Source code

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 *    ALMA - Atacama Large Millimiter Array
 *    (c) European Southern Observatory, 2004
 *    Copyright by ESO (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration),
 *    All rights reserved
 *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, 
 *    MA 02111-1307  USA
package alma.acs.logging;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Filter;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogManager;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;

import alma.acs.logging.adapters.JacORBFilter;
import alma.acs.logging.config.LogConfig;
import alma.acs.logging.config.LogConfigSubscriber;
import alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition;
import alma.acs.util.IsoDateFormat;
import alma.acs.util.StopWatch;
import alma.maci.loggingconfig.UnnamedLogger;

 * A <code>Logger</code> that attaches additional information to the produced <code>LogRecord</code>s.
 * <p>
 * This class should be used only by ACS or by similar framework layers in the Operator GUI etc.
 * Normal application code should get the Logger object from the <code>ContainerServices</code>. 
 * <p>
 * Design note: the additional data (thread name, line of code) are really most interesting for the remotely sent log messages.
 * Thus an alternative implementation could put the code from {@link #log(LogRecord)} into class {@link alma.acs.logging.AcsLoggingHandler},
 * and not use a custom Logger class at all.
 * The main reason we do it anyway is to avoid throwing the dummy exception (that delivers the stack trace) twice.
 * @author hsommer
 * created May 30, 2005 4:09:47 PM
public class AcsLogger extends Logger implements LogConfigSubscriber {

    // private in base class, need to redeclare here
    protected static final int offValue = Level.OFF.intValue();

     * Usually this is null, but factory method {@link #wrapJdkLogger(Logger)} could supply this delegate.
    protected final Logger delegate;

    /** the logger class, which must be known to unwind the stack trace. Will be this class unless we use delegation. 
     * We don't share this set among Logger instances to avoid threading overheads for fast access.
    private final Set<String> loggerClassNames = new HashSet<String>();

     * Concatenation of class and method names, with a "#" in between. 
     * Used for fast comparison of log stack frames, see {@link #addIgnoreLogs(String, String)}.
    private final Set<String> callStacksToBeIgnored = new HashSet<String>();

     * Configuration data. May be <code>null</code> for instances created from non-standard factory methods.
     * @see #configureLogging(LogConfig)
    private LogConfig logConfig;

    private String loggerName;
    private String processName;

     * TODO: check why we set the SourceObject as a field here, and also take the loggerName 
     * in the formatters to fill in the source object field there.
    private String sourceObject;

    private boolean noLevelWarningPrinted = false;

    private final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.getBoolean("alma.acs.logging.verbose");

     * If property <code>alma.acs.logging.profile.local</code> is set to true,
     * we will profile the time spent by ACS logging in the client thread.
     * This time includes stdout printing and handing over the LogRecord to the queue
     * for remote logging, but excludes the asynchronous processing of that queue.
    private final boolean PROFILE = Boolean.getBoolean("alma.acs.logging.profile.local");

     * If we profile logging (see {@link #PROFILE}, 
     * then we output statistics for blocks of 100 logs.
    private final int profileStatSize = 100;

     * If we profile logging (see {@link #PROFILE},
     * then this field holds the statistics. 
     * <p>
     * If we don't want the median computed, we could use the 
     * streaming SummaryStatistics instead of DescriptiveStatistics.
    private DescriptiveStatistics profileLogTimeStats;

    private NumberFormat profileMillisecFormatter;

     * If we profile logging (see {@link #PROFILE},
     * then this field holds the WatchDog from the slowest call.
    private StopWatch profileSlowestCallStopWatch;

     * Standard constructor that configures this logger from <code>logConfig</code> and also registers for log config
     * changes.
     * @param name
     *            the logger's name
     * @param resourceBundleName
     *            may be <code>null</code>
     * @param logConfig
     *            the ACS logging configuration object, which gives optional access to the CDB.
    public AcsLogger(String name, String resourceBundleName, LogConfig logConfig) {
        this(name, resourceBundleName, logConfig, false, null);

     * Auxiliary ctor. Don't use it directly from outside of this class.
     * @param logConfig
     *            may be null if <code>allowNullLogConfig==true</code>
    protected AcsLogger(String name, String resourceBundleName, LogConfig logConfig, boolean allowNullLogConfig,
            Logger delegate) {
        super(name, resourceBundleName);
        this.delegate = delegate;
        this.logConfig = logConfig;

        if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("*** AcsLogger running in DEBUG mode!");
        if (PROFILE) {
            profileLogTimeStats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
            profileMillisecFormatter = new DecimalFormat("#.#");
        if (logConfig != null) {
            logConfig.addSubscriber(this); // passing "this" should only be done when this object is fully constructed.
        } else if (!allowNullLogConfig) {
            throw new NullPointerException("LogConfig must not be null");

     * Non-standard factory method to be used only for special offline or testing purposes
     * where typically an AcsLogger must be provided by an alternative implementation of ContainerServices.
     * The returned AcsLogger is just like a JDK Logger obtained from {@link Logger#getLogger(String, String)}.
     * <p>
     * Note that we do not supply a {@link LogConfig} and therefore the new AcsLogger cannot register itself 
     * for initial configuration or later configuration change notifications. <br>
     * <b>It is the client's responsibility to configure the log level and parent logger of the returned AcsLogger!</b>
     * @param name  the logger's name
     * @param resourceBundleName
     * @return <code>AcsLogger</code> that is as close to a normal JDK Logger as possible.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException 
     *              If a Logger of the given <code>name</code> exists but is not an <code>AcsLogger</code>,
     *              or if an AcsLogger of the given <code>name</code> exists but has a different <code>resourceBundleName</code>.
    public static AcsLogger createUnconfiguredLogger(String name, String resourceBundleName) {

        // the following code is copied and modified from Logger.getLogger 

        LogManager manager = LogManager.getLogManager();
        Logger jdkLogger = manager.getLogger(name);
        if (jdkLogger != null && !(jdkLogger instanceof AcsLogger)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Logger " + name + " already exists but is not of subtype AcsLogger.");
        AcsLogger result = (AcsLogger) jdkLogger;

        if (result == null) {
            // Create a new logger.
            // Note: we may get a MissingResourceException here.
            result = new AcsLogger(name, resourceBundleName, null, true, null);
            result = (AcsLogger) manager.getLogger(name);

        // unlike in the JDK logger, we can't fix the resource bundle name if the logger from cache had null and now one is given.
        // however we check that the old and new bundle are consistent.
        if (result.getResourceBundleName() != null && !result.getResourceBundleName().equals(resourceBundleName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(result.getResourceBundleName() + " != " + resourceBundleName);
        return result;

     * Client applications that use ACS class <code>ComponentClient</code> may need to turn their own JDK Logger into
     * an <code>AcsLogger</code>.
     * <p>
     * If <code>logger</code> is itself of sub-type <code>AcsLogger</code> then it is returned directly without being wrapped.
     * The wrapping logger shares the parent logger and the log level with the provided logger.
     * @param logger
     *            the JDK logger
     * @param wrapperName
     *            Name of the returned AcsLogger. May be <code>null</code> in which case the delegate's name plus
     *            "wrapper" is taken.
     * @return an AcsLogger that delegates to the given <code>logger</code>.
     * @since ACS 8.0
    public static AcsLogger fromJdkLogger(Logger logger, String wrapLoggerName) {
        if (logger instanceof AcsLogger) {
            return (AcsLogger) logger;
        String acsLoggerName = (wrapLoggerName != null ? wrapLoggerName.trim() : logger.getName() + "wrapper");
        AcsLogger ret = new AcsLogger(acsLoggerName, logger.getResourceBundleName(), null, true, logger);
        return ret;

    * Optionally sets a logger name that can be different from the {@link Logger#name} passed in the constructor. The
    * new name will be used for the <code>LogRecord</code>s produced by this class. This allows changing the name later
    * on, e.g. when a container name or JUnit test name should be appended to the simple name of a Corba logger.
    * @param loggerName
    void setLoggerName(String newLoggerName) {
        if (!getLoggerName().equals(newLoggerName)) {
            String oldLoggerName = getLoggerName();
            if (DEBUG) {
                System.out.println("Renaming logger '" + oldLoggerName + "' to '" + newLoggerName + "'.");
            this.loggerName = newLoggerName;
            // fix the named logger config
            if (logConfig != null) {
                logConfig.renameNamedLoggerConfig(oldLoggerName, newLoggerName);

    String getLoggerName() {
        return (loggerName != null ? loggerName : getName());

    void setProcessName(String processName) {
        this.processName = processName;

    public String getProcessName() {
        return this.processName;

    void setSourceObject(String sourceObject) {
        this.sourceObject = sourceObject;

    public String getSourceObject() {
        return this.sourceObject;

     * The audience strings allowed in alma are defined in IDL, 
     * but are available as type-safe enums in {@link alma.acs.logging.domainspecific.AudienceLogger},
     * which thus should be preferred over this generic method.
    public void logToAudience(Level level, String msg, String audience) {
        AcsLogRecord lr = createAcsLogRecord(level, msg);

     * The audience strings allowed in alma are defined in IDL, 
     * but are available as type-safe enums in {@link alma.acs.logging.domainspecific.AudienceLogger},
     * which thus should be preferred over this generic method.
    public void logToAudience(Level level, String msg, Throwable thr, String audience) {
        AcsLogRecord lr = createAcsLogRecord(level, msg);

    public AcsLogRecord createAcsLogRecord(Level level, String msg) {
        AcsLogRecord lr = new AcsLogRecord(level, msg, getName());
        return lr;

     * Logs the given <code>LogRecord</code>. 
     * The record can be modified or dropped by the optional filters provided in {@link #addLogRecordFilter(alma.acs.logging.AcsLogger.LogRecordFilter)}. 
     * <p>
     * Adding of context information:
     * <ul>
     * <li> If the LogRecord has a parameter that is a map which contains additional information 
     * about the line of code, thread, etc., the log record will be taken as provided, and no context
     * information will be added. This can be useful if
     *   <ul>
     *   <li> the log record was reconstructed from a remote error by the ACS error handling code
     *        (see <code>AcsJException</code>), or
     *   <li> if in very exceptional cases application code needs to manipulate such information by hand.
     *   </ul>
     * <li> otherwise, context information is inferred, similar to {@link LogRecord#inferCaller()},
     *   but additionally including thread name and line of code.
     * </ul>  
     * Note that by overloading this method, we intercept all logging activities of the base class.
     * @see java.util.logging.Logger#log(java.util.logging.LogRecord)
    public void log(LogRecord record) {
        // Throw exception if level OFF was used to log this record, see
        // Both Level.OFF and AcsLogLevel.OFF use the same value INTEGER.max, but we anyway check for both.
        if (record.getLevel().intValue() == Level.OFF.intValue()
                || record.getLevel().intValue() == AcsLogLevel.OFF.intValue()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Level OFF must not be used for actual logging, but only for level filtering.");

        StopWatch sw_all = null;
        if (PROFILE) {
            sw_all = new StopWatch(null);

        // Level could be null and must then be inherited from the ancestor loggers, 
        // e.g. during JDK shutdown when the log level is nulled by the JDK LogManager 
        Logger loggerWithLevel = this;
        while (loggerWithLevel != null && loggerWithLevel.getLevel() == null
                && loggerWithLevel.getParent() != null) {
            loggerWithLevel = loggerWithLevel.getParent();
        int levelValue = -1;
        if (loggerWithLevel.getLevel() == null) {
            // HSO 2007-09-05: With ACS 6.0.4 the OMC uses this class (previously plain JDK logger) and has reported 
            // that no level was found, which yielded a NPE. To be investigated further. 
            // Probably #createUnconfiguredLogger was used without setting parent logger nor log level. 
            // Just to be safe I add the necessary checks and warning message that improve over a NPE.
            if (!noLevelWarningPrinted) {
                System.out.println("Logger configuration error: no log level found for logger " + getLoggerName()
                        + " or its ancestors. Will use Level.ALL instead.");
                noLevelWarningPrinted = true;
            // @TODO: decide if resorting to ALL is desirable, or to use schema defaults, INFO, etc
            levelValue = Level.ALL.intValue();
        } else {
            // level is fine, reset the flag to print the error message again when log level is missing.
            noLevelWarningPrinted = false;
            levelValue = loggerWithLevel.getLevel().intValue();

        // filter by log level to avoid unnecessary retrieval of context data.
        // The same check will be repeated by the base class implementation of this method that gets called afterwards.
        if (record.getLevel().intValue() < levelValue || levelValue == offValue) {

        // modify the logger name if necessary
        if (loggerName != null) {

        // check if this record already has the context data attached which ACS needs but the JDK logging API does not provide
        LogParameterUtil paramUtil = new LogParameterUtil(record);
        Map<String, Object> specialProperties = paramUtil.extractSpecialPropertiesMap();

        if (specialProperties == null) {
            // we prepend the special properties map to the other parameters
            specialProperties = LogParameterUtil.createPropertiesMap();
            List<Object> paramList = paramUtil.getNonSpecialPropertiesMapParameters();
            paramList.add(0, specialProperties);

            String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
            specialProperties.put(LogParameterUtil.PARAM_THREAD_NAME, threadName);

            specialProperties.put(LogParameterUtil.PARAM_PROCESSNAME, this.processName);
            specialProperties.put(LogParameterUtil.PARAM_SOURCEOBJECT, this.sourceObject);

            // Get the stack trace
            StackTraceElement stack[] = (new Throwable()).getStackTrace();
            // search for the first frame before the "Logger" class.
            int ix = 0;
            boolean foundNonLogFrame = false;
            while (ix < stack.length) {
                StackTraceElement frame = stack[ix];
                String cname = frame.getClassName();
                if (!foundNonLogFrame && !loggerClassNames.contains(cname)) {
                    // We've found the relevant frame.
                    int lineNumber = frame.getLineNumber();
                    specialProperties.put(LogParameterUtil.PARAM_LINE, Long.valueOf(lineNumber));
                    foundNonLogFrame = true;
                    if (this.callStacksToBeIgnored.isEmpty()) {
                        break; // performance optimization: avoid checking all "higher" stack frames
                if (foundNonLogFrame) {
                    if (callStacksToBeIgnored.contains(concatenateIgnoreLogData(cname, frame.getMethodName()))) {
                        //System.out.println("Won't log record with message " + record.getMessage());
            // We haven't found a suitable frame, so just punt. This is
            // OK as we are only committed to making a "best effort" here.

        StopWatch sw_afterAcsLogger = null;
        if (PROFILE) {
            sw_afterAcsLogger = sw_all.createStopWatchForSubtask("afterAcsLogger");
            LogParameterUtil logParamUtil = new LogParameterUtil(record);

        // Let the delegate or Logger base class handle the rest.
        if (delegate != null) {
        } else {

        if (PROFILE) {
            long elapsedNanos = sw_all.getLapTimeNanos();
            if (profileSlowestCallStopWatch == null
                    || profileSlowestCallStopWatch.getLapTimeNanos() < elapsedNanos) {
                profileSlowestCallStopWatch = sw_all;
            if (profileLogTimeStats.getN() >= profileStatSize) {
                String msg = "Local logging times in ms for the last " + profileStatSize + " logs: ";
                msg += "mean=" + profileMillisecFormatter.format(profileLogTimeStats.getMean() * 1E-6);
                msg += ", median=" + profileMillisecFormatter.format(profileLogTimeStats.getPercentile(50) * 1E-6);
                msg += ", stdev="
                        + profileMillisecFormatter.format(profileLogTimeStats.getStandardDeviation() * 1E-6);
                msg += "; details of slowest log (from ";
                msg += IsoDateFormat.formatDate(profileSlowestCallStopWatch.getStartTime()) + "): ";
                msg += profileSlowestCallStopWatch.getSubtaskDetails();
                profileSlowestCallStopWatch = null;

     * Callback method, configures this logger from the data in logConfig.
     * @see alma.acs.logging.config.LogConfigSubscriber#configureLogging(alma.acs.logging.config.LogConfig)
    public void configureLogging(LogConfig newLogConfig) {
        if (newLogConfig == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("newLogConfig must not be null");
        logConfig = newLogConfig;
        try {
            UnnamedLogger config = logConfig.getNamedLoggerConfig(getLoggerName());
            if (DEBUG) {
                System.out.println("*** AcsLogger#configureLogging: name=" + getLoggerName() + " minLevel="
                        + config.getMinLogLevel() + " minLevelLocal=" + config.getMinLogLevelLocal());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log(Level.INFO, "Failed to configure logger.", e);

        // forward log level to optional JacORB filter
        // Perhaps this dependency is too dirty, then we need a more general
        // filter registration mechanism parallel to what the JDK foresees.
        Filter logFilter = getFilter();
        if (logFilter != null && logFilter instanceof JacORBFilter) {
            ((JacORBFilter) logFilter).setLogLevel(getLevel());

     * Extracted from {@link #configureLogging(LogConfig)} to support also configuration of Loggers created with 
     * {@link #createUnconfiguredLogger(String, String)} which do not know about a shared {@link LogConfig}. 
     * @param loggerConfig
    void configureLevels(UnnamedLogger loggerConfig) {
        try {
            // the logger must let through the lowest log level required for either local or remote logging.
            AcsLogLevelDefinition minLogLevelACS = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromXsdLogLevel(
                    loggerConfig.getMinLogLevel().getType() < loggerConfig.getMinLogLevelLocal().getType()
                            ? loggerConfig.getMinLogLevel()
                            : loggerConfig.getMinLogLevelLocal());

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            log(Level.INFO, "Failed to configure logger.", ex);


     * Adds a logger class, which will be used to skip entries in the stack trace until the original logging method is found.
     * If you have a delegation chain that involves loggers besides AcsLogger and the normal JDK Logger, 
     * make sure you call this method for each of them.
     * @param loggerClass
    public void addLoggerClass(Class<?> loggerClass) {

     * The AcsLogger can be configured to ignore certain logs. 
     * Note that this feature should not be used as a substitute for properly adjusting log levels 
     * and using repeat guards etc throughout the code.
     * A valid use case would be to avoid "positive feedback" when the sending of a log produces 
     * one or more log messages, some of which may only be produced under special conditions,
     * e.g. those coming from jacorb.
     * @param className  class name where the log comes from. Must not be null.
     * @param methodName  method name where the log comes from. Must not be null.
    public void addIgnoreLogs(String className, String methodName) {
        if (className == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("className must not be null");
        if (methodName == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("methodName must not be null");
        callStacksToBeIgnored.add(concatenateIgnoreLogData(className, methodName));

     * Ensures that the same format of concatenated String is used in {@link #addIgnoreLogs(String, String)}
     * and {@link #log(LogRecord)}.
     * Being private final, the compiler will hopefully inline calls to this method.
     * @param fileName
     * @param methodName
     * @return
    private final String concatenateIgnoreLogData(String className, String methodName) {
        return className + '#' + methodName;