // Optional params are much like assignment statements; 
                //   need to get the assigned ID name (the LHS) as a String,
                //  without actually evaluating it.  
                // Each daughter of optional params has the form
                // XXX_with_assignment
                //     XXX                            child 0
                //     an expression of that type     child 1
                // Each pair (id-value) will be pushed on the stack 
                //      as a ParamSlot object

                ((InterpData) data).setIsArg(false);
                // arg vs. param, this is a parameter
                optional_params.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
                // the "param" (not arg) setting tells the method to push a 
                //    ParamSlot rather than a NamedArg

                // add the new ParamSlot to the pal, with the default value
                pal.add((ParamSlot) stack.pop());

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrequired_params node, Object data) {
        // not called directly
        // see ASTparam_list
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASToptional_params node, Object data) {
        // not called directly
        // see ASTparam_list 
        return data;

    // the following with_assignment nodes found both in
    // param_list/optional_params and in arg_list/named_args ;
    // Called with data being InterpData, as usual, with
    // .getIsArg() either true (an argument) or false (a parameter)
    // for .getIsArg() == true push a NamedArg object
    // for .getIsArg() == false push a ParamSlot object

    public Object visit(ASTnet_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTnet_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTnet_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTvoid_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_func_func_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTnet_func_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTvoid_func_func_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTvoid_func_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTnet_list_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTnet_list_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;
    //public Object visit(ASTnet_list_func_func_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
    //   String image = ((ASTnet_list_func_func_id)node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage() ;
    //   node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
    //   if (((InterpData)data).getIsArg()) {
    //      stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()) ;
    //   } else {
    //      stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()) ;
    //   }
    //   return data ;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTnum_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTnum_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_func_func_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTnum_func_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTnum_list_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
        String image = ((ASTnum_list_func_id) node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage();
        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (((InterpData) data).getIsArg()) {
            stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()));
        } else {
            stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()));
        return data;
    //public Object visit(ASTnum_list_func_func_id_with_assignment node, Object data) {
    //   String image = ((ASTnum_list_func_func_id)node.jjtGetChild(0)).getImage() ;
    //   node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data) ;
    //   if (((InterpData)data).getIsArg()) {
    //      stack.push(new NamedArg(image, stack.pop()) ;
    //   } else {
    //      stack.push(new ParamSlot(image, stack.pop()) ;
    //   }
    //   return data ;

    public Object visit(ASTexternal_statement node, Object data) {
        // one or more children, of various _id types
        int numChildren = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        String img = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
            Object idobj = node.jjtGetChild(i);

            if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_id) idobj).getImage();

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTrrprod_id) {
                img = ((ASTrrprod_id) idobj).getImage();

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_func_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_list_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_list_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_list_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_list_func_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_list_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_list_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_func_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_list_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_list_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_list_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_list_func_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_list_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_list_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTvoid_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTvoid_func_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTvoid_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTvoid_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();

            // bind the img to an ExternValue object
            // in the current frame
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTexport_statement node, Object data) {
        // one or more children, of various _id types
        int numChildren = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        String img = null;
        String icon = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
            Object idobj = node.jjtGetChild(i);

            if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.NET_IMAGE;

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTrrprod_id) {
                img = ((ASTrrprod_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.RRPROD_IMAGE;

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_func_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE;

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE;

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_list_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_list_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE; // KRB fix
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_list_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_list_func_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE; // KRB fix
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_list_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_list_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE; // KRB fix

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.NUM_IMAGE;

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_func_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE;

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE;

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_list_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_list_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE; // KRB fix

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_list_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_list_func_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE; // KRB fix

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_list_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_list_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE; // KRB fix

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTvoid_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTvoid_func_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE;
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTvoid_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTvoid_func_id) idobj).getImage();
                icon = SymtabIcons.FUNC_IMAGE;

            // Find the value bound to img in the currentFrame
            // and "export" that name-value binding to the
            // dynamicMother Frame

            if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true && env.getCurrentFrame().getDynamicMother() == mainFrame) {

                // add an Icon to the Symtab window
                addToGUISymtab(img, icon, data);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdelete_statement node, Object data) {
        // one or more children, of various _id types
        int numChildren = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        String img = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
            Object idobj = node.jjtGetChild(i);

            if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_id) {

                // THERE MAY BE MULTIPLE IDs

                img = ((ASTnet_id) idobj).getImage();

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTrrprod_id) {
                img = ((ASTrrprod_id) idobj).getImage();

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_func_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_list_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_list_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_list_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnet_list_func_id) idobj).getImage();
                //} else if (idobj instanceof ASTnet_list_func_func_id) {
                //   img = ((ASTnet_list_func_func_id)idobj).getImage() ;

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_func_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_list_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_list_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_list_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_list_func_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTnum_list_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTnum_list_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();

            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTvoid_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTvoid_func_id) idobj).getImage();
            } else if (idobj instanceof ASTvoid_func_func_id) {
                img = ((ASTvoid_func_func_id) idobj).getImage();

            Frame foundFrame = null;
            foundFrame = env.remove(img); // frame where img was
                                          // found and removed
            if (foundFrame == mainFrame) {
                // Returns the Frame where a real key-object entry was
                // removed, else null
                // if the GUI is active, remove the icon from the 
                // GUI symtab window
                final String fimg = img;
                final Object fdata = data;
                if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI()) {
                    if (javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
                        removeFromGUISymtab(fimg, fdata);

                    } else {
                        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                removeFromGUISymtab(fimg, fdata);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTdelete_all_statement node, Object data) {
        // no children
        // find all networks, productions, etc. defined in 
        // currentFrame and delete them

        Frame currentFrame = env.getCurrentFrame();
        HashSet<String> keySet = currentFrame.keySet();

        boolean inGUI = false;
        PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = null;

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true) {
            inGUI = true;
            terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

        for (Iterator<String> i = keySet.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            String key =;

            Object obj = currentFrame.get(key);

            // don't try to delete entries where the value is
            // a FreeVariable, indicating that the key would
            // looked up in this scope as a free variable.
            if (!(obj instanceof FreeVariable)) {

                Frame foundFrame = null;
                foundFrame = env.remove(key);

                final String fkey = key;
                final Object fdata = data;
                if (foundFrame == mainFrame) {
                    if (inGUI) {
                        if (javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
                            removeFromGUISymtab(fkey, fdata);

                        } else {
                            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                                public void run() {
                                    removeFromGUISymtab(fkey, fdata);
                if (inGUI) {
                    final PseudoTerminalInternalFrame fterminal = terminal;
                    if (javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
                        fterminal.appendToHistory("// Deleting " + fkey);
                    } else {
                        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                fterminal.appendToHistory("// Deleting " + fkey);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASToptimize_statement node, Object data) {
        // syntax:   optimize  $foo, $bar ... ;
        //     or    optimize! $foo, $bar ... ;
        // (optimization is always done in place)
        // one or more children, all of type net_id(), syntactically constrained
        int numChildren = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // look up the net_id, leaves handle to an Fst object on the stack
            Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
            // force the optimization, even if user has set
            // default optimization (or parts: determinize, minimize,
            // rmepsilon) to false
        return data;

    private void runGC(boolean inGUI, PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal) {
        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

        int gcIterations = 12; // KRB: magic number
        for (int i = 0; i < gcIterations; i++) {
            if (inGUI) {
                terminal.appendToHistory("// Outer Iteration");
                terminal.appendToHistory("// Before      After");
            } else {
                System.out.println("// Outer Iteration");
                System.out.println("// Before      After");
            _runGC(inGUI, terminal, runtime);

    private long getMemInUse(Runtime runtime) {
        return runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();

    private void _runGC(boolean inGUI, PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal, Runtime runtime) {
        long memInUseAfter = getMemInUse(runtime), memInUseBefore = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int j = 0; (memInUseAfter < memInUseBefore) && (j < 10); // KRB: magic number
                j++) {

            memInUseBefore = memInUseAfter;
            memInUseAfter = getMemInUse(runtime);
            if (inGUI) {
                terminal.appendToHistory(memInUseBefore + "    " + memInUseAfter);
            } else {
                System.out.println(memInUseBefore + "    " + memInUseAfter);

    public Object visit(ASTgarbage_collect_statement node, Object data) {
        boolean inGUI = ((InterpData) data).getInGUI();
        PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = null;
        if (inGUI) {
            terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();
            terminal.appendToHistory("// Suggesting Java garbage collection");

        runGC(inGUI, terminal);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTmemory_report_statement node, Object data) {
        Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
        long max = r.maxMemory();
        long total = r.totalMemory();
        long free = r.freeMemory();
        long inuse = total - free;

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true) {
            PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

            terminal.appendToHistory("// " + max + " max memory that Java will try to use");
            terminal.appendToHistory("// " + total + " total memory");
            terminal.appendToHistory("// " + free + " free");
            terminal.appendToHistory("// " + inuse + " in use (total - free)");
        } else {
            System.out.println("// " + max + " max memory that Java will try to use");
            System.out.println("// " + total + " total memory");
            System.out.println("// " + free + " free memory");
            System.out.println("// " + inuse + " memory in use (total - free)");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTfsts_report_statement node, Object data) {
        int fstsAllocated = Fst.getCountOfFstsAllocated();
        int callsToFinalize = Fst.getCountOfCallsToFinalize();
        int fstsFinalized = Fst.getCountOfFstsFinalized();
        int fstsOpen = fstsAllocated - fstsFinalized;

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true) {
            PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

            terminal.appendToHistory("// " + fstsAllocated + " allocated");
            terminal.appendToHistory("// " + callsToFinalize + " calls to finalize()");
            terminal.appendToHistory("// " + fstsFinalized + " finalized");
            terminal.appendToHistory("// " + fstsOpen + " open");
        } else {
            System.out.println("// " + fstsAllocated + " allocated");
            System.out.println("// " + callsToFinalize + " calls to finalize()");
            System.out.println("// " + fstsFinalized + " finalized");
            System.out.println("// " + fstsOpen + " open");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTsymtab_report_statement node, Object data) {
        HashSet<String> hs = mainFrame.keySet();
        Iterator<String> i = hs.iterator();

        PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = null;
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true) {
            terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

        while (i.hasNext()) {
            String id =;
            if (terminal != null) {
                terminal.appendToHistory("// " + id);
            } else {
                System.out.println("// " + id);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTgsymtab_report_statement node, Object data) {
        HashSet<String> hs = mainFrame.getStaticMother().keySet();
        Iterator<String> i = hs.iterator();

        PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = null;
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true) {
            terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

        while (i.hasNext()) {
            String id =;
            if (terminal != null) {
                terminal.appendToHistory("// " + id);
            } else {
                System.out.println("// " + id);
        return data;

    // see also ASTnet_rmepsilon_func_call
    public Object visit(ASTrmEpsilon_statement node, Object data) {
        // one or more children, all net_id()s
        // syntax:  rmEpsilon  regex [(comma)? regex]* ;
        // These rmEpsilon operations are to be done In Place
        int numChildren = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
        return data;

    // see also ASTnet_determinize_func_call

    // BOTH ARE DANGEROUS -- could be called on networks that are
    // not determinizable

    public Object visit(ASTdeterminize_statement node, Object data) {
        // one or more children, net_id()s
        // syntax:  determinize  regex [(comma)? regex]* ;
        // or       determinize! ...
        // typically:  determinize $net ;
        // These determinize operations are to be done In Place, so that any
        //   other aliases to $net also point to the determinized result.
        int numChildren = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        return data;

    // see also ASTnet_minimize_func_call

    public Object visit(ASTminimize_statement node, Object data) {
        // one or more children, net_id()s
        // syntax:  minimize  regex [(comma)? regex]* ;
        // These minimize operations are to be done In Place
        int numChildren = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        boolean inGUI = false;
        PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = null;

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI() == true) {
            inGUI = true;
            terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
            ASTnet_id obj = (ASTnet_id) node.jjtGetChild(i);
            String img = obj.getImage();
            obj.jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();
            if (!lib.IsIDeterministic(fst)) {
                String warningMsg = "// WARNING: The network argument to be minimized, " + img
                        + ", must first be determinized.";

                if (inGUI) {
                } else {
            } else {
                // the network is deterministic, so it can be minimized
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTsynchronize_statement node, Object data) {
        // one or more children, net_id()s
        // syntax:  synchronize  regex [(comma)? regex]* ;
        // or       synchronize! ...
        // typically:  synchronize $net ;
        // These synchronize operations are to be done In Place, so that any
        //   other aliases to $net also point to the synchronized result.
        int numChildren = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
            node.jjtGetChild(i).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst fst = (Fst) stack.pop();

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTinfo_statement node, Object data) {
        // one daughter:  some kind of expression, (output to the GUI) 
        // or two:        some kind of expression, filepath
        //                    (output to file, default encoding of
        //                    the OS)
        // or three:      some kind of expression, filepath, encoding
        //                  (output to file, user-specified
        //                  encoding)

        int numChildren = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

        String filePath = "";
        String encoding = "-"; // OS default

        if (numChildren >= 2) {
            // set the filepath for the output
            // Child #1 should indicate the file name
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst filePathFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            filePath = lib.GetSingleString(filePathFst,
                    "Second arg to info (filepath) must denote a language of exactly one string.");

            if (filePath.length() == 0) {
                throw new KleeneArgException(
                        "Second arg to info (filepath) must denote a language of exactly one non-empty string");


        if (numChildren == 3) {
            // set the encoding
            // Child #2 should specify the encoding
            node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst encodingFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            encoding = lib.GetSingleString(encodingFst,
                    "Third arg to info (encoding) must denote a language of exactly one string.");

            if (encoding.length() == 0) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to info (encoding) must denote a non-empty string");


        InfoWriter infoWriter = null;
        // InfoWriter Java class knows how to write output,
        // takes care of the encoding

        if (numChildren >= 2) {
            String fullpath = getFullpath(filePath);

            if (encoding.equals("-")) { // get current OS encoding
                encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
            infoWriter = new InfoWriter(new File(fullpath), encoding);

        // if the output is to file, or we are in the GUI (i.e. just one daughter)
        // (else it's in a script, with no output file indicated, 
        //    and output makes no sense)

        boolean inGUI = ((InterpData) data).getInGUI();

        // Get the object for which info is desired
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Should leave object on the stack
        Object obj = stack.pop();

        PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = null;
        if (numChildren == 1 && inGUI) {
            // output to the GUI terminal
            terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

        String infoString = "";

        if (obj instanceof Fst) {
            Fst fst = (Fst) obj;
            // see Java func basicFstInfo() above
            infoString = "// " + basicFstInfo(fst);
        } else if (obj instanceof Long) {
            infoString = "// Long value: " + ((Long) obj).longValue();
        } else if (obj instanceof Double) {
            infoString = "// Double value: " + ((Double) obj).doubleValue();
        } else if (obj instanceof NetList) {
            infoString = "// Network list value: " + "Size: " + ((NetList) obj).size();
        } else if (obj instanceof NumList) {
            infoString = "// Number list value: " + "Size: " + ((NumList) obj).size();
        } else {
            infoString = "// No info display implemented yet for this datatype.";

        if (numChildren == 1) {
            if (inGUI) {
            } else {
        } else {

        if (infoWriter != null) {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTtest_statement node, Object data) {
        // syntax:  test $foo ;
        //         test a*b+[d-g]? ;
        //         test $foo, "$foo" ;
        // the first required daughter, any ASTregexp, is the
        //      network to be tested
        // test makes no sense outside the GUI

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI()) {
            // evaluate the zeroth child (the regexp)
            node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // should leave an Fst object on the stack
            Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            // the second daughter, the test-window title, is optional
            String title;
            if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
                // then a title was specified for the test window
                node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
                Fst pathFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

                title = lib.GetSingleString(pathFst,
                        "Second arg to test must denote a language of exactly one string.");
            } else {
                title = "Anonymous Fst";

            // TranslitTokenizerBuilder is a class that knows how to make 
            //      ICU4J Transliterators to tokenize a raw input string 
            //      (including finding user-defined multichar symbols); 
            // In the Xerox/PARC tradition, separate Transliterators are 
            //      made for the upper ("input" for OpenFst) and 
            //       lower ("output" for OpenFst) sides

            TranslitTokenizerBuilder ttb = new TranslitTokenizerBuilder(symmap, fst.getSigma(), lib);

            // Iterate4mcs (knows how to iterate 
            //      through the Fst)
            // Calls back to    .registerMcsInput() or 
            //               .registerMcsOutput() method 
            //    in the TranslitTokenizerBuilder ttb for each new 
            //   Multichar Symbol found on the input or output side, 
            //   respectively.  It needs to know the SymMap's
            //    .getStartPuaCpv() so that it knows what a multichar
            //   symbol is (in the network being visited, the labels
            //   are just integers)

            lib.Iterate4mcs(fst, ttb, symmap.getStartPuaCpv());

            boolean inputSide = true;
            boolean outputSide = false;

            // used to tokenize string input for generation 
            // (matched against the upper/"input" side)
            // 'true' arg means to consider only the multi-char 
            //      symbols on the Input Side
            Transliterator trInput = ttb.getTranslitTokenizer(inputSide);

            // used to tokenize string input for analysis (matched against 
            //    the lower/"output" side)
            // 'false' arg means to consider only multi-char symbols 
            //      on the Output Side
            Transliterator trOutput = ttb.getTranslitTokenizer(outputSide);

            // display special JInternalFrame where the user can type 
            //      in input for testing
            TestFstInternalFrame tfif = new TestFstInternalFrame(title, env, trInput, trOutput, symmap, fst, this,

            KleeneGUI g = ((InterpData) data).getGUI();


        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTassert_statement node, Object data) {
        // daughters:
        //       numexp()      // boolean, required
        //       regexp()      // optional, should denote a single-string language

        // evaluate the numexp(), interpret as boolean (true or false)
        // if not true, then throw an AssertException
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (!lib.isTrue(stack.pop())) {
            String msg = "";
            if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
                node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
                Fst msgFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());
                msg = lib.GetSingleString(msgFst,
                        "Second arg to assert() must denote a language of exactly one string");
            throw new AssertException(msg);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTrequire_statement node, Object data) {
        // daughters:
        //       numexp()      // boolean, required
        //       regexp()      // optional, should denote a single-string language

        // evaluate the numexp(), interpret as boolean (true or false)
        // if not true, then throw an AssertException
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        if (!lib.isTrue(stack.pop())) {
            String msg = "";
            if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
                node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
                Fst msgFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());
                msg = lib.GetSingleString(msgFst,
                        "Second arg to require() must denote a language of exactly one string");
            throw new RequireException(msg);
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTprint_statement node, Object data) {
        // the first required daughter, an ASTregexp; this is the 
        //      net to list
        // second optional daughter is the separator to print after 
        //      each string

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        if (!lib.IsAcceptor(fst)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("First arg to print must denote a language, not a relation.");

        String sepString = "\n"; // default newline separator
        if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst sepFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            sepString = lib.GetSingleString(sepFst,
                    "Second arg to print must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        int displayLimit = 100;

        long stringCount = lib.NumPaths(fst);
        PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = null;
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI()) {
            terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

        if (stringCount == 0) {
            String msg = "(language is empty)";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {
        } else if (stringCount == -1) {
            // then has loops, infinite language
            String msg = "(language is infinite)";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {
        } else if (stringCount <= displayLimit) {
            // then just list them (parameterize this figure later)
            if (terminal != null) {
                FstStringLister lister = new FstStringLister(terminal, symmap);
                // native function;  second arg 0 is for input side, 1 for output side
                lib.ListAllStrings(fst, 0, lister);
            } else {
                FstSystemStringLister sysLister = new FstSystemStringLister(symmap, sepString);
                lib.ListAllStrings(fst, 0, sysLister);
        } else {
            String msg = "(language exceeds displayLimit: " + displayLimit + ")";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {

        return data;

    // pr_statement doesn't print out the weights
    public Object visit(ASTpr_statement node, Object data) {
        // the first required daughter, an ASTregexp; this is the 
        //      net to list
        // second optional daughter is the separator to print after 
        //      each string

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        if (!lib.IsAcceptor(fst)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("First arg to print must denote a language, not a relation.");

        String sepString = "\n"; // default newline separator
        if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst sepFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            sepString = lib.GetSingleString(sepFst,
                    "Second arg to print must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        int displayLimit = 100;

        long stringCount = lib.NumPaths(fst);
        PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = null;
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI()) {
            terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

        if (stringCount == 0) {
            String msg = "(language is empty)";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {
        } else if (stringCount == -1) {
            // then has loops, infinite language
            String msg = "(language is infinite)";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {
        } else if (stringCount <= displayLimit) {
            // then just list them (parameterize this figure later)
            if (terminal != null) {
                FstStringLister lister = new FstStringLister(terminal, symmap);
                // native function;  second arg 0 is for input side, 1 for output side
                lib.ListAllStringsNoWeight(fst, 0, lister);
            } else {
                FstSystemStringLister sysLister = new FstSystemStringLister(symmap, sepString);
                lib.ListAllStringsNoWeight(fst, 0, sysLister);
        } else {
            String msg = "(language exceeds displayLimit: " + displayLimit + ")";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTexception_statement node, Object data) {
        // one required daughter, an ASTregexp; this is the 
        //      exception message (it must denote a language of one
        //      string)

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        try {
            String excMsg = lib.GetSingleString(fst,
                    "The message to an exception statement must denote a language of exactly one string.");
            throw new KleeneInterpreterException(excMsg);
        } catch (Exception exc) {
            return data;

    public Object visit(ASTprintln_statement node, Object data) {
        // one daughter, an ASTregexp; this is the net to list

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        if (!lib.IsAcceptor(fst)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("First arg to print must denote a language, not a relation.");

        String sepString = "\n";

        int displayLimit = 100;

        long stringCount = lib.NumPaths(fst);
        PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = null;
        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI()) {
            terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

        if (stringCount == 0) {
            String msg = "(language is empty)";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {
        } else if (stringCount == -1) {
            // then has loops, infinite language
            String msg = "(language is infinite)";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {
        } else if (stringCount <= displayLimit) {
            // then just list them (parameterize this figure later)
            if (terminal != null) {
                FstStringLister lister = new FstStringLister(terminal, symmap);
                // native function;  second arg 0 is for input side, 1 for output side
                lib.ListAllStrings(fst, 0, lister);
            } else {
                FstSystemStringLister sysLister = new FstSystemStringLister(symmap, sepString);
                lib.ListAllStrings(fst, 0, sysLister);
        } else {
            String msg = "(language exceeds displayLimit: " + displayLimit + ")";
            if (terminal != null) {
            } else {
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTsys_print_statement node, Object data) {
        // the first required daughter, an ASTregexp; this is the 
        //      net to list
        // second optional daughter is the separator to print after 
        //      each string

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        if (!lib.IsAcceptor(fst)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("First arg to print must denote a language, not a relation.");

        String sepString = "\n";
        if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst sepFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            sepString = lib.GetSingleString(sepFst,
                    "Second arg to print must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        int displayLimit = 100;

        long stringCount = lib.NumPaths(fst);

        if (stringCount == 0) {
            String msg = "(language is empty)";
        } else if (stringCount == -1) {
            // then has loops, infinite language
            String msg = "(language is infinite)";
        } else if (stringCount <= displayLimit) {
            // then just list them (parameterize this figure later)
            FstSystemStringLister sysLister = new FstSystemStringLister(symmap, sepString);
            lib.ListAllStrings(fst, 0, sysLister);
        } else {
            String msg = "(language exceeds displayLimit: " + displayLimit + ")";

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTsys_println_statement node, Object data) {
        // one daughter, an ASTregexp; this is the net to list

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        if (!lib.IsAcceptor(fst)) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("First arg to print must denote a language, not a relation.");

        String sepString = "\n";

        int displayLimit = 100;

        long stringCount = lib.NumPaths(fst);

        if (stringCount == 0) {
            String msg = "(language is empty)";
        } else if (stringCount == -1) {
            // then has loops, infinite language
            String msg = "(language is infinite)";
        } else if (stringCount <= displayLimit) {
            // then just list them (parameterize this figure later)
            FstSystemStringLister sysLister = new FstSystemStringLister(symmap, sepString);
            lib.ListAllStrings(fst, 0, sysLister);
        } else {
            String msg = "(language exceeds displayLimit: " + displayLimit + ")";
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTtestTokensTextFile_statement node, Object data) {
        // Total: 11 regexp arguments, syntactically constrained
        // 0.  the Fst to test

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst testFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        // 1.  path of the input file

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String inputFilePath = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Second arg to testTokensTextFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (inputFilePath.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException(
                    "Second arg to testTokensTextFile must denote a language of exactly one non-empty string");

        // 2.  encoding of the input file

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String inputFileEncoding = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Third arg to testTokensTextFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (inputFileEncoding.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to testTokensTextFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 3.  path of the output file

        node.jjtGetChild(3).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String outputFilePath = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Fourth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (outputFilePath.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Fourth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 4.  encoding of the output file

        node.jjtGetChild(4).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String outputFileEncoding = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Fifth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (outputFileEncoding.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Fifth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote one non-empty string");

        //          And for the XML output

        // 5.  name of the root element

        node.jjtGetChild(5).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String rootElmtName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Sixth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (rootElmtName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Sixth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 6.  name of the token element

        node.jjtGetChild(6).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String tokenElmtName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Seventh arg to testTokensTextFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (tokenElmtName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Seventh arg to testTokensTextFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 7.  name of the input element

        node.jjtGetChild(7).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String inputElmtName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Eighth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (inputElmtName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Eighth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 8.  name of the outputs element (N.B. plural)

        node.jjtGetChild(8).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String outputsElmtName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Ninth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (outputsElmtName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Ninth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 9.  name of the output element  (N.B. singular)

        node.jjtGetChild(9).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String outputElmtName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Tenth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (outputElmtName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Tenth arg to testTokensTextFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 10.  name of the weight attr in the output elmt

        node.jjtGetChild(10).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String weightAttrName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Eleventh arg to testTokensTextFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (weightAttrName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Eleventh arg to testTokensTextFile must denote one non-empty string");

        String fullpath = getFullpath(inputFilePath);

        TranslitTokenizerBuilder ttb = new TranslitTokenizerBuilder(symmap, testFst.getSigma(), lib);
        lib.Iterate4mcs(testFst, ttb, symmap.getStartPuaCpv());
        Transliterator trInput = ttb.getTranslitTokenizer(true); // true for input side

        try {
            BufferedReader in = null;
            if (inputFileEncoding.equals("default") || inputFileEncoding.equals("-")) {
                // get the current default encoding of the operating system
                inputFileEncoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
            if (inputFileEncoding.equals("UTF-8")) {
                in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                        new UTF8BOMStripperInputStream(new FileInputStream(fullpath)), inputFileEncoding));
            } else {
                in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fullpath), inputFileEncoding));

            // now try to open the output file 
            fullpath = getFullpath(outputFilePath);

            BufferedWriter out = null;
            if (outputFileEncoding.equals("default") || outputFileEncoding.equals("-")) {
                // get the current default encoding of the operating system
                outputFileEncoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
            out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fullpath), outputFileEncoding));

            out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + outputFileEncoding + "\"?>");
            out.write("<" + rootElmtName + ">");

            // read the input string/words, one per line, from the input file, write output to the output file

            XMLOutputLister xmlOutputLister = new XMLOutputLister(symmap, out, outputElmtName, weightAttrName);

            String token; // one per line in the input file

            Fst modifiedTestFst;

            while ((token = in.readLine()) != null) {
                String cpvstr = trInput.transliterate(token);
                // converts cpvstr to a sequence of code pt values, and
                // each one could fill one or two 16-bit code units;
                // this is where multichar symbols are reduced to their
                // code point values

                // get length in Unicode characters (not code units)
                int inputlen = cpvstr.codePointCount(0, cpvstr.length());
                // allocate an int array to hold those code-point values,
                //    one int per code point value
                int[] cpvArray = new int[inputlen];

                // UCharacterIterator knows how to iterate over a String and
                // return the Unicode-Character code point values
                UCharacterIterator iter = UCharacterIterator.getInstance(cpvstr);

                // we need to build each input string into a one-path Fst

                // store the codepoints in the int array (which will be passed to
                //    oneStringNativeFst(), a native method
                int codepoint;
                int index = 0;
                while ((codepoint = iter.nextCodePoint()) != UCharacterIterator.DONE) {
                    // any multichar symbols will already be in the
                    // symmap, or they wouldn't have been identified;
                    // but BMP characters may not yet be in the symmap
                    if (Character.charCount(codepoint) == 1) {
                        symmap.putsym(String.valueOf((char) codepoint));
                    cpvArray[index++] = codepoint;

                // 0 arg means generate
                Fst compFst = lib.ApplyToOneString(testFst, cpvArray, 0);

                // prepare to list the output strings (and their weights)
                long stringCount = lib.NumPaths(compFst);

                // XML output for this input token

                out.write("  <" + tokenElmtName + ">");

                // be careful to escape XML special chars in line; 
                // N.B. escapeXml also escapes non-ASCII Unicode letters
                //out.write("    <" + inputElmtName + ">" + 
                //  StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(token) + "</" + 
                //  inputElmtName + ">") ;

                out.write("    <" + inputElmtName + ">" + EscapeXML.escapeXML(token) + "</" + inputElmtName + ">");

                out.write("    <" + outputsElmtName + ">");

                if (stringCount == 0) {
                    // output nothing
                } else if (stringCount == -1) {
                    // means that the composedFstPtr has loops, 
                    //   denotes an infinite language
                    out.write("      <infinite/>");
                } else {
                    // native function listAllStrings will find all 
                    //      strings in the Fst
                    // and make callbacks to xmlOutputLister, 
                    //      which knows how to output them as XML elements
                    lib.ListAllStrings(compFst, 1, xmlOutputLister);

                out.write("    </" + outputsElmtName + ">");

                out.write("  </" + tokenElmtName + ">");

            out.write("</" + rootElmtName + ">");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Exception found while testing input from file.");
        return data;

    // testTokensXMLFile_statement
    // Reads XML output from testTokensTextFile, 
    //    which has an <input></input>
    //   element for each token.  Extract out just these input strings,
    //    run them again, and produce another XML output file.  This allows
    //    comparison of the previous XML output with new XML output, for
    //   regression-testing.

    public Object visit(ASTtestTokensXMLFile_statement node, Object data) {
        // Total: 11 regexp arguments, syntactically constrained
        // 0.  the Fst to test

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst testFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        // 1.  path of the input file

        node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
        Fst tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String inputFilePath = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Second arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (inputFilePath.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException(
                    "Second arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote exactly one non-empty string");

        // 2. argument supplying the name of the element holding
        //      the input strings, by default, "input", i.e.
        //      <input>...</input>
        // N.B. in testTokensTextFile, this argument specifies the
        // encoding of the input file, which is not needed for XML,
        // which either has an explicit "encoding" specification, or
        // is UTF-8 by default

        node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String srcInputElmtName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Third arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (srcInputElmtName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 3.  path of the output file

        node.jjtGetChild(3).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String outputFilePath = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Fourth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (outputFilePath.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Fourth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 4.  encoding of the output file

        node.jjtGetChild(4).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String outputFileEncoding = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Fifth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (outputFileEncoding.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Fifth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote one non-empty string");

        //          And for the XML output

        // 5.  name of the root element

        node.jjtGetChild(5).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String rootElmtName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Sixth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (rootElmtName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Sixth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 6.  name of the token element

        node.jjtGetChild(6).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String tokenElmtName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Seventh arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (tokenElmtName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Seventh arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 7.  name of the input element

        node.jjtGetChild(7).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String inputElmtName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Eighth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (inputElmtName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Eighth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 8.  name of the outputs element (N.B. plural)

        node.jjtGetChild(8).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String outputsElmtName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Ninth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (outputsElmtName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Ninth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 9.  name of the output element  (N.B. singular)

        node.jjtGetChild(9).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String outputElmtName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Tenth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (outputElmtName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Tenth arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote one non-empty string");

        // 10.  name of the weight attr in the output elmt

        node.jjtGetChild(10).jjtAccept(this, data);
        tempFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String weightAttrName = lib.GetSingleString(tempFst,
                "Eleventh arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote a language of exactly one string.");

        if (weightAttrName.length() == 0) {
            throw new KleeneArgException("Eleventh arg to testTokensXMLFile must denote one non-empty string");

        String fullpath = getFullpath(inputFilePath);

        TranslitTokenizerBuilder ttb = new TranslitTokenizerBuilder(symmap, testFst.getSigma(), lib);
        lib.Iterate4mcs(testFst, ttb, symmap.getStartPuaCpv());
        Transliterator trInput = ttb.getTranslitTokenizer(true); // true for input side

        try {
            // try to read/parse the XML input file

            Document doc = null;

            doc = parseXML(fullpath); // dom4j

            // Read all the <input></input> elements into a list
            // N.B. by default, the name of the element is "input",
            // but in general it is specified in arg srcInputElmtName
            List list = doc.selectNodes("//" + srcInputElmtName);

            // now try to open the output file 

            fullpath = getFullpath(outputFilePath);

            BufferedWriter out = null;
            if (outputFileEncoding.equals("default") || outputFileEncoding.equals("-")) {
                // get the current default encoding of the operating system
                outputFileEncoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
            out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fullpath), outputFileEncoding));

            out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + outputFileEncoding + "\"?>");
            out.write("<" + rootElmtName + ">");

            XMLOutputLister xmlOutputLister = new XMLOutputLister(symmap, out, outputElmtName, weightAttrName);

            // Loop through the <input></input> elements, extracting and
            //   running the text string from each one; write output to
            //   the output file

            String token;

            Fst modifiedTestFst;

            for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Element inputElmt = (Element);
                token = inputElmt.getText();

                String cpvstr = trInput.transliterate(token);
                // converts cpvstr to a sequence of code pt values, and
                // each one could fill one or two 16-bit code units;
                // this is where multichar symbols are reduced to their
                // code point values

                // get length in Unicode characters (not code units)
                int inputlen = cpvstr.codePointCount(0, cpvstr.length());
                // allocate an int array to hold those code-point values,
                //    one int per code point value
                int[] cpvArray = new int[inputlen];

                // UCharacterIterator knows how to iterate over a 
                //   String and
                // return the Unicode-Character code point values
                UCharacterIterator iter = UCharacterIterator.getInstance(cpvstr);

                // we need to build each input string into a one-path Fst

                // store the codepoints in the int array 
                //      (which will be passed to
                //    oneStringNativeFst(), a native method
                int codepoint;
                int index = 0;
                while ((codepoint = iter.nextCodePoint()) != UCharacterIterator.DONE) {
                    // any multichar symbols will already be in the
                    // symmap, or they wouldn't have been identified;
                    // but BMP characters may not yet be in the symmap
                    if (Character.charCount(codepoint) == 1) {
                        symmap.putsym(String.valueOf((char) codepoint));
                    cpvArray[index++] = codepoint;

                // 0 arg for generation, apply the inputFst to the "input"
                // side of testFst
                Fst compFst = lib.ApplyToOneString(testFst, cpvArray, 0);

                // prepare to list the output strings (and their weights)
                long stringCount = lib.NumPaths(compFst);

                // XML output for this input token

                out.write("  <" + tokenElmtName + ">");

                // be careful to escape XML special chars in line; 
                // N.B. escapeXml also escapes non-ASCII Unicode letters
                //out.write("    <" + inputElmtName + ">" + 
                //          StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(token) + 
                //          "</" + inputElmtName + ">") ;

                out.write("    <" + inputElmtName + ">" + EscapeXML.escapeXML(token) + "</" + inputElmtName + ">");

                out.write("    <" + outputsElmtName + ">");

                if (stringCount == 0) {
                    // output nothing
                } else if (stringCount == -1) {
                    // means that the compFstPtr has loops, 
                    //      denotes an infinite language
                    out.write("      <infinite/>");
                } else {
                    // native function listAllStrings will find all 
                    //      strings in the Fst
                    // and make callbacks to xmlOutputLister, 
                    //      which knows how to output
                    // them as XML elements
                    lib.ListAllStrings(compFst, 1, xmlOutputLister);

                out.write("    </" + outputsElmtName + ">");

                out.write("  </" + tokenElmtName + ">");

            out.write("</" + rootElmtName + ">");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            // KRB:  review this
            System.out.println("Exception found while testing input from file.");
        return data;

    private String getOsName() {
        String os = "";
        if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") > -1) {
            os = "osx";
        } else if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("linux") > -1) {
            os = "linux";
        } else if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") > -1) {
            os = "windows";
        } else {
            os = "unknown";
        return os;

    private Document parseXMLPrefs(String filepath) throws Exception {
        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
        Document document = null;
        // Document document = ;

        try {
            // the encoding should be UTF-8
            // then need to work around SUN's irresponsible decision not to
            //  handle the optional UTF-8 BOM correctly
            document =
                    new InputStreamReader(new UTF8BOMStripperInputStream(new FileInputStream(filepath)), "UTF-8"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;

        return document;

    // called in ASTdraw_statement
    private String getPref(Document doc, String xmlPath) {
        String osName = getOsName();
        // first see if there is a user-specified override of the default value
        String value = ((Element) doc.selectSingleNode("/prefs/" + osName + "/user/" + xmlPath)).getTextTrim();
        // if the user setting is empty
        if (value.equals("")) {
            // then get the default setting
            value = ((Element) doc.selectSingleNode("/prefs/" + osName + "/default/" + xmlPath)).getTextTrim();
        return value;

    public Object visit(ASTdraw_statement node, Object data) {
        // one daughter:  regexp

        // KRB: does this make any sense outside of the GUI???
        // KRB: review this whole method

        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Should leave an Fst object on the stack (see
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        // magic numbers for now; limits on the size of a network
        // that will be drawn
        long stateLimit = 400L;
        long arcLimit = 400L;

        long nstates = lib.NumStates(fst);
        long narcs = lib.NumArcs(fst);

        if (nstates > stateLimit) {
            // don't try to draw it
            outputInterpMessage("// Fst contains over " + stateLimit
                    + " states, which is generally too much for the dot application to handle.", data);

            return data;

        if (narcs > arcLimit) {
            // don't try to draw it
            outputInterpMessage("// Fst contains over " + arcLimit
                    + " arcs, which is generally too much for the dot application to handle.", data);

            return data;

        String userHomeDir = System.getProperty("user.home");
        // to find temp files like ~/.kleene/tmp/
        // and ~/.kleene/prefs/prefs.xml

        String osName = getOsName();
        // defaults
        String tmpdir = "";
        String prefsPath = "";
        String dotSrcPath = "";
        String slashSep = "/";

        if (osName.equals("windows")) {
            slashSep = "\\";
            // only really needed for command shell (cmd /c), 
            //      else can use "/"

        StringBuilder sbhex = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        getSigmaStrings(fst, sbhex, sb);

        // On Linux and OS X, the basic Kleene directory is ~/.kleene
        // On Windows, this maps to C:\Documents and Settings\
        //      \<username>\.kleene
        tmpdir = userHomeDir + slashSep + ".kleene" + slashSep + "tmp";
        dotSrcPath = tmpdir + slashSep + "";
        prefsPath = userHomeDir + slashSep + ".kleene" + slashSep + "prefs" + slashSep + "prefs.xml";

        // an FstDotWriter object knows how to write a GraphViz .dot source file (to a specified
        // file; here written to last.lot in the user's tmp/ directory)
        FstDotWriter fstDotWriter = new FstDotWriter(symmap, new File(dotSrcPath), sb.toString(), "UTF-8");

        // call Fst2dot traverses an OpenFst Fst directly and generates 
        //   dot code (by making callbacks to methods in the Java fstDotWriter)
        lib.Fst2dot(fst, fstDotWriter);
        // we should now have tmp/  (a GraphViz dot source file
        // describing a network diagram)

        // If the osName is "osx" and a native is installed
        // in /Applications, then things are simple.  Just call Graphviz directly
        // on the .dot source file.  "open -a Graphviz /path/to/last.lot"
        // No need to generate PostScript and then call a viewer to see it.

        File nativeGraphviz = new File("/Applications/");
        if (osName.equals("osx") && nativeGraphviz.exists()) {
            try {
                Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("open -a Graphviz " + dotSrcPath);
                try {
                    if (proc.waitFor() != 0) {
                        System.err.println("Problem calling native OS X GraphViz: exit value " + proc.exitValue());
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                } finally {
            } catch (Exception e) {
        } else {
            // Need to do it the hard way.
            // Take the .dot source file and call 'dot' to generate a graphics file, e.g. .ps
            // Then take the graphics file and call a viewer application
            // The location of the 'dot' application, the graphics format, and the view
            // application are specified in the user-specific pref.xml file

            // Access the user-specific prefs.xml file
            // type Document is a Java object representing an XML document (typically
            // read from an XML file into memory)
            Document doc = null;
            try {
                doc = parseXMLPrefs(prefsPath); // parse the user's prefs/prefs.xml
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // KRB:  review this
                System.out.println("Problem reading ~/.kleene/prefs/prefs.xml");

            // Navigate to platform-specific and user-specific dot, format, 
            //   viewer elmts in the prefs.xml file

            // get the path to the "dot" application
            String dotpath = getPref(doc, "dot/dotpath");

            // get the file format the dot should produce, e.g. ps or pdf
            String dotflag = getPref(doc, "dot/dotflag");

            // get the path to the viewer application
            String dotview = getPref(doc, "dot/viewer");

            // Trouble with generating/displaying PDF directly; 
            // If you generate .ps and 'open' it, the orientation=landscape
            // and center="true" are reflected correctly in the display (the
            // ps is converted automatically to pdf)
            // But if you generate the PDF file directly and 'open' it, the
            // orientation is wrong and the centering command is ignored.
            // PostScript seems more reliable right now.

            // ****************** Call 'dot' from Java **********************

            // construct the 'dot' command string to be launched by ProcessBuilder

            // Command shell prefix needed for ProcessBuilder is opsys-specific.
            String cmdShell, cmdShellOpts;
            if (osName.equals("windows")) {
                cmdShell = "cmd";
                cmdShellOpts = "/c";
            } else {
                // for Linux and OS X (valued of osName will be "osx")
                cmdShell = "/bin/sh";
                cmdShellOpts = "-c";

            // Use doublequotes to support filenames with embedded spaces.
            // Initial blank prevents undesired doublequote removal by 
            //      Windows cmd.exe (see "cmd /?").
            String cmd = " \"" + dotpath + "\"" + " -T" + dotflag + " \"" + tmpdir + slashSep + "\"" + " > "
                    + "\"" + tmpdir + slashSep + "last." + dotflag + "\"";

            // calling 'dot' from Java, from the .dot source file,
            // it should generate a graphics file, e.g. .ps (PostScript)

            try {
                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmdShell, cmdShellOpts, cmd);
                Process p = pb.start();

                StreamFlusher errorFlusher = new StreamFlusher(p.getErrorStream(), "ERROR");
                StreamFlusher outputFlusher = new StreamFlusher(p.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT");


                int exitVal = p.waitFor();
            } catch (Exception e) {

            // ******************* Now launch the viewer app from Java

            //KRB: putting double quotes around dotview currently 
            //   works for Linux, at least
            // with the current default dotview string:  /usr/bin/kghostview
            // which doesn't contain command-line options

            if (osName.equals("osx")) {
                // KRB: putting double quotes around dotview breaks 
                //   drawing for OS X,
                // where the dotview string is
                // /usr/bin/open -a /Applications/
                // (having three fields and two spaces)
                cmd = dotview + " \"" + tmpdir + slashSep + "last." + dotflag + "\"";
            } else {
                // Phil: fix for Windows (and seems to work for Linux)
                // Use doublequotes to support filenames with embedded spaces.
                // Initial blank prevents undesired doublequote removal by Windows cmd.exe (see "cmd /?").
                cmd = " \"" + dotview + "\" \"" + tmpdir + slashSep + "last." + dotflag + "\"";

            //  launching the viewer on the ps, pdf (or whatever) file generated by 'dot'

            try {
                ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmdShell, cmdShellOpts, cmd);
                Process p = pb.start();

                StreamFlusher errorFlusher = new StreamFlusher(p.getErrorStream(), "ERROR");
                StreamFlusher outputFlusher = new StreamFlusher(p.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT");


                // if active, this stmt causes the viewer window to be 'modal', causing
                // Kleene to suspend operations until the viewer is closed
                //int exitVal = p.waitFor() ;
            } catch (Exception e) {

            // need to drain stdout stderr and inputStream in separate threads?

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTsigma_statement node, Object data) {
        // Makes sense only in the GUI

        if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI()) {
            // Should be just one Fst daughter, syntactically constrained
            node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            PseudoTerminalInternalFrame terminal = ((InterpData) data).getGUI().getTerminal();

            //String str = fst.getSigma().toString() ;
            //terminal.appendToHistory(str) ;

            StringBuilder sbhex = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            getSigmaStrings(fst, sbhex, sb);

            terminal.appendToHistory("{ " + sbhex.toString() + "}");
            terminal.appendToHistory("{ " + sb.toString() + "}");
            if (fst.getContainsOther()) {
                terminal.appendToHistory("Contains OTHER");
        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTwritexml_statement node, Object data) {
        // Either one, two or three daughters:
        // fst (, filepath (, encoding)?)?
        //   The first represents the Fst to be drawn as XML
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Should leave an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String path = "out.xml"; // default
        if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() >= 2) {
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst pathFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            path = lib.GetSingleString(pathFst,
                    "Second arg to writeXml must denote a language of exactly one string.");

            if (path.length() == 0) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to writeXml must denote a non-empty string");

        String encoding = "UTF-8"; // default
        if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 3) {
            node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst encodingFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            encoding = lib.GetSingleString(encodingFst,
                    "Second arg to writeXml must denote a language of exactly one string.");

            if (path.length() == 0) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to writeXml must denote a non-empty string");

        String fullpath = getFullpath(path);

        // note that the FstXmlWriter gets the filepath, so it knows where
        // to write the file

        writeXmlHelper(fst, fullpath, encoding);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTwritexml_state_oriented_statement node, Object data) {
        // One, two, three or four daughters: the first is required
        // fst (, filepath (, name (, encoding )?)?)?
        //   The first is a regexp that represents the Fst to be written as XML
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Should leave an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String path = "out.xml"; // default name of output file
        if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() >= 2) {
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst pathFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            path = lib.GetSingleString(pathFst,
                    "Second arg to writeXml must denote a language of exactly one string.");

            if (path.length() == 0) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to writeXml must denote a non-empty string");

        String name = "Out"; // default name of code file, e.g.
        if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() >= 3) {
            node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst nameFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            name = lib.GetSingleString(nameFst,
                    "Third arg to writeXml must denote a language of exactly one string.");

            if (name.length() == 0) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to writeXml must denote a non-empty string");

        String encoding = "UTF-8"; // default
        if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 4) {
            node.jjtGetChild(3).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst encodingFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            encoding = lib.GetSingleString(encodingFst,
                    "Fourth arg to writeXml must denote a language of exactly one string.");

            if (encoding.length() == 0) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Fourth arg to writeXml must denote a non-empty string");

        String fullpath = getFullpath(path);

        // note that the FstXmlWriter gets the filepath, so it knows where
        // to write the file

        writeXmlHelperStateOriented(fst, fullpath, name, encoding);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTwritedot_statement node, Object data) {
        // either one, two or three daughters
        // regexp (, filepath (, encoding)?)?
        // the first represents the Fst to be drawn as DOT source
        node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
        // Should leave an Fst object on the stack
        Fst fst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

        String path = ""; // default
        if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() >= 2) {
            node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst pathFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            path = lib.GetSingleString(pathFst,
                    "Second arg to writeDot must denote a language of exactly one string.");

            if (path.length() == 0) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Second arg to writeDot must denote a non-empty string");

        String encoding = "UTF-8"; // default
        if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 3) {
            node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, data);
            Fst encodingFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            encoding = lib.GetSingleString(encodingFst,
                    "Third arg to writeDot must denote a language of exactly one string.");

            if (encoding.length() == 0) {
                throw new KleeneArgException("Third arg to writeDot must denote a non-empty string");

        StringBuilder sbhex = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        getSigmaStrings(fst, sbhex, sb);

        String fullpath = getFullpath(path);

        // note that the FstDotWriter gets the filepath, so it knows where
        // to write the file
        FstDotWriter fstDotWriter = new FstDotWriter(symmap, new File(fullpath), sb.toString(), encoding);

        // Call Fst2dot to iterate through the Fst, 
        //   it will make calls
        // back to methods in the fstDotWriter to do the actual output 
        //   to file.
        // (The C++ code has iterators, but Unicode file output 
        //   from C++ is not
        // worth the trouble.  Even if the C++ code were written to 
        //   write the DOT
        // directly, it would still have to make calls back to the 
        //   symmap method
        // .getsym(i) to convert the int-value labels to strings.

        lib.Fst2dot(fst, fstDotWriter);

        return data;

    public Object visit(ASTsource_statement node, Object data) {
        // Syntax:
        // source regexp() ;  
        // one filepath, to be read in the default encoding of the
        // operating system; 

        // source regexp(), regexp() ;  // pair of (filepath, encoding)

        // source regexp(), regexp(), regexp(), regexp(), ... ;  
        // pairs of (filepath,
        // encoding)
        // each regexp() semantically limited
        // to encoding a single string

        int childCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();
        String pathstring = "";
        String fullpath = "";
        String encoding = "";

        for (int p = 0; (childCount == 1 && p == 0) || p <= (childCount - 2); p += 2) {
            // get the path string
            node.jjtGetChild(p).jjtAccept(this, data);
            // Should leave an Fst object on the stack
            Fst pathFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

            pathstring = lib.GetSingleString(pathFst,
                    "Each arg to 'source' must denote a language of exactly one string.");

            if (pathstring.length() == 0) {
                throw new KleeneArgException(
                        "Each path arg to 'source' must denote a language of exactly one non-empty string");
            File file = new File(pathstring);

            fullpath = getFullpath(pathstring);

            // get the encoding ("default" iff childCount == 1)

            if (childCount == 1) {
                // get the current default encoding of the operating system
                encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
            } else {
                node.jjtGetChild(p + 1).jjtAccept(this, data);
                Fst encodingFst = (Fst) (stack.pop());

                encoding = lib.GetSingleString(encodingFst,
                        "Each arg to 'source' must denote a language of exactly one string.");
                if (encoding.length() == 0) {
                    throw new KleeneArgException("The encoding argument to source must be a non-empty string.");

            // Now have fullpath and encoding

            if (((InterpData) data).getInGUI()) {

                //                   path, encoding, inGUI
                Kleene.runScript(fullpath, encoding, true);

            } else {

                // not in a GUI, so handle like a command-line script
                Kleene.runScript(fullpath, encoding, false);
        return data;