Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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package AnalysisModule;

import Network.BitMap;
import Simulador.Scenario;
import Network.Topology;
import Network.Instance;
import Network.Switch;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartColor;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer;
import static org.jfree.util.Log.error;

 * @author Igor Siqueira
public abstract class DataAnalysis {

    //    public void realAnalyse(ArrayList<Topology> lstTopology) throws Exception {
    ////        List<Long[][]> matrix = realAnalysis(lstTopology);
    //        realAnalysis(lstTopology);
    //        for (Topology topology : lstTopology) {
    //            File bmpFile = new File(topology.getSaidasDir() + "Real.csv");
    //            if (!bmpFile.exists()) {
    //                bmpFile.createNewFile();
    //            }
    //            FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(bmpFile);
    //            PrintWriter oos = new PrintWriter(fout);
    //            for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
    //                oos.print(";Router " + (i + 1));
    //            }
    //            for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
    //                oos.println();
    //                oos.print("Router " + (i + 1));
    //                for (int j = 0; j < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
    //                    doPrintElement(oos, i, j, topology.getTrafficMatrix()[i][j]);
    //                }
    //            }
    //            oos.close();
    //            fout.close();
    //        }
    ////        File bmpFile = new File(Instance.getSaidasDir() + "Real.csv");
    ////        if (!bmpFile.exists()) {
    ////            bmpFile.createNewFile();
    ////        }
    ////        FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(bmpFile);
    ////        PrintWriter oos = new PrintWriter(fout);
    ////        Long[][] matrix = realAnalysis();
    ////        for (int i = 0; i < Instance.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
    ////            oos.print(";Router " + (i + 1));
    ////        }
    ////        for (int i = 0; i < Instance.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
    ////            oos.println();
    ////            oos.print("Router " + (i + 1));
    ////            for (int j = 0; j < Instance.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
    ////                doPrintElement(oos, i, j, matrix[i][j]);
    ////            }
    ////        }
    ////        oos.close();
    ////        fout.close();
    //    }
    //    public void simulateBitmapAnalyse(List<Topology> lstTopology) throws Exception {
    //        Double valor;
    //        for (Topology topology : lstTopology) {
    //            for (Instance instance : topology.getLstInstance()) {
    //                HashMap<Double, List<HashMap<Integer, Integer>>> orderMap = new HashMap<>();
    //                File bmpFile = new File(topology.getSaidasDir() + "SimulacaoInstancia" + instance.getId() + ".csv");
    //                if (!bmpFile.exists()) {
    //                    bmpFile.createNewFile();
    //                }
    //                FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(bmpFile);
    //                PrintWriter oos = new PrintWriter(fout);
    //                for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
    //                    oos.print(";Router " + (i + 1));
    //                }
    //                for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
    //                    oos.println();
    //                    oos.print("Router " + (i + 1));
    //                    for (int j = 0; j < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
    //                        int sourceId = i;
    //                        int destinationId = j;
    //                        if (sourceId > topology.getNumberOfSwitches() || destinationId > topology.getNumberOfSwitches()) {
    //                            System.out.println("Erro no nmero de switches");
    //                            throw new Exception("Erro no nmero de switches");
    //                        } else {
    //                            valor = bitmapAnalyse(instance, i, j);
    //                            doPrintElement(oos, i, j, valor);
    //                            if (i < j) {
    //                                if (orderMap.containsKey(valor)) {
    //                                    HashMap<Integer, Integer> mapNodes = new HashMap<>();
    //                                    mapNodes.put(i + 1, j + 1);
    //                                    orderMap.get(valor).add(mapNodes);
    //                                } else {
    //                                    LinkedList listaHashMap = new LinkedList();
    //                                    HashMap<Integer, Integer> mapNodes = new HashMap<>();
    //                                    mapNodes.put(i + 1, j + 1);
    //                                    listaHashMap.add(mapNodes);
    //                                    orderMap.put(valor, listaHashMap);
    //                                }
    //                            }
    //                        }
    //                    }
    //                }
    //                oos.close();
    //                fout.close();
    //                Map<Double, List<HashMap<Integer, Integer>>> map = new TreeMap<>(orderMap);
    //                System.out.println("Instancia" + instance.getId() + " After Sorting:");
    //                Set set2 = map.entrySet();
    //                Iterator iterator2 = set2.iterator();
    //                while (iterator2.hasNext()) {
    //                    Map.Entry me2 = (Map.Entry);
    //                    System.out.print(me2.getKey() + ": ");
    //                    System.out.println(me2.getValue());
    //                }
    //            }
    //        }
    ////        File bmpFile = new File(Instance.getSaidasDir() + "Simulacao.csv");
    ////        if (!bmpFile.exists()) {
    ////            bmpFile.createNewFile();
    ////        }
    ////        FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(bmpFile);
    ////        PrintWriter oos = new PrintWriter(fout);
    ////        for (int i = 0; i < Instance.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
    ////            oos.print(";Router " + (i + 1));
    ////        }
    ////        for (int i = 0; i < Instance.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
    ////            oos.println();
    ////            oos.print("Router " + (i + 1));
    ////            for (int j = 0; j < Instance.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
    ////                doPrintElement(oos, i, j, bitmapAnalyse(i, j));
    ////            }
    ////        }
    ////        oos.close();
    ////        fout.close();
    //    }
    //    protected void realAnalysis(ArrayList<Topology> lstTopology) throws Exception {
    //        String delim = "[,]";
    //        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("00");
    //        FileInputStream tracesFIS;
    //        DataInputStream tracesDIS;
    //        BufferedReader tracesBR;
    //        String tracesStr;
    //        for (Topology topology : lstTopology) {
    //            Long[][] trafficMatrix = new Long[topology.getNumberOfSwitches()][topology.getNumberOfSwitches()];
    //            for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
    //                for (int j = 0; j < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
    //                    trafficMatrix[i][j] = 0L;
    //                }
    //            }
    //            topology.setTrafficMatrix(trafficMatrix);
    //        }
    //        String tracerEntrada;
    //        tracerEntrada = "D:\\Mestrado\\SketchMatrix\\trunk\\Tracer_10k_Pacotes.csv";
    //        File diretorio = new File(tracerEntrada);
    //        File files[] = diretorio.listFiles();
    //        if (files == null) {
    //            files = new File[1];
    //            files[0] = diretorio;
    //        } else {
    //            Arrays.sort(files);
    //        }
    //        for (File file : files) {
    //            if (file.isFile()) {
    //                //System.out.println("Trace #" + df.format(i));
    //                tracesFIS = new FileInputStream(file);
    //                tracesDIS = new DataInputStream(tracesFIS);
    //                tracesBR = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(tracesDIS));
    //                tracesStr = tracesBR.readLine();
    //                while (tracesStr != null) {
    //                    String[] packetTokens = tracesStr.split(delim);
    //                    long time = parseLong(packetTokens[0]);
    //                    long srcIP = parseLong(packetTokens[1]);
    //                    long dstIP = parseLong(packetTokens[2]);
    //                    // TODO : Incluir leitura do objeto Instance
    ////                    if (time - 21600000000L > Scenario.startTime && time - 21600000000L < Scenario.endTime) {
    ////                        for (Topology topology : lstTopology) {
    ////                            //Ingress Switch
    ////                            int ingressSW = (int) ((topology.getBitmask() & srcIP) >> (32 - topology.getNumberOfBitsForSwId()));
    ////                            //Egress Switch
    ////                            int egressSW = (int) ((topology.getBitmask() & dstIP) >> (32 - topology.getNumberOfBitsForSwId()));
    ////                            doCalculateMatrixElem(ingressSW, egressSW, topology);
    ////                        }
    ////                    }
    //                    tracesStr = tracesBR.readLine();
    //                }
    //                tracesBR.close();
    //                tracesDIS.close();
    //                tracesFIS.close();
    //            }
    //        }
    ////        return lstMatrizRealanalysis;
    //    }
    protected Long parseLong(String texto) {
        if (texto.startsWith("0x")) {
            return Long.parseLong(texto.substring(2), 16);
        } else {
            return Long.parseLong(texto);

    //    protected Double bitmapAnalyse(Instance instance, int sourceId, int destinationId) throws Exception {
    //        BitMap bitMap;
    //        String bmpDir;
    //        int numberOfFiles;
    //        Double trafficVolume = 0D;
    //        FileInputStream fin = null;
    //        ObjectInputStream ois = null;
    //        TreeMap<Long, BitMap> sourceBitMapTree = new TreeMap<>();
    //        TreeMap<Long, BitMap> destinationBitMapTree = new TreeMap<>();
    //        bmpDir = getSrcDir(instance, sourceId);
    //        numberOfFiles = new File(bmpDir).listFiles().length;
    //        int firstBitmap = -2;
    //        for (int numberOfBmp = 0; numberOfBmp < numberOfFiles; numberOfBmp++) {
    //            fin = new FileInputStream(bmpDir + "BitMap" + numberOfBmp + ".bmp");
    //            ois = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
    //            bitMap = (BitMap) ois.readObject();
    //            // TODO : incluir leitura do objeto Scenario
    ////            if ((bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L > Scenario.startTime)
    ////                    && (bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L < Scenario.endTime)) {
    ////                if (firstBitmap == -2) {
    ////                    firstBitmap = numberOfBmp - 1;
    ////                }
    ////                sourceBitMapTree.put(bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L, bitMap);
    ////            }
    //            ois.close();
    //            fin.close();
    //        }
    //        //Add the first bitmap in the Measurement Interval
    //        if (firstBitmap >= 0) {
    //            fin = new FileInputStream(bmpDir + "BitMap" + firstBitmap + ".bmp");
    //            ois = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
    //            bitMap = (BitMap) ois.readObject();
    //            sourceBitMapTree.put(bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L, bitMap);
    //            ois.close();
    //            fin.close();
    //        }
    //        bmpDir = getDestDir(instance, destinationId);
    //        numberOfFiles = new File(bmpDir).listFiles().length;
    //        firstBitmap = -2;
    //        for (int numberOfBmp = 0; numberOfBmp < numberOfFiles; numberOfBmp++) {
    //            fin = new FileInputStream(bmpDir + "BitMap" + numberOfBmp + ".bmp");
    //            ois = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
    //            bitMap = (BitMap) ois.readObject();
    //            // TODO : Leitura do objeto Scenario
    ////            if ((bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L > Scenario.startTime)
    ////                    && (bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L < Scenario.endTime)) {
    ////                if (firstBitmap == -2) {
    ////                    firstBitmap = numberOfBmp - 1;
    ////                }
    ////                destinationBitMapTree.put(bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L, bitMap);
    ////            }
    //            ois.close();
    //            fin.close();
    //        }
    //        //Add the first bitmap in the Measurement Interval
    //        if (firstBitmap >= 0) {
    //            fin = new FileInputStream(bmpDir + "BitMap" + firstBitmap + ".bmp");
    //            ois = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
    //            bitMap = (BitMap) ois.readObject();
    //            destinationBitMapTree.put(bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L, bitMap);
    //            ois.close();
    //            fin.close();
    //        }
    //        //Estimation
    //        int k1 = sourceBitMapTree.size();
    //        int k2 = destinationBitMapTree.size();
    //        Collection sourceEntrySet = sourceBitMapTree.entrySet();
    //        Iterator sourceEntries = sourceEntrySet.iterator();
    //        for (int q = 0; q < k1; q++) {
    //            Map.Entry entrySrc = (Map.Entry);
    //            BitMap bmpSrc = (BitMap) entrySrc.getValue();
    //            Collection destinationEntrySet = destinationBitMapTree.entrySet();
    //            Iterator destinationEntries = destinationEntrySet.iterator();
    //            for (int r = 0; r < k2; r++) {
    //                Map.Entry entryDst = (Map.Entry);
    //                BitMap bmpDst = (BitMap) entryDst.getValue();
    //                boolean overlap
    //                        = bmpSrc.getStartEpoch() <= bmpDst.getEndEpoch()
    //                        && bmpSrc.getEndEpoch() >= bmpDst.getStartEpoch();
    //                if (overlap) {
    //                    double sourceDTr = instance.getBitMapSize() * Math.log(((double) instance.getBitMapSize()) / (instance.getBitMapSize() - bmpSrc.occupancy()));
    //                    double destinationDTr = instance.getBitMapSize() * Math.log(((double) instance.getBitMapSize()) / (instance.getBitMapSize() - bmpDst.occupancy()));
    //                    BitSet orSrcDst = (BitSet) bmpSrc.getBitSet().clone();
    //                    orSrcDst.or(bmpDst.getBitSet());
    //                    double orDTr = instance.getBitMapSize() * Math.log(((double) instance.getBitMapSize()) / (instance.getBitMapSize() - orSrcDst.cardinality()));
    //                    double estimation = 0D;
    //                    if (Double.isFinite(orDTr)) {
    //                        estimation = sourceDTr + destinationDTr - orDTr;
    //                    }
    //                    trafficVolume += estimation;
    //                }
    //            }
    //        }
    //        return trafficVolume;
    ////        Double a = null;
    ////        return a;
    //    }
    public void realAnalyse(ArrayList<Scenario> lstScenario) throws Exception {
        //        List<Long[][]> matrix = realAnalysis(lstTopology);
        for (Scenario scenario : lstScenario) {
            for (Topology topology : scenario.lstTopology) {
                File bmpFile = new File(topology.getSaidasDir() + "Real.csv");
                if (!bmpFile.exists()) {

                FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(bmpFile);
                PrintWriter oos = new PrintWriter(fout);
                for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
                    oos.print(";Router " + (i + 1));
                for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
                    oos.print("Router " + (i + 1));
                    for (int j = 0; j < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
                        doPrintElement(oos, i, j, topology.getTrafficMatrix()[i][j]);


    protected void realAnalysis(ArrayList<Scenario> lstScenario) throws Exception {
        String delim = "[,]";
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("00");

        FileInputStream tracesFIS;
        DataInputStream tracesDIS;
        BufferedReader tracesBR;
        String tracesStr;

        for (Scenario scenario : lstScenario) {
            for (Topology topology : scenario.lstTopology) {
                Long[][] trafficMatrix = new Long[topology.getNumberOfSwitches()][topology.getNumberOfSwitches()];
                for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
                        trafficMatrix[i][j] = 0L;

        for (Scenario scenario : lstScenario) {
            File diretorio = new File(scenario.traceFile);
            File files[] = diretorio.listFiles();
            if (files == null) {
                files = new File[1];
                files[0] = diretorio;
            } else {

            for (File file : files) {

                if (file.isFile()) {

                    //System.out.println("Trace #" + df.format(i));
                    tracesFIS = new FileInputStream(file);
                    tracesDIS = new DataInputStream(tracesFIS);
                    tracesBR = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(tracesDIS));

                    tracesStr = tracesBR.readLine();

                    while (tracesStr != null) {

                        String[] packetTokens = tracesStr.split(delim);

                        long time = parseLong(packetTokens[0]);
                        long srcIP = parseLong(packetTokens[1]);
                        long dstIP = parseLong(packetTokens[2]);

                        if (time - 21600000000L > scenario.startTime && time - 21600000000L < scenario.endTime) {

                            for (Topology topology : scenario.lstTopology) {

                                //Ingress Switch
                                int ingressSW = (int) ((topology.getBitmask() & srcIP) >> (32
                                        - topology.getNumberOfBitsForSwId()));

                                //Egress Switch
                                int egressSW = (int) ((topology.getBitmask() & dstIP) >> (32
                                        - topology.getNumberOfBitsForSwId()));

                                doCalculateMatrixElem(ingressSW, egressSW, topology);
                        tracesStr = tracesBR.readLine();
            //        return lstMatrizRealanalysis;


    public void simulateBitmapAnalyse(List<Scenario> lstScenario) throws Exception {
        Double valor;

        for (Scenario scenario : lstScenario) {
            for (Topology topology : scenario.lstTopology) {
                File table = new File(topology.getSaidasDir() + "Resumo.csv");
                FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(table);
                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw);
                pw.write(";Instancia 1;Instancia 2;Instancia 3;Instancia 4\n");
                for (Instance instance : topology.getLstInstance()) {
                    pw.write(String.format("%6.2f", (instance.getBitMapSize() / 8.0) / 1024.0) + ";");
                for (Instance instance : topology.getLstInstance()) {
                    double error = 0;
                    int counter = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
                        for (int j = i + 1; j < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
                            error += Math.pow(topology.getTrafficMatrix()[i][j] - instance.trafficMatrix[i][j], 2);
                    error = Math.sqrt(error / counter);
                    System.out.println("RMSE: " + error);
                    pw.write(String.format("%10.8f", error) + ";");
                for (Instance instance : topology.getLstInstance()) {
                    double error = 0;
                    int counter = 0;
                    double T = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
                        for (int j = i + 1; j < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
                            if (instance.trafficMatrix[i][j] > T) {
                                error += Math.pow((topology.getTrafficMatrix()[i][j] - instance.trafficMatrix[i][j])
                                        / instance.trafficMatrix[i][j], 2);
                    error = Math.sqrt(error / counter);
                    System.out.println("RMSRE: " + error);
                    pw.write(String.format("%10.8f", error) + ";");
                for (Instance instance : topology.getLstInstance()) {
                    int nbSw = 0;
                    for (Switch sw : instance.networkSwitch.values()) {
                        if (sw.isObserver) {
                    pw.write(nbSw + ";");
                for (Instance instance : topology.getLstInstance()) {
                    int nbSw = 0;
                    for (Switch sw : instance.networkSwitch.values()) {
                        if (sw.isObserver) {
                    pw.write(String.format("%4.2f", 100.0 * (float) nbSw / (float) topology.getNumberOfSwitches())
                            + ";");
                for (Instance instance : topology.getLstInstance()) {
                    HashMap<Double, List<HashMap<Integer, Integer>>> orderMap = new HashMap<>();
                    File bmpFile = new File(
                            topology.getSaidasDir() + "SimulacaoInstancia" + instance.getId() + ".csv");
                    if (!bmpFile.exists()) {
                    FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(bmpFile);
                    PrintWriter oos = new PrintWriter(fout);
                    for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
                        oos.print(";Router " + (i + 1));
                    for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
                        oos.print("Router " + (i + 1));
                        for (int j = 0; j < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
                            int sourceId = i;
                            int destinationId = j;
                            if (sourceId > topology.getNumberOfSwitches()
                                    || destinationId > topology.getNumberOfSwitches()) {
                                System.out.println("Erro no nmero de switches");
                                throw new Exception("Erro no nmero de switches");
                            } else {
                                doPrintElement(oos, i, j, instance.trafficMatrix[i][j]);

                                //                                if (i < j) {
                                //                                    if (orderMap.containsKey(instance.trafficMatrix[i][j])) {
                                //                                        HashMap<Integer, Integer> mapNodes = new HashMap<>();
                                //                                        mapNodes.put(i + 1, j + 1);
                                //                                        orderMap.get(instance.trafficMatrix[i][j]).add(mapNodes);
                                //                                    } else {
                                //                                        LinkedList listaHashMap = new LinkedList();
                                //                                        HashMap<Integer, Integer> mapNodes = new HashMap<>();
                                //                                        mapNodes.put(i + 1, j + 1);
                                //                                        listaHashMap.add(mapNodes);
                                //                                        orderMap.put(instance.trafficMatrix[i][j], listaHashMap);
                                //                                    }
                                //                                }

                    //                    Map<Double, List<HashMap<Integer, Integer>>> map = new TreeMap<>(orderMap);
                    //                    System.out.println("Instancia" + instance.getId() + " After Sorting:");
                    //                    Set set2 = map.entrySet();
                    //                    Iterator iterator2 = set2.iterator();
                    //                    while (iterator2.hasNext()) {
                    //                        Map.Entry me2 = (Map.Entry);
                    //                        System.out.print(me2.getKey() + ": ");
                    //                        System.out.println(me2.getValue());
                    //                    }
                    // Plot Graf
                    XYSeries matrix = new XYSeries("Matrix", false, true);
                    for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
                        for (int j = i + 1; j < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
                            matrix.add((double) topology.getTrafficMatrix()[i][j], instance.trafficMatrix[i][j]);
                    double maxPlot = Double.max(matrix.getMaxX(), matrix.getMaxY()) * 1.1;
                    XYSeries middle = new XYSeries("Real");
                    middle.add(0, 0);
                    middle.add(maxPlot, maxPlot);
                    XYSeries max = new XYSeries("Max");
                    max.add(0, 0);
                    max.add(maxPlot, maxPlot * 1.2);
                    XYSeries min = new XYSeries("Min");
                    min.add(0, 0);
                    min.add(maxPlot, maxPlot * 0.8);

                    XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();
                    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Matriz de Trfego", "Real", "Estimado",
                    chart.setBackgroundPaint(new ChartColor(255, 255, 255));

                    XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) chart.getXYPlot().getRenderer();
                    renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(1, false);
                    renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(1, true);

                    int width = 640 * 2; /* Width of the image */

                    int height = 480 * 2; /* Height of the image */

                    File XYChart = new File(
                            topology.getSaidasDir() + "SimulacaoInstancia" + instance.getId() + ".jpeg");
                    ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(XYChart, chart, width, height);

    protected void bitmapAnalyse(List<Scenario> lstScenario) throws Exception {
        BitMap bitMap;
        String bmpDir;
        int traffic;
        int numberOfFiles;
        FileInputStream fin = null;
        ObjectInputStream ois = null;

        for (Scenario scenario : lstScenario) {
            for (Topology topology : scenario.lstTopology) {
                for (Instance instance : topology.getLstInstance()) {
                    instance.trafficMatrix = new double[topology.getNumberOfSwitches()][topology

        for (Scenario scenario : lstScenario) {
            for (Topology topology : scenario.lstTopology) {
                System.out.println("Analisando Topologia: " + topology.getIdTopology());
                for (Instance instance : topology.getLstInstance()) {
                    System.out.println("           Instancia: " + instance.getId());
                    for (int i = 0; i < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); i++) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < topology.getNumberOfSwitches(); j++) {
                            switch (instance.type) {
                            case BITMAP: {
                                if (j <= i) {
                                TreeMap<Long, BitMap> sourceBitMapTree = new TreeMap<>();
                                TreeMap<Long, BitMap> destinationBitMapTree = new TreeMap<>();

                                bmpDir = getSrcDir(instance, i);
                                numberOfFiles = new File(bmpDir).listFiles().length - 1;
                                int firstBitmap = -2;

                                for (int numberOfBmp = 0; numberOfBmp < numberOfFiles; numberOfBmp++) {

                                    fin = new FileInputStream(bmpDir + "BitMap" + numberOfBmp + ".bmp");
                                    ois = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
                                    bitMap = (BitMap) ois.readObject();

                                    if ((bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L > scenario.startTime)
                                            && (bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L < scenario.endTime)) {
                                        if (firstBitmap == -2) {
                                            firstBitmap = numberOfBmp - 1;
                                        sourceBitMapTree.put(bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L, bitMap);



                                //Add the first bitmap in the Measurement Interval
                                if (firstBitmap >= 0) {
                                    fin = new FileInputStream(bmpDir + "BitMap" + firstBitmap + ".bmp");
                                    ois = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
                                    bitMap = (BitMap) ois.readObject();

                                    sourceBitMapTree.put(bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L, bitMap);


                                bmpDir = getDestDir(instance, j);
                                numberOfFiles = new File(bmpDir).listFiles().length - 1;
                                firstBitmap = -2;

                                for (int numberOfBmp = 0; numberOfBmp < numberOfFiles; numberOfBmp++) {

                                    fin = new FileInputStream(bmpDir + "BitMap" + numberOfBmp + ".bmp");
                                    ois = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
                                    bitMap = (BitMap) ois.readObject();

                                    if ((bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L > scenario.startTime)
                                            && (bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L < scenario.endTime)) {
                                        if (firstBitmap == -2) {
                                            firstBitmap = numberOfBmp - 1;
                                        destinationBitMapTree.put(bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L, bitMap);

                                //Add the first bitmap in the Measurement Interval
                                if (firstBitmap >= 0) {
                                    fin = new FileInputStream(bmpDir + "BitMap" + firstBitmap + ".bmp");
                                    ois = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
                                    bitMap = (BitMap) ois.readObject();

                                    destinationBitMapTree.put(bitMap.getStartEpoch() - 21600000000L, bitMap);



                                int k1 = sourceBitMapTree.size();
                                int k2 = destinationBitMapTree.size();

                                Collection sourceEntrySet = sourceBitMapTree.entrySet();
                                Iterator sourceEntries = sourceEntrySet.iterator();

                                for (int q = 0; q < k1; q++) {
                                    Map.Entry entrySrc = (Map.Entry);
                                    BitMap bmpSrc = (BitMap) entrySrc.getValue();

                                    Collection destinationEntrySet = destinationBitMapTree.entrySet();
                                    Iterator destinationEntries = destinationEntrySet.iterator();

                                    for (int r = 0; r < k2; r++) {
                                        Map.Entry entryDst = (Map.Entry);
                                        BitMap bmpDst = (BitMap) entryDst.getValue();

                                        boolean overlap = bmpSrc.getStartEpoch() <= bmpDst.getEndEpoch()
                                                && bmpSrc.getEndEpoch() >= bmpDst.getStartEpoch();

                                        if (overlap) {
                                            double sourceDTr = instance.getBitMapSize()
                                                    * Math.log(((double) instance.getBitMapSize())
                                                            / (instance.getBitMapSize() - bmpSrc.occupancy()));

                                            double destinationDTr = instance.getBitMapSize()
                                                    * Math.log(((double) instance.getBitMapSize())
                                                            / (instance.getBitMapSize() - bmpDst.occupancy()));

                                            BitSet orSrcDst = (BitSet) bmpSrc.getBitSet().clone();
                                            //BitSet andSrcDst = (BitSet) bmpSrc.getBitSet().clone();

                                            double orDTr = instance.getBitMapSize()
                                                    * Math.log(((double) instance.getBitMapSize())
                                                            / (instance.getBitMapSize() - orSrcDst.cardinality()));
                                            //double andDTr = instance.getBitMapSize() * Math.log(((double) instance.getBitMapSize()) / (instance.getBitMapSize() - andSrcDst.cardinality()));

                                            double estimation = 0D;
                                            if (Double.isFinite(orDTr)) {
                                                estimation = sourceDTr + destinationDTr - orDTr;
                                                //estimation = (bmpSrc.getNumberOfPackets()/sourceDTr) * estimation;
                                                //estimation = andDTr;

                                            instance.trafficMatrix[i][j] += estimation;

                            case COUNTER_ARRAY: {
                                traffic = 0;
                                traffic += instance.networkSwitch.get(i).arrayCounter[i][j];
                                //traffic += instance.networkSwitch.get(i).arrayCounter[j][i];
                                instance.doCalculateMatrixElem(i, j, topology, traffic);

                            case OPT_COUNTER_ARRAY: {
                                traffic = 0;
                                for (Integer node : topology.getPathNodes(i, j)) {
                                    if (instance.networkSwitch.get(node).isObserver) {
                                        traffic += instance.networkSwitch.get(node).arrayCounter[i][j];
                                        //traffic += instance.networkSwitch.get(node).arrayCounter[j][i];
                                instance.doCalculateMatrixElem(i, j, topology, traffic);

    protected abstract void doPrintElement(PrintWriter oos, int i, int j, Object element);

    protected abstract void doCalculateMatrixElem(int ingressSW, int egressSW, Topology topology);

    protected abstract String getSrcDir(Instance instance, int srcId);

    protected abstract String getDestDir(Instance instance, int destId);