Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015. Zuercher Hochschule fuer Angewandte Wissenschaften * All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package ch.icclab.cyclops.persistence.impl; /** * Author: Srikanta * Created on: 06-Oct-14 * Description: A RESTLET resource class for handling usage data transformation and * persisting into InfluxDB * * Change Log * Name Date Comments */ import ch.icclab.cyclops.model.udr.CumulativeMeterData; import ch.icclab.cyclops.model.udr.GaugeMeterData; import ch.icclab.cyclops.model.udr.TSDBData; import ch.icclab.cyclops.persistence.client.InfluxDBClient; import ch.icclab.cyclops.resource.interfc.DatabaseResource; import ch.icclab.cyclops.util.DateTimeUtil; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import java.util.ArrayList; public class TSDBResource implements DatabaseResource { /** * Receives the usage data array and the gauge meter name. The usage data is transformed * to a json data and saved into the the InfluxDB * * Pseudo Code * 1. Iterate through the data array to save the data into an ArraList of objects * 2. Save the data into the TSDB POJO class * 3. Convert the POJO class to a JSON obj * 4. Invoke the InfluxDb client to save the data * * @param dataArr An array list consisting of usage data * @param meterName Name of the Gauge Meter * @return result A boolean output as a result of saving the meter data into the db */ public boolean saveGaugeMeterData(ArrayList<GaugeMeterData> dataArr, String meterName) { String jsonData; TSDBData dbData = new TSDBData(); ArrayList<String> strArr = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> samplesConsolidatedArr = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>>(); InfluxDBClient dbClient = new InfluxDBClient(); DateTimeUtil time = new DateTimeUtil(); ArrayList<Object> objArrNode; GaugeMeterData gMeterData; boolean result = true; strArr.add("time"); strArr.add("userid"); strArr.add("resourceid"); strArr.add("projectid"); strArr.add("type"); strArr.add("min"); strArr.add("max"); strArr.add("sum"); strArr.add("avg"); strArr.add("unit"); strArr.add("count"); for (int i = 0; i < dataArr.size(); i++) { gMeterData = dataArr.get(i); objArrNode = new ArrayList<Object>(); objArrNode.add(time.getEpoch(gMeterData.getPeriod_end())); objArrNode.add(gMeterData.getGroupby().getUser_id()); objArrNode.add(gMeterData.getGroupby().getResource_id()); objArrNode.add(gMeterData.getGroupby().getProject_id()); objArrNode.add("gauge"); objArrNode.add(gMeterData.getMin()); objArrNode.add(gMeterData.getMax()); objArrNode.add(gMeterData.getSum()); objArrNode.add(gMeterData.getAvg()); objArrNode.add(gMeterData.getUnit()); objArrNode.add(gMeterData.getCount()); samplesConsolidatedArr.add(objArrNode); } dbData.setName(meterName); dbData.setColumns(strArr); dbData.setPoints(samplesConsolidatedArr); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { jsonData = mapper.writeValueAsString(dbData); dbClient.saveData(jsonData); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { System.out.println("Saved to TSDB : False"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } System.out.println("Saved to TSDB " + result); return result; } /** * Receives the usage data array and the gauge meter name. The usage data is transformed * to a json data and saved into the the InfluxDB * * Pseudo Code * 1. Iterate through the data array to save the data into an ArraList of objects * 2. Save the data into the TSDB POJO class * 3. Convert the POJO class to a JSON obj * 4. Invoke the InfluxDb client to save the data * * @param dataArr An array list consisting of usage data * @param meterName Name of the Gauge Meter * @return result A boolean output as a result of saving the meter data into the db */ public boolean saveCumulativeMeterData(ArrayList<CumulativeMeterData> dataArr, String meterName) { String jsonData; boolean result = true; ArrayList<Object> samplesArr; CumulativeMeterData cMeterData; DateTimeUtil time = new DateTimeUtil(); TSDBData dbData = new TSDBData(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ArrayList<String> columnNameArr = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> samplesConsolidatedArr = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>>(); InfluxDBClient dbClient = new InfluxDBClient(); // Build the array with column names for the time series columnNameArr.add("time"); columnNameArr.add("userid"); columnNameArr.add("resourceid"); columnNameArr.add("volume"); columnNameArr.add("usage"); columnNameArr.add("source"); columnNameArr.add("project_id"); columnNameArr.add("type"); columnNameArr.add("id"); columnNameArr.add("unit"); columnNameArr.add("instance_id"); columnNameArr.add("instance_type"); columnNameArr.add("mac"); columnNameArr.add("fref"); columnNameArr.add("name"); //Build an array consisting of samples for (int i = 0; i < dataArr.size(); i++) { cMeterData = dataArr.get(i); samplesArr = new ArrayList<Object>(); samplesArr.add(time.getEpoch(cMeterData.getRecorded_at())); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getUser_id()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getResource_id()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getVolume()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getUsage()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getSource()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getProject_id()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getType()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getId()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getUnit()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getMetadata().getInstance_id()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getMetadata().getInstance_type()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getMetadata().getMac()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getMetadata().getFref()); samplesArr.add(cMeterData.getMetadata().getName()); // Build an array which contains all the sample arrays. samplesConsolidatedArr.add(samplesArr); } // Set the data object to be converted into a JSON request string dbData.setName(meterName); dbData.setColumns(columnNameArr); dbData.setPoints(samplesConsolidatedArr); // Convert the data object into a JSON string try { jsonData = mapper.writeValueAsString(dbData); // Write the JSON string to the DB dbClient.saveData(jsonData); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { System.out.println("Saved to TSDB : False"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } System.out.println("Saved to TSDB " + result); return result; } /** * Receives the transformed usage data from an external application in terms of an TSDBData POJO. * POJO is converted into a json object and the InfluxDB client is invoked to persist the data. * * Pseudo Code * 1. Convert the TSDB POJO consisting of the usage data into a JSON Obj * 2. Invoke the InfluxDB client * 3. Save the data in to the DB * * @param dbData * @return result A boolean output as a result of saving the meter data into the db */ public boolean saveExtData(TSDBData dbData) { InfluxDBClient dbClient = new InfluxDBClient(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String jsonData; boolean result = true; try { jsonData = mapper.writeValueAsString(dbData); dbClient.saveData(jsonData); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { System.out.println("Saved to TSDB : False"); e.printStackTrace(); result = false; return result; } return result; } public TSDBData getUsageData(String from, String to, String userId, Object meterName, String source, String type) { String query = null; InfluxDBClient dbClient = new InfluxDBClient(); if (source.equalsIgnoreCase("openstack") && type.equalsIgnoreCase("cumulative")) { query = "SELECT usage,unit,type FROM " + meterName + " WHERE time > '" + from + "' AND time < '" + to + "' AND userid='" + userId + "' "; } else if (source.equalsIgnoreCase("openstack") && type.equalsIgnoreCase("gauge")) { query = "SELECT avg,unit,type FROM " + meterName + " WHERE time > '" + from + "' AND time < '" + to + "' AND userid='" + userId + "' "; } else { query = "SELECT timestamp,usage FROM " + meterName + " WHERE time > '" + from + "' AND time < '" + to + "' AND userid='" + userId + "' "; } return dbClient.getData(query); } public TSDBData getMeterList() { InfluxDBClient dbClient = new InfluxDBClient(); TSDBData tsdbData = null; Long epoch; //Get the first entry tsdbData = dbClient.getData("select * from meterselection limit 1"); // Extract the time of the first entry epoch = (Long) tsdbData.getPoints().get(0).get(0); // Use the extracted epoch time to get all the data entry tsdbData = dbClient.getData("select * from meterselection " + "where time > " + epoch + "ms"); return tsdbData; } }