Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


//package com.java2s;
 *Copyright (c) 2000-2002 OCLC Online Computer Library Center,
 *Inc. and other contributors. All rights reserved.  The contents of this file, as updated
 *from time to time by the OCLC Office of Research, are subject to OCLC Research
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 *  Software distributed under the License is
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 *The Original Code is XMLUtil.java______________________________.
 *The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jeff Young.
 *Portions created by ______________________ are
 *Copyright (C) _____ _______________________. All Rights Reserved.

import org.w3c.dom.*;

public class Main {
    public static Element getElementNS(Element el, String nameSpaceURI, String tagName) {
        return getElementNS(el, nameSpaceURI, tagName, 0);

    public static Element getElementNS(Element el, String nameSpaceURI, String tagName, int index) {
        NodeList list = el.getElementsByTagNameNS(nameSpaceURI, tagName);
        return (Element) list.item(index);