Source code

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 * Copyright  2014 Cask Data, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

import co.cask.cdap.api.common.Bytes;
import co.cask.cdap.api.flow.flowlet.StreamEvent;
import co.cask.cdap.common.conf.CConfiguration;
import co.cask.cdap.data2.queue.ConsumerConfig;
import co.cask.cdap.data2.queue.DequeueResult;
import co.cask.cdap.data2.queue.DequeueStrategy;
import co.cask.cdap.data2.transaction.queue.ConsumerEntryState;
import co.cask.cdap.data2.transaction.queue.QueueEntryRow;
import co.cask.cdap.proto.Id;
import co.cask.tephra.Transaction;
import co.cask.tephra.TxConstants;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;

 * A {@link StreamConsumer} that read events from stream file and uses a table to store consumer states.
 * <p>
 * State table ROW key schema:
 * <pre>{@code
 *   row_key = <group_id> <stream_file_offset>
 *   group_id = 8 bytes consumer group id
 *   stream_file_offset = <partition_start> <partition_end> <name_prefix> <sequence_id> <offset>
 *   partition_start = 8 bytes timestamp of partition start time
 *   partition_end = 8 bytes timestamp of partition end time
 *   name_prefix = DataOutput UTF-8 output.
 *   sequence_id = 4 bytes stream file sequence id
 *   offset = 8 bytes offset inside the stream file
 * }</pre>
 * The state table has single column
 * ({@link QueueEntryRow#COLUMN_FAMILY}:{@link QueueEntryRow#STATE_COLUMN_PREFIX}) to store state.
 * The state value:
 * <pre>{@code
 *   state_value = <write_pointer> <instance_id> <state>
 *   write_pointer = 8 bytes Transaction write point of the consumer who update this state.
 *   instance_id = 4 bytes Instance id of the consumer who update this state.
 *   state = ConsumerEntryState.getState(), either CLAIMED or PROCESSED
 * }</pre>
public abstract class AbstractStreamFileConsumer implements StreamConsumer {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractStreamFileConsumer.class);
    private static final HashFunction ROUND_ROBIN_HASHER = Hashing.murmur3_32();

    protected static final int MAX_SCAN_ROWS = 1000;

    // Persist state at most once per second.
    private static final long STATE_PERSIST_MIN_INTERVAL = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1);

    private static final DequeueResult<StreamEvent> EMPTY_RESULT = DequeueResult.Empty.result();
    private static final Function<PollStreamEvent, byte[]> EVENT_ROW_KEY = new Function<PollStreamEvent, byte[]>() {
        public byte[] apply(PollStreamEvent input) {
            return input.getStateRow();
    // Special comparator to only compare the row prefix, hence different row key can be used directly,
    // reducing the need for byte[] array creation.
    private static final Comparator<byte[]> ROW_PREFIX_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<byte[]>() {
        public int compare(byte[] bytes1, byte[] bytes2) {
            // Compare row keys without the offset part (last 8 bytes).
            return Bytes.compareTo(bytes1, 0, bytes1.length - Longs.BYTES, bytes2, 0, bytes2.length - Longs.BYTES);
    private static final Function<PollStreamEvent, StreamEventOffset> CONVERT_STREAM_EVENT_OFFSET = new Function<PollStreamEvent, StreamEventOffset>() {
        public StreamEventOffset apply(PollStreamEvent input) {
            return input.getStreamEventOffset();
    private static final Function<PollStreamEvent, StreamEvent> CONVERT_STREAM_EVENT = new Function<PollStreamEvent, StreamEvent>() {
        public StreamEvent apply(PollStreamEvent input) {
            return input;

    protected final byte[] stateColumnName;

    private final long txTimeoutNano;
    private final Id.Stream streamName;
    private final StreamConfig streamConfig;
    private final ConsumerConfig consumerConfig;
    private final StreamConsumerStateStore consumerStateStore;
    private final FileReader<StreamEventOffset, Iterable<StreamFileOffset>> reader;
    private final ReadFilter readFilter;

    // Map from row key prefix (row key without last eight bytes offset) to a sorted map of row key to state value
    // The rows are only needed for entries that are already in the state table when this consumer start.
    private final Map<byte[], SortedMap<byte[], byte[]>> entryStates;
    private final Set<byte[]> entryStatesScanCompleted;

    private final StreamConsumerState consumerState;
    private final List<StreamEventOffset> eventCache;
    private Transaction transaction;
    private List<PollStreamEvent> polledEvents;
    private long nextPersistStateTime;
    private boolean committed;
    private boolean closed;
    private StreamConsumerState lastPersistedState;

     * @param streamConfig Stream configuration.
     * @param consumerConfig Consumer configuration.
     * @param reader For reading stream events. This class is responsible for closing the reader.
     * @param consumerStateStore The state store for saving consumer state
     * @param beginConsumerState Consumer state to begin with.
     * @param extraFilter Extra {@link ReadFilter} that is ANDed with default read filter and applied first.
    protected AbstractStreamFileConsumer(CConfiguration cConf, StreamConfig streamConfig,
            ConsumerConfig consumerConfig, FileReader<StreamEventOffset, Iterable<StreamFileOffset>> reader,
            StreamConsumerStateStore consumerStateStore, StreamConsumerState beginConsumerState,
            @Nullable ReadFilter extraFilter) {"Create consumer {}, reader offsets: {}", consumerConfig, reader.getPosition());

        this.txTimeoutNano = TimeUnit.SECONDS
                .toNanos(cConf.getInt(TxConstants.Manager.CFG_TX_TIMEOUT, TxConstants.Manager.DEFAULT_TX_TIMEOUT));
        this.streamName = streamConfig.getStreamId();
        this.streamConfig = streamConfig;
        this.consumerConfig = consumerConfig;
        this.consumerStateStore = consumerStateStore;
        this.reader = reader;
        this.readFilter = createReadFilter(consumerConfig, extraFilter);

        this.entryStates = Maps.newTreeMap(ROW_PREFIX_COMPARATOR);
        this.entryStatesScanCompleted = Sets.newTreeSet(ROW_PREFIX_COMPARATOR);

        this.eventCache = Lists.newArrayList();
        this.consumerState = beginConsumerState;
        this.lastPersistedState = new StreamConsumerState(beginConsumerState);
        this.stateColumnName = Bytes.add(QueueEntryRow.STATE_COLUMN_PREFIX,

    protected void doClose() throws IOException {
        // No-op.

    protected abstract boolean claimFifoEntry(byte[] row, byte[] value, byte[] oldValue) throws IOException;

    protected abstract void updateState(Iterable<byte[]> rows, int size, byte[] value) throws IOException;

    protected abstract void undoState(Iterable<byte[]> rows, int size) throws IOException;

    protected abstract StateScanner scanStates(byte[] startRow, byte[] endRow) throws IOException;

    public final Id.Stream getStreamId() {
        return streamName;

    public final ConsumerConfig getConsumerConfig() {
        return consumerConfig;

    public final DequeueResult<StreamEvent> poll(int maxEvents, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        // Only need the CLAIMED state for FIFO with group size > 1.
        byte[] fifoStateContent = null;
        if (consumerConfig.getDequeueStrategy() == DequeueStrategy.FIFO && consumerConfig.getGroupSize() > 1) {
            fifoStateContent = encodeStateColumn(ConsumerEntryState.CLAIMED);

        // Try to read from cache if any
        if (!eventCache.isEmpty()) {
            getEvents(eventCache, polledEvents, maxEvents, fifoStateContent);

        if (polledEvents.size() == maxEvents) {
            return new SimpleDequeueResult(polledEvents);

        // Number of events it tries to read by multiply the maxEvents with the group size. It doesn't have to be exact,
        // just a rough estimate for better read throughput.
        // Also, this maxRead is used throughout the read loop below, hence some extra events might be read and cached
        // for next poll call.
        int maxRead = maxEvents * consumerConfig.getGroupSize();

        long timeoutNano = timeoutUnit.toNanos(timeout);
        Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

        // Save the reader position.
        // It's a conservative approach to save the reader position before reading so that no
        // event will be missed upon restart.

        // Read from the underlying file reader
        while (polledEvents.size() < maxEvents) {
            int readCount =, maxRead, timeoutNano, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS, readFilter);
            long elapsedNano = stopwatch.elapsedTime(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
            timeoutNano -= elapsedNano;

            if (readCount > 0) {
                int eventsClaimed = getEvents(eventCache, polledEvents, maxEvents - polledEvents.size(),

                // TODO: This is a quick fix for preventing backoff logic in flowlet drive kicks in too early.
                // But it doesn't entirely prevent backoff. A proper fix would have a special state in the dequeue result
                // to let flowlet driver knows it shouldn't have backoff.

                // If able to read some events but nothing is claimed, don't check for normal timeout.
                // Only do short transaction timeout checks.
                if (eventsClaimed == 0 && polledEvents.isEmpty()) {
                    if (elapsedNano < (txTimeoutNano / 2)) {
                        // If still last than half of tx timeout, continue polling without checking normal timeout.

            if (timeoutNano <= 0) {

        if (polledEvents.isEmpty()) {
            return EMPTY_RESULT;
        } else {
            return new SimpleDequeueResult(polledEvents);

    public final void close() throws IOException {
        if (closed) {
        closed = true;
        try {
        } finally {
            try {
            } finally {

    public final void startTx(Transaction tx) {
        transaction = tx;

        if (polledEvents == null) {
            polledEvents = Lists.newArrayList();
        } else {

        committed = false;

    public final void updateTx(Transaction tx) {
        this.transaction = tx;

    public final Collection<byte[]> getTxChanges() {
        // Guaranteed no conflict in the consumer logic
        return ImmutableList.of();

    public final boolean commitTx() throws Exception {
        if (polledEvents.isEmpty()) {
            return true;

        // For each polled events, set the state column to PROCESSED
        updateState(Iterables.transform(polledEvents, EVENT_ROW_KEY), polledEvents.size(),

        committed = true;
        return true;

    public void postTxCommit() {
        long currentNano = System.nanoTime();
        if (currentNano >= nextPersistStateTime) {
            nextPersistStateTime = currentNano + STATE_PERSIST_MIN_INTERVAL;

        // Cleanup the entryStates map to free up memory
        for (PollStreamEvent event : polledEvents) {
            SortedMap<byte[], byte[]> states = entryStates.get(event.getStateRow());
            if (states != null) {

    public boolean rollbackTx() throws Exception {
        if (polledEvents.isEmpty()) {
            return true;

        // Reset the consumer state to some earlier persisted state.
        // This is to avoid upon close() is called right after rollback, it recorded uncommitted file offsets.

        // Insert all polled events back to beginning of the eventCache
        eventCache.addAll(0, Lists.transform(polledEvents, CONVERT_STREAM_EVENT_OFFSET));

        // Special case for FIFO. On rollback, put the CLAIMED state into the entry states for claim entry to use.
        byte[] fifoState = null;
        if (consumerConfig.getDequeueStrategy() == DequeueStrategy.FIFO && consumerConfig.getGroupSize() > 1) {
            fifoState = encodeStateColumn(ConsumerEntryState.CLAIMED);
            for (PollStreamEvent event : polledEvents) {
                entryStates.get(event.getStateRow()).put(event.getStateRow(), fifoState);

        // If committed, also need to rollback backing store.
        if (committed) {
            // Special case for FIFO.
            // If group size > 1, need to update the rows states to CLAIMED state with this instance Id.
            // The transaction pointer used for the entry doesn't matter.
            if (consumerConfig.getDequeueStrategy() == DequeueStrategy.FIFO && consumerConfig.getGroupSize() > 1) {
                updateState(Iterables.transform(polledEvents, EVENT_ROW_KEY), polledEvents.size(), fifoState);
            } else {
                undoState(Iterables.transform(polledEvents, EVENT_ROW_KEY), polledEvents.size());

        return true;

    public String getTransactionAwareName() {
        return toString();

    public String toString() {
        return Objects.toStringHelper(this).add("stream", streamConfig).add("consumer", consumerConfig).toString();

    private ReadFilter createReadFilter(ConsumerConfig consumerConfig, @Nullable ReadFilter extraFilter) {
        ReadFilter baseFilter = createBaseReadFilter(consumerConfig);

        if (extraFilter != null) {
            return ReadFilters.and(extraFilter, baseFilter);
        } else {
            return baseFilter;

    private ReadFilter createBaseReadFilter(final ConsumerConfig consumerConfig) {
        final int groupSize = consumerConfig.getGroupSize();
        final DequeueStrategy strategy = consumerConfig.getDequeueStrategy();

        if (groupSize == 1 || strategy == DequeueStrategy.FIFO) {
            return ReadFilter.ALWAYS_ACCEPT;

        // For RoundRobin and Hash partition, the claim is done by matching hashCode to instance id.
        // For Hash, to preserve existing behavior, everything route to instance 0.
        // For RoundRobin, the idea is to scatter the events across consumers evenly. Since there is no way to known
        // about the absolute starting point to do true round robin, we employ a good enough hash function on the
        // file offset as a way to spread events across consumers
        final int instanceId = consumerConfig.getInstanceId();

        return new ReadFilter() {
            public boolean acceptOffset(long offset) {
                int hashValue = Math
                        .abs(strategy == DequeueStrategy.HASH ? 0 : ROUND_ROBIN_HASHER.hashLong(offset).hashCode());
                return instanceId == (hashValue % groupSize);

    private int getEvents(List<? extends StreamEventOffset> source, List<? super PollStreamEvent> result,
            int maxEvents, byte[] stateContent) throws IOException {
        Iterator<? extends StreamEventOffset> iterator = Iterators.consumingIterator(source.iterator());
        int eventsClaimed = 0;
        while (result.size() < maxEvents && iterator.hasNext()) {
            StreamEventOffset event =;
            byte[] stateRow = claimEntry(event.getOffset(), stateContent);
            if (stateRow == null) {
            result.add(new PollStreamEvent(event, stateRow));
        return eventsClaimed;

    private void persistConsumerState() {
        try {
            if (lastPersistedState == null || !consumerState.equals(lastPersistedState)) {
                lastPersistedState = new StreamConsumerState(consumerState);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Failed to persist consumer state for consumer {} of stream {}", consumerConfig,
                    getStreamId(), e);

     * Encodes the value for the state column with the current transaction and consumer information.
     * @param state The state to encode
     * @return The stateContent byte array
    // TODO: This method is copied from AbstractQueue2Consumer. Future effort is needed to unify them.
    private byte[] encodeStateColumn(ConsumerEntryState state) {
        byte[] stateContent = new byte[Longs.BYTES + Ints.BYTES + 1];

        // State column content is encoded as (writePointer) + (instanceId) + (state)
        Bytes.putLong(stateContent, 0, transaction.getWritePointer());
        Bytes.putInt(stateContent, Longs.BYTES, consumerConfig.getInstanceId());
        Bytes.putByte(stateContent, Longs.BYTES + Ints.BYTES, state.getState());

        return stateContent;

     * Try to claim a stream event offset.
     * @return The row key for writing to the state table if successfully claimed or {@code null} if not claimed.
    private byte[] claimEntry(StreamFileOffset offset, byte[] claimedStateContent) throws IOException {
        ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(50);
        StreamUtils.encodeOffset(out, offset);
        byte[] row = out.toByteArray();

        SortedMap<byte[], byte[]> rowStates = getInitRowStates(row);

        // See if the entry should be ignored. If it is in the rowStates with null value, then it should be ignored.
        byte[] rowState = rowStates.get(row);
        if (rowStates.containsKey(row) && rowState == null) {
            return null;

        // Only need to claim entry if FIFO and group size > 1
        if (consumerConfig.getDequeueStrategy() == DequeueStrategy.FIFO && consumerConfig.getGroupSize() > 1) {
            return claimFifoEntry(row, claimedStateContent, rowState) ? row : null;

        // For Hash, RR and FIFO with group size == 1, no need to claim and check,
        // as it's already handled by the readFilter
        return row;

     * Returns the initial scanned states for the given entry key.
     * Conceptually scan will perform from the given entry key till the end of entry represented
     * by that stream file (i.e. offset = Long.MAX_VALUE) as indicated by the row prefix (row prefix uniquely identify
     * the stream file).
     * However, due to memory limit, scanning is done progressively until it sees an entry with state value
     * written with transaction write pointer later than the this consumer starts.
     * @param row the entry row key.
    private SortedMap<byte[], byte[]> getInitRowStates(byte[] row) throws IOException {
        SortedMap<byte[], byte[]> rowStates = entryStates.get(row);

        if (rowStates != null) {
            // If scan is completed for this row prefix, simply return the cached entries.
            // Or if the cached states is beyond current row, just return as the caller only use the cached state to do
            // point lookup.
            if (entryStatesScanCompleted.contains(row) || !rowStates.tailMap(row).isEmpty()) {
                return rowStates;
        } else {
            rowStates = Maps.newTreeMap(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
            entryStates.put(row, rowStates);

        // Scan from the given row till to max file offset
        // Last 8 bytes are the file offset, make it max value so that it scans till last offset.
        byte[] stopRow = Arrays.copyOf(row, row.length);
        Bytes.putLong(stopRow, stopRow.length - Longs.BYTES, Long.MAX_VALUE);

        StateScanner scanner = scanStates(row, stopRow);
        try {
            // Scan until MAX_SCAN_ROWS or exhausted the scanner
            int rowCached = 0;
            while (scanner.nextStateRow() && rowCached < MAX_SCAN_ROWS) {
                if (storeInitState(scanner.getRow(), scanner.getState(), rowStates)) {

            // If no row is cached, no need to scan again, as they'll be inserted after this consumer starts
            if (rowCached == 0) {
        } finally {
        return rowStates;

     * Determines if need to cache initial entry states.
     * @param row Entry row key
     * @param stateValue Entry state value
     * @param cache The cache to fill it if the row key and state value needs to be cached.
     * @return {@code true} if the entry is stored into cache, {@code false} if the entry is not stored.
    private boolean storeInitState(byte[] row, byte[] stateValue, Map<byte[], byte[]> cache) {
        // Logic is adpated from QueueEntryRow.canConsume(), with modification.

        if (stateValue == null) {
            // State value shouldn't be null, as the row is only written with state value.
            return false;

        long offset = Bytes.toLong(row, row.length - Longs.BYTES);
        long stateWritePointer = QueueEntryRow.getStateWritePointer(stateValue);

        // If the entry offset is not accepted by the read filter, this consumer won't see this entry in future read.
        // If it is written after the current transaction, it happens with the current consumer config.
        // In both cases, no need to cache
        if (!readFilter.acceptOffset(offset) || stateWritePointer >= transaction.getWritePointer()) {
            return false;

        // If state is PROCESSED and committed, need to memorize it so that it can be skipped.
        ConsumerEntryState state = QueueEntryRow.getState(stateValue);
        if (state == ConsumerEntryState.PROCESSED && transaction.isVisible(stateWritePointer)) {
            // No need to store the state value.
            cache.put(row, null);
            return true;

        // Special case for FIFO.
        // For group size > 1 case, if the state is not committed, need to memorize current state value for claim entry.
        if (consumerConfig.getDequeueStrategy() == DequeueStrategy.FIFO && consumerConfig.getGroupSize() > 1) {
            int stateInstanceId = QueueEntryRow.getStateInstanceId(stateValue);

            // If the state was written by a consumer that is still live, and not by itself,
            // record the state value as null so that it'll get skipped in the claim entry logic.
            if (stateInstanceId < consumerConfig.getGroupSize()
                    && stateInstanceId != consumerConfig.getInstanceId()) {
                cache.put(row, null);
            } else {
                // Otherwise memorize the value for checkAndPut operation in claim entry.
                cache.put(row, stateValue);
            return true;

        return false;

     * Scanner for scanning state table.
    protected interface StateScanner extends Closeable {

        boolean nextStateRow() throws IOException;

        byte[] getRow();

        byte[] getState();

     * Represents a {@link StreamEvent} created by the {@link #poll(int, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)} call.
    private static final class PollStreamEvent extends StreamEvent {

        private final byte[] stateRow;
        private final StreamEventOffset streamEventOffset;

        protected PollStreamEvent(StreamEventOffset streamEventOffset, byte[] stateRow) {
            this.streamEventOffset = streamEventOffset;
            this.stateRow = stateRow;

        public StreamEventOffset getStreamEventOffset() {
            return streamEventOffset;

        public ByteBuffer getBody() {
            // Return a copy of the ByteBuffer (not copy of content),
            // so that the underlying stream buffer can be reused (rollback, retries).
            return streamEventOffset.getBody().slice();

        private byte[] getStateRow() {
            return stateRow;

     * A {@link DequeueResult} returned by {@link #poll(int, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)}.
    private final class SimpleDequeueResult implements DequeueResult<StreamEvent> {

        private final List<PollStreamEvent> events;

        private SimpleDequeueResult(List<PollStreamEvent> events) {
   = ImmutableList.copyOf(events);

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return events.isEmpty();

        public void reclaim() {
            // Copy events back to polledEvents and need to remove them from eventCache

            eventCache.removeAll(Lists.transform(events, CONVERT_STREAM_EVENT_OFFSET));

        public int size() {
            return events.size();

        public Iterator<StreamEvent> iterator() {
            return Iterators.transform(events.iterator(), CONVERT_STREAM_EVENT);