Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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package beans;

import com.lowagie.text.BadElementException;
import com.lowagie.text.Document;
import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
import com.lowagie.text.Image;
import com.lowagie.text.PageSize;
import com.lowagie.text.Phrase;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedProperty;
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import models.Assets;
import models.Location;
import models.Report;
import models.ReportItem;
import service.LocationService;
import service.ReportItemService;
import service.ReportService;

 * @author Muman
@ManagedBean(name = "reportsMB")
public class ReportsMB implements Serializable {

    @ManagedProperty(value = "#{locationServiceImpl}")
    private LocationService locationService;

    @ManagedProperty(value = "#{reportServiceImpl}")
    private ReportService reportService;

    @ManagedProperty(value = "#{reportItemServiceImpl}")
    private ReportItemService reportItemService;

    private Report selectedReport;

    private Location selectedLocation;

    private List<Location> Locations;

    private List<Report> reports;

    private List<ReportItem> reportsItems;

    private List<Report> reportsForSelecetedLocation;

    private List<ReportItem> reportItemsForSelectedReport;

    public ReportsMB() {
        reports = new ArrayList<>();
        reportsItems = new ArrayList<>();
        Locations = new ArrayList<>();
        reportItemsForSelectedReport = new ArrayList<>();

    public void init() {

     * @return the locationService
    public LocationService getLocationService() {
        return locationService;

     * @param locationService the locationService to set
    public void setLocationService(LocationService locationService) {
        this.locationService = locationService;

     * @return the reportService
    public ReportService getReportService() {
        return reportService;

     * @param reportService the reportService to set
    public void setReportService(ReportService reportService) {
        this.reportService = reportService;

     * @return the reportItemService
    public ReportItemService getReportItemService() {
        return reportItemService;

     * @param reportItemService the reportItemService to set
    public void setReportItemService(ReportItemService reportItemService) {
        this.reportItemService = reportItemService;

     * @return the selectedReport
    public Report getSelectedReport() {
        return selectedReport;

     * @param selectedReport the selectedReport to set
    public void setSelectedReport(Report selectedReport) {
        this.selectedReport = selectedReport;

     * @return the selectedLocation
    public Location getSelectedLocation() {
        return selectedLocation;

     * @param selectedLocation the selectedLocation to set
    public void setSelectedLocation(Location selectedLocation) {
        this.selectedLocation = selectedLocation;

     * @return the Locations
    public List<Location> getLocations() {
        return Locations;

     * @param Locations the Locations to set
    public void setLocations(List<Location> Locations) {
        this.Locations = Locations;

     * @return the reports
    public List<Report> getReports() {
        return reports;

     * @param reports the reports to set
    public void setReports(List<Report> reports) {
        this.reports = reports;

     * @return the reportsItems
    public List<ReportItem> getReportsItems() {
        return reportsItems;

     * @param reportsItems the reportsItems to set
    public void setReportsItems(List<ReportItem> reportsItems) {
        this.reportsItems = reportsItems;

    public void findReportsForSelectedLocation() {
        if (null != this.selectedLocation) {
            List<Report> reportsForLocation = this.reportService.getReportsByLocation(this.selectedLocation);
            setReportItemsForSelectedReport(null); // clear selected report details

    public void findReportItemsForSelectedReport() {
        if (null != this.selectedReport) {
            List<ReportItem> reportItemsForReport = this.reportItemService

     * @return the reportsForSelecetedLocation
    public List<Report> getReportsForSelecetedLocation() {
        return reportsForSelecetedLocation;

     * @param reportsForSelecetedLocation the reportsForSelecetedLocation to set
    public void setReportsForSelecetedLocation(List<Report> reportsForSelecetedLocation) {
        this.reportsForSelecetedLocation = reportsForSelecetedLocation;

     * @return the reportItemsForSelectedReport
    public List<ReportItem> getReportItemsForSelectedReport() {
        return reportItemsForSelectedReport;

     * @param reportItemsForSelectedReport the reportItemsForSelectedReport to set
    public void setReportItemsForSelectedReport(List<ReportItem> reportItemsForSelectedReport) {
        this.reportItemsForSelectedReport = reportItemsForSelectedReport;

    public void preProcessPDF(Object document) throws IOException, BadElementException, DocumentException {
        if (null == selectedReport) {

        Document pdf = (Document) document;
        String documentTitle = getPDFraportTitle(selectedReport);
        pdf.add(new Phrase(documentTitle));


    private String getPDFraportTitle(Report report) {
        if (null != report) {

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            String title = sb.append("Raport przedmiotw znajdujcych si w sali ")
                    .append(report.getLocation().getId()).append(" \nWykonany dnia: ")
            return title;
        return "";