Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of RskJ
 * Copyright (C) 2017 RSK Labs Ltd.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.

package co.rsk.mine;

import co.rsk.config.RskMiningConstants;
import co.rsk.config.RskSystemProperties;
import co.rsk.core.bc.BlockExecutor;
import co.rsk.core.bc.FamilyUtils;
import co.rsk.crypto.Sha3Hash;
import co.rsk.remasc.RemascTransaction;
import co.rsk.util.AccountUtilsImpl;
import co.rsk.util.DifficultyUtils;
import co.rsk.validators.BlockValidationRule;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.ethereum.core.*;
import org.ethereum.crypto.HashUtil;
import org.ethereum.db.BlockStore;
import org.ethereum.db.ByteArrayWrapper;
import org.ethereum.facade.Ethereum;
import org.ethereum.listener.EthereumListenerAdapter;
import org.ethereum.rpc.TypeConverter;
import org.ethereum.validator.ProofOfWorkRule;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.digests.SHA256Digest;
import org.spongycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static org.ethereum.util.BIUtil.toBI;

 * The MinerServer provides support to components that perform the actual mining.
 * It builds blocks to mine and publishes blocks once a valid nonce was found by the miner.

public class MinerServerImpl implements MinerServer {

    private static final long DELAY_BETWEEN_BUILD_BLOCKS_MS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1);
    private final Ethereum ethereum;
    private final BlockStore blockStore;
    private final Blockchain blockchain;
    private final PendingState pendingState;
    private final BlockExecutor executor;

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("minerserver");

    private static final int CACHE_SIZE = 20;

    private LinkedHashMap<Sha3Hash, Block> blocksWaitingforPoW;

    private Sha3Hash latestblockHashWaitingforPoW;
    private Sha3Hash latestParentHash;
    private Block latestBlock;
    private long latestPaidFeesWithNotify;
    private volatile MinerWork currentWork; // This variable can be read at anytime without the lock.
    private final Object LOCK = new Object();

    private final byte[] coinbaseAddress;

    private final BigInteger minerMinGasPriceTarget;
    private final double minFeesNotifyInDollars;
    private final double gasUnitInDollars;

    private ProofOfWorkRule powRule;

    private RskSystemProperties properties;

    private BlockValidationRule validationRules;

    private long timeAdjustment;

    public MinerServerImpl(Ethereum ethereum, Blockchain blockchain, BlockStore blockStore,
            PendingState pendingState, Repository repository, RskSystemProperties properties,
            @Qualifier("minerServerBlockValidation") BlockValidationRule validationRules) {
        this.ethereum = ethereum;
        this.blockchain = blockchain;
        this.blockStore = blockStore;
        this.pendingState = pendingState;
        executor = new BlockExecutor(repository, blockchain, blockStore, null);

        coinbaseAddress = new AccountUtilsImpl().getCoinbaseAddress();
        blocksWaitingforPoW = new LinkedHashMap<Sha3Hash, Block>(CACHE_SIZE) {
            protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<Sha3Hash, Block> eldest) {
                return size() > CACHE_SIZE;

        latestPaidFeesWithNotify = 0;
        latestParentHash = null; = properties;
        minFeesNotifyInDollars =;
        gasUnitInDollars =;
        minerMinGasPriceTarget = toBI(;
        powRule = new ProofOfWorkRule();
        this.validationRules = validationRules;

    public Map<Sha3Hash, Block> getBlocksWaitingforPoW() {
        return blocksWaitingforPoW;

    public void start() {
        ethereum.addListener(new NewBlockListener());
        buildBlockToMine(blockchain.getBestBlock(), false);
        new Timer("Refresh work for mining").schedule(new RefreshBlock(), DELAY_BETWEEN_BUILD_BLOCKS_MS,

    public void submitBitcoinBlock(String blockHashForMergedMining,
            co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcBlock bitcoinMergedMiningBlock) {
        logger.debug("Received block with hash " + blockHashForMergedMining + " for merged mining");
        co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcTransaction bitcoinMergedMiningCoinbaseTransaction = bitcoinMergedMiningBlock
        co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.PartialMerkleTree bitcoinMergedMiningMerkleBranch = getBitcoinMergedMerkleBranch(

        Block newBlock;
        Sha3Hash key = new Sha3Hash(TypeConverter.removeZeroX(blockHashForMergedMining));
        synchronized (LOCK) {
            newBlock = blocksWaitingforPoW.get(key);
            if (newBlock == null) {
                        "Cannot publish block, could not find hash " + blockHashForMergedMining + " in the cache");

            // just in case, remove all references to this block.
            if (latestBlock == newBlock) {
                latestBlock = null;
                latestblockHashWaitingforPoW = null;
                currentWork = null;
            logger.debug("blocksWaitingforPoW size " + blocksWaitingforPoW.size());
        }"Received block {} {}", newBlock.getNumber(), Hex.toHexString(newBlock.getHash()));


        if (!isValid(newBlock)) {
            logger.error("Invalid block supplied by miner " + " : " + newBlock.getShortHash() + " "
                    + newBlock.getShortHashForMergedMining() + " at height " + newBlock.getNumber() + ". Hash: "
                    + newBlock.getShortHash());
        } else {
            ImportResult importResult = ethereum.addNewMinedBlock(newBlock);
  "Mined block import result is " + importResult + " : " + newBlock.getShortHash() + " "
                    + newBlock.getShortHashForMergedMining() + " at height " + newBlock.getNumber() + ". Hash: "
                    + newBlock.getShortHash());

    private boolean isValid(Block block) {
        try {
            if (!powRule.isValid(block)) {
                return false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Failed to validate PoW from block {}: {}", block.getShortHash(), e);
            return false;
        return true;

    private byte[] compressCoinbase(byte[] bitcoinMergedMiningCoinbaseTransactionSerialized) {
        int rskTagPosition = Collections.lastIndexOfSubList(
        int remainingByteCount = bitcoinMergedMiningCoinbaseTransactionSerialized.length - rskTagPosition
                - RskMiningConstants.RSK_TAG.length - RskMiningConstants.BLOCK_HEADER_HASH_SIZE;
        if (remainingByteCount > RskMiningConstants.MAX_BYTES_AFTER_MERGED_MINING_HASH) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("More than 128 bytes after ROOOTSTOCK tag");
        int sha256Blocks = rskTagPosition / 64;
        int bytesToHash = sha256Blocks * 64;
        SHA256Digest digest = new SHA256Digest();
        digest.update(bitcoinMergedMiningCoinbaseTransactionSerialized, 0, bytesToHash);
        byte[] hashedContent = digest.getEncodedState();
        byte[] trimmedHashedContent = new byte[RskMiningConstants.MIDSTATE_SIZE_TRIMMED];
        System.arraycopy(hashedContent, 8, trimmedHashedContent, 0, RskMiningConstants.MIDSTATE_SIZE_TRIMMED);
        byte[] unHashedContent = new byte[bitcoinMergedMiningCoinbaseTransactionSerialized.length - bytesToHash];
        System.arraycopy(bitcoinMergedMiningCoinbaseTransactionSerialized, bytesToHash, unHashedContent, 0,
        return Arrays.concatenate(trimmedHashedContent, unHashedContent);

     * getBitcoinMergedMerkleBranch returns the Partial Merkle Branch needed to validate that the coinbase tx
     * is part of the Merkle Tree.
     * @param bitcoinMergedMiningBlock the bitcoin block that includes all the txs.
     * @return A Partial Merkle Branch in which you can validate the coinbase tx.
    private co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.PartialMerkleTree getBitcoinMergedMerkleBranch(
            co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcBlock bitcoinMergedMiningBlock) {
        List<co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcTransaction> txs = bitcoinMergedMiningBlock.getTransactions();
        List<co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash> txHashes = new ArrayList<>(txs.size());
        for (co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.BtcTransaction tx : txs) {
         *  We need to convert the txs to a bitvector to choose which ones
         *  will be included in the Partial Merkle Tree.
         *  We need txs.size() / 8 bytes to represent this vector.
         *  The coinbase tx is the first one of the txs so we set the first bit to 1.
        byte[] bitvector = new byte[(int) Math.ceil(txs.size() / 8.0)];
        co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.Utils.setBitLE(bitvector, 0);
        return co.rsk.bitcoinj.core.PartialMerkleTree.buildFromLeaves(bitcoinMergedMiningBlock.getParams(),
                bitvector, txHashes);

    public byte[] getCoinbaseAddress() {
        return coinbaseAddress;

     * getWork returns the latest MinerWork for miners. Subsequent calls to this function with no new work will return
     * currentWork with the notify flag turned off. (they will be different objects too).
     * @return the latest MinerWork available.
    public MinerWork getWork() {
        MinerWork work = currentWork;
        if (work == null)
            return null;
        if (work.getNotify()) {
             * Set currentWork.notify to false for the next time this function is called.
             * By doing it this way, we avoid taking the lock every time, we just take it once per MinerWork.
             * We have to take the lock to reassign currentWork, but it might have happened that
             * the currentWork got updated when we acquired the lock. In that case, we should just return the new
             * currentWork, regardless of what it is.
            synchronized (LOCK) {
                if (currentWork != work || currentWork == null) {
                    return currentWork;
                currentWork = new MinerWork(currentWork.getBlockHashForMergedMining(), currentWork.getTarget(),
                        Long.valueOf(currentWork.getFeesPaidToMiner()), false, currentWork.getParentBlockHash());
        return work;

    public MinerWork updateGetWork(@Nonnull final Block block, @Nonnull final boolean notify) {
        Sha3Hash blockMergedMiningHash = new Sha3Hash(block.getHashForMergedMining());

        BigInteger targetBI = DifficultyUtils.difficultyToTarget(block.getDifficultyBI());
        byte[] targetUnknownLengthArray = targetBI.toByteArray();
        byte[] targetArray = new byte[32];
        System.arraycopy(targetUnknownLengthArray, 0, targetArray, 32 - targetUnknownLengthArray.length,

        logger.debug("Sending work for merged mining. Hash: " + block.getShortHashForMergedMining());
        return new MinerWork(TypeConverter.toJsonHex(blockMergedMiningHash.getBytes()),
                TypeConverter.toJsonHex(targetArray), block.getFeesPaidToMiner(), notify,

     * buildBlockToMine creates a block to mine based on the given block as parent.
     * @param newBlockParent              the new block parent.
     * @param createCompetitiveBlock used for testing.
    public void buildBlockToMine(@Nonnull Block newBlockParent, boolean createCompetitiveBlock) {
        // See BlockChainImpl.calclBloom() if blocks has txs
        if (createCompetitiveBlock) {
            // Just for testing, mine on top of bestblock's parent
            newBlockParent = blockchain.getBlockByHash(newBlockParent.getParentHash());
        }"Starting block to mine from parent {}",
                newBlockParent.getNumber() + " " + Hex.toHexString(newBlockParent.getHash()));

        List<BlockHeader> uncles;
        if (blockStore != null) {
            uncles = FamilyUtils.getUnclesHeaders(blockStore, newBlockParent.getNumber() + 1,
        } else {
            uncles = new ArrayList<>();

        if (uncles.size() > {
            uncles = uncles.subList(0,

        final List<Transaction> txsToRemove = new ArrayList<>();

        BigInteger minimumGasPrice = new MinimumGasPriceCalculator()
                .calculate(newBlockParent.getMinGasPriceAsInteger(), minerMinGasPriceTarget);
        final List<Transaction> txs = getTransactions(txsToRemove, newBlockParent, minimumGasPrice);

        final Block newBlock = createBlock(newBlockParent, uncles, txs, minimumGasPrice);

        executor.executeAndFill(newBlock, newBlockParent);

        synchronized (LOCK) {
            Sha3Hash parentHash = new Sha3Hash(newBlockParent.getHash());
            boolean notify = this.getNotify(newBlock, parentHash);

            if (notify) {
                latestPaidFeesWithNotify = newBlock.getFeesPaidToMiner();

            latestParentHash = parentHash;
            currentWork = updateGetWork(newBlock, notify);

            latestblockHashWaitingforPoW = new Sha3Hash(newBlock.getHashForMergedMining());
            latestBlock = newBlock;
            blocksWaitingforPoW.put(latestblockHashWaitingforPoW, latestBlock);

            logger.debug("blocksWaitingForPoW size " + blocksWaitingforPoW.size());

        logger.debug("Built block " + newBlock.getShortHashForMergedMining() + ". Parent "
                + newBlockParent.getShortHashForMergedMining());
        for (BlockHeader uncleHeader : uncles) {
            logger.debug("With uncle " + uncleHeader.getShortHashForMergedMining());

     * getNotifies determines whether miners should be notified or not. (Used for mining pools).
     * @param block      the block to mine.
     * @param parentHash block's parent hash.
     * @return true if miners should be notified about this new block to mine.
    private boolean getNotify(Block block, Sha3Hash parentHash) {
        boolean notify;
        long feesPaidToMiner = block.getFeesPaidToMiner();

        notify = !parentHash.equals(latestParentHash);
        notify = notify || (feesPaidToMiner > (latestPaidFeesWithNotify
                * (100 + RskMiningConstants.NOTIFY_FEES_PERCENTAGE_INCREASE) / 100))
                && (feesPaidToMiner * gasUnitInDollars) >= minFeesNotifyInDollars;

        return notify;

    public long getCurrentTimeInSeconds() {
        return System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + this.timeAdjustment;

    public long increaseTime(long seconds) {
        if (seconds <= 0)
            return this.timeAdjustment;

        this.timeAdjustment += seconds;

        return this.timeAdjustment;

    private void removePendingTransactions(List<Transaction> transactions) {
        if (transactions != null)
            for (Transaction tx : transactions)
      "Removing transaction {}", Hex.toHexString(tx.getHash()));


    private List<Transaction> getTransactions(List<Transaction> txsToRemove, Block parent, BigInteger minGasPrice) {"Starting getTransactions");

        List<Transaction> txs = new MinerUtils().getAllTransactions(pendingState);
        logger.debug("txsList size {}", txs.size());

        Transaction remascTx = new RemascTransaction(parent.getNumber() + 1);

        Map<ByteArrayWrapper, BigInteger> accountNonces = new HashMap<>();

        Repository originalRepo = blockchain.getRepository().getSnapshotTo(parent.getStateRoot());

        return new MinerUtils().filterTransactions(txsToRemove, txs, accountNonces, originalRepo, minGasPrice);

    private boolean isSyncing() {
        BlockProcessor processor = ethereum.getWorldManager().getNodeBlockProcessor();

        if (processor == null)
            return false;

        return processor.isSyncingBlocks();

    class NewBlockListener extends EthereumListenerAdapter {

         * onBlock checks if we have to mine over a new block. (Only if the blockchain's best block changed).
         * This method will be called on every block added to the blockchain, even if it doesn't go to the best chain.
         * TODO(???): It would be cleaner to just send this when the blockchain's best block changes.
         * **/
        public void onBlock(Block block, List<TransactionReceipt> receipts) {
            if (isSyncing())

            logger.trace("Start onBlock");
            Block bestBlock = blockchain.getBestBlock();
            MinerWork work = currentWork;
            String bestBlockHash = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(bestBlock.getHash());

            if (work == null || !work.getParentBlockHash().equals(bestBlockHash)) {
                logger.debug("There is a new best block: {}, number: {}", bestBlock.getShortHashForMergedMining(),
                buildBlockToMine(bestBlock, false);
            } else {
                logger.debug("New block arrived but there is no need to build a new block to mine: "
                        + block.getShortHashForMergedMining());

            logger.trace("End onBlock");

    private BlockHeader createHeader(Block newBlockParent, List<BlockHeader> uncles, List<Transaction> txs,
            BigInteger minimumGasPrice) {
        final byte[] unclesListHash = HashUtil.sha3(BlockHeader.getUnclesEncodedEx(uncles));

        final long timestampSeconds = this.getCurrentTimeInSeconds();

        // Set gas limit before executing block
        BigInteger minGasLimit = BigInteger
        BigInteger targetGasLimit = BigInteger
        BigInteger parentGasLimit = new BigInteger(1, newBlockParent.getGasLimit());
        BigInteger gasLimit = new GasLimitCalculator().calculateBlockGasLimit(parentGasLimit,
                BigInteger.valueOf(newBlockParent.getGasUsed()), minGasLimit, targetGasLimit);

        final BlockHeader newHeader = new BlockHeader(newBlockParent.getHash(), unclesListHash, coinbaseAddress,
                new Bloom().getData(), new byte[] { 1 }, newBlockParent.getNumber() + 1, gasLimit.toByteArray(), 0,
                timestampSeconds, new byte[] {}, new byte[] {}, new byte[] {}, new byte[] {},
                minimumGasPrice.toByteArray(), CollectionUtils.size(uncles));
        return newHeader;

    private Block createBlock(Block newBlockParent, List<BlockHeader> uncles, List<Transaction> txs,
            BigInteger minimumGasPrice) {
        final BlockHeader newHeader = createHeader(newBlockParent, uncles, txs, minimumGasPrice);
        final Block newBlock = new Block(newHeader, txs, uncles);
        return validationRules.isValid(newBlock) ? newBlock : new Block(newHeader, txs, null);

     * RefreshBlocks rebuilds the block to mine.
    private class RefreshBlock extends TimerTask {
        public void run() {
            Block bestBlock = blockchain.getBestBlock();
            buildBlockToMine(bestBlock, false);