Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


//package com.java2s;
import java.awt.*;

public class Main {
     * Returns the GraphicsConfiguration for a point.
    public static GraphicsConfiguration getGraphicsConfiguration(Component aComp, int anX, int aY) {
        // Get initial GC from component (if available) and point on screen
        GraphicsConfiguration gc = aComp != null ? aComp.getGraphicsConfiguration() : null;
        Point spoint = getScreenLocation(aComp, anX, aY);

        // Replace with alternate GraphicsConfiguration if point on another screen
        for (GraphicsDevice gd : GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices()) {
            if (gd.getType() == GraphicsDevice.TYPE_RASTER_SCREEN) {
                GraphicsConfiguration dgc = gd.getDefaultConfiguration();
                if (dgc.getBounds().contains(spoint.x, spoint.y)) {
                    gc = dgc;

        // Return GraphicsConfiguration
        return gc;

     * Returns the screen location for a component and X and Y.
    private static Point getScreenLocation(Component aComp, int anX, int aY) {
        Point point = aComp != null && aComp.isShowing() ? aComp.getLocationOnScreen() : new Point();
        point.x += anX;
        point.y += aY;
        return point;