Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2010 Darmstadt University of Technology.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *    Marcel Bruch - initial API and implementation.
 *    Sebastian Proksch - stripped down to a simple calculation helper
package cc.recommenders.mining.calls;

import static cc.recommenders.assertions.Checks.ensureEquals;
import static cc.recommenders.assertions.Checks.ensureIsGreaterOrEqualTo;
import static cc.recommenders.assertions.Checks.ensureIsNotNull;
import static cc.recommenders.assertions.Throws.throwIllegalArgumentException;
import static cc.recommenders.assertions.Throws.throwIllegalStateException;
import static java.lang.Math.abs;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.commons.math.stat.StatUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils;
import org.eclipse.recommenders.commons.bayesnet.Node;

public class NetworkMathUtils {

    // TODO check why this is so huge!
    public static final double MAX_PROBABILTY_DELTA = 0.1;
    public static final int P_ROUNDING_PRECISION = 6;
    public static final double P_ROUNDING_FACTOR = 1000000;
    public static final double P_MIN = 0.000001;
    public static final double P_MAX = 0.999999;

     * Computes the sum of all values, determines the delta to "1.0" and
     * corrects this by adding or removing the delta to the any of the fields
     * (starting from the <b>last</b> index).
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if delta passes a max threshold
    public static void scaleMaximalValue(final double[] values) {

        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
            values[i] += P_MIN;

        // ensureAllProbabilitiesInValidRange(values);
        // final double sum = StatUtils.sum(values);
        // final double delta = 1.0 - sum;
        // if (isDeltaEqualToZero(delta)) {
        // return;
        // }
        // if (isDeltaTooHigh(delta)) {
        // throwIllegalArgumentException("sum of values is too far away from '1.0': %6.6f",
        // sum);
        // }
        // for (int i = values.length; i-- > 0;) {
        // double d = values[i];
        // d += delta;
        // d = round(d, P_ROUNDING_PRECISION);
        // if (isInMinMaxRange(d)) {
        // values[i] = d;
        // // sanity check: did we actually fix the problem?
        // ensureSumIsOne(values);
        // return;
        // }
        // }
        // // TODO re-enable exception, but include further handling here!
        // Logger.err("Scaling Error: failed to scale double array. Delta '%.6f' couldn't "
        // +
        // "be added to any other value AND keeping min/max constraints intact.\n",
        // delta);

        // throwIllegalArgumentException(
        // "failed to scale double array. Delta '%.6f' couldn't be added to any other value in '%s' AND keeping min/max constraints intact.",
        // delta, Arrays.toString(values));

    public static void ensureAllProbabilitiesInValidRange(final double[] values) {
        ensureIsGreaterOrEqualTo(values.length, 1, "zero length arrays not allowed.");

        for (int i = values.length; i-- > 0;) {
            if (!isInMinMaxRange(values[i])) {
                throwIllegalArgumentException("index '%d' has invalid value of '%1.6f'.", i, values[i]);

    public static boolean isInMinMaxRange(final double value) {
        if (value < P_MIN) {
            return false;
        if (value > P_MAX) {
            return false;
        return true;

    private static boolean isDeltaEqualToZero(final double delta) {
        return delta == 0d;

    private static boolean isDeltaTooHigh(final double delta) {
        final boolean res = abs(delta) > MAX_PROBABILTY_DELTA;
        return res;

    public static double round(final double value, final int precision) {
        return MathUtils.round(value, precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);


    public static double roundToDefaultPrecision(final double value) {
        return (long) (P_ROUNDING_FACTOR * value + 0.5) / P_ROUNDING_FACTOR;

    private static void ensureSumIsOne(final double[] values) {
        final double sum = StatUtils.sum(values);
        final double delta = abs(1 - sum);
        if (delta > 0.0001) {
            throwIllegalStateException("failed to round double array properly");

    // private static IMethodName findConstructorCall(final Set<IMethodName>
    // invokedMethods) {
    // for (final IMethodName m : invokedMethods) {
    // if (m.isInit()) {
    // return m;
    // }
    // }
    // return null;
    // }

    public static void ensureCorrectNumberOfProbabilities(final Node node) {
        int numberOfProbabilities = node.getStates().length;
        for (final Node parent : node.getParents()) {
            numberOfProbabilities *= parent.getStates().length;
        ensureEquals(numberOfProbabilities, node.getProbabilities().length, "incomplete probability definition");

    public static void ensureMinimumTwoStates(final Node node) {

    public static void ensureMinimumTwoStates(final String[] states) {
        ensureIsGreaterOrEqualTo(states.length, 2, "less than 2 states: %s", Arrays.toString(states));

    public static double[] createPriorProbabilitiesForContextNodeAssumingDummyStateAtFirstIndex(final int length) {
        final double[] res = new double[length];
        Arrays.fill(res, 1, res.length, P_MIN);
        final double sum = StatUtils.sum(res);
        res[0] = 1 - sum;
        return res;

     * Returns a/b. Returns P_MIN if b==0;
    public static double safeDivMaxMin(final int a, final int b) {
        // TODO does this make sense? Wouldn't P_MAX be "more" correct?
        if (b == 0) {
            return P_MIN;

        final double res = a / (double) b;
        if (res > P_MAX) {
            return P_MAX;
        if (res < P_MIN) {
            return P_MIN;
        return res;

    public static double getProbabilityInMinMaxRange(double probability) {
        if (probability > P_MAX) {
            return P_MAX;
        if (probability < P_MIN) {
            return P_MIN;
        return probability;