Source code

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 *   Copyright 2012-2013 Hauser Olsson GmbH
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package ch.agent.crnickl.mongodb;

import java.util.HashMap;

import org.bson.types.ObjectId;

import ch.agent.crnickl.T2DBException;
import ch.agent.crnickl.T2DBMsg;
import ch.agent.crnickl.T2DBMsg.E;
import ch.agent.crnickl.api.AttributeDefinition;
import ch.agent.crnickl.api.Chronicle;
import ch.agent.crnickl.api.DBObjectId;
import ch.agent.crnickl.api.Database;
import ch.agent.crnickl.api.Schema;
import ch.agent.crnickl.api.Series;
import ch.agent.crnickl.api.Surrogate;
import ch.agent.crnickl.api.UpdatableChronicle;
import ch.agent.crnickl.api.UpdatableSeries;
import ch.agent.crnickl.impl.ChronicleUpdatePolicy;
import ch.agent.crnickl.impl.Permission;

import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.WriteConcern;

 * A stateless object with methods providing write access to chronicles and
 * series.
 * To keep things as simple as possible in a first version,
 * chronicles and series values are stored separately, as in relational 
 * implementations. Changing this would require a non-negligible part of the
 * implementation.
public class WriteMethodsForChroniclesAndSeries extends ReadMethodsForChroniclesAndSeries {

    public WriteMethodsForChroniclesAndSeries() {

     * Create a chronicle in the database.
     * Throw an exception if the operation cannot be done.
     * @param chronicle a chronicle
     * @throws T2DBException
    public void createChronicle(Chronicle chronicle) throws T2DBException {
        createChronicle(chronicle, false);

    private void createChronicle(Chronicle chronicle, boolean undoDelete) throws T2DBException {
        Surrogate surrogate = null;
        Throwable cause = null;
        try {
            String name = chronicle.getName(false);
            chronicle.getSurrogate().getDatabase().getNamingPolicy().checkSimpleName(name, false); // defensive
            String description = chronicle.getDescription(false);
            if (description == null)
                description = "";
            Chronicle collection = chronicle.getCollection();
            Schema schema = chronicle.getSchema(false);
            if (collection != null) {
                check(Permission.MODIFY, collection);
                if (schema != null && schema.equals(collection.getSchema(true)))
                    schema = null; // don't repeat yourself
            if (schema != null)
                check(Permission.READ, schema);
            DBObjectId ox = insert(chronicle);
            surrogate = makeSurrogate(chronicle, ox);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            cause = e;
        } finally {
        if (surrogate == null || cause != null)
            throw T2DBMsg.exception(cause, E.E40109, chronicle.getName(true));
        if (!undoDelete)

     * Delete a chronicle from the database. Also delete its attribute values
     * and possibly other dependent objects. The chronicle update policy is
     * supposed to forbid deleting when there are dependent chronicles or
     * series, but to allow cascading delete of attribute values. Throw an
     * exception if the operation cannot be done.
     * @param chronicle a chronicle
     * @param policy a chronicle updating policy
     * @throws T2DBException
    public void deleteChronicle(UpdatableChronicle chronicle, ChronicleUpdatePolicy policy) throws T2DBException {
        boolean done = false;
        Throwable cause = null;
        Surrogate s = chronicle.getSurrogate();
        MongoDatabase db = (MongoDatabase) s.getDatabase();
        try {
            check(Permission.MODIFY, chronicle);
            Chronicle original = getChronicle(s);
            getMongoDB(s).getChronicles().remove(asQuery(s.getId()), WriteConcern.SAFE);
            try {
            } catch (T2DBException e) {
                // Oops! referential integrity broken!
                createChronicle(original, true);
                throw e;
            done = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            cause = e;
        } finally {
        if (!done || cause != null) {
            throw T2DBMsg.exception(cause, E.E40110, chronicle.getName(true));

     * Update a chronicle. Currently only name and description can be updated.
     * The schema and the parent chronicle cannot be updated. Throw an exception
     * if the operation cannot be done.
     * @param chronicle
     *            a chronicle
     * @param policy
     *            a chronicle updating policy
     * @throws T2DBException
    public void updateChronicle(UpdatableChronicle chronicle, ChronicleUpdatePolicy policy) throws T2DBException {
        String name = chronicle.getName(false);
        String description = chronicle.getDescription(false);
        if (description == null)
            description = "";
        try {
            check(Permission.MODIFY, chronicle);
                    mongoObject(MongoDatabase.FLD_ID, getId(chronicle)),
                    mongoObject(MongoDatabase.FLD_CHRON_NAME, name, MongoDatabase.FLD_CHRON_DESC, description),
                    true, false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw T2DBMsg.exception(E.E40111, chronicle.getName(true));

     * Update a chronicle attribute.
     * Throw an exception if the operation cannot be done.
     * @param chronicle a chronicle
     * @param def an attribute definition
     * @param value a value 
     * @param description a string
     * @throws T2DBException
    public void updateAttribute(UpdatableChronicle chronicle, AttributeDefinition<?> def, String value,
            String description) throws T2DBException {
        try {
            check(Permission.MODIFY, chronicle);
                    .update(mongoObject(MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTR_CHRON, getId(chronicle), MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTR_PROP,
                            mongoObject(MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTR_CHRON, getId(chronicle), MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTR_PROP,
                                    getId(def.getProperty()), MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTR_VALUE, value,
                                    MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTR_DESC, description),
                            true, false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw T2DBMsg.exception(E.E40112, chronicle.getName(true), def.getNumber());

     * Delete an attribute value from a chronicle.
     * Throw an exception if the operation cannot be done.
     * @param chronicle a chronicle
     * @param def an attribute definition
     * @throws T2DBException
    public void deleteAttribute(Chronicle chronicle, AttributeDefinition<?> def) throws T2DBException {
        try {
            check(Permission.MODIFY, chronicle);
                    getId(chronicle), MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTR_PROP, getId(def.getProperty())), WriteConcern.SAFE);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw T2DBMsg.exception(E.E40114, chronicle.getName(true), def.getNumber());

     * Delete all attribute values of a chronicle.
     * Return the list of attributes, in case they need to be recreated.
     * @param chronicle
     * @throws T2DBException
    private void deleteAttributes(Chronicle chronicle) throws T2DBException {
        Surrogate s = chronicle.getSurrogate();
        Database db = s.getDatabase();
        try {
            getMongoDB(db).getAttributes().remove(mongoObject(MongoDatabase.FLD_ATTR_CHRON, getId(s)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw T2DBMsg.exception(e, E.E40124, chronicle.getName(true));

     * Create an empty series. Throw an exception if the operation cannot be
     * done.
     * @param series
     *            a series
     * @throws T2DBException
    public void createSeries(Series<?> series) throws T2DBException {
        createSeries(series, false);

    private void createSeries(Series<?> series, boolean undoDelete) throws T2DBException {
        Surrogate surrogate = null;
        Throwable cause = null;
        try {
            check(Permission.MODIFY, series.getChronicle());
            DBObjectId ox = insert(series);
            surrogate = makeSurrogate(series, ox);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            cause = e;
        } finally {
        if (surrogate == null || cause != null)
            throw T2DBMsg.exception(cause, E.E50111, series.getName(true));
        if (!undoDelete)

     * Delete a series. The policy typically forbids to delete a series which is
     * not empty. Throw an exception if the operation cannot be done.
     * @param series
     *            a series
     * @param policy
     *            a chronicle update policy
     * @throws T2DBException
    public void deleteSeries(UpdatableSeries<?> series, ChronicleUpdatePolicy policy) throws T2DBException {
        boolean done = false;
        Throwable cause = null;
        Surrogate s = series.getSurrogate();
        MongoDatabase db = (MongoDatabase) s.getDatabase();
        try {
            check(Permission.MODIFY, series);
            done = policy.deleteSeries(series);
            Series<?> original = db.getReadMethodsForChronicleAndSeries().getSeries(s);
            getMongoDB(db).getSeries().remove(asQuery(s.getId()), WriteConcern.SAFE);
            try {
            } catch (T2DBException e) {
                // Oops! referential integrity broken!
                createSeries(original, true);
                throw e;
            done = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            cause = e;
        if (!done || cause != null)
            throw T2DBMsg.exception(cause, E.E50112, series.getName(true));

    private DBObjectId insert(Chronicle chronicle) throws T2DBException {
        com.mongodb.BasicDBObject bo = new BasicDBObject();
        Surrogate s = chronicle.getSurrogate();
        if (!s.inConstruction())
            bo.put(MongoDatabase.FLD_ID, getId(chronicle)); // use case: re-creating
        bo.put(MongoDatabase.FLD_CHRON_NAME, chronicle.getName(false));
        bo.put(MongoDatabase.FLD_CHRON_DESC, chronicle.getDescription(false));
        bo.put(MongoDatabase.FLD_CHRON_PARENT, getIdOrZero(chronicle.getCollection()));
        bo.put(MongoDatabase.FLD_CHRON_SCHEMA, getIdOrZero(chronicle.getSchema(false)));
        ObjectId ox = getObjectId(bo);
        return new MongoDBObjectId(ox);

    private <T> DBObjectId insert(Series<T> series) throws T2DBException {
        com.mongodb.BasicDBObject bo = new BasicDBObject();
        Surrogate s = series.getSurrogate();
        if (!s.inConstruction())
            bo.put(MongoDatabase.FLD_ID, getId(series)); // use case: re-creating
        bo.put(MongoDatabase.FLD_SER_CHRON, getIdOrZero(series.getChronicle()));
        bo.put(MongoDatabase.FLD_SER_NUM, series.getNumber());
        bo.put(MongoDatabase.FLD_SER_FIRST, 1);
        bo.put(MongoDatabase.FLD_SER_LAST, 0);
        bo.put(MongoDatabase.FLD_SER_VALUES, new HashMap<String, DBObjectId>());
        ObjectId ox = getObjectId(bo);
        return new MongoDBObjectId(ox);
