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 * Copyright  2014 Cask Data, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package co.cask.cdap.common.zookeeper.coordination;


import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;

 * A {@link AssignmentStrategy} that tries to balance partition replica assignment with minimum movement.
public class BalancedAssignmentStrategy implements AssignmentStrategy {

    public <T> void assign(ResourceRequirement requirement, Set<T> handlers, ResourceAssigner<T> assigner) {
        MinMaxPriorityQueue<HandlerSize<T>> handlerQueue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.create();
        Multimap<T, PartitionReplica> assignments = assigner.get();

        // Compute for each handler how many partition replica is already assigned
        for (T handler : handlers) {
            handlerQueue.add(new HandlerSize<>(handler, assignments));

        // For each unassigned partition replica in the requirement, assign it to the handler
        // with smallest partition replica assigned. It's just a heuristic to make the later balance phase doing less work.
        int totalPartitionReplica = 0;

        for (ResourceRequirement.Partition partition : requirement.getPartitions()) {
            totalPartitionReplica += partition.getReplicas();

            for (int replica = 0; replica < partition.getReplicas(); replica++) {
                if (assigner.getHandler(partition.getName(), replica) == null) {
                    HandlerSize<T> handlerSize = handlerQueue.removeFirst();
                    assigner.set(handlerSize.getHandler(), partition.getName(), replica);

                    // After assignment, the size should get updated, hence put it back to the queue for next round usage.

        // Balance
        if (totalPartitionReplica > handlers.size()) {
            balance(handlerQueue, assigner, 1);
        } else {
            // Evenly distribute it to the first N handlers.
            while (handlerQueue.size() > totalPartitionReplica) {
                // If number of handler is > total partition replica,
                // there must be at least 1 handler that has nothing assigned,
            // Balance it evenly, and there should be no differences in number of partition replica assigned to each handler.
            balance(handlerQueue, assigner, 0);

     * Balance the assignment by spreading it across all handlers evenly.
     * @param handlerQueue The priority queue for tracking number of resources assigned to a given handler.
     * @param assigner The assigner for changing the assignment.
     * @param maxDiff The maximum differences between the handlers that has the most resources assigned vs the one with
     *                the least resources assigned.
    private <T> void balance(MinMaxPriorityQueue<HandlerSize<T>> handlerQueue, ResourceAssigner<T> assigner,
            int maxDiff) {
        HandlerSize<T> minHandler = handlerQueue.peekFirst();
        HandlerSize<T> maxHandler = handlerQueue.peekLast();

        // Move assignment from the handler that has the most assigned partition replica to the least one, until the
        // differences is within the desired range.
        Multimap<T, PartitionReplica> assignments = assigner.get();
        while (maxHandler.getSize() - minHandler.getSize() > maxDiff) {
            PartitionReplica partitionReplica = assignments.get(maxHandler.getHandler()).iterator().next();

            // Remove min and max from the queue, and perform the reassignment.

            assigner.set(minHandler.getHandler(), partitionReplica);

            // After assignment, the corresponding size should get updated, hence put it back to the queue for next iteration.

            minHandler = handlerQueue.peekFirst();
            maxHandler = handlerQueue.peekLast();

     * This class records number of partition replica assigned to a handler. It is used for priority queue for
     * fast retrieval of handler with the min/max number of resources assigned.
     * @param <T> Type of resource handler.
    private static final class HandlerSize<T> implements Comparable<HandlerSize<T>> {
        private final T handler;

        // This is a live view from the assignments multimap. Updates to the multimap will update this view.
        private final Collection<PartitionReplica> assigned;

        private HandlerSize(T handler, Multimap<T, PartitionReplica> assignments) {
            this.handler = handler;
            this.assigned = assignments.get(handler);

        public T getHandler() {
            return handler;

        public int getSize() {
            return assigned.size();

        public int compareTo(HandlerSize<T> o) {
            return, o.getSize());