Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * To the extent possible under law, the Fiji developers have waived
 * all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this tutorial code.
 * See the CC0 1.0 Universal license for details:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;

import ij.gui.GenericDialog;
import ij.process.ImageProcessor;

//import mpicbg.ij.Mapping;
//import mpicbg.ij.InverseTransformMapping;
import mpicbg.ij.SIFT;
import mpicbg.imagefeatures.*;
import mpicbg.models.*;

import ij.plugin.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.*;
import java.awt.*;
import ij.measure.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.TextField;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;

import stitching.ImageInformation;
import static stitching.CommonFunctions.LIN_BLEND;
import static stitching.CommonFunctions.methodListCollection;

import mpicbg.models.TranslationModel3D;
import mpicbg.models.AffineModel3D;

* Align and stitch two stacks of images assumed to be contiguous using automatically extracted robust landmark
* correspondences.
* @author Chloe Murtin <> and Carole Frindel <>
* @version 0.0
public class SIFT_Volume_Stitching implements PlugIn, KeyListener {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // set the plugins.dir property to make the plugin appear in the Plugins menu
        Class<?> clazz = SIFT_Volume_Stitching.class;
        String url = clazz.getResource("/" + clazz.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class").toString();
        String pluginsDir = url.substring("file:".length(),
                url.length() - clazz.getName().length() - ".class".length());
        System.setProperty("plugins.dir", pluginsDir);

        // start ImageJ
        new ImageJ();

        // open the Clown sample
        ImagePlus image1 = IJ.openImage("");
        ImagePlus image2 = IJ.openImage("");;;

        // run the plugin
        IJ.runPlugIn(clazz.getName(), "");

    private List<Feature> fsf = new ArrayList<Feature>();
    private List<Feature> fsb = new ArrayList<Feature>();
    private ImagePlus firstImage; // Original Front Stack
    private ImagePlus secondImage; // Original Back Stack
    private ImagePlus impAlignedZYX; // Aligned Back Stack
    private ImagePlus fTemplate;
    private ImagePlus bTemplate;
    private ImagePlus channel2f;
    private ImagePlus channel2b;
    private ImagePlus channel3f;
    private ImagePlus channel3b;
    private ImageStack tempimpf;
    private ImageStack new_impf;
    private ImageStack tempimpb;
    private ImageStack new_impb;
    private ImagePlus channel2front;
    private ImagePlus channel2back;
    private ImagePlus channel3front;
    private ImagePlus channel3back;

    private boolean modelFound;
    private AffineModel3D BestModel3D = new AffineModel3D();
    public boolean Reg3D = true;
    boolean template_bool = false;

    final static public String[] stitchingModelStrings = new String[] { "Front - Back", "Back - Front",
            "Left - Right", "Right - Left", "Top - Bottom", "Bottom - Top" };
    public String stitchingMethod = "Front - Back";

    final static public String[] OVMethod = new String[] { "Slice-by-Slice", "Block-by-Block", "Determined" };
    public String myOVMethod = "Slice-by-Slice";

    /** Fusion method*/
    public String fusionMethod = methodListCollection[LIN_BLEND];
    public double alpha = 1.5;

    static private class Param {
        public FloatArray2DSIFT.Param sift = new FloatArray2DSIFT.Param();

        /**Closest/next closest neighbour distance ratio*/
        public float rod = 0.92f;

        /** Maximal allowed alignment error in px*/
        public float maxEpsilon = 25.0f;

        /** Inlier/candidates ratio*/
        public float minInlierRatio = 0.05f;

        /** Implemeted transformation models for choice*/
        public int modelIndex = 1;


    static Param p = new Param();

    * Main method of the plugin
    * @param args unused
    final public void run(final String args) {

        if (IJ.versionLessThan("1.41n"))

        /* Estimated Overlap size */
        int ov = 100;

        /* Estimated start and end of overlap */
        int startSlice = 100;
        int endSlice = 200;

        /* Image Choice Dialog Box */
        Font myfont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12);
        final int[] ids = WindowManager.getIDList();
        if (ids == null || ids.length < 2) {
            IJ.showMessage("You should have at least two images open.");

        final String[] titles = new String[ids.length];
        final int[] sSizes = new int[ids.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) {
            titles[i] = (WindowManager.getImage(ids[i])).getTitle();
            sSizes[i] = (WindowManager.getImage(ids[i])).getStackSize();

        final GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("2D-SIFT in 3D-Space Volume Stitching");
        final GenericDialog gdChannels = new GenericDialog("Additional Channels");
        final GenericDialog gdFiltered = new GenericDialog("Filtered Images");

        gd.addMessage("* Image Selection", myfont);
        final String current = WindowManager.getCurrentImage().getTitle();
        gd.addChoice("Front_Image", titles, current);
        gd.addChoice("Back_Image", titles, current.equals(titles[0]) ? titles[1] : titles[0]);
        gd.addChoice("Stitching Orientation", stitchingModelStrings, stitchingMethod);

        gd.addMessage("* Overlap Detection Method", myfont);
        gd.addChoice("Method Selection", OVMethod, myOVMethod);
        gd.addNumericField("Split (Block-by-Block)", 5, 0, 0, "");
        gd.addNumericField("Overlap Size (Slice-by-Slice)", 200, 0, 0, "");
        gd.addNumericField("Start of Overlap (Determined)", startSlice, 0, 0, "");
        gd.addNumericField("End of Overlap (Determined)", endSlice, 0, 0, "");

        boolean cAll = false;
        gd.addMessage("* Additional Channels", myfont);
        gd.addCheckbox("More channels?", cAll);

        int it = 2;
        int MIP = 50;
        gd.addMessage("* 3D Registration Parameters", myfont);
        gd.addCheckbox("3D Registration", Reg3D);
        gd.addNumericField("Number_Of_Iterations", it, 0, 0, "");
        gd.addNumericField("MIP size", MIP, 0, 0, "Slices");

        float minSize = 3.5f;
        float maxSize = 14.5f;
        gd.addMessage("* SIFT Parameters", myfont);
        gd.addNumericField("Minimum Size of Structure :", minSize, 1, 0, "pixels");
        gd.addNumericField("Maximum Size of Structure :", maxSize, 1, 0, "pixels");

        gd.addMessage("* Filtered Image Selection", myfont);
        gd.addCheckbox("Compare Filtered Images?", template_bool);

        gd.addMessage("* Fusion Method", myfont);
        gd.addChoice("Method", methodListCollection, fusionMethod);

        /* ----- Window Channels -----*/
        boolean c2 = false;
        boolean c3 = false;
        gdChannels.addCheckbox("Channel 2", c2);
        gdChannels.addChoice("Channel_2_Front_Image", titles, current);
        gdChannels.addChoice("Channel_2_Back_Image", titles, current.equals(titles[0]) ? titles[1] : titles[0]);
        gdChannels.addCheckbox("Channel 3", c3);
        gdChannels.addChoice("Channel_3_Front_Image", titles, current);
        gdChannels.addChoice("Channel_3_Back_Image", titles, current.equals(titles[0]) ? titles[1] : titles[0]);
        /* ----- -------------- -----*/

        /* ------ Win Filtered ------*/
        gdFiltered.addChoice("Front_Filtered_Image", titles, current);
        gdFiltered.addChoice("Back_Filtered_Image", titles, current.equals(titles[0]) ? titles[1] : titles[0]);
        /* ----- -------------- -----*/

        if (gd.wasCanceled())

        /* Variables */

        long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();

        firstImage = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gd.getNextChoiceIndex()]);
        secondImage = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gd.getNextChoiceIndex()]);

        ImagePlus impf = new ImagePlus(firstImage.getTitle(), firstImage.getStack());
        ImagePlus impb = new ImagePlus(secondImage.getTitle(), secondImage.getStack());

        if (impf.getCalibration().pixelWidth != impb.getCalibration().pixelWidth
                && impf.getCalibration().pixelHeight != impb.getCalibration().pixelHeight
                && impf.getCalibration().pixelDepth != impb.getCalibration().pixelDepth
                && impf.getCalibration().getUnit() == impb.getCalibration().getUnit()) {
            IJ.log("Calibration is different");

        Calibration copyCalibration = new Calibration();
        copyCalibration = impf.getCalibration().copy();

        stitchingMethod = stitchingModelStrings[gd.getNextChoiceIndex()];

        if (stitchingMethod != "Front - Back") {

            impf = stackOrientation(impf, stitchingMethod);
            impb = stackOrientation(impb, stitchingMethod);

        myOVMethod = OVMethod[gd.getNextChoiceIndex()];
        int split = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        ov = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        startSlice = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        endSlice = (int) gd.getNextNumber();

        int indb = impb.getStackSize();

        cAll = gd.getNextBoolean();

        Reg3D = gd.getNextBoolean();
        it = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        MIP = (int) gd.getNextNumber();

        minSize = (float) gd.getNextNumber();
        maxSize = (float) gd.getNextNumber();

        template_bool = gd.getNextBoolean();
        fusionMethod = gd.getNextChoice();

        /* ------- SIFT parameters ------- */

        IJ.log("Structures sizes, min:" + minSize + ", max:" + maxSize);
        int[] ImgSizef = impf.getDimensions();
        int[] ImgSizeb = impb.getDimensions();
        int[] AllSizes = ArrayUtils.addAll(Arrays.copyOfRange(ImgSizef, 0, 2), Arrays.copyOfRange(ImgSizeb, 0, 2));
        int minOSize = AllSizes[0];
        //IJ.log("Taille: "+AllSizes.length+"  Contenu:"+AllSizes[0]+AllSizes[1]+AllSizes[2]+AllSizes[3]);
        for (int i = 1; i < AllSizes.length; i++) {
            if (AllSizes[i] < minOSize) {
                minOSize = AllSizes[i];

        p.sift.initialSigma = (float) (minSize / (2 * Math.sqrt(2)));
        p.sift.steps = (int) ((maxSize / minSize) + 1);
        p.sift.minOctaveSize = 64;
        p.sift.maxOctaveSize = (int) minOSize;

        IJ.log("Sift parameters, initial sigma:" + p.sift.initialSigma + "\n steps:" + p.sift.steps
                + " \n MinOctaveSize:" + p.sift.minOctaveSize + " \n MaxOctaveSize:" + p.sift.maxOctaveSize);

        /* Computations */

        bTemplate = null;
        fTemplate = null;
        /* If use of a template exchange between template and real channel */
        fTemplate = new ImagePlus(impf.getTitle(), impf.getStack());
        bTemplate = new ImagePlus(impb.getTitle(), impb.getStack());

        channel2f = null;
        channel2b = null;
        channel3f = null;
        channel3b = null;
        channel2f = null;
        channel2b = null;
        channel3f = null;
        channel3b = null;

        if (cAll == true && template_bool == true) {

            /* Variables */
            c2 = gdChannels.getNextBoolean();
            channel2f = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdChannels.getNextChoiceIndex()]);
            channel2b = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdChannels.getNextChoiceIndex()]);

            c3 = gdChannels.getNextBoolean();
            channel3f = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdChannels.getNextChoiceIndex()]);
            channel3b = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdChannels.getNextChoiceIndex()]);

            if ((gdChannels.wasOKed())) {

                /* Variables */

                firstImage = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdFiltered.getNextChoiceIndex()]);
                secondImage = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdFiltered.getNextChoiceIndex()]);

                if (gdFiltered.wasOKed())
        } else if (cAll == false && template_bool == true) {

            /* Variables */

            firstImage = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdFiltered.getNextChoiceIndex()]);
            secondImage = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdFiltered.getNextChoiceIndex()]);

            if (gdFiltered.wasOKed()) {
        } else if (cAll == true && template_bool == false) {

            /* Variables */
            c2 = gdChannels.getNextBoolean();
            channel2f = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdChannels.getNextChoiceIndex()]);
            channel2b = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdChannels.getNextChoiceIndex()]);
            c3 = gdChannels.getNextBoolean();
            channel3f = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdChannels.getNextChoiceIndex()]);
            channel3b = WindowManager.getImage(ids[gdChannels.getNextChoiceIndex()]);

            if (gdChannels.wasOKed()) {

        if (template_bool == true) {
            impf = new ImagePlus(firstImage.getTitle(), firstImage.getStack());
            impb = new ImagePlus(secondImage.getTitle(), secondImage.getStack());


        if (cAll == true) {
            channel2front = new ImagePlus(channel2f.getTitle(), channel2f.getStack());
            channel2back = new ImagePlus(channel2b.getTitle(), channel2b.getStack());

            channel3front = new ImagePlus(channel3f.getTitle(), channel3f.getStack());
            channel3back = new ImagePlus(channel3b.getTitle(), channel3b.getStack());
            if (stitchingMethod != "Front - Back") {
                channel2front = stackOrientation(channel2f, stitchingMethod);
                channel2back = stackOrientation(channel2b, stitchingMethod);
                channel3front = stackOrientation(channel3f, stitchingMethod);
                channel3back = stackOrientation(channel3b, stitchingMethod);
            if (myOVMethod == "Determined") {
                tempimpf = channel2front.getStack();
                new_impf = tempimpf.crop(0, 0, 0, tempimpf.getWidth(), tempimpf.getHeight(), endSlice);

                tempimpb = channel2back.getStack();
                new_impb = tempimpb.crop(0, 0, startSlice, tempimpb.getWidth(), tempimpb.getHeight(),
                        tempimpb.getSize() - startSlice);

                tempimpf = channel3front.getStack();
                new_impf = tempimpf.crop(0, 0, 0, tempimpf.getWidth(), tempimpf.getHeight(), endSlice);

                tempimpb = channel3back.getStack();
                new_impb = tempimpb.crop(0, 0, startSlice, tempimpb.getWidth(), tempimpb.getHeight(),
                        tempimpb.getSize() - startSlice);

        ImagePlus frontTemplate = new ImagePlus(fTemplate.getTitle(), fTemplate.getStack());
        ImagePlus backTemplate = new ImagePlus(bTemplate.getTitle(), bTemplate.getStack());

        if (stitchingMethod != "Front - Back") {

            impf = stackOrientation(impf, stitchingMethod);
            impb = stackOrientation(impb, stitchingMethod);
            frontTemplate = stackOrientation(fTemplate, stitchingMethod);
            backTemplate = stackOrientation(bTemplate, stitchingMethod);

        if (myOVMethod == "Determined") {
            ov = (int) (endSlice - startSlice);

            tempimpf = impf.getStack();
            new_impf = tempimpf.crop(0, 0, 0, tempimpf.getWidth(), tempimpf.getHeight(), endSlice);

            tempimpb = impb.getStack();
            new_impb = tempimpb.crop(0, 0, startSlice, tempimpb.getWidth(), tempimpb.getHeight(),
                    tempimpb.getSize() - startSlice);

            tempimpf = frontTemplate.getStack();
            new_impf = tempimpf.crop(0, 0, 0, tempimpf.getWidth(), tempimpf.getHeight(), endSlice);

            tempimpb = backTemplate.getStack();
            new_impb = tempimpb.crop(0, 0, startSlice, tempimpb.getWidth(), tempimpb.getHeight(),
                    tempimpb.getSize() - startSlice);



        /* Copy */
        ImagePlus impf2 = new ImagePlus(impf.getTitle(), impf.getStack());

        impAlignedZYX = new ImagePlus(impb.getTitle(), impb.getStack());

        if (impb.getStackSize() < ov) {
            IJ.showMessage("The expected overlap exceed the back stack size.");

        /* SIFT parameters Setting */
        p.modelIndex = 3; // 1: Rigid Model, 3 : Affine Model (include the scale)
        p.sift.fdSize = 4;
        p.sift.fdBins = 8; // Number of tested directions
        p.rod = 0.92f;

        p.maxEpsilon = 25.0f;
        p.minInlierRatio = 0.05f;

        //IJ.log("psift parameters: "+p.sift.initialSigma+" "+p.sift.steps+" "+p.sift.minOctaveSize+" "+p.sift.maxOctaveSize);
        IJ.log("Size of front stack:" + impf.getStack().getSize() + "\n Size of back stack:"
                + impAlignedZYX.getStack().getSize());

        /* Divers Variables */
        ImagePlus impAlignedZYX2;
        boolean showStep = false;

        /** -------------------------- STEP 1: PREPROCESSING -------------------------- */

        /* Log Display */
        IJ.log(" ");

        IJ.log("Stitching Orientation " + stitchingMethod);
        IJ.log("MIP Size " + MIP);
        IJ.log(" ");

        /* SIFT Object */
        FloatArray2DSIFT sift = new FloatArray2DSIFT(p.sift);
        SIFT ijSIFT = new SIFT(sift);

        /** -------------------------- STEP 2: OVERLAP EXTRACTION -------------------------- */

        double[] data = new double[12];

        /* Start of the 3D Registration */
        if (Reg3D) {
            for (int l = 1; l <= it; ++l) // Iterations

                ImageStack stackZf = impf.getStack();
                ImageStack stackZb = impAlignedZYX.getStack();


                int l2 = 3 * l - 2;
                IJ.log("STEP " + l2 + ": BEST Z ROTATION");

                /** Find Back Image Overlap  according to the selected method */
                if (myOVMethod == "Slice-by-Slice" || myOVMethod == "Determined") {
                    indb = OverlapFinder(stackZf, stackZb, ijSIFT, 1, ov);
                } else if (myOVMethod == "Block-by-Block") {
                    indb = recursiveOverlapFinder(stackZf, stackZb, ijSIFT, stackZb.getSize(), split);

                IJ.log(" Overlap Size " + indb);

                ImageStack subStackZf = stackZf.crop(0, 0, stackZf.getSize() - indb, stackZf.getWidth(),
                        stackZf.getHeight(), indb);
                ImageStack subStackZb = stackZb.crop(0, 0, 0, stackZb.getWidth(), stackZb.getHeight(), indb);

                AbstractAffineModel2D<?> BestModelZ = CompareCrossSection(subStackZf, subStackZb, ijSIFT, MIP);
                IJ.log("STEP 2");

                /* Back Substack Affine Registration */
                if (modelFound) {
                    Model3D(null, null, BestModelZ);
                    impAlignedZYX = Rotation3D(impb, BestModel3D);
                } else {
                    IJ.log("No model found for the data");

                /* Show intermediate transformation matrix */
                IJ.log("1| " + data[0] + "\t| " + data[3] + "\t| " + data[6] + "\t| " + data[9]);
                IJ.log("2| " + data[1] + "\t| " + data[4] + "\t| " + data[7] + "\t| " + data[10]);
                IJ.log("3| " + data[2] + "\t| " + data[5] + "\t| " + data[8] + "\t| " + data[11]);

                /** -------------------------- STEP 3: BEST X ROTATION -------------------------- */

                l2 = 3 * l - 1;
                IJ.log(" ");
                IJ.log("STEP " + l2 + ": BEST X ROTATION");

                /* Parameter setting */

                /* Rotation of the front substack around y */
                impf = StackRotation(impf, 0, 90, 0);
                ImageStack stackYf = impf.getStack();

                /* Rotation of the back substack around y */
                impAlignedZYX = StackRotation(impAlignedZYX, 0, 90, 0);
                ImageStack stackYb = impAlignedZYX.getStack();

                /* Cropping the overlap */
                ImageStack subStackYf = stackYf.crop(stackYf.getWidth() - indb, 0, 0, indb, stackYf.getHeight(),
                ImageStack subStackYb = stackYb.crop(0, 0, 0, indb, stackYb.getHeight(), stackYb.getSize());

                /* Comparison */
                AbstractAffineModel2D<?> BestModelX = CompareCrossSection(subStackYf, subStackYb, ijSIFT, MIP);

                /* Alignment */
                if (modelFound) {
                    Model3D(BestModelX, null, null);
                    impAlignedZYX = Rotation3D(impb, BestModel3D);
                    if (showStep) {
                        impAlignedZYX2 = StackRotation(impAlignedZYX, 0, 90, 0);
                } else {
                    IJ.log("No model found for the data");
                    impAlignedZYX = StackRotation(impAlignedZYX, 0, -90, 0);

                /* Transformation matrix */
                IJ.log("1| " + data[0] + "\t| " + data[3] + "\t| " + data[6] + "\t| " + data[9]);
                IJ.log("2| " + data[1] + "\t| " + data[4] + "\t| " + data[7] + "\t| " + data[10]);
                IJ.log("3| " + data[2] + "\t| " + data[5] + "\t| " + data[8] + "\t| " + data[11]);

                /* Show intermediate steps */
                //impAlignedZYX.setTitle(String.valueOf( l2 ));

                /** -------------------------- STEP 4: BEST Y ROTATION -------------------------- */

                IJ.log(" ");
                IJ.log("STEP " + 3 * l + ": BEST Y ROTATION");

                /* Parameter setting */

                /* Rotation of the front substack around x */
                impf = StackRotation(impf2, -90, 0, 0);
                ImageStack stackXf = impf.getStack();

                /* Rotation of the back substack around x */
                impAlignedZYX = StackRotation(impAlignedZYX, -90, 0, 0);
                ImageStack stackXb = impAlignedZYX.getStack();

                /* Cropping the overlap */
                ImageStack subStackXf = stackXf.crop(0, stackXf.getHeight() - indb, 0, stackXf.getWidth(), indb,
                ImageStack subStackXb = stackXb.crop(0, 0, 0, stackXb.getWidth(), indb, stackXb.getSize());

                /* Comparison */
                AbstractAffineModel2D<?> BestModelY = CompareCrossSection(subStackXf, subStackXb, ijSIFT, MIP);

                if (modelFound) {
                    Model3D(null, BestModelY, null);
                    impAlignedZYX = Rotation3D(impb, BestModel3D);
                    if (showStep) {
                        impAlignedZYX2 = StackRotation(impAlignedZYX, -90, 0, 0);
                        impAlignedZYX2.setTitle(String.valueOf(3 * l));
                } else {
                    IJ.log("No model found for the data");
                    impAlignedZYX = StackRotation(impAlignedZYX, 90, 0, 0);


                /* Transformation matrix */
                IJ.log("1| " + data[0] + "\t| " + data[3] + "\t| " + data[6] + "\t| " + data[9]);
                IJ.log("2| " + data[1] + "\t| " + data[4] + "\t| " + data[7] + "\t| " + data[10]);
                IJ.log("3| " + data[2] + "\t| " + data[5] + "\t| " + data[8] + "\t| " + data[11]);
                IJ.log(" ");

                /** -------------------------- REPLACE L'IMAGE COMME AU DEBUT -------------------------- */

                impf = impf2.duplicate();

            } // End of the iteration loop
        } // End of the 3D Registration

        /** -------------------------- LAST OVERLAP EXTRACTION -------------------------- */

        int l2 = 3 * it + 1;
        IJ.log("STEP " + l2 + ": BEST Z ROTATION");


        ImageStack stackZf = impf.getStack();
        //impAlignedZYX=Rotation3D(impb, BestModel3D);
        ImageStack stackZb = impAlignedZYX.getStack();

        /* Find Back Image Overlap */
        int start = 1;
        int end = stackZb.getSize();
        if (Reg3D == true) {
            start = indb - 250;
            if (start < 10) {
                start = 1;
            end = indb + 250;
            if (end > stackZb.getSize()) {

                end = Math.max(stackZb.getSize(), stackZf.getSize());
        //IJ.log("start: "+ start+" end:"+ end);

        /* Find the overlap using the slice-by-slice method */
        indb = OverlapFinder(stackZf, stackZb, ijSIFT, start, end);
        //IJ.log( " size front:"+stackZf.getSize() +"  size back:"+ stackZb.getSize()+"  overlap:"+ indb);

        /* Cropping the overlap */
        ImageStack subStackZf = stackZf.crop(0, 0, stackZf.getSize() - indb, stackZf.getWidth(),
                stackZf.getHeight(), indb);
        ImageStack subStackZb = stackZb.crop(0, 0, 0, stackZb.getWidth(), stackZb.getHeight(), indb);

        /* Comparison */
        if (indb < MIP) {
            MIP = indb;
        AbstractAffineModel2D<?> BestModelZ = CompareCrossSection(subStackZf, subStackZb, ijSIFT, MIP);

        /* Alignment */
        if (modelFound) {
            Model3D(null, null, BestModelZ);
            impAlignedZYX = Rotation3D(impb, BestModel3D);
            if (template_bool == true) {
                impAlignedZYX = Rotation3D(backTemplate, BestModel3D);
                impf = new ImagePlus(frontTemplate.getTitle(), frontTemplate.getStack());
        } else {
            IJ.log("No model found for the data");

        /* Transformation matrix */
        IJ.log("1| " + data[0] + "\t|" + data[3] + "\t|" + data[6] + "\t|" + data[9]);
        IJ.log("2| " + data[1] + "\t|" + data[4] + "\t|" + data[7] + "\t|" + data[10]);
        IJ.log("3| " + data[2] + "\t|" + data[5] + "\t|" + data[8] + "\t|" + data[11]);

        /* Show final back stack */
        //impAlignedZYX.setTitle("Final Back Stack"); 

        /** -------------------------- IMAGE FUSION -------------------------- */

        IJ.log(" ");
        IJ.log("STEP: IMAGE FUSION");

        String title = "Fused Image";
        if (c2 || c3) {
            title = title + " Channel1";

        /* Channel 1 fusion */
        ImagePlus FinalImg = fuseImages(impf, impAlignedZYX, indb, fusionMethod, title, copyCalibration);
        if (stitchingMethod != "Front - Back") {
            FinalImg = reverseStackOrientation(FinalImg, stitchingMethod);

        /* Channel 2 fusion */
        if (c2) {
            ImagePlus impAligned2 = Rotation3D(channel2back, BestModel3D);
            ImagePlus FinalImg2 = fuseImages(channel2front, impAligned2, indb, fusionMethod, "Fused Image Channel2",
            if (stitchingMethod != "Front - Back") {
                FinalImg2 = reverseStackOrientation(FinalImg2, stitchingMethod);

        /* Channel 3 fusion */
        if (c3) {
            ImagePlus impAligned3 = Rotation3D(channel3back, BestModel3D);
            ImagePlus FinalImg3 = fuseImages(channel3front, impAligned3, indb, fusionMethod, "Fused Image Channel3",
            if (stitchingMethod != "Front - Back") {
                FinalImg3 = reverseStackOrientation(FinalImg3, stitchingMethod);


        IJ.log(" took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time) + "ms");

        IJ.log("* Done *");
        IJ.log(" ");

    /** Functions */

      Find the overlap between front and back stacks
      @param front stack
      @param back stack
      @param sift object with parameters set as detailled in run method
      @param overlap size initialization
      @return real overlap size
    public int OverlapFinder(ImageStack stackf, ImageStack stackb, SIFT ijSIFT, int start, int end) {

        ImageProcessor ipb;
        ImageProcessor ipf = stackf.getProcessor(stackf.getSize());

        /** Extration des features de la dernire slice du substack avant */
        //long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        ijSIFT.extractFeatures(ipf, fsf);// fsf stores the features

        float[] bestModelInliers = new float[end - start + 1]; //number of matches
        float[] sliceNumber = new float[end - start + 1];
        int ind = 1; //maximum indice
        float max = 0; //maximum value 

        /** Comparison with slices from the back stack */
        for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
            ipb = stackb.getProcessor(i);
            Vector<PointMatch> inliers = searchBestInliers(ipf, ipb, ijSIFT, false);

            bestModelInliers[i - start] = (float) inliers.size();
            sliceNumber[i - start] = (float) i;

            /** Best model index computation */
            if (inliers.size() >= max) {
                ind = i;
                max = inliers.size();

        Plot myplot = new Plot("Correspondence", "Slice Number", "Correspondence", sliceNumber, bestModelInliers);;

        IJ.log("(Info) Image Overlap Size : " + ind + " pixels");

        searchBestInliers(ipf, stackb.getProcessor(ind), ijSIFT, true);

        return ind;

      Compute the best 2D model between two substacks
      @param front substack
      @param back substack
      @param sift object with parameters set as detailled in run method
      @param MIP size
      @return computed model
    public AbstractAffineModel2D<?> CompareCrossSection(ImageStack subStack1, ImageStack subStack2, SIFT ijSIFT,
            int MIP) {
        /* Sauvegarde des Substacks */
        ImageStack frontCOPY = subStack1.duplicate();
        ImageStack backCOPY = subStack2.duplicate();

        /* Construction des MIP */
        if (MIP > 1) {
            int step = MIP;

            if (MIP > subStack1.getSize()) {
                step = subStack1.getSize();
            subStack1 = createMIP(subStack1, step);
            subStack2 = createMIP(subStack2, step);

        /* Parameters Initialisation */
        ImageProcessor ip2;
        ImageProcessor ip1;


        int taille = subStack2.getSize();
        IJ.log("taille " + taille + " and size of stacks, 1= " + subStack1.getSize() + " 2= "
                + subStack2.getSize());
        /* Comparisons of cross-section simultaneously */
        for (int i = 1; i <= taille; ++i) {
            ip1 = subStack1.getProcessor(i);
            ijSIFT.extractFeatures(ip1, fsf);

            ip2 = subStack2.getProcessor(i);
            ijSIFT.extractFeatures(ip2, fsb);

        /* Candidate computation */
        System.out.print("identifying correspondences using brute force ...");
        Vector<PointMatch> candidates = FloatArray2DSIFT.createMatches(fsb, fsf, 1.5f, null, Float.MAX_VALUE,

        Vector<PointMatch> inliers = new Vector<PointMatch>();

        /* Model Computation */
        AbstractAffineModel2D<?> BestModel;
        switch (p.modelIndex) {
        case 0:
            BestModel = new TranslationModel2D();
        case 1:
            BestModel = new RigidModel2D();
        case 2:
            BestModel = new SimilarityModel2D();
        case 3:
            BestModel = new AffineModel2D();
            BestModel = new RigidModel2D();

        try {
            modelFound = BestModel.filterRansac(candidates, inliers, 1000, p.maxEpsilon, p.minInlierRatio);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            modelFound = false;

        if (modelFound) {
            double[][] data = new double[2][3];
            IJ.log("Rotation : " + Math.acos(data[0][0]) * (180 / Math.PI) + "");
            IJ.log("Horizontal Translation : " + data[0][2] + "pixels");
            IJ.log("Vertical Translation : " + data[1][1] + "pixels");

            ip1 = createMIP(frontCOPY, frontCOPY.getSize()).getProcessor(1);
            ip2 = createMIP(backCOPY, backCOPY.getSize()).getProcessor(1);
            displayFeatures(ip1, ip2, candidates, inliers, modelFound);

            IJ.log("(Info) Number of Matching Features : " + inliers.size());

        return BestModel;

      Compute the partial MIP stack from a complete stack for a given step (number of slices)
      @param stack
      @param step (number of slices in each partial MIP)
      @return the real overlap size
    public ImageStack createMIP(ImageStack myStack, int step) {

        ImagePlus myIM = new ImagePlus("myStack", myStack);
        ImageProcessor myIP = myIM.getProcessor();

        ImageStack myMIP = new ImageStack(myIM.getWidth(), myIM.getHeight());

        int Zmax = myIM.getStackSize() / step;
        int extra = myIM.getStackSize() - Zmax * step;
        for (int j = 0; j < Zmax; j++) {
            ImageStack myTemp = new ImageStack(myIM.getWidth(), myIM.getHeight());
            ImagePlus imTemp;
            for (int i = 1; i <= step; i++) {
                myIM.setSlice(i + step * j);
            if ((j == Zmax - 1) && (extra != 0)) {
                for (int i = 1; i <= extra; i++) {
                    myIM.setSlice(i + step * Zmax);
            imTemp = new ImagePlus("myTemp", myTemp);
  , "Z Project...", "projection=[Max Intensity]");
            imTemp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage();
        return myMIP;

      Compute the matching key points between two image processors
      @param image processor 1 (front stack)
      @param image processor 1 (back stack)
      @param sift object 
      @param boolen (information shown or not)
      @return the matching key points
    public Vector<PointMatch> searchBestInliers(ImageProcessor ip1, ImageProcessor ip2, SIFT ijSIFT,
            boolean showInfoBoolean) {


        ijSIFT.extractFeatures(ip2, fsb);
        System.out.print("identifying correspondences using brute force ...");
        Vector<PointMatch> candidates = FloatArray2DSIFT.createMatches(fsb, fsf, 1.5f, null, Float.MAX_VALUE,

        Vector<PointMatch> inliers = new Vector<PointMatch>();

        AbstractAffineModel2D<?> BestModel;
        switch (p.modelIndex) {
        case 0:
            BestModel = new TranslationModel2D();
        case 1:
            BestModel = new RigidModel2D();
        case 2:
            BestModel = new SimilarityModel2D();
        case 3:
            BestModel = new AffineModel2D();
            BestModel = new RigidModel2D();

        try {
            modelFound = BestModel.filterRansac(candidates, inliers, 1000, p.maxEpsilon, p.minInlierRatio);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            modelFound = false;

        if (modelFound) {
            if (showInfoBoolean) {
                double[][] data = new double[2][3];
                displayFeatures(ip1, ip2, candidates, inliers, modelFound);

        return inliers;

      Compute the best transformation model given a SIFT object
      @param image processor
      @param sift object 
      @return best transformation model
    public AbstractAffineModel2D<?> searchBestModel(ImageProcessor ipb, SIFT ijSIFT) {
        ijSIFT.extractFeatures(ipb, fsb);

        System.out.print("identifying correspondences using brute force ...");
        Vector<PointMatch> candidates = FloatArray2DSIFT.createMatches(fsb, fsf, 1.5f, null, Float.MAX_VALUE,

        Vector<PointMatch> inliers = new Vector<PointMatch>();

        AbstractAffineModel2D<?> BestModel;
        switch (p.modelIndex) {
        case 0:
            BestModel = new TranslationModel2D();
        case 1:
            BestModel = new RigidModel2D();
        case 2:
            BestModel = new SimilarityModel2D();
        case 3:
            BestModel = new AffineModel2D();
            BestModel = new RigidModel2D();

        try {
            modelFound = BestModel.filterRansac(candidates, inliers, 1000, p.maxEpsilon, p.minInlierRatio);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            modelFound = false;

        return BestModel;

    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
        if ((e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_F1) && (e.getSource() instanceof TextField)) {

    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {

    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {

      Fuses the front stack with the registered back stack
      @param image 1
      @param image 2
      @param overlap size
      @param fusion method
      @return Fused image
    private ImagePlus fuseImages(ImagePlus imp1, ImagePlus imp2, int ov, String fusionMethod, String name,
            Calibration finalcal) {

        /* Parameter setting */
        final int dim = 3;

        ImageInformation i1 = new ImageInformation(dim, 1, null); //
        i1.closeAtEnd = false;
        i1.imp = imp1;
        i1.size[0] = imp1.getWidth();
        i1.size[1] = imp1.getHeight();
        i1.size[2] = imp1.getStack().getSize();
        i1.position = new float[dim];
        i1.position[0] = i1.position[1] = i1.position[2] = 0;
        i1.imageName = imp1.getTitle();
        i1.invalid = false;
        i1.imageType = imp1.getType();

        ImageInformation i2 = new ImageInformation(dim, 2, null);
        i2.closeAtEnd = false;
        i2.imp = imp2;
        i2.size[0] = imp2.getWidth();
        i2.size[1] = imp2.getHeight();
        i2.size[2] = imp2.getStack().getSize();
        i2.position = new float[dim];
        i2.position[0] = 0;
        i2.position[1] = 0;
        i2.position[2] = imp1.getStack().getSize() - ov;
        i2.imageName = imp2.getTitle();
        i2.invalid = false;
        i2.imageType = imp2.getType();

        ArrayList<ImageInformation> imageInformationList = new ArrayList<ImageInformation>();

        /* Fusion */
        float[] maximum = getAndApplyMinMax(imageInformationList, dim);
        ImagePlus image = Stitch_Image_Collection.fuseImages(imageInformationList, maximum, name, fusionMethod,
                "rgb", dim, alpha, true);
        return image;

    float[] getAndApplyMinMax(final ArrayList<ImageInformation> imageInformationList, final int dim) {
        float min[] = new float[dim];
        float max[] = new float[dim];
        for (int i = 0; i < min.length; i++) {
            min[i] = Float.MAX_VALUE;
            max[i] = Float.MIN_VALUE;

        for (ImageInformation iI : imageInformationList)
            for (int i = 0; i < min.length; i++) {
                if (iI.position[i] < min[i])
                    min[i] = iI.position[i];

                if (iI.position[i] + iI.size[i] > max[i])
                    max[i] = iI.position[i] + iI.size[i];

        for (ImageInformation iI : imageInformationList)
            for (int i = 0; i < min.length; i++)
                iI.position[i] -= min[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < min.length; i++) {
            max[i] -= min[i];
            min[i] = 0;

        return max;

      Rotation at 90, 180 and 270 only of the image stack
      @param image
      @param rotation around x
      @param rotation around y
      @param rotation around z
      @return rotated image
    public ImagePlus StackRotation(ImagePlus imp, int Rx, int Ry, int Rz) {
        /* Parameters */
        int Xm = imp.getWidth();
        int Ym = imp.getHeight();
        int Zm = imp.getStackSize();
        ImageStack impStack = imp.getStack();
        int x = Xm;
        int y = Ym;
        int z = Zm;

        int cosRx = (int) Math.round(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(Rx)));
        int sinRx = (int) Math.round(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(Rx)));

        int cosRy = (int) Math.round(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(Ry)));
        int sinRy = (int) Math.round(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(Ry)));

        int cosRz = (int) Math.round(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(Rz)));
        int sinRz = (int) Math.round(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(Rz)));

        /* New Stack Size */
        int newZm = ((x * sinRz + y * cosRz) * sinRx + z * cosRx) * cosRy - (x * cosRz - y * sinRz) * sinRy;
        int newXm = ((x * sinRz + y * cosRz) * sinRx + z * cosRx) * sinRy + (x * cosRz - y * sinRz) * cosRy;
        int newYm = (x * sinRz + y * cosRz) * cosRx - z * sinRx;

        /* Image Creation */
        ImagePlus impR = NewImage.createImage("Rotation", Math.abs(newXm), Math.abs(newYm), Math.abs(newZm),
                imp.getBitDepth(), 1);
        ImageStack imgR = impR.getStack();

        /* Calibration */
        Calibration cal = new Calibration();
        double Cx = imp.getCalibration().pixelWidth;
        double Cy = imp.getCalibration().pixelHeight;
        double Cz = imp.getCalibration().pixelDepth;

        double newCz = Math
                .abs(((Cx * sinRz + Cy * cosRz) * sinRx + Cz * cosRx) * cosRy - (Cx * cosRz - Cy * sinRz) * sinRy);
        double newCx = Math
                .abs(((Cx * sinRz + Cy * cosRz) * sinRx + Cz * cosRx) * sinRy + (Cx * cosRz - Cy * sinRz) * cosRy);
        double newCy = Math.abs((Cx * sinRz + Cy * cosRz) * cosRx - Cz * sinRx);

        cal.pixelWidth = newCx;
        cal.pixelHeight = newCy;
        cal.pixelDepth = newCz;


        /* Rotation */
        int max = 0;
        int newX = 0;
        int newY = 0;
        int newZ = 0;
        for (z = 0; z < Zm; z++) {
            for (x = 0; x < Xm; x++) {
                for (y = 0; y < Ym; y++) {

                    newZ = ((x * sinRz + y * cosRz) * sinRx + z * cosRx) * cosRy - (x * cosRz - y * sinRz) * sinRy;
                    if (newZm < 0) {
                        newZ = newZ - newZm - 1;
                    newX = ((x * sinRz + y * cosRz) * sinRx + z * cosRx) * sinRy + (x * cosRz - y * sinRz) * cosRy;
                    if (newXm < 0) {
                        newX = newX - newXm - 1;
                    newY = (x * sinRz + y * cosRz) * cosRx - z * sinRx;
                    if (newYm < 0) {
                        newY = newY - newYm - 1;

                    imgR.setVoxel(newX, newY, newZ, impStack.getVoxel(x, y, z));

                    if (impStack.getVoxel(x, y, z) > max) {
                        max = (int) impStack.getVoxel(x, y, z);

        ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus("imp", imgR);

        /** 12 bit Images */
        if (255 < max && max <= 4095) {

        return imp2;

      Rotation in 3D of an image stack using a transformation model
      @param image to be rotated
      @param transformation model
      @return rotated image
    public ImagePlus Rotation3D(ImagePlus imp, AffineModel3D model) {
        Calibration c = imp.getCalibration();
        float zFactor = (float) (c.pixelDepth / c.pixelWidth);
        AffineModel3D unScale = new AffineModel3D();
        unScale.set(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, zFactor, 0.0f);

        /* center shift + un-shift */
        TranslationModel3D centerShift = new TranslationModel3D();
        centerShift.set(-imp.getWidth() / 2, -imp.getHeight() / 2, -imp.getStack().getSize() / 2 * zFactor);
        TranslationModel3D centerUnShift = new TranslationModel3D();
        centerUnShift.set(imp.getWidth() / 2, imp.getHeight() / 2, imp.getStack().getSize() / 2 * zFactor);

        AffineModel3D transform = new AffineModel3D();

        /* bounding volume */
        int w = imp.getWidth();
        int h = imp.getHeight();
        int d = imp.getStackSize();

        /* render target stack */
        mpicbg.ij.stack.InverseTransformMapping<AffineModel3D> mapping = new mpicbg.ij.stack.InverseTransformMapping<AffineModel3D>(

        ImageProcessor ip = imp.getStack().getProcessor(1).createProcessor(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight());
        ImageStack targetStack = new ImageStack(w, h);

        for (int s = 0; s < d; ++s) {
            ip = ip.createProcessor(w, h);
            try {
                mapping.mapInterpolated(imp.getStack(), ip);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            targetStack.addSlice("", ip);

        /* set proper calibration (it's isotropic at the former x,y-scale now) */
        ImagePlus impTarget = new ImagePlus("target", targetStack);

        return impTarget;

      Concatenation of 2D transformation models 
      @param transformation model perpendicular to x
      @param transformation model perpendicular to y
      @param transformation model perpendicular to z
      @return 3D transformation model
    public AffineModel3D Model3D(AbstractAffineModel2D<?> modelX, AbstractAffineModel2D<?> modelY,
            AbstractAffineModel2D<?> modelZ) {
        AffineModel3D modelTemp = new AffineModel3D();
        double[] data = new double[6];

        /* Transformation model (Rotation around Z) */
        if (modelZ != null) {
            modelTemp.set(data[0], data[2], 0.0f, data[4], data[1], data[3], 0.0f, data[5], 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

        /* Transformation model (Rotation around Y) */
        if (modelX != null) {
            modelTemp.set(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, data[3], data[1], data[5],
                    //0.0f, data[2], data[0], data[4]);
                    0.0f, data[2], data[0], 0.0f);

        /* Transformation model (Rotation around Y) */
        if (modelY != null) {
            /* center shift + un-shift*/
            // ATTENTION Change the origin of the rotation
            TranslationModel3D Shift = new TranslationModel3D();
            TranslationModel3D UnShift = new TranslationModel3D();

            modelTemp.set(data[0], 0.0f, data[2], data[4], 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
                    //data[1], 0.0f, data[3], data[5]);
                    data[1], 0.0f, data[3], 0.0f);


        return BestModel3D;


      Display SIFT position and matching between two images
      @param image 1
      @param image 2
      @param candidate vectors (red)
      @param matching vectors (green)
      @param boolean
      @return features (display)
    public void displayFeatures(ImageProcessor ip1, ImageProcessor ip2, Vector<PointMatch> candidates,
            Vector<PointMatch> inliers, boolean modelfound) {
        /* Features vizualisation */
        ImageProcessor ip1wf = null;
        ImageProcessor ip2wf = null;
        float vis_scale = 1;

        ip1wf = ip1.convertToRGB().duplicate();
        ip2wf = ip2.convertToRGB().duplicate();

        for (PointMatch m : candidates) {

            double[] m_p1 = m.getP1().getL();
            double[] m_p2 = m.getP2().getL();
            //float[] m_p1 = m.getP1().getL();
            //float[] m_p2 = m.getP2().getL();

            ip1wf.drawDot((int) Math.round(vis_scale * m_p2[0]), (int) Math.round(vis_scale * m_p2[1]));
            ip2wf.drawDot((int) Math.round(vis_scale * m_p1[0]), (int) Math.round(vis_scale * m_p1[1]));

        if (modelfound) {

            for (PointMatch m : inliers) {
                //float[] m_p1 = m.getP1().getL();
                //float[] m_p2 = m.getP2().getL();
                double[] m_p1 = m.getP1().getL();
                double[] m_p2 = m.getP2().getL();

                ip1wf.drawDot((int) Math.round(vis_scale * m_p2[0]), (int) Math.round(vis_scale * m_p2[1]));
                ip2wf.drawDot((int) Math.round(vis_scale * m_p1[0]), (int) Math.round(vis_scale * m_p1[1]));

            ImageStack stackInfo = new ImageStack(Math.round(ip1.getWidth()), Math.round(ip1.getHeight()));
            ImageProcessor tmp;
            tmp = ip1wf.createProcessor(stackInfo.getWidth(), stackInfo.getHeight());
            tmp.insert(ip1wf, 0, 0);
            stackInfo.addSlice(null, tmp);
            tmp = ip2wf.createProcessor(stackInfo.getWidth(), stackInfo.getHeight());
            tmp.insert(ip2wf, 0, 0);
            stackInfo.addSlice(null, tmp);
            ImagePlus impInfo = new ImagePlus("Alignment info", stackInfo);

      Orientate the stack 1 and 2 according to the user selection (right-left/top-bottom...)
      @param image
      @param orientation selection on the interface
      @return correctly oriented image
    public ImagePlus stackOrientation(ImagePlus imp, String orientation) {

        if (orientation == "Back - Front") {
        } else if (orientation == "Left - Right") {
            imp = StackRotation(imp, 0, -90, 0);
        } else if (orientation == "Right - Left") {
            imp = StackRotation(imp, 0, 90, 0);
        } else if (orientation == "Top - Bottom") {
            imp = StackRotation(imp, 90, 0, 0);
        } else if (orientation == "Bottom - Top") {
            imp = StackRotation(imp, -90, 0, 0);

        return imp;

      Replace the stack in its original orientation 
      @param image
      @param orientation selection on the interface
      @return correctly oriented image
    public ImagePlus reverseStackOrientation(ImagePlus imp, String orientation) {

        if (orientation == "Back - Front") {
        } else if (orientation == "Left - Right") {
            imp = StackRotation(imp, 0, 90, 0);
        } else if (orientation == "Right - Left") {
            imp = StackRotation(imp, 0, -90, 0);
        } else if (orientation == "Top - Bottom") {
            imp = StackRotation(imp, -90, 0, 0);
        } else if (orientation == "Bottom - Top") {
            imp = StackRotation(imp, 90, 0, 0);

        return imp;

      Find the overlap position using the block-by-block technique
      @param image 1
      @param image 2
      @param SIFT
      @param estimated overlap position
      @param image spliting parameter
      @return overlap position
    public int recursiveOverlapFinder(ImageStack stackf, ImageStack stackb, SIFT ijSIFT, int Cov, int split) {

        int sb = stackb.getSize();
        int sf = stackf.getSize();

        ImageStack subStackf = new ImageStack();
        ImageStack subStackb = new ImageStack();

        int myMIP = (int) sb / split;
        if (myMIP > 1) {
            subStackb = createMIP(stackb, myMIP);
            if (sf >= (int) sb / split) {
                subStackf = makeSubstack(stackf, (int) sf - sb / split + 1, sf);
                subStackf = createMIP(subStackf, subStackf.getSize());
            } else {
                subStackf = createMIP(stackf, stackf.getSize());
        } else if (myMIP <= 1) {
            subStackb = stackb;
            subStackf = stackf;

        /* Parameters Initialisation */
        ImageProcessor ipf;
        ImageProcessor ipb;

        /* Comparisons */
        int taille = subStackb.getSize();
        ipf = subStackf.getProcessor(subStackf.getSize()); // Last slice of the front stack
        ijSIFT.extractFeatures(ipf, fsf);
        int ind = 1;
        int max = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i <= taille; ++i) // Find the best match
            ipb = subStackb.getProcessor(i);
            ijSIFT.extractFeatures(ipb, fsb);
            Vector<PointMatch> inliers = searchBestInliers(ipf, ipb, ijSIFT, false);
            if (inliers.size() >= max) {
                ind = i;
                max = inliers.size();

        if (myMIP > 1) {
            Cov = (int) (Cov - sb + ind * sb / split);
            stackb = makeSubstack(stackb, (int) ((ind - 1) * (myMIP) + 1), (int) (ind * myMIP));
            stackf = makeSubstack(stackf, (int) sf - myMIP + 1, sf);
        } else {
            Cov = (int) (Cov - sb + ind);
            stackb = makeSubstack(stackb, (int) ((ind - 1) * (sb / taille) + 1), (int) (ind * sb / taille));
            stackf = makeSubstack(stackf, (int) sf - sb / taille, sf);


        if (sb <= split || split == 1) {
            IJ.log("Return OV: " + Cov);
            return Cov;
        } else {
            Cov = recursiveOverlapFinder(stackf, stackb, ijSIFT, Cov, split);
            return Cov;

      Make a substack between two given positions in a 3D image stack
      @param stack
      @param position 1
      @param position 2
      @return substack
    public ImageStack makeSubstack(ImageStack stack, int z1, int z2) {
        ImageStack substack = new ImageStack(stack.getWidth(), stack.getHeight());

        for (int i = z1; i <= z2; ++i) {

        return substack;
