Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright (C) 2006-2010  Joan Queralt Molina
 *           (C) 2014 Sbastien Le Callonnec
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
package biogenesis;

import biogenesis.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.event.EventListenerSupport;

 * This class implements an organism.
 * The body of the organism is drawn inside the Rectangle from which it inherits.
public class Organism extends Rectangle {
    private final EventListenerSupport<OrganismCreatedListener> actionListeners = EventListenerSupport

    private final EventListenerSupport<OrganismCollidedListener> actionCollidedListeners = EventListenerSupport

     * The version of this class
    private static final long serialVersionUID = Utils.FILE_VERSION;
     * A reference to the genetic code of this organism
    protected GeneticCode _geneticCode;
     * If this organism has been infected by a white segment, here we have the
     * genetic code that this organism will reproduce.
    protected GeneticCode _infectedGeneticCode = null;
     * Number of children that this organism will produce at once. This
     * is the number of yellow segments in its genetic code with a
     * maximum of 8 and a minimum of 1.
    protected int _nChildren;
     * Reference to the world where the organism lives.
    protected World _world;
     * Reference to the visual part of the world where the organism lives.
    transient protected VisibleWorld _visibleWorld;
     * Identification number of this organism's parent.
    protected int _parentID;
     * Identification number of this organism.
    protected int _ID;
     * Generation number
    protected int _generation;
     * Number of children it has produced.
    protected int _nTotalChildren = 0;
     * Number of organism that has killed
    protected int _nTotalKills = 0;
     * Number of organism that has infected
    protected int _nTotalInfected = 0;
     * X coordinates of the starting point of each organism's segments.
    protected int[] _startPointX;
     * Y coordinates of the starting point of each organism's segments.
    protected int[] _startPointY;
     * X coordinates of the ending point of each organism's segments.
    protected int[] _endPointX;
     * Y coordinates of the ending point of each organism's segments.
    protected int[] _endPointY;
     * Precalculated distance from the origin to the starting point of each segment.
     * Used to calculate rotations.
    protected double[] _m1;
     * Precalculated distance from the origin to the ending point of each segment.
     * Used to calculate rotations.
    protected double[] _m2;
     * Precalculated modulus of each segment.
    protected double[] _m;
     * X coordinate of this organim's center of gravity.
    protected int _centerX;
     * Y coordinate of this organim's center of gravity.
    protected int _centerY;
     * Like _centerX but with double precision to be able to make movements slower than a pixel.
    protected double _dCenterX;
     * Like _centerY but with double precision to be able to make movements slower than a pixel.
    protected double _dCenterY;
     * Effective segment colors, taken from the genetic code if alive or brown if dead.
    protected Color[] _segColor;
     * The total number of segments of the organism
    protected int _segments;
     * Growth ratio of the organism. Used to calculate segments when the organism is not
     * fully grown.
    protected int _growthRatio;
     * Total mass of this organism. The mass is calculated as the sum of all segment lengths.
     * Used to calculate the effect of collisions.
    protected double _mass = 0;
     * Moment of inertia of this organism, used to calculate the effect of collisions.
    protected double _I = 0;
     * Chemical energy stored by this organism
    protected double _energy;
     * Organism size independent on its position in the world.
     * Let p be a point in the organism. Then, p.x + x - _sizeRect.x is the x coordinate
     * of p representation in the world.
    protected Rectangle _sizeRect = new Rectangle();
     * Rotation angle that this organism has at a given moment.
    protected double _theta;
     * Last frame angle, used to avoid calculating point rotations when the angle doesn't
     * change between two consecutive frames.
    protected double _lastTheta = -1;
     * Rotated segments of the last frame, to use when _theta == _lastTheta
    protected int x1[], y1[], x2[], y2[];
     * Speed. Variation applied to organism coordinates at every frame.
    protected double dx = 0d, dy = 0d;
     * Angular speed. Organism angle variation at every frame.
    protected double dtheta = 0d;
     * Number of frames of life of this organism
    protected int _age = 0;
     * Color used to draw the organism when a collision occurs. We save the color that
     * should be shown and the number of frames that it should be shown. If the number
     * if frames is 0, each segment is shown in its color.
    protected Color _color;
     * Number of frames in which the organism will be drawn in _color.
    protected int _framesColor = 0;
     * Number of frame that need to pass between two reproductions, even they are not
     * successfully.
    protected int _timeToReproduce = 0;
     * Indicates if the organism has grown at the last frame. If it has grown it is
     * necessary to recalculate its segments.
    protected int hasGrown;
     * Indicates if it has moved at the last frame. If it has moved it is necessary
     * to repaint it.
    protected boolean hasMoved = true;
     * The place that this organism occupies at the last frame. If the organism
     * moves, this rectangle must be painted too.
    protected Rectangle lastFrame = new Rectangle();
     * Indicates if the organism is alive.
    protected boolean alive = true;
    private static transient Vector2D v = new Vector2D();

     * Returns true if this organism is alive, false otherwise.
     * @return  true if this organism is alive, false otherwise.
    public boolean isAlive() {
        return alive;

     * Returns the amount of chemical energy stored by this organism.
     * @return  The amount of chemical energy stored by this organism.
    public double getEnergy() {
        return _energy;

     * Returns the identification number of this organism.
     * @return  The identification number of this organism.
    public int getID() {
        return _ID;

     * Returns the identification number of this organism's parent.
     * @return  The identification number of this organism's parent.
    public int getParentID() {
        return _parentID;

     * Returns the generation number of this organism.
     * @return  The generation number of this organism.
    public int getGeneration() {
        return _generation;

     * Returns the age of this organism.
     * @return  The age of this organism, in number of frames.
    public int getAge() {
        return _age;

     * Returns the number of children that this organism produced.
     * @return  The number of children that this organism produced.
    public int getTotalChildren() {
        return _nTotalChildren;

     * Returns the number of organisms killed by this organism.
     * @return  The number of organisms killed by this organism.
    public int getTotalKills() {
        return _nTotalKills;

     * Returns the number of organisms infected by this organism.
     * @return  The number of organisms infected by this organism.
    public int getTotalInfected() {
        return _nTotalInfected;

     * Returns a reference to this organism's genetic code.
     * @return  A reference to this organism's genetic code.
    public GeneticCode getGeneticCode() {
        return _geneticCode;

     * Returns the total mass of this organism.
     * @return  The total mass of this organism calculated as the sum
     * of all its segments length.
    public double getMass() {
        return _mass;

     * Basic constructor. Doesn't initialize it: use {@link randomCreate}
     * or {@link inherit} to do this.
     * @param world  A reference to the world where this organism is in.
    public Organism(World world) {
        _world = world;
        _visibleWorld = world._visibleWorld;
        _theta = Utils.random.nextDouble() * Math.PI * 2d;
        addListener((OrganismCreatedListener) new MusicPlayer());
        addListener((OrganismCollidedListener) new MusicPlayer());

     * Construct an organism with a given genetic code. Doesn't initialize it:
     * use {@link pasteOrganism} to do it. Use {@link World.addOrganism} to add
     * it to the world.
     * @param world  A reference to the world where this organism is in.
     * @param geneticCode  A reference to the genetic code of this organism.
    public Organism(World world, GeneticCode geneticCode) {
        _world = world;
        _visibleWorld = world._visibleWorld;
        _theta = Utils.random.nextDouble() * Math.PI * 2d;
        _geneticCode = geneticCode;
        addListener((OrganismCreatedListener) new MusicPlayer());
        addListener((OrganismCollidedListener) new MusicPlayer());

     * Creates all data structures of this organism. Must be used after the organism
     * has a genetic code assigned.
    protected void create() {
        _segments = _geneticCode.getNGenes() * _geneticCode.getSymmetry();
        _segColor = new Color[_segments];
        for (int i = 0; i < _segments; i++)
            _segColor[i] = _geneticCode.getGene(i % _geneticCode.getNGenes()).getColor();
        _startPointX = new int[_segments];
        _startPointY = new int[_segments];
        _endPointX = new int[_segments];
        _endPointY = new int[_segments];
        _m1 = new double[_segments];
        _m2 = new double[_segments];
        _m = new double[_segments];
        x1 = new int[_segments];
        y1 = new int[_segments];
        x2 = new int[_segments];
        y2 = new int[_segments];

        OrganismCreatedEvent event = new OrganismCreatedEvent();;

     * Initializes variables for a new random organism and finds a place
     * to put it in the world.
     * @return  true if it found a place for this organism or false otherwise.
    public boolean randomCreate() {
        // Generates a random genetic code
        _geneticCode = new GeneticCode();
        // it has no parent
        _parentID = -1;
        _generation = 1;
        _growthRatio = 16;
        // initial energy
        _energy = Math.min(Utils.INITIAL_ENERGY, _world.getCO2());
        // initialize
        // put it in the world
        return placeRandom();

     * Initializes variables for a new organism born from an existing
     * organism. Generates a mutated genetic code based on the parent's one
     * and finds a place in the world to put it.
     * @param parent  The organism from which this organism is born. 
     * @param   first 
     * @return  true if it found a place for this organism or false otherwise.
    public boolean inherit(Organism parent, boolean first) {
        GeneticCode inheritGeneticCode;
        boolean ok = true;

        // Create the inherited genetic code
        if (parent._infectedGeneticCode != null)
            inheritGeneticCode = parent._infectedGeneticCode;
            inheritGeneticCode = parent._geneticCode;
        _geneticCode = new GeneticCode(inheritGeneticCode);
        // Take a reference to the parent
        _parentID = parent.getID();
        _generation = parent.getGeneration() + 1;
        _growthRatio = 16;
        // Initial energy: minimum energy required to reproduce is divided
        // between all children and the parent.
        _energy = Math.min((inheritGeneticCode._reproduceEnergy / (double) (parent._nChildren + 1)),
        if (first || parent._energy >= _energy + Utils.YELLOW_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION) {
            // Initialize
            // Put it in the world, near its parent
            ok = placeNear(parent);
            if (ok && !first)
        } else
            ok = false;

        return ok;

     * Places the organism at the specified position in the world and initializes its
     * variables. The organism must has an assigned genetic code.
     * @param posx  The x coordinate of the position in the world we want to put this organism.
     * @param posy  The y coordinate of the position in the world we want to put this organism.
     * @return  true if there were enough space to put the organism, false otherwise.
    public boolean pasteOrganism(int posx, int posy) {
        _parentID = -1;
        _generation = 1;
        _growthRatio = 16;
        _dCenterX = _centerX = posx;
        _dCenterY = _centerY = posy;
        // Check that the position is inside the world
        if (isInsideWorld()) {
            // Check that the organism will not overlap other organisms
            if (_world.fastCheckHit(this) == null) {
                // Generem identificador
                _ID = _world.getNewId();
                _energy = Math.min(Utils.INITIAL_ENERGY, _world.getCO2());
                return true;
        // It can't be placed
        return false;

     * Translates the genetic code of this organism to its segments representation in the world.
     * Also, calculates some useful information like segments length, inertia, etc.
     * This method must be called when an organism is firstly displayed on the world and every
     * time it changes its size.
     * inherit, randomCreate and pasteOrganism are the standard ways to add an organism to a world
     * and they already call this method.
    public void symmetric() {
        int i, j, segment = 0;
        int symmetry = _geneticCode.getSymmetry();
        int mirror = _geneticCode.getMirror();
        int sequence = _segments / symmetry;
        int left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0;
        int centerX, centerY;
        double cx, cy;

        for (i = 0; i < symmetry; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < sequence; j++, segment++) {
                // Here, we take the vector that forms the segment, scale it depending on
                // the relative size of the organism and rotate it depending on the
                // symmetry and mirroring.
                v.setModulus(_geneticCode.getGene(j).getLength() / Utils.scale[_growthRatio - 1]);
                if (j == 0) {
                    _startPointX[segment] = 0;
                    _startPointY[segment] = 0;
                    if (mirror == 0 || i % 2 == 0)
                        v.setTheta(_geneticCode.getGene(j).getTheta() + i * 2 * Math.PI / symmetry);
                    else {
                        v.setTheta(_geneticCode.getGene(j).getTheta() + (i - 1) * 2 * Math.PI / symmetry);
                } else {
                    _startPointX[segment] = _endPointX[segment - 1];
                    _startPointY[segment] = _endPointY[segment - 1];
                    if (mirror == 0 || i % 2 == 0)
                // Apply the vector to the starting point to get the ending point.
                _endPointX[segment] = (int) Math.round(v.getX() + _startPointX[segment]);
                _endPointY[segment] = (int) Math.round(v.getY() + _startPointY[segment]);
                // Calculate the bounding rectangle of this organism
                left = Math.min(left, _endPointX[segment]);
                right = Math.max(right, _endPointX[segment]);
                top = Math.min(top, _endPointY[segment]);
                bottom = Math.max(bottom, _endPointY[segment]);
        _sizeRect.setBounds(left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1);
        // image center
        centerX = (left + right) >> 1;
        centerY = (top + bottom) >> 1;
        _mass = 0;
        _I = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < _segments; i++) {
            // express points relative to the image center
            _startPointX[i] -= centerX;
            _startPointY[i] -= centerY;
            _endPointX[i] -= centerX;
            _endPointY[i] -= centerY;
            // calculate points distance of the origin and modulus
            _m1[i] = Math.sqrt(_startPointX[i] * _startPointX[i] + _startPointY[i] * _startPointY[i]);
            _m2[i] = Math.sqrt(_endPointX[i] * _endPointX[i] + _endPointY[i] * _endPointY[i]);
            _m[i] = Math.sqrt(
                    Math.pow(_endPointX[i] - _startPointX[i], 2) + Math.pow(_endPointY[i] - _startPointY[i], 2));
            _mass += _m[i];
            // calculate inertia moment
            // the mass center of a segment is its middle point
            cx = (_startPointX[i] + _endPointX[i]) / 2d;
            cy = (_startPointY[i] + _endPointY[i]) / 2d;
            // add the effect of this segment, following the parallel axis theorem
            _I += Math.pow(_m[i], 3) / 12d + _m[i] * cx * cx + cy * cy;// mass * length^2 (center is at 0,0)

     * Given a vector, calculates the resulting vector after a rotation, a scalation and possibly
     * after mirroring it.
     * The rotation degree and the mirroring is found using the array, where parameter
     * mirror is the row and step is the column. The step represents the repetition of this vector
     * following the organism symmetry.
     * The scalation is calculated using the Utils.scale coefficients, using the organism's
     * _growthRatio to find the appropriate value. 
     * @param p  The end point of the vector. The starting point is (0,0).
     * @param step  The repetition of the vectors pattern  we are calculating.
     * @param mirror  If mirroring is applied to this organism 1, otherwise 0.
     * @return  The translated vector.
    /*   private Vector2D translate(Point p, int step, int mirror) {
          if (p.x == 0 && p.y == 0)
     return new Vector2D();
          double px = p.x;
          double py = p.y;
          px /= Utils.scale[_growthRatio - 1];
          py /= Utils.scale[_growthRatio - 1];
          Vector2D v = new Vector2D(px,py);
          if (Utils.invertX[mirror][step] != 0)
          if (Utils.invertY[mirror][step] != 0)
          return v;
     * Tries to find a spare place in the world for this organism and place it.
     * It also generates an identification number for the organism if it can be placed
     * somewhere.
     * @return  true if a suitable place has been found, false if not.
    private boolean placeRandom() {
        /* We try to place the organism in 12 different positions. If all of them
         * are occupied, we return false.
        for (int i = 12; i > 0; i--) {
            /* Get a random point for the top left corner of the organism
             * making sure it is inside the world.
            Point origin = new Point(Utils.random.nextInt(_world.getWidth() - _sizeRect.width),
                    Utils.random.nextInt(_world.getHeight() - _sizeRect.height));
            setBounds(origin.x, origin.y, _sizeRect.width, _sizeRect.height);
            _dCenterX = _centerX = origin.x + (_sizeRect.width >> 1);
            _dCenterY = _centerY = origin.y + (_sizeRect.height >> 1);
            // Check that the position is not occupied.
            if (_world.fastCheckHit(this) == null) {
                // Generate an identification
                _ID = _world.getNewId();
                return true;
        // If we get here, we haven't find a place for this organism.
        return false;

     * Tries to find a spare place near its parent for this organism and place it.
     * It also generates an identification number for the organism if it can be placed
     * somewhere and substracts its energy from its parent's energy.
     * @return  true if a suitable place has been found, false if not.
    private boolean placeNear(Organism parent) {
        int nPos = Utils.random.nextInt(8);
        // Try to put it in any possible position, starting from a randomly chosen one.
        for (int nSide = 0; nSide < 8; nSide++) {
            // Calculate candidate position
            _dCenterX = parent._dCenterX + (parent.width / 2 + width / 2 + 1) * Utils.side[nPos][0];
            _dCenterY = parent._dCenterY + (parent.height / 2 + height / 2 + 1) * Utils.side[nPos][1];
            _centerX = (int) _dCenterX;
            _centerY = (int) _dCenterY;
            // Check this position is inside the world.
            if (isInsideWorld()) {
                // Check that it doesn't overlap with other organisms.
                if (_world.fastCheckHit(this) == null) {
                    if (parent._geneticCode.getDisperseChildren()) {
                        dx = Utils.side[nPos][0];
                        dy = Utils.side[nPos][1];
                    } else {
                        dx = parent.dx;
                        dy = parent.dy;
                    // Generate an identification
                    _ID = _world.getNewId();
                    // Substract the energy from the parent
                    parent._energy -= _energy;
                    return true;
            nPos = (nPos + 1) % 8;
        // It can't be placed.
        return false;

     * Draws this organism to a graphics context.
     * The organism is drawn at its position in the world.
     * @param g  The graphics context to draw to.
    public void draw(Graphics g) {
        int i;
        if (_framesColor > 0) {
            // Draw all the organism in the same color
            for (i = 0; i < _segments; i++)
                g.drawLine(x1[i] + _centerX, y1[i] + _centerY, x2[i] + _centerX, y2[i] + _centerY);
        } else {
            if (alive) {
                for (i = 0; i < _segments; i++) {
                    g.drawLine(x1[i] + _centerX, y1[i] + _centerY, x2[i] + _centerX, y2[i] + _centerY);
            } else {
                for (i = 0; i < _segments; i++) {
                    g.drawLine(x1[i] + _centerX, y1[i] + _centerY, x2[i] + _centerX, y2[i] + _centerY);

     * Calculates the position of all organism points in the world, depending on
     * its rotation. It also calculates the bounding rectangle of the organism.
     * This method must be called from outside this class only when doing
     * manual drawing.  
     * @param force  To avoid calculations, segments position are only calculated
     * if the organism's rotation has changed in the last frame. If it is necessary
     * to calculate them even when the rotation hasn't changed, assign true to this
     * parameter.
    public void calculateBounds(boolean force) {
        double left = java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE, right = java.lang.Double.MIN_VALUE,
                top = java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE, bottom = java.lang.Double.MIN_VALUE;

        double theta;
        for (int i = _segments - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            /* Save calculation: if rotation hasn't changed and it is not forced,
             * don't calculate points again.
            if (_lastTheta != _theta || force) {
                theta = _theta + Math.atan2(_startPointY[i], _startPointX[i]);
                x1[i] = (int) (_m1[i] * Math.cos(theta));
                y1[i] = (int) (_m1[i] * Math.sin(theta));
                theta = _theta + Math.atan2(_endPointY[i], _endPointX[i]);
                x2[i] = (int) (_m2[i] * Math.cos(theta));
                y2[i] = (int) (_m2[i] * Math.sin(theta));
            // Finds the rectangle that comprises the organism
            left = Utils.min(left, x1[i] + _dCenterX, x2[i] + _dCenterX);
            right = Utils.max(right, x1[i] + _dCenterX, x2[i] + _dCenterX);
            top = Utils.min(top, y1[i] + _dCenterY, y2[i] + _dCenterY);
            bottom = Utils.max(bottom, y1[i] + _dCenterY, y2[i] + _dCenterY);
        setBounds((int) left, (int) top, (int) (right - left + 1) + 1, (int) (bottom - top + 1) + 1);
        _lastTheta = _theta;

     * If its the time for this organism to grow, calculates its new segments and speed.
     * An alive organism can grow once every 8 frames until it gets its maximum size.
    private void grow() {
        if (_growthRatio > 1 && (_age & 0x07) == 0x07 && alive && _energy >= _mass / 10) {
            double m = _mass;
            double I = _I;
            // Cynetic energy is constant. If mass changes, speed must also change.
            m = Math.sqrt(m / _mass);
            dx *= m;
            dy *= m;
            dtheta *= Math.sqrt(I / _I);
            hasGrown = 1;
        } else {
            if (_growthRatio < 15 && _energy < _mass / 12) {
                double m = _mass;
                double I = _I;
                // Cynetic energy is constant. If mass changes, speed must also change.
                m = Math.sqrt(m / _mass);
                dx *= m;
                dy *= m;
                dtheta *= Math.sqrt(I / _I);
                hasGrown = -1;
            } else
                hasGrown = 0;

     * Makes this organism reproduce. It tries to create at least one
     * child and at maximum 8 (depending on the number of yellow segments
     * of the organism) and put them in the world.
    public void reproduce() {
        Organism newOrg;

        for (int i = 0; i < Utils.between(_nChildren, 1, 8); i++) {
            newOrg = new Organism(_world);
            if (newOrg.inherit(this, i == 0)) {
                // It can be created
                _world.addOrganism(newOrg, this);
                _infectedGeneticCode = null;
            _timeToReproduce = 20;

     * Executes the organism's movement for this frame.
     * This includes segments upkeep and activation,
     * movement, growth, collision detection, reproduction,
     * respiration and death.
    public boolean move() {
        boolean collision = false;
        hasMoved = false;
        if (Math.abs(dx) < Utils.tol)
            dx = 0;
        if (Math.abs(dy) < Utils.tol)
            dy = 0;
        if (Math.abs(dtheta) < Utils.tol)
            dtheta = 0;
        // Apply segment effects for this frame.
        // Apply rubbing effects
        // Check if it can grow or shrink
        // Movement
        double dxbak = dx, dybak = dy, dthetabak = dtheta;
        offset(dx, dy, dtheta);
        calculateBounds(hasGrown != 0);

        if (hasGrown != 0 || dx != 0 || dy != 0 || dtheta != 0) {
            hasMoved = true;
            // Check it is inside the world
            collision = !isInsideWorld();
            // Collision detection with biological corridors
            if (alive) {
                OutCorridor c = _world.checkHitCorridor(this);
                if (c != null && c.canSendOrganism()) {
                    if (c.sendOrganism(this))
                        return false;
            // Collision detection with other organisms.
            if (_world.checkHit(this) != null)
                collision = true;
            // If there is a collision, undo movement.
            if (collision) {
                hasMoved = false;
                offset(-dxbak, -dybak, -dthetabak);
                if (hasGrown != 0) {
                    _growthRatio += hasGrown;
                calculateBounds(hasGrown != 0);
        // Substract one to the time needed to reproduce
        if (_timeToReproduce > 0)
        // Check if it can reproduce: it needs enough energy and to be adult
        if (_energy > _geneticCode.getReproduceEnergy() + Utils.YELLOW_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION * (_nChildren - 1)
                && _growthRatio == 1 && _timeToReproduce == 0 && alive)
        // Check that it don't exceed the maximum chemical energy
        if (_energy > 2 * _geneticCode.getReproduceEnergy())
            useEnergy(_energy - 2 * _geneticCode.getReproduceEnergy());
        // Maintenance
        // Check that the organism has energy after this frame
        return _energy > Utils.tol;

     * Makes the organism spend an amount of energy using the
     * respiration process.
     * @param q  The quantity of energy to spend.
     * @return  true if the organism has enough energy and there are
     * enough oxygen in the atmosphere, false otherwise.
    public boolean useEnergy(double q) {
        if (_energy < q) {
            return false;
        double respiration = _world.respiration(q);
        _energy -= respiration;
        if (respiration < q)
            return false;
        return true;

     * Realize the respiration process to maintain its structure.
     * Aging is applied here too.
    public void breath() {
        if (alive) {
            // Respiration process
            boolean canBreath = useEnergy(Math.min(_mass / Utils.SEGMENT_COST_DIVISOR, _energy));
            if ((_age >> 8) > _geneticCode.getMaxAge() || !canBreath) {
                // It's dead, but still may have energy
            } else {
                if (_energy <= Utils.tol) {
                    alive = false;
                    _world.organismHasDied(this, null);
        } else {
            // The corpse slowly decays
            useEnergy(Math.min(_energy, Utils.DECAY_ENERGY));

     * Kills the organism. Sets its segments to brown and tells the world
     * about the event.
     * @param killingOrganism  The organism that has killed this organism,
     * or null if it has died of natural causes.
    public void die(Organism killingOrganism) {
        alive = false;
        hasMoved = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < _segments; i++) {
            _segColor[i] = Utils.ColorBROWN;
        if (killingOrganism != null)
        _world.organismHasDied(this, killingOrganism);

     * Infects this organism with a genetic code.
     * Tells the world about this event.
     * Not currently used.
     * @param infectingCode  The genetic code that infects this organism.
    public void infectedBy(GeneticCode infectingCode) {
        _infectedGeneticCode = infectingCode;
        _world.organismHasBeenInfected(this, null);

     * Infects this organism with the genetic code of another organism.
     * Tells the world about this event.
     * @param infectingOrganism  The organism that is infecting this one.
    public void infectedBy(Organism infectingOrganism) {
        _infectedGeneticCode = infectingOrganism.getGeneticCode();
        _world.organismHasBeenInfected(this, infectingOrganism);

     * Calculates the resulting speeds after a collision between two organisms, following
     * physical rules.
     * @param org  The other organism in the collision.
     * @param p  Intersection point between the organisms.
     * @param l  Line that has collided. Of the two lines, this is the one that collided
     * on the center, not on the vertex.
     * @param thisOrganism  true if l is a line of this organism, false if l is a line of org.
    private void touchMove(Organism org, Point2D.Double p, Line2D l, boolean thisOrganism) {
        // Distance vector between centers of mass and p
        double rapx = p.x - _dCenterX;
        double rapy = p.y - _dCenterY;
        double rbpx = p.x - org._dCenterX;
        double rbpy = p.y - org._dCenterY;
        // Speeds of point p in the body A and B, before collision.
        double vap1x = dx - dtheta * rapy + hasGrown * rapx / 10d;
        double vap1y = dy + dtheta * rapx + hasGrown * rapy / 10d;
        double vbp1x = org.dx - org.dtheta * rbpy;
        double vbp1y = org.dy + org.dtheta * rbpx;
        // Relative speeds between the two collision points.
        double vab1x = vap1x - vbp1x;
        double vab1y = vap1y - vbp1y;
        // Normal vector to the impact line
        //First: perpendicular vector to the line
        double nx = l.getY1() - l.getY2();
        double ny = l.getX2() - l.getX1();
        //Second: normalize, modulus 1
        double modn = Math.sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny);
        nx /= modn;
        ny /= modn;
        /*Third: of the two possible normal vectors we need the one that points to the
         * outside; we choose the one that its final point is the nearest to the center
         * of the other line.
        if (thisOrganism) {
            if ((p.x + nx - org._dCenterX) * (p.x + nx - org._dCenterX) + (p.y + ny - org._dCenterY)
                    * (p.y + ny - org._dCenterY) < (p.x - nx - org._dCenterX) * (p.x - nx - org._dCenterX)
                            + (p.y - ny - org._dCenterY) * (p.y - ny - org._dCenterY)) {
                nx = -nx;
                ny = -ny;
        } else {
            if ((p.x + nx - _dCenterX) * (p.x + nx - _dCenterX) + (p.y + ny - _dCenterY)
                    * (p.y + ny - _dCenterY) > (p.x - nx - _dCenterX) * (p.x - nx - _dCenterX)
                            + (p.y - ny - _dCenterY) * (p.y - ny - _dCenterY)) {
                nx = -nx;
                ny = -ny;
        // This is the j in the parallel axis theorem
        double j = (-(1 + Utils.ELASTICITY) * (vab1x * nx + vab1y * ny)) / (1 / _mass + 1 / org._mass
                + Math.pow(rapx * ny - rapy * nx, 2) / _I + Math.pow(rbpx * ny - rbpy * nx, 2) / org._I);
        // Final speed
        dx = Utils.between(dx + j * nx / _mass, -Utils.MAX_VEL, Utils.MAX_VEL);
        dy = Utils.between(dy + j * ny / _mass, -Utils.MAX_VEL, Utils.MAX_VEL);
        org.dx = Utils.between(org.dx - j * nx / org._mass, -Utils.MAX_VEL, Utils.MAX_VEL);
        org.dy = Utils.between(org.dy - j * ny / org._mass, -Utils.MAX_VEL, Utils.MAX_VEL);
        dtheta = Utils.between(dtheta + j * (rapx * ny - rapy * nx) / _I, -Utils.MAX_ROT, Utils.MAX_ROT);
        org.dtheta = Utils.between(org.dtheta - j * (rbpx * ny - rbpy * ny) / org._I, -Utils.MAX_ROT,

     * Checks if the organism is inside the world. If it is not, calculates its
     * speed after the collision with the world border.
     * This calculation should be updated to follow the parallel axis theorem, just
     * like the collision between two organisms.
     * @return  true if the organism is inside the world, false otherwise.
    private boolean isInsideWorld() {
        // Check it is inside the world
        if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x + width >= _world.getWidth() || y + height >= _world.getHeight()) {
            // Adjust direction
            if (x < 0 || x + width >= _world.getWidth())
                dx = -dx;
            if (y < 0 || y + height >= _world.getHeight())
                dy = -dy;
            dtheta = 0;
            return false;
        return true;

     * Moves the organism and rotates it.
     * @param offsetx  displacement on the x axis.
     * @param offsety  displacement on the y axis.
     * @param offsettheta  rotation degree.
    private void offset(double offsetx, double offsety, double offsettheta) {
        _dCenterX += offsetx;
        _dCenterY += offsety;
        _theta += offsettheta;
        _centerX = (int) _dCenterX;
        _centerY = (int) _dCenterY;

     * Finds if two organism are touching and if so applies the effects of the
     * collision.
     * @param org  The organism to check for collisions.
     * @return  true if the two organisms are touching, false otherwise.
    public final boolean contact(Organism org) {
        int i, j;
        ExLine2DDouble line = new ExLine2DDouble();
        ExLine2DDouble bline = new ExLine2DDouble();
        // Check collisions for all segments
        for (i = _segments - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            // Consider only segments with modulus greater than 1
            if (_m[i] >= 1) {
                line.setLine(x1[i] + _centerX, y1[i] + _centerY, x2[i] + _centerX, y2[i] + _centerY);
                // First check if the line intersects the bounding box of the other organism
                if (org.intersectsLine(line)) {
                    // Do the same for the other organism's segments.
                    for (j = org._segments - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                        if (org._m[j] >= 1) {
                            bline.setLine(org.x1[j] + org._centerX, org.y1[j] + org._centerY,
                                    org.x2[j] + org._centerX, org.y2[j] + org._centerY);
                            if (intersectsLine(bline) && line.intersectsLine(bline)) {
                                // If we found two intersecting segments, apply effects
                                touchEffects(org, i, j, true);
                                // Intersection point
                                Point2D.Double intersec = line.getIntersection(bline);
                                /* touchMove needs to know which is the line that collides from the middle (not
                                 * from a vertex). Try to guess it by finding the vertex nearest to the
                                 * intersection point.
                                double dl1, dl2, dbl1, dbl2;
                                dl1 = intersec.distanceSq(line.getP1());
                                dl2 = intersec.distanceSq(line.getP2());
                                dbl1 = intersec.distanceSq(bline.getP1());
                                dbl2 = intersec.distanceSq(bline.getP2());
                                // Use this to send the best choice to touchMove
                                if (Math.min(dl1, dl2) < Math.min(dbl1, dbl2))
                                    touchMove(org, intersec, bline, false);
                                    touchMove(org, intersec, line, true);

                                OrganismCollidedEvent event = new OrganismCollidedEvent();

                                // Find only one collision to speed up.
                                return true;
        return false;

     * Applies the effects produced by two touching segments.
     * @param org  The organism which is touching.
     * @param seg  Index of this organism's segment. 
     * @param oseg  Index of the other organism's segment.
     * @param firstCall  Indicates if this organism is the one that has detected the collision
     * or this method is called by this same method in the other organism. 
    private void touchEffects(Organism org, int seg, int oseg, boolean firstCall) {
        if ((_parentID == org._ID || _ID == org._parentID) && org.alive)
        double takenEnergy = 0;
        switch (getTypeColor(_segColor[seg])) {
        case RED:
            // Red segment: try to get energy from the other organism
            // If the other segment is blue, it acts as a shield
            switch (getTypeColor(org._segColor[oseg])) {
            case BLUE:
                if (org.useEnergy(Utils.BLUE_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION)) {
                } else {
                    // Doesn't have energy to use the shield
                    if (useEnergy(Utils.RED_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION)) {
                        // Get energy depending on segment length
                        takenEnergy = Utils.between(_m[seg] * Utils.ORGANIC_OBTAINED_ENERGY, 0, org._energy);
                        // The other organism will be shown in yellow
            case RED:
                if (useEnergy(Utils.RED_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION)) {
                    // Get energy depending on segment length
                    takenEnergy = Utils.between(_m[seg] * Utils.ORGANIC_OBTAINED_ENERGY, 0, org._energy);
                    // The other organism will be shown in red
                if (useEnergy(Utils.RED_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION)) {
                    // Get energy depending on segment length
                    takenEnergy = Utils.between(_m[seg] * Utils.ORGANIC_OBTAINED_ENERGY, 0, org._energy);
                    // The other organism will be shown in yellow
            // energy interchange
            org._energy -= takenEnergy;
            _energy += takenEnergy;
            double CO2freed = takenEnergy * Utils.ORGANIC_SUBS_PRODUCED;
            // This organism will be shown in red
        case WHITE:
            // White segment: try to infect the other organism
            switch (getTypeColor(org._segColor[oseg])) {
            case BLUE:
                if (org.useEnergy(Utils.BLUE_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION)) {
                } else {
                    if (org._infectedGeneticCode != _geneticCode) {
                        if (useEnergy(Utils.WHITE_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION)) {
            case BROWN:
                if (org._infectedGeneticCode != _geneticCode) {
                    if (useEnergy(Utils.WHITE_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION)) {
        case GRAY:
            switch (getTypeColor(org._segColor[oseg])) {
            case BLUE:
                if (org.useEnergy(Utils.BLUE_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION)) {
                } else {
                    if (useEnergy(Utils.GRAY_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION)) {
            case BROWN:
                if (useEnergy(Utils.GRAY_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION)) {
        // Check if the other organism has died
        if (org.isAlive() && org._energy < Utils.tol) {
        if (firstCall)
            org.touchEffects(this, oseg, seg, false);

     * Perd velocitat pel fregament.
    private void rubbingFramesEffects() {
        dx *= Utils.RUBBING;
        if (Math.abs(dx) < Utils.tol)
            dx = 0;
        dy *= Utils.RUBBING;
        if (Math.abs(dy) < Utils.tol)
            dy = 0;
        dtheta *= Utils.RUBBING;
        if (Math.abs(dtheta) < Utils.tol)
            dtheta = 0;

     * Perd el cost de manteniment dels segments
     * Aplica l'efecte de cadascun dels segments
    private void segmentsFrameEffects() {
        if (alive) {
            int i;
            // Energy obtained through photosynthesis
            double photosynthesis = 0;
            _nChildren = 1;
            for (i = _segments - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                // Manteniment
                switch (getTypeColor(_segColor[i])) {
                //    Segments cilis
                case CYAN:
                    if (Utils.random.nextInt(100) < 8 && useEnergy(Utils.CYAN_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION)) {
                        dx = Utils.between(dx + 12d * (x2[i] - x1[i]) / _mass, -Utils.MAX_VEL, Utils.MAX_VEL);
                        dy = Utils.between(dy + 12d * (y2[i] - y1[i]) / _mass, -Utils.MAX_VEL, Utils.MAX_VEL);
                        dtheta = Utils.between(dtheta + Utils.randomSign() * _m[i] * Math.PI / _I, -Utils.MAX_ROT,
                // Segments fotosinttics
                case GREEN:
                    if (useEnergy(Utils.GREEN_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION))
                        photosynthesis += _m[i];
                // Segments que obtenen energia de subs1
                //    Segments relacionats amb la fertilitat
                case YELLOW:
            // Photosynthesis process
            //Get sun's energy
            _energy += _world.photosynthesis(photosynthesis);

    private static final int NOCOLOR = -1;
    private static final int GREEN = 0;
    private static final int RED = 1;
    private static final int CYAN = 2;
    private static final int BLUE = 3;
    private static final int MAGENTA = 4;
    private static final int PINK = 5;
    private static final int ORANGE = 6;
    private static final int WHITE = 7;
    private static final int GRAY = 8;
    private static final int YELLOW = 9;
    private static final int BROWN = 10;

    private static int getTypeColor(Color c) {
        if (c.equals(Color.RED) || c.equals(Utils.ColorDARK_RED))
            return RED;
        if (c.equals(Color.GREEN) || c.equals(Utils.ColorDARK_GREEN))
            return GREEN;
        if (c.equals(Color.CYAN) || c.equals(Utils.ColorDARK_CYAN))
            return CYAN;
        if (c.equals(Color.BLUE) || c.equals(Utils.ColorDARK_BLUE))
            return BLUE;
        if (c.equals(Color.MAGENTA) || c.equals(Utils.ColorDARK_MAGENTA))
            return MAGENTA;
        if (c.equals(Color.PINK) || c.equals(Utils.ColorDARK_PINK))
            return PINK;
        if (c.equals(Color.ORANGE) || c.equals(Utils.ColorDARK_ORANGE))
            return ORANGE;
        if (c.equals(Color.WHITE) || c.equals(Utils.ColorDARK_WHITE))
            return WHITE;
        if (c.equals(Color.GRAY) || c.equals(Utils.ColorDARK_GRAY))
            return GRAY;
        if (c.equals(Color.YELLOW) || c.equals(Utils.ColorDARK_YELLOW))
            return YELLOW;
        if (c.equals(Utils.ColorBROWN))
            return BROWN;
        return NOCOLOR;

    private void setColor(Color c) {
        _color = c;
        _framesColor = 10;

    public BufferedImage getImage() {
        BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
        Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics();
        g.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
        for (int i = _segments - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            g.drawLine(x1[i] - x + _centerX, y1[i] - y + _centerY, x2[i] - x + _centerX, y2[i] - y + _centerY);
        return image;

    public void addListener(OrganismCreatedListener listener) {

    public void addListener(OrganismCollidedListener listener) {