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 * AlgoTrader Enterprise Trading Framework
 * Copyright (C) 2015 AlgoTrader GmbH - All rights reserved
 * All information contained herein is, and remains the property of AlgoTrader GmbH.
 * The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to
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package ch.algotrader.option;

import java.util.Date;

import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation.SplineInterpolator;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolverFactory;

import ch.algotrader.enumeration.Duration;
import ch.algotrader.enumeration.OptionType;

 * Utility class containing static methods around {@link Option Options}.
 * @author <a href="">Andy Flury</a>
public class OptionUtil {

    private static final double beta = 0.999;

     * Gets the fair-price of a {@link Option} based on the price of the {@code underlyingSpot} and {@code volatility}.
     * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}.
    public static double getOptionPrice(Option option, double underlyingSpot, double vola, Date now) {

        OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily();

        double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue();

        return getOptionPrice(underlyingSpot, option.getStrike().doubleValue(), vola, years, family.getIntrest(),
                family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType());

     * Gets the fair-price of a {@link Option}.
    public static double getOptionPrice(double underlyingSpot, double strike, double volatility, double years,
            double intrest, double dividend, OptionType type) {

        if (years <= 0) {
            return getIntrinsicValue(underlyingSpot, strike, type);

        double costOfCarry = intrest - dividend;
        double d1 = (Math.log(underlyingSpot / strike) + (costOfCarry + volatility * volatility / 2.0) * years)
                / (volatility * Math.sqrt(years));
        double d2 = d1 - volatility * Math.sqrt(years);
        double term1 = underlyingSpot * Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years);
        double term2 = strike * Math.exp(-intrest * years);

        double result = 0.0;
        if (OptionType.CALL.equals(type)) {
            result = term1 * Gaussian.Phi(d1) - term2 * Gaussian.Phi(d2);
        } else {
            result = term2 * Gaussian.Phi(-d2) - term1 * Gaussian.Phi(-d1);

        return result;

     * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} using a {@link UnivariateRealSolverFactory}.
     * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}.
    public static double getImpliedVolatility(Option option, double underlyingSpot, final double currentValue,
            Date now) throws MathException {

        OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily();

        double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue();

        return getImpliedVolatility(underlyingSpot, option.getStrike().doubleValue(), currentValue, years,
                family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType());

     * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} using a {@link UnivariateRealSolverFactory}.
    public static double getImpliedVolatility(final double underlyingSpot, final double strike,
            final double currentValue, final double years, final double intrest, final double dividend,
            final OptionType type) throws MathException {

        if (years < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("years cannot be negative");

        double intrinsicValue = getIntrinsicValue(underlyingSpot, strike, type);
        if (currentValue <= intrinsicValue) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "cannot calculate volatility if optionValue is below intrinsic Value");

        UnivariateRealFunction function = volatility -> getOptionPrice(underlyingSpot, strike, volatility, years,
                intrest, dividend, type) - currentValue;

        UnivariateRealSolverFactory factory = UnivariateRealSolverFactory.newInstance();
        UnivariateRealSolver solver = factory.newDefaultSolver();

        return solver.solve(function, 0.01, 2.0);

     * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} using the Newton Rapson Method.
     * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}.
    public static double getImpliedVolatilityNR(Option option, double underlyingSpot, double currentValue, Date now)
            throws MathException {

        OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily();

        double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue();

        return getImpliedVolatilityNR(underlyingSpot, option.getStrike().doubleValue(), currentValue, years,
                family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType());

     * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} using the Newton Rapson Method.
    public static double getImpliedVolatilityNR(final double underlyingSpot, final double strike,
            final double currentValue, final double years, final double intrest, final double dividend,
            final OptionType type) throws MathException {

        double e = 0.1;

        double vi = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.log(strike / strike) + intrest * years) * 2 / years);
        double ci = getOptionPrice(underlyingSpot, strike, vi, years, intrest, dividend, type);
        double vegai = getVega(underlyingSpot, strike, vi, years, intrest, dividend);
        double minDiff = Math.abs(currentValue - ci);

        while ((Math.abs(currentValue - ci) >= e) && (Math.abs(currentValue - ci) <= minDiff)) {
            vi = vi - (ci - currentValue) / vegai;
            ci = getOptionPrice(underlyingSpot, strike, vi, years, intrest, dividend, type);
            vegai = getVega(underlyingSpot, strike, vi, years, intrest, dividend);
            minDiff = Math.abs(currentValue - ci);

        if (Math.abs(currentValue - ci) < e) {
            return vi;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot calculate volatility");

     * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} based on a {@link SABRSurfaceVO}.
     * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}.
    public static double getImpliedVolatilitySABR(final Option option, double underlyingSpot,
            final SABRSurfaceVO surface, final Date now) throws MathException {

        OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily();

        double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue();

        return getImpliedVolatilitySABR(underlyingSpot, option.getStrike().doubleValue(), years,
                family.getIntrest(), family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType(), surface);

     * Gets the implied volatility of a {@link Option} based on a {@link SABRSurfaceVO}.
    public static double getImpliedVolatilitySABR(final double underlyingSpot, final double strike,
            final double years, final double intrest, final double dividend, final OptionType type,
            final SABRSurfaceVO surface) throws MathException {

        double forward = getForward(underlyingSpot, years, intrest, dividend);

        // get sabrVolas for all durations at the specified strike
        int i = 0;
        double[] yearsArray = new double[surface.getSmiles().size()];
        double[] volArray = new double[surface.getSmiles().size()];
        for (SABRSmileVO smile : surface.getSmiles()) {

            double vol = SABR.volByAtmVol(forward, strike, smile.getAtmVol(), smile.getYears(), beta,
                    smile.getRho(), smile.getVolVol());

            yearsArray[i] = smile.getYears();
            volArray[i] = vol;

        // spline interpolation for years
        SplineInterpolator interpolator = new SplineInterpolator();
        PolynomialSplineFunction function = interpolator.interpolate(yearsArray, volArray);

        return function.value(years);

     * Gets the intrinsic value of a {@link Option}.
    public static double getIntrinsicValue(Option option, double underlyingSpot) throws RuntimeException {

        return getIntrinsicValue(underlyingSpot, option.getStrike().doubleValue(), option.getOptionType());

     * Gets the intrinsic value of a {@link Option}.
    public static double getIntrinsicValue(double underlyingSpot, double strike, OptionType type) {

        if (OptionType.CALL.equals(type)) {
            return Math.max(underlyingSpot - strike, 0d);
        } else {
            return Math.max(strike - underlyingSpot, 0d);

     * Gets the delta of a {@link Option}
     * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}.
    public static double getDelta(Option option, double currentValue, double underlyingSpot, final Date now)
            throws MathException {

        OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily();

        double strike = option.getStrike().doubleValue();
        double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue();
        double volatility = getImpliedVolatility(underlyingSpot, strike, currentValue, years, family.getIntrest(),
                family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType());
        return OptionUtil.getDelta(underlyingSpot, strike, volatility, years, family.getIntrest(),
                family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType());


     * Gets the delta of a {@link Option}
    public static double getDelta(double underlyingSpot, double strike, double volatility, double years,
            double intrest, double dividend, OptionType type) {

        if (years < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("years cannot be negative");

        double costOfCarry = intrest - dividend;
        double d1 = (Math.log(underlyingSpot / strike) + (costOfCarry + volatility * volatility / 2) * years)
                / (volatility * Math.sqrt(years));

        if (OptionType.CALL.equals(type)) {
            return Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years) * Gaussian.Phi(d1);
        } else {
            return -Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years) * Gaussian.Phi(-d1);

     * Gets the vega of a {@link Option}
     * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}.
    public static double getVega(Option option, double currentValue, double underlyingSpot, final Date now)
            throws MathException {

        OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily();

        double strike = option.getStrike().doubleValue();
        double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue();
        double volatility = getImpliedVolatility(underlyingSpot, strike, currentValue, years, family.getIntrest(),
                family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType());
        return OptionUtil.getVega(underlyingSpot, strike, volatility, years, family.getIntrest(),

     * Gets the vega of a {@link Option}
    public static double getVega(double underlyingSpot, double strike, double volatility, double years,
            double intrest, double dividend) {

        double costOfCarry = intrest - dividend;
        double d1 = (Math.log(underlyingSpot / strike) + (costOfCarry + volatility * volatility / 2) * years)
                / (volatility * Math.sqrt(years));
        double n = standardNormalDensity(d1);

        return underlyingSpot * Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years) * n * Math.sqrt(years);


     * Gets the theta of a {@link Option}
     * {@code duration}, {@code intrest} and {@code dividend} are retrieved from the {@link OptionFamily}.
    public static double getTheta(Option option, double currentValue, double underlyingSpot, Date now)
            throws MathException {

        OptionFamily family = (OptionFamily) option.getSecurityFamily();

        double strike = option.getStrike().doubleValue();
        double years = (option.getExpiration().getTime() - now.getTime()) / (double) Duration.YEAR_1.getValue();
        double volatility = getImpliedVolatility(underlyingSpot, strike, currentValue, years, family.getIntrest(),
                family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType());
        return OptionUtil.getTheta(underlyingSpot, strike, volatility, years, family.getIntrest(),
                family.getDividend(), option.getOptionType());


     * Gets the theta of a {@link Option}
    public static double getTheta(double underlyingSpot, double strike, double volatility, double years,
            double intrest, double dividend, OptionType type) {

        double costOfCarry = intrest - dividend;
        double d1 = (Math.log(underlyingSpot / strike) + (costOfCarry + volatility * volatility / 2) * years)
                / (volatility * Math.sqrt(years));
        double d2 = d1 - volatility * Math.sqrt(years);

        double term1 = -underlyingSpot * Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years) * standardNormalDensity(d1)
                * volatility / (2.0 * Math.sqrt(years));
        double term2 = (costOfCarry - intrest) * underlyingSpot * Math.exp((costOfCarry - intrest) * years);
        double term3 = intrest * strike * Math.exp(-intrest * years);

        if (OptionType.CALL.equals(type)) {
            double N1 = Gaussian.Phi(d1);
            double N2 = Gaussian.Phi(d2);
            return term1 - term2 * N1 - term3 * N2;
        } else {
            double N1 = Gaussian.Phi(-d1);
            double N2 = Gaussian.Phi(-d2);
            return term1 + term2 * N1 + term3 * N2;

     * Gets the forward price of a {@link Option}
    public static double getForward(double spot, double years, double intrest, double dividend) {

        return spot * Math.exp(years * (intrest - dividend));

     * Gets the moneyness of a {@link Option}
    public static double getMoneyness(Option option, double underlyingSpot) {

        if (OptionType.CALL.equals(option.getOptionType())) {
            return (underlyingSpot - option.getStrike().doubleValue()) / underlyingSpot;
        } else {
            return (option.getStrike().doubleValue() - underlyingSpot) / underlyingSpot;

     * Gets the strike of a {@link Option} based on its delta.
     * Based on FX conventions as reported in "FX Volatility Smile Construction" by Dimitri Reiswich and Uwe Wystrup
    public static double getStrikeByDelta(double delta, double impliedVol, double years, double forward,
            double intrest, OptionType type) {

        double midTerm = 1.0;
        if (years <= 1) {
            midTerm = Math.exp(intrest * years);

        return forward * Math.exp((OptionType.CALL.equals(type) ? -1.0 : 1.0) * Gaussian.PhiInverse(midTerm * delta)
                * impliedVol * Math.sqrt(years) + 0.5 * Math.pow(impliedVol, 2) * years);

    private static double standardNormalDensity(double input) {

        return 1.0 / Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI) * Math.exp(-(input * input) / 2.0);